# This program computes statistics and standard deviation of FR, CV and chi
# values from tc.avr.?? .
import sys
import math
import os
import numpy as np
# This function calculate the average and the standard deviation, given the
# sum, the sum of squares, and the number of data items.
def avr_sd_cal(sumvalZ, sumvalZsq, nparZ):
if (nparZ <= 0):
avvalZ = -999.9
avvalZsq = -999.8
diffZ = -999.7
sigvalZ = -999.6
avvalZ = sumvalZ / nparZ
avvalZsq = sumvalZsq / nparZ
diffZ = avvalZsq - avvalZ * avvalZ
if (diffZ >= 0.0):
sigvalZ = math.sqrt(diffZ)
sigvalZ = -999.7
# print 'nparZ=', nparZ, 'avvalZ=', avvalZ, 'sigvalZ=', sigvalZ
return avvalZ, sigvalZ
# This function reads a specific column and writes the average and the
# standard deviation.
def one_column_calculate_statistics(flread, flwrite, col_num, factor):
par_old = -999.999
npar_all = 0
nparZ = 0
sumvalZ = 0.0
sumvalZsq = 0.0
for line in flread:
val_list = line.split()
par = float(val_list[0])
valZ = float(val_list[col_num])
npar_all += 1
if par != par_old:
if (npar_all > 1):
avvalZ, sigvalZ = avr_sd_cal(sumvalZ, sumvalZsq, nparZ)
# flwrite.write('{0:g} {1:g} {2:g} {3:d}\n'.format( \
# par_old * factor, sumvalZ, sumvalZsq, nparZ))
if (avvalZ >= 0.0):
flwrite.write('{0:g} {1:g} {2:g}\n'.format( \
par_old * factor, avvalZ, sigvalZ))
nparZ = 1
sumvalZ = valZ
sumvalZsq = valZ * valZ
par_old = par
nparZ += 1
sumvalZ += valZ
sumvalZsq += valZ * valZ
if (npar_all > 0):
avvalZ, sigvalZ = avr_sd_cal(sumvalZ, sumvalZsq, nparZ)
if (avvalZ >= 0.0):
flwrite.write('{0:g} {1:g} {2:g}\n'.format(par_old * factor, \
avvalZ, sigvalZ))
# This function processes one line of parameter sets.
def process_one_curve_for_each_neuron_type(run_type, curve_par_type, fl_index, \
factor, fsfrE, fsfrI):
file_str = run_type + '.' + curve_par_type + '.' + str(fl_index)
print 'file_str=', file_str
favr = open('tc.avr.' + file_str, 'r')
Nval_before = 8
one_column_calculate_statistics(favr, fsfrE, Nval_before, factor)
fsfrE.write(' \n')
chi_cal = 1
Nval_before = 13 + chi_cal
one_column_calculate_statistics(favr, fsfrI, Nval_before, factor)
fsfrI.write(' \n')
# This function processes a set, defined by one parameter, of a line defined
# by another parameter.
def process_all_curve_for_a_two_parameter_set(run_type, curve_par_type, \
fl_index_range, factor):
file_str = run_type + '.' + curve_par_type
fsfrE_name = 'mav.sfr.' + file_str + '.E'
fsfrI_name = 'mav.sfr.' + file_str + '.I'
fsfrE = open(fsfrE_name, 'w')
fsfrI = open(fsfrI_name, 'w')
for fl_index in fl_index_range:
process_one_curve_for_each_neuron_type(run_type, curve_par_type, \
fl_index, factor, fsfrE, fsfrI)
xm_str = 'xmgrace -graph 0 ' + fsfrE_name + \
' -graph 1 ' + fsfrI_name + \
' -hdevice EPS -p mav.' + file_str + '.gr ' + \
' -printfile mav.' + file_str + '.eps'
factor = 1.0
run_type = 'a'
curve_par_type = 'ET'
fl_index_range = range(0, 11)
process_all_curve_for_a_two_parameter_set(run_type, curve_par_type, \
fl_index_range, factor)
curve_par_type = 'PT'
fl_index_range = range(0, 11)
process_all_curve_for_a_two_parameter_set(run_type, curve_par_type, \
fl_index_range, factor)
curve_par_type = 'EE'
fl_index_range = range(0, 11)
process_all_curve_for_a_two_parameter_set(run_type, curve_par_type, \
fl_index_range, factor)
curve_par_type = 'PE'
fl_index_range = range(0, 11)
process_all_curve_for_a_two_parameter_set(run_type, curve_par_type, \
fl_index_range, factor)
curve_par_type = 'EP'
fl_index_range = range(0, 11)
process_all_curve_for_a_two_parameter_set(run_type, curve_par_type, \
fl_index_range, factor)
curve_par_type = 'PP'
fl_index_range = range(0, 11)
process_all_curve_for_a_two_parameter_set(run_type, curve_par_type, \
fl_index_range, factor)