# This program reads averages histograms of firing over repetitions
# Baseline subtracted.
import sys
import math
import collections
import os
import numpy as np
# This function substitute values of parameters in var_dict, that remain
# the same for all curves.
def substitute_var_dict(var_dict):
var_dict['epsilon'] = 1.0e-10
var_dict['Tper'] = 100.0
# var_dict['Tmin'] = 20.0
# var_dict['Tmax'] = 30.0
var_dict['Tmin'] = 50.0
var_dict['Tmax'] = 75.0
var_dict['npop'] = 4
var_dict['nhist'] = 100
var_dict['mhist'] = 1001
var_dict['tbin'] = (var_dict['Tper'] + var_dict['epsilon']) / \
var_dict['imin'] = int((var_dict['Tmin'] + var_dict['epsilon']) / \
var_dict['imax'] = int((var_dict['Tmax'] + var_dict['epsilon']) / \
fout.write('nhist={0:d} imin={1:d} imax={2:d} Tmin={3:g} Tmax={4:g} ' \
'tbin={4:g}\n'.format(var_dict['nhist'], var_dict['imin'], \
var_dict['imax'], var_dict['Tmin'], var_dict['Tmax'],
# this function reads the par line.
def read_p_line(var_dict, line):
line_list = line.split()
if line_list[0] != '#p':
print 'found in line_p:', line_list[0]
var_dict['ipar'] = int(line_list[1])
var_dict['par'] = float(line_list[2])
var_dict['nrepeat'] = int(line_list[3])
# this function reads the repeat line.
def read_r_line(var_dict, line):
line_list = line.split()
# print 'line_list_r=', line_list
if line_list[0] != '#r':
print 'found in line_r:', line_list[0]
var_dict['irepeat'] = int(line_list[1])
# this function reads the histogram.
def read_hist_pop(var_dict, hist_one, fhis):
len_line = 3
# print 'npop=', var_dict['npop']
ipop = 0
while ipop < var_dict['npop']:
# print 'ipop=', ipop
line = fhis.readline()
line_list = line.split()
line_len = len(line_list)
# print 'line=', line, 'ipop=', ipop, ' line_list=', line_list, ' line_len=', line_len
if line_len == 0:
ipop += 1
elif line_len == 3:
ipop_read = int(line_list[2])
ihist_read = int(line_list[0])
if ihist_read > var_dict['nhist']:
var_dict['nhist'] = ihist_read
hist_read = float(line_list[1])
# print 'ipop=', ipop_read, 'ihist=', ihist_read, ' hist=', hist_read
hist_one[ipop_read, ihist_read] = hist_read
elif line_list[0][0:1] == '#':
print 'line_list[0]=', line_list[0]
# print ' ipop=', ipop, ' ipop_read=', ipop_read, 'ihist_read=', ihist_read, 'nhist=', var_dict['nhist']
# this function prints the histogram.
def print_hist(var_dict, hist_one, file_wrt):
for ipop in range(0, var_dict['npop']):
for ihist in range(0, var_dict['nhist']+1):
file_wrt.write('{0:d} {1:g} {2:d}\n'.format(ihist, \
hist_one[ipop, ihist], ipop))
file_wrt.write(' \n')
# this function add hist_one to hist_all
def zero_hist_all(var_dict, hist_all, hist_all_t):
for ipop in range(0, var_dict['npop']):
for ihist in range(0, var_dict['mhist']):
hist_all[ipop, ihist] = 0.0
hist_all_t[ipop, ihist] = 0.0
# this function add hist_one to hist_all
def add_hist(var_dict, hist_one, hist_all, hist_all_t, tch_spk):
for ipop in range(0, var_dict['npop']):
for ihist in range(0, var_dict['nhist']+1):
hist_all[ipop, ihist] += hist_one[ipop, ihist]
hist_all_t[ipop, ihist] += hist_one[ipop, ihist] * \
hist_one[ipop, ihist]
# touch duration
touch_spk = 0.0
for ihist in range(var_dict['imin'], var_dict['imax']):
touch_spk += hist_one[ipop, ihist]
# print 'ipop=', ipop, ' touch_spk=', touch_spk
touch_spk *= var_dict['tbin'] / 1000.0
tch_spk['one_par_av'][ipop] += touch_spk
tch_spk['one_par_avt'][ipop] += touch_spk * touch_spk
# equal time before touch duration
touch_spk = 0.0
range_left = 2 * var_dict['imin'] - var_dict['imax'] - 1
fout.write('imin={0:d} imax={1:d} range_left={2:d}\n'.format(var_dict['imin'], var_dict['imax'], range_left))
for ihist in range(var_dict['imin']-1, range_left, -1):
if ihist >= 0:
jhist = ihist
jhist = ihist + var_dict['nhist']
touch_spk += hist_one[ipop, jhist]
fout.write('ipop={0:d} jhist={1:d} hist_one={2:g} touch_spk={3:g}\n'.format(ipop, jhist, hist_one[ipop, jhist], touch_spk))
touch_spk *= var_dict['tbin'] / 1000.0
tch_spk['one_par_m_av'][ipop] += touch_spk
tch_spk['one_par_m_avt'][ipop] += touch_spk * touch_spk
# this function add hist_one to hist_all
def div_hist_all(var_dict, hist_all, hist_all_t, tch_spk):
for ipop in range(0, var_dict['npop']):
for ihist in range(0, var_dict['nhist']+1):
hist_all[ipop, ihist] /= var_dict['nrepeat']
hist_all_t[ipop, ihist] /= var_dict['nrepeat']
tch_spk['one_par_av'][ipop] /= var_dict['nrepeat']
tch_spk['one_par_avt'][ipop] /= var_dict['nrepeat']
tch_spk['one_par_m_av'][ipop] /= var_dict['nrepeat']
tch_spk['one_par_m_avt'][ipop] /= var_dict['nrepeat']
# this function processes the realization-averaged histogram
def process_hist_all(var_dict, hist_all, hist_all_t, tch_spk):
for ipop in range(0, var_dict['npop']):
print 'ipop=', ipop
for ibin in range(var_dict['imin'], var_dict['imax']):
diff_hist = hist_all_t[ipop, ibin] - \
hist_all[ipop, ibin] * hist_all[ipop, ibin]
if diff_hist > 0.0:
sd_hist = math.sqrt(diff_hist)
elif diff_hist > -var_dict['epsilon']:
sd_hist = 0.0;
print 'diff_hist=', diff_hist, '<0!', ' hist=', \
hist_all[ipop, ibin], ' hist_t=', hist_all_t[ipop, ibin]
fout.write('{0:d} {1:g} {2:g} {3:d}\n'.format(ibin,
hist_all[ipop, ibin], sd_hist, ipop))
fout.write(' \n')
# touch duration
diff_touch_spk = tch_spk['one_par_avt'][ipop] - \
tch_spk['one_par_av'][ipop] * tch_spk['one_par_av'][ipop]
if diff_touch_spk > 0.0:
sd_touch_spk = math.sqrt(diff_touch_spk)
elif diff_touch_spk > -var_dict['epsilon']:
sd_touch_spk = 0.0
print 'diff_touch_spk=', diff_touch_spk, '<0!', ' touch_spk=', \
tch_spk['one_par_av'][ipop], tch_spk['one_par_avt'][ipop]
print ' ipop=', ipop, ' spk=', tch_spk['one_par_av'][ipop], \
tch_spk['one_par_avt'][ipop], diff_touch_spk, sd_touch_spk
tch_spk['one_par_sd'][ipop] = sd_touch_spk
# equal time before touch duration
diff_touch_spk = tch_spk['one_par_m_avt'][ipop] - \
tch_spk['one_par_m_av'][ipop] * tch_spk['one_par_m_av'][ipop]
if diff_touch_spk > 0.0:
sd_touch_spk = math.sqrt(diff_touch_spk)
elif diff_touch_spk > -var_dict['epsilon']:
sd_touch_spk = 0.0
print 'diff_touch_spk=', diff_touch_spk, '<0!', ' touch_spk=', \
tch_spk['one_par_av'][ipop], tch_spk['one_par_avt'][ipop]
print 'm ipop=', ipop, ' spk=', tch_spk['one_par_m_av'][ipop], \
tch_spk['one_par_m_avt'][ipop], diff_touch_spk, sd_touch_spk
tch_spk['one_par_m_sd'][ipop] = sd_touch_spk
# touch_spk_all_par_av.append([touch_spk_one_par_av[0], \
# touch_spk_one_par_av[1], touch_spk_one_par_av[2]])
# touch_spk_all_par_sd.append([touch_spk_one_par_sd[0], \
# touch_spk_one_par_sd[1], touch_spk_one_par_sd[2]])
def process_one_curve_for_each_neuron_type(run_type, curve_par_type, fl_index, \
factor, var_dict, run_type_index, fspt):
file_str = run_type + '.' + curve_par_type + '.' + str(fl_index)
print 'file_str=', file_str
fhis = open('tc.his.' + file_str, 'r')
# favh = open('pavh.his.' + file_str, 'r')
hist_all = np.zeros((var_dict['npop'], var_dict['mhist']), float)
hist_all_t = np.zeros((var_dict['npop'], var_dict['mhist']), float)
hist_one = np.zeros((var_dict['npop'], var_dict['mhist']), float)
par_list = []
tch_spk = {}
tch_spk['all_par_av'] = []
tch_spk['all_par_sd'] = []
tch_spk['all_par_m_av'] = []
tch_spk['all_par_m_sd'] = []
npar_read = -1
line = fhis.readline()
while line:
tch_spk['one_par_av'] = []
tch_spk['one_par_avt'] = []
tch_spk['one_par_sd'] = []
tch_spk['one_par_m_av'] = []
tch_spk['one_par_m_avt'] = []
tch_spk['one_par_m_sd'] = []
for ipop in range(0, var_dict['npop']):
zero_hist_all(var_dict, hist_all, hist_all_t)
npar_read += 1
read_p_line(var_dict, line)
# print 'ipar=', var_dict['ipar'], ' par=', var_dict['par'], 'nrepeat=', \
# var_dict['nrepeat']
for jrepeat in range(1, var_dict['nrepeat']+1):
line = fhis.readline()
read_r_line(var_dict, line)
read_hist_pop(var_dict, hist_one, fhis)
# print_hist(var_dict, hist_one, fout)
add_hist(var_dict, hist_one, hist_all, hist_all_t, tch_spk)
div_hist_all(var_dict, hist_all, hist_all_t, tch_spk)
# print_hist(var_dict, hist_all, favh)
process_hist_all(var_dict, hist_all, hist_all_t, tch_spk)
line = fhis.readline()
for ipop in range(0, var_dict['npop']):
for ipar_read in range(0, npar_read+1):
if tch_spk['all_par_sd'][ipar_read][ipop] > -var_dict['epsilon']:
diff_all_par_av_m_av = tch_spk['all_par_av'][ipar_read][ipop]- \
sd__all_par_av_m_av = math.sqrt(
math.pow(tch_spk['all_par_sd'][ipar_read][ipop], 2.0) +
math.pow(tch_spk['all_par_m_sd'][ipar_read][ipop], 2.0))
fspt[ipop].write('{0:g} '.format(par_list[ipar_read]))
fspt[ipop].write('{0:g} '.format(diff_all_par_av_m_av))
fspt[ipop].write('{0:g} '.format(sd__all_par_av_m_av))
fspt[ipop].write(' {0:g} {1:g} '.format(
fspt[ipop].write(' {0:g} {1:g} '.format(
fspt[ipop].write(' {0:d} {1:d}\n'.format(ipar_read, ipop))
if ipop < var_dict['npop']:
fspt[ipop].write(' \n')
# favh.close()
# This function processes a set, defined by one parameter, of a line defined
# by another parameter.
def process_all_curve_for_a_two_parameter_set(run_type_list, curve_par_type, \
fl_index_range, factor, var_dict):
list_num_pop = ['T', 'E', 'I', 'S']
list_file_name = []
fspt_name_all_types = []
for run_type_index in range(0, len(run_type_list)):
run_type = run_type_list[run_type_index]
print 'run_type=', run_type, ' run_type_list=', run_type_list
file_str = run_type + '.' + curve_par_type
print 'run_type=', run_type, ' run_type_list=', run_type_list
fspt = []
for ipop in range(0, var_dict['npop']):
spt_str = 'pavh.spt.' + file_str + '.' + list_num_pop[ipop]
fspt.append(open(fspt_name_all_types[run_type_index][ipop], 'w'))
for fl_index in fl_index_range:
print 'xspt_str=', spt_str
process_one_curve_for_each_neuron_type(run_type, \
curve_par_type, fl_index, factor, var_dict, run_type_index, fspt)
for fla in fspt:
file_str = run_type_list[0] + '.' + curve_par_type
xm_str = 'xmgrace -graph 0 '
for run_type_index in range(0, len(run_type_list)):
xm_str += fspt_name_all_types[run_type_index][1] + ' '
xm_str += '-graph 1 '
for run_type_index in range(0, len(run_type_list)):
xm_str += fspt_name_all_types[run_type_index][2] + ' '
xm_str += ' -hdevice EPS -p pavh.' + file_str + '.gr '
xm_str += ' -printfile pavh.' + file_str + '.eps'
print xm_str
# This function processes the data and plots the figures for simulations
# as functions of Av for various values of g_\alpha\beta
def process_curves_Av(run_type_list, factor, var_dict):
set_feedback = ['a', 'b', 'c']
set_feedforward = ['e', 'f', 'g']
condition = 1
if (run_type_list[0] in set_feedback or \
run_type_list[0] in set_feedforward) and condition == 1:
curve_par_type = 'ET'
fl_index_range = range(0, 11)
process_all_curve_for_a_two_parameter_set(run_type_list, \
curve_par_type, fl_index_range, factor, var_dict)
if (run_type_list[0] in set_feedback or \
run_type_list[0] in set_feedforward) and condition == 1:
curve_par_type = 'PT'
fl_index_range = range(0, 11)
process_all_curve_for_a_two_parameter_set(run_type_list, \
curve_par_type, fl_index_range, factor, var_dict)
condition = 1
# if run_type_list[0] in set_feedback and condition == 1:
# curve_par_type = 'EE'
# fl_index_range = range(0, 11)
# process_all_curve_for_a_two_parameter_set(run_type_list, \
# curve_par_type, fl_index_range, factor, var_dict)
condition = 1
if run_type_list[0] in set_feedback and condition == 1:
curve_par_type = 'PE'
fl_index_range = range(0, 11)
process_all_curve_for_a_two_parameter_set(run_type_list, \
curve_par_type, fl_index_range, factor, var_dict)
if (run_type_list[0] in set_feedback or \
run_type_list[0] in set_feedforward) and condition == 1:
curve_par_type = 'EP'
fl_index_range = range(0, 11)
process_all_curve_for_a_two_parameter_set(run_type_list, \
curve_par_type, fl_index_range, factor, var_dict)
if run_type_list[0] in set_feedback and condition == 1:
curve_par_type = 'PP'
fl_index_range = range(0, 11)
process_all_curve_for_a_two_parameter_set(run_type_list, \
curve_par_type, fl_index_range, factor, var_dict)
fout = open('pavh.out.all', 'w')
var_dict = {}
factor = 1.0
run_type_list = ['c']
process_curves_Av(run_type_list, factor, var_dict)