README for model associated with the paper Moss BL, Fuller AD, Sahley CL, Burrell BD (2005) Serotonin modulates axo-axonal coupling between neurons critical for learning in the leech. J Neurophys, accepted with minor revisions Abstract S cells form a chain of electrically coupled neurons that extends the length of the leech CNS and plays a critical role in sensitization during whole-body shortening. This process requires serotonin, which acts in part by altering the pattern of activity in the S cell network. Lent (1982) observed serotonin-containing axons and varicosities in Faivre's nerve where the S-to-S cell electrical synapses are located. To determine whether serotonin modulates these synapses, S cell action potential (AP) propagation was studied in a two-ganglion chain containing one electrical synapse. Suction electrodes were placed on the cut ends of the connectives to stimulate one S cell while recording the other, coupled S cell's APs. A third electrode, placed en passant, recorded the APs near the electrical synapse before they propagated through it. Low concentrations of the gap junction inhibitor octanol increased AP latency across the two-ganglion chain and this effect was localized to the region of axon containing the electrical synapse. At higher concentrations, APs failed to propagate across the synapse. Serotonin also increased AP latency across the electrical synapse, suggesting that serotonin reduced coupling between S cells. This effect was independent of the direction of propagation and increased with the number of electrical synapses in progressively longer chains. Furthermore, serotonin modulated instantaneous AP frequency when APs were initiated in separate S cells and in a computational model of S cell activity following mechanosensory input. Thus, serotonergic modulation of S cell electrical synapses may contribute to changes in the pattern of activity in the S cell network. Model summary: It is a linear network of 5 electrically-coupled neurons. The idea is to see whether a decrease in the gap junctional conductance alters the pattern of action potentials in the network following simulated sensory input. In order to generate the simulated data in the paper (Fig. 10), one has to run the model with all of the electrical synapses set to a "control" conductance value, and then run it again with the "modulated" conductance values. The user can also choose whether to display the intracellular recording from the anterior or posterior end of the network. More details about the model and how to use it: The model is a linear network of five S cells connected by non-rectifying electrical synapses. The five S cells are designated 10-10a-10b-10c-10d. Each cell consists of ten compartments (each compartment is designated cell #_compartment #) so the whole model looks like this: 10_1-10_2-10_3-10_4-10_5-10_6-10_7-10_8-10_9-10_10---10a_1-10a_2-10a_3- 10a_4-10a_5-10a_6-10a_7-10a_8-10a_9-10a_10---10b_1-1-0b_2-10b_3-10b_4-10 b_5-10b_6-10b_7-10b_8-10b_9-10b_10---10c_1-1-0c_2-10c_3-10c_4-10c_5-10c_ 6-10c_7-10c_8-10c_9-10c_10---10d_1-1-0d_2-10d_3-10d_4-10d_5-10d_6-10d_7- 10d_8-10d_9-10d_10 - Connections between compartments with each cell (g = 0.196) --- Electrical synapses between S cells "Control" value: (g = 0.098) "Modulated" value: (g = 0.064) In the default simulation, the model displays the intracellular recording from the anterior end of the network (compartment 10_1) and all four electrical synapses are set to the "control" conductance value ( To display the intracellular recording from the posterior end, the user must modify the simulation so that it displays the voltage from compartment 10d_10. To do this: load the simulation, go to Graphic Output and select Modify (this opens cable_10.ous), click on the single entry in the Variables list on the right, select Modify, select V[10d_10...]<ivr from the pull down list. The simulation must then be re-loaded. To change the conductance of the electrical synapses to the "modulated" values, one can modify each electrical synapse in the network so that it is uses rather than This is fairly tedious, so an easier way is to simply open and change the values of g1 and g2 from 0.098 to 0.064. To do this, go to Edit Formula, click on the es box, open, click on the shaded g1 and g2 variables to change the values. Again, the simulation must be re-loaded. Note: recall that SNNAP requires that parent directories have no spaces in the folder names, e.g. on windows install this zip archive in a directory like C:\nrnmodels rather than under c:\Documents and Settings\. (has spaces in the name) Thanks to the people who made SNNAP possible (see contributors at):