function sim_fig_sub
% sim_fig_sub: this function will reproduce the main panel and
% inset of Figure 9 in:
% Gabbiani F. and Krapp H.G. (2006). Spike-Frequency Adaptation and
% Intrinsic Properties of an Identified, Looming-Sensitive Neuron
% J. Neurophysiol. 96:2951-2962. doi:10.1152/jn.00075.2006
% This m-file requires conversion of lif_ad.c to a MEX file by running
% the command:
% MATLAB_HOME/bin/mex lif_ad.c
% This m-file uses functions from the Optimization Toolbox (lsqcurvefit).
%lif parameters
rin = 5;
taum = 8;
vth = -58;
vreset = -62;
vk = -80;
tref = 1.5;
tca = 130;
caspk = 0.2;
gahpb = 0.12;
%icurr = start_curr:curr_step:end_curr; %25;
icurr = [8 12 15];
n_iter = length(icurr);
hw = waitbar(0,'Computing...');
for i = 1:n_iter
[t,x] = lif_ad(icurr(i),rin,taum,vth,vreset,vk,tref,tca,caspk,gahpb);
fr(i) = sum(x(3,:))/0.5;
lif_adapt_dat(i).x = x;
lif_adapt_dat(i).t = t;
lif_adapt_dat(i).icurr = icurr(i);
%starts by plotting the instantaneous firing rate as a function of time
%during the current pulse obtained from direct simulation of the model
%and fit the data to a single exponential
n_curr = length(lif_adapt_dat);
icurr = [lif_adapt_dat(:).icurr];
fr_init = zeros(1,n_curr);
t_fr_init = zeros(1,n_curr);
fr_ss = zeros(1,n_curr);
fr_init_fit = zeros(1,n_curr);
fr_ss_fit = zeros(1,n_curr);
tau_fit = zeros(1,n_curr);
%typical time step in msec for the data
dt = 0.2;
t_vect = 0:dt:500;
n_t = length(t_vect);
h_f = figure(1);
h_a = axes;
hw = waitbar(0,'Computing...');
for i=1:n_curr
inds_spk = find(lif_adapt_dat(i).x(3,:) == 1);
t_spk = lif_adapt_dat(i).t(inds_spk);
if ( length(t_spk) >= 2 )
n_spks = length(inds_spk);
%compute the instantaneous firing rate for each trial
fr_inst = zeros(1,n_t);
last_fr = 0;
t_first = t_spk(1);
last_i = round(t_first/dt)+1;
last_t = t_first;
for j = 2:n_spks
fr = 1000/(t_spk(j)-last_t);
fr_inst(last_i) = 0.5*(last_fr + fr);
ind = round(t_spk(j)/dt)+1;
if (ind > n_t)
warndlg('index out of bound');
fr_inst(last_i+1:n_t) = fr;
last_fr = fr;
last_i = n_t;
last_t = t_vect(n_t);
fr_inst(last_i+1:ind-1) = fr;
last_fr = fr;
last_i =ind;
last_t = t_spk(j);
fr_inst(last_i) = 0.5*last_fr;
%we fit between the last index
%corresponding to the peak firing rate and the last index
%corresponding to steady state
max_fr = max(fr_inst);
%fit between peak firing rate and steady state
inds_max = find(fr_inst == max_fr);
%last index corresponding to peak fr
linds_max = inds_max(end);
linds_max_final = linds_max;
t_fr_init(i) = t_vect(linds_max_final);
fr_init(i) = max_fr;
%assume firing rate has stabilized by 450 ms
ind_450 = 450/dt + 1;
fr_ss(i) = fr_inst(ind_450);
inds_fit = linds_max_final:ind_450;
t_fit = t_vect(inds_fit);
t_fitz = t_fit-t_fit(1);
fr_fit = fr_inst(inds_fit);
%compute an initial estimate of the time constant
yd1 = (fr_fit-fr_ss(i)) / (fr_init(i)-fr_ss(i));
ind1 = find(yd1 > 0);
yd2 = log( yd1(ind1) );
sl_est = sum(yd2.*t_fitz(ind1))/sum(t_fitz(ind1).*t_fitz(ind1));
tau_est = abs(1/sl_est);
%version with 3 variable parameters
x0 = [fr_ss(i) fr_init(i) tau_est];
x1 = lsqcurvefit(@s_exp,x0,t_fitz,fr_fit);
yfit = s_exp(x1,t_fitz);
fr_init_fit(i) = x1(2);
fr_ss_fit(i) = x1(1);
tau_fit(i) = x1(3);
'XData',t_fit,'YData',yfit,'Color',[0.5 0.5 0.5],...
warn_str = sprintf('not enough spikes to compute inst. fr. for current %i',lif_adapt_dat(i).icurr);
set(h_a,'XLim',[0 400],'YLim',[0 500]);
xlabel(h_a,'time (ms)');
ylabel(h_a,'firing rate (spk/s)');
t = lif_adapt_dat(1).t;
x = lif_adapt_dat(1).x;
h_f2 = figure(2);
h_a2 = axes;
inds_spk = find(x(3,:) == 1);
for i = 1:length(inds_spk)
tspk = t(inds_spk(i));
v0 = x(1,inds_spk(i));
v1 = v0 + 40;
line('Parent',h_a2,'XData',[tspk tspk],'YData',[v0 v1]);
set(h_a2,'XLim',[-20 700]);
xlabel(h_a2,'time (ms)');
ylabel(h_a2,'membrane potential (mV)');
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function [vals, jac] = s_exp(x,t_vect)
%this is the function that is used for a simple least square fit, without
%taking into account the SDs. The parameters are:
% x = [f_init f_ss tau]
vals = x(1) + (x(2)-x(1))*exp(-t_vect/x(3));
if ( nargout > 1 )
t_vect = t_vect(:);
jac(:,1) = 1-exp(-t_vect/x(3));
jac(:,2) = exp(-t_vect/x(3));
jac(:,3) = (x(2)-x(1))*t_vect.*x(3).^(-2).*exp(-t_vect/x(3));
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function vals = s_exp2(x,t_vect)
% this is the function that is used for a simple least square fit, without
%taking into account the SDs. The parameters are:
% x = tau
global fr_ss_lsq;
global fr_in_lsq;
vals = fr_ss_lsq + (fr_in_lsq-fr_ss_lsq)*exp(-t_vect/x(1));