notes.txt: some odds and ends:

To graph long time scale trajectory of the activity dependent
coefficients, follow these steps:

1) start the model.  

2) Close the voltage graph and hide the multipanel conductance graphs.
   (Graphing while running a simulation in NEURON takes longer than
   displaying the graph at the end.  The voltage trajectory will be
   made invalid by the low number of points plotted per millisecond on
   this run).  Change the Points plotted/ms to 1/60000 (one point
   every minute of simulation time) and the Scrn update interval to 1
   second.  Change tstop to 1e6

3) press Init & Run. Wait till it finishes.

4) click on Window -> nrniv on the NEURON Main Menu to redisplay the
   (previously hidden) conductances graph.

5) Near the bottom of the window titled "Figure 3 Liu, Golowash,
   Marder, Abbott 1998" click the button labeled "View = plot on fig3
   bottom graphs".  Click on the "fig 3 conductance labels" button
   above that.  View the long trajectories in the nrniv window.


Misc. keywords:

activity patterns: tonic firing, bursting, slow wave Ca spikes


Computation of the relative Ca shell size between Davison (Bhalla and
Bower) and Liu et al. 1998. From the way that Davison et al. calculate
with B:

cai'=B * ica - (cai-cainf)/tau

there is an implicit factor of tau e.g.

B= b_D/tau_D = -5.18e-2

In Davison tau = tau_D (to keep straight from Liu et al.)=10
In Liu et al. tau=tau_L=20 and B=b_L/tau_L=-.94/20=-4.7e-2

Therefore the b's are

since b=-(1e4)/(2*FARADAY*depth) i.e. inversely proportional to depth

b_L/b_D = -.94/-.518 = 1.8146718
depth_D/depth_L = 1.8147
depth_L/depth_D = .55

Davison sets depth to 1 um which implies the Liu et al. depth is 
0.55 um.