/*! \file
 * \brief implementation of the neuron.h interface.

#include "neuron.h"
#include "models/spindle_model.h"
#include <neuron/input_types/input_type.h>
#include <neuron/additional_inputs/additional_input.h>
#include <neuron/threshold_types/threshold_type.h>
#include "synapse_types/synapse_types.h"
#include <neuron/plasticity/synapse_dynamics.h>
#include <common/out_spikes.h>
#include <recording.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <string.h>


//! Array of neuron states
static neuron_pointer_t neuron_array;

//! Input states array
static input_type_pointer_t input_type_array;

//! Additional input array
static additional_input_pointer_t additional_input_array;

//! Threshold states array
static threshold_type_pointer_t threshold_type_array;

//! Global parameters for the neurons
static global_neuron_params_pointer_t global_parameters;

//! The key to be used for this core (will be ORed with neuron id)
static key_t key;

//! A checker that says if this model should be transmitting. If set to false
//! by the data region, then this model should not have a key.
static bool use_key;

//! The number of neurons on the core
static uint32_t n_neurons;

//! The recording flags
static uint32_t recording_flags;

//! The input buffers - from synapses.c
static input_t *input_buffers;

//! storage for neuron state with timestamp
static timed_state_t *voltages;
uint32_t voltages_size;

//! storage for neuron input with timestamp
static timed_input_t *inputs;
uint32_t input_size;

//! f_dyn and f_st to be used for synapses shaping
REAL f_dyn;
REAL f_st;

//! parameters that reside in the neuron_parameter_data_region in human
//! readable form
typedef enum parmeters_in_neuron_parameter_data_region {
} parmeters_in_neuron_parameter_data_region;

//! private method for doing output debug data on the neurons
static inline void _print_neurons() {

//! only if the models are compiled in debug mode will this method contain
//! said lines.
    for (index_t n = 0; n < n_neurons; n++) {
#endif // LOG_LEVEL >= LOG_DEBUG

//! private method for doing output debug data on the neurons
static inline void _print_neuron_parameters() {

//! only if the models are compiled in debug mode will this method contain
//! said lines.
    for (index_t n = 0; n < n_neurons; n++) {
#endif // LOG_LEVEL >= LOG_DEBUG

//! \brief Set up the neuron models
//! \param[in] address the absolute address in SDRAM for the start of the
//!            NEURON_PARAMS data region in SDRAM
//! \param[in] recording_flags_param the recordings parameters
//!            (contains which regions are active and how big they are)
//! \param[out] n_neurons_value The number of neurons this model is to emulate
//! \return True is the initialisation was successful, otherwise False
bool neuron_initialise(address_t address, uint32_t recording_flags_param,
        uint32_t *n_neurons_value, uint32_t *incoming_spike_buffer_size) {
    log_info("neuron_initialise: starting");

    // Check if there is a key to use
    use_key = address[HAS_KEY];

    // Read the spike key to use
    key = address[TRANSMISSION_KEY];

    // output if this model is expecting to transmit
    if (!use_key){
        log_info("\tThis model is not expecting to transmit as it has no key");
        log_info("\tThis model is expected to transmit with key = %08x", key);

    // Read the neuron details
    n_neurons = address[N_NEURONS_TO_SIMULATE];
    *n_neurons_value = n_neurons;

    // Read the size of the incoming spike buffer to use
    *incoming_spike_buffer_size = address[INCOMING_SPIKE_BUFFER_SIZE];

    uint32_t next = START_OF_GLOBAL_PARAMETERS;

    // Read the global parameter details
    if (sizeof(global_neuron_params_t) > 0) {
        global_parameters = (global_neuron_params_t *) spin1_malloc(
        if (global_parameters == NULL) {
            log_error("Unable to allocate global neuron parameters"
                      "- Out of DTCM");
            return false;
        memcpy(global_parameters, &address[next],
        next += sizeof(global_neuron_params_t) / 4;

        "\t neurons = %u, spike buffer size = %u, params size = %u,"
        "input type size = %u, threshold size = %u", n_neurons,
        *incoming_spike_buffer_size, sizeof(neuron_t),
        sizeof(input_type_t), sizeof(threshold_type_t));

    // Allocate DTCM for neuron array and copy block of data
    if (sizeof(neuron_t) != 0) {
        neuron_array = (neuron_t *) spin1_malloc(n_neurons * sizeof(neuron_t));
        if (neuron_array == NULL) {
            log_error("Unable to allocate neuron array - Out of DTCM");
            return false;
        memcpy(neuron_array, &address[next], n_neurons * sizeof(neuron_t));
        next += (n_neurons * sizeof(neuron_t)) / 4;

    // Allocate DTCM for input type array and copy block of data
    if (sizeof(input_type_t) != 0) {
        input_type_array = (input_type_t *) spin1_malloc(
            n_neurons * sizeof(input_type_t));
        if (input_type_array == NULL) {
            log_error("Unable to allocate input type array - Out of DTCM");
            return false;
        memcpy(input_type_array, &address[next],
               n_neurons * sizeof(input_type_t));
        next += (n_neurons * sizeof(input_type_t)) / 4;

    // Allocate DTCM for additional input array and copy block of data
    if (sizeof(additional_input_t) != 0) {
        additional_input_array = (additional_input_pointer_t) spin1_malloc(
            n_neurons * sizeof(additional_input_t));
        if (additional_input_array == NULL) {
            log_error("Unable to allocate additional input array"
                      " - Out of DTCM");
            return false;
        memcpy(additional_input_array, &address[next],
               n_neurons * sizeof(additional_input_t));
        next += (n_neurons * sizeof(additional_input_t)) / 4;

    // Allocate DTCM for threshold type array and copy block of data
    if (sizeof(threshold_type_t) != 0) {
        threshold_type_array = (threshold_type_t *) spin1_malloc(
            n_neurons * sizeof(threshold_type_t));
        if (threshold_type_array == NULL) {
            log_error("Unable to allocate threshold type array - Out of DTCM");
            return false;
        memcpy(threshold_type_array, &address[next],
               n_neurons * sizeof(threshold_type_t));

    // Set up the out spikes array
    if (!out_spikes_initialize(n_neurons)) {
        return false;

    // Set up the neuron model

    recording_flags = recording_flags_param;

    voltages_size = sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(state_t) * n_neurons;
    voltages = (timed_state_t *) spin1_malloc(voltages_size);
    input_size = sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(input_struct_t) * n_neurons;
    inputs = (timed_input_t *) spin1_malloc(input_size);


    return true;

//! \setter for the internal input buffers
//! \param[in] input_buffers_value the new input buffers
void neuron_set_input_buffers(input_t *input_buffers_value) {
    input_buffers = input_buffers_value;

static void print_bit_field2(bit_field_t b, size_t s)
    index_t i; //!< For indexing through the bit field

    for (i = 0; i < s; i++)
        log_info("%08x\n", b [i]);

static void out_spikes_print2() {

    if (!out_spikes_is_empty()) {
        print_bit_field2(out_spikes, out_spikes_size);
    } else {
        log_info("out spikes is empty :(");
        print_bit_field2(out_spikes, out_spikes_size);

//! \executes all the updates to neural parameters when a given timer period
//! has occurred.
//! \param[in] time the timer tick  value currently being executed
void neuron_do_timestep_update(timer_t time, REAL length, REAL dlength, uint8_t data_has_come) {

    // maybe not necessary
    if (n_neurons == 0)

    // just use the first neuron to compute the gamma activation
    neuron_pointer_t neuron = &neuron_array[0];
    input_type_pointer_t input_type = &input_type_array[0];
    state_t voltage = neuron_model_get_membrane_voltage(neuron);
    input_t exc_input_value = input_type_get_input_value(
        synapse_types_get_excitatory_input(input_buffers, 0),
    input_t inh_input_value = input_type_get_input_value(
        synapse_types_get_inhibitory_input(input_buffers, 0),
    f_dyn = input_type_convert_excitatory_input_to_current(
        exc_input_value, input_type, voltage);
    f_st = input_type_convert_inhibitory_input_to_current(
        inh_input_value, input_type, voltage);

//    log_info("dynamic gamma = %k, static gamma = %k", f_dyn, f_st);

    if (data_has_come) {
        spindle_model_compute_rate(f_dyn, f_st, f_st*REAL_CONST(0.829), length, dlength);

    // update each neuron individually
    for (index_t neuron_index = 0; neuron_index < n_neurons; neuron_index++) {

//        // Get the parameters for this neuron
        neuron = &neuron_array[neuron_index];
        input_type = &input_type_array[neuron_index];
        threshold_type_pointer_t threshold_type =
        additional_input_pointer_t additional_input =
        voltage = neuron_model_get_membrane_voltage(neuron);

//        // If we should be recording potential, record this neuron parameter
        voltages->states[neuron_index] = neuron_model_get_membrane_voltage(neuron);

//        // Get excitatory and inhibitory input from synapses and convert it
//        // to current input
//        input_t exc_input_value = input_type_get_input_value(
//            synapse_types_get_excitatory_input(input_buffers, neuron_index),
//            input_type);
//        input_t inh_input_value = input_type_get_input_value(
//            synapse_types_get_inhibitory_input(input_buffers, neuron_index),
//            input_type);
//        input_t exc_input = input_type_convert_excitatory_input_to_current(
//            exc_input_value, input_type, voltage);
//        input_t inh_input = input_type_convert_inhibitory_input_to_current(
//            inh_input_value, input_type, voltage);

//        if (data_has_come) {
//            spindle_model_compute_rate(exc_input, exc_input, exc_input, length, dlength);
//        }

        // If we should be recording input, record the values
        inputs->inputs[neuron_index].exc = f_dyn;
        inputs->inputs[neuron_index].inh = f_st;

        // update neuron parameters and determine if a spike should occur
        bool spike = neuron_model_state_update(neuron);

        // If the neuron has spiked
        if (spike) {
            log_debug("the neuron %d has been determined to spike",

            // Tell the neuron model

            // Tell the additional input

            // Do any required synapse processing
            synapse_dynamics_process_post_synaptic_event(time, neuron_index);

            // Record the spike

            // Send the spike
            while (use_key &&
                   !spin1_send_mc_packet(key | neuron_index, 0, NO_PAYLOAD)) {
        } else {
            log_debug("the neuron %d has been determined to not spike",

    // record neuron state (membrane potential) if needed
    if (recording_is_channel_enabled(recording_flags, V_RECORDING_CHANNEL)) {
        voltages->time = time;
        recording_record(V_RECORDING_CHANNEL, voltages, voltages_size);

    // record neuron inputs if needed
    if (recording_is_channel_enabled(
            recording_flags, GSYN_RECORDING_CHANNEL)) {
        inputs->time = time;
        recording_record(GSYN_RECORDING_CHANNEL, inputs, input_size);

    // do logging stuff if required

    // Record any spikes this timestep
    if (recording_is_channel_enabled(
            recording_flags, SPIKE_RECORDING_CHANNEL)) {
        log_info("recording spikes...");
        out_spikes_record(SPIKE_RECORDING_CHANNEL, time);

REAL get_f_dyn() {
    return f_dyn;

REAL get_f_st() {
    return f_st;