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# ***************************************************************************
# Large-Scale Neural Modeling software (LSNM)
# Section on Brain Imaging and Modeling
# Voice, Speech and Language Branch
# National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
# National Institutes of Health
# This file (compute_NAI_MI_auditory.py) was created on March 22, 2016.
# Author: Antonio Ulloa. Last updated by Antonio Ulloa on March 22, 2016
# **************************************************************************/
# compute_NAI_MI_auditory.py
# Compute Neural Activity Index (NAI) of auditory primary cortex using MEG source activity
# of A1 and A2 (previously stored in a python data file). Store the NAI timecourse in an npy file
# for using it later.
# Compute also the Modulation Index (MI) across trials, MI across match trials, and MI across
# nonmatch trials and store the results in an npy file that containt a numpy array with those 3 MIs
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# length of the array that contains simulated experiment (in synaptic timesteps)
synaptic_length = 960
# total number of trials in simulated experiment
number_of_trials = 12
# name of the input file where MEG source activity is stored
MEG_source_file = 'meg_source_activity.npy'
# name of the ouput file where the average NAI timecourses will be stored (for given subject and for given
# condition)
NAI_file = 'NAI_timecourse.npy'
# name of the output file where the Modulation Index will be stored (for given subject and for given
# condition). The MIs stored will be 3 numbers, one for match, one for non-match, and one across both
# conditions
MI_file = "modulation_index.npy"
# Load MEG source activity data files
MEG_source_activity = np.load(MEG_source_file)
# Extract number of timesteps from one of the matrices
timesteps = MEG_source_activity.shape[1]
print "\rNumber of timesteps in MEG input file: ", timesteps
# Extract MEG source activity for A1 and A2 from synaptic array
a1_MEG_source = MEG_source_activity[0]
a2_MEG_source = MEG_source_activity[1]
# Combine a1 and a2 arrays into a single one
aud_MEG_source = a1_MEG_source + a2_MEG_source
# format the MEG source activity to eliminate timesteps not part of the experiment
aud_MEG_source = aud_MEG_source[1:synaptic_length+1]
# divide MEG source arrays into subarrays, each subarray containing exactly one experimental trial
aud_MEG_source_trials = np.split(aud_MEG_source, number_of_trials)
# compute average of MEG activities across trials
#a1_MEG_source_avg = np.mean(a1_MEG_source_trials, axis=0)
#a2_MEG_source_avg = np.mean(a2_MEG_source_trials, axis=0)
# also compute average of MEG activities for match and non-match separately, across trials
# to extract match trials, we start with item 0 and extract every other element
# to extract non-match trials, we start with item 1 and extract every other element
#a1_MEG_source_match_avg = np.mean(a1_MEG_source_trials[0::2], axis=0)
#a1_MEG_source_nonmatch_avg = np.mean(a1_MEG_source_trials[1::2], axis=0)
#a2_MEG_source_match_avg = np.mean(a2_MEG_source_trials[0::2], axis=0)
#a2_MEG_source_nonmatch_avg = np.mean(a2_MEG_source_trials[1::2], axis=0)
# combine MEG source activity of A1 and A2 together
#aud_MEG_source_activity = np.sum([a1_MEG_source_avg, a2_MEG_source_avg], axis=0)
#aud_MEG_source_activity_match = np.sum([a1_MEG_source_match_avg, a2_MEG_source_match_avg], axis=0)
#aud_MEG_source_activity_nonmatch = np.sum([a1_MEG_source_nonmatch_avg, a2_MEG_source_nonmatch_avg], axis=0)
#print "\rNumber of timesteps in each trial: ", aud_MEG_source_trials
# split average trial into S1 and S2 presentation, given that each trial is 80 synaptic timesteps long and it
# is divided up as follows:
# 1-20: Prior to S1 presentation
# 21-30: S1 presentation
# 31-50: Delay period
# 51:60: S2 presentation
# 61:80: Post stimulus presentation
# get rid of 10 timesteps at beginning of each trial and 10 timesteps
# at the end of each trial
for trial in range(0, number_of_trials):
aud_MEG_source_trials[trial] = aud_MEG_source_trials[trial][10:70]
#aud_MEG_source_activity_match = aud_MEG_source_activity_match[10:70]
#aud_MEG_source_activity_nonmatch = aud_MEG_source_activity_nonmatch[10:70]
# split up the array in two equal parts to obtain auditory response to S1 and S2 separately.
# We therefore end up with NAI-S1 and NAI-S2 of 30 timesteps each.
# Which means that we each NAI is divided contains:
# (a) 10 ts prior to S1/S2 onset,
# (b) 10 ts for S1 / S2, and
# (c) 10 ts after S1/S2 presentation
for trial in range(0, number_of_trials):
aud_MEG_source_trials[trial] = np.split(aud_MEG_source_trials[trial], 2)
#aud_MEG_source_activity_match = np.split(aud_MEG_source_activity_match, 2)
#aud_MEG_source_activity_nonmatch = np.split(aud_MEG_source_activity_nonmatch, 2)
# Now, we are going to calculate an AER (Auditory Evoked Response) due to S1 and S2:
# (1) Normalize NAI activity by subtracting average baseline NAI activity:
normalized_NAI = np.zeros((number_of_trials, 2, 10))
for trial in range(0, number_of_trials):
normalized_NAI[trial][0] = aud_MEG_source_trials[trial][0][10:20] - np.mean(aud_MEG_source_trials[trial][0][0:9])
normalized_NAI[trial][1] = aud_MEG_source_trials[trial][1][10:20] - np.mean(aud_MEG_source_trials[trial][0][0:9])
#normalized_NAI_S1_match = aud_MEG_source_activity_match[0][10:20] - np.mean(aud_MEG_source_activity_match[0][0:9])
#normalized_NAI_S2_match = aud_MEG_source_activity_match[1][10:20] - np.mean(aud_MEG_source_activity_match[0][0:9])
#normalized_NAI_S1_nonmatch = aud_MEG_source_activity_nonmatch[0][10:20] - np.mean(aud_MEG_source_activity_nonmatch[0][0:9])
#normalized_NAI_S2_nonmatch = aud_MEG_source_activity_nonmatch[1][10:20] - np.mean(aud_MEG_source_activity_nonmatch[0][0:9])
# (1) integrate the NAI in a 350-ms window (stimulus presentation duration):
integrated_NAI = np.zeros((number_of_trials, 2))
for trial in range(0, number_of_trials):
integrated_NAI[trial][0] = np.trapz(normalized_NAI[trial][0])
integrated_NAI[trial][1] = np.trapz(normalized_NAI[trial][1])
#integrated_NAI_S1_match = np.trapz(normalized_NAI_S1_match)
#integrated_NAI_S2_match = np.trapz(normalized_NAI_S2_match)
#integrated_NAI_S1_nonmatch = np.trapz(normalized_NAI_S1_nonmatch)
#integrated_NAI_S2_nonmatch = np.trapz(normalized_NAI_S2_nonmatch)
# (2) normalize the integrated NAI by subtracting average baseline NAI activity:
AER_S1 = integrated_NAI[:, 0]
AER_S2 = integrated_NAI[:, 1]
#AER_S1_match = integrated_NAI_S1_match
#AER_S2_match = integrated_NAI_S2_match
#AER_S1_nonmatch = integrated_NAI_S1_nonmatch
#AER_S2_nonmatch = integrated_NAI_S2_nonmatch
# Now, we are going to calculate modulation index (MI):
MI = ((AER_S1 - AER_S2) / (AER_S1 + AER_S2)) * 100.
#MI_match = ((AER_S1_match - AER_S2_match) / (AER_S1_match + AER_S2_match)) * 100.
#MI_nonmatch = ((AER_S1_nonmatch - AER_S2_nonmatch) / (AER_S1_nonmatch + AER_S2_nonmatch)) * 100.
print '\rModulation Index per trial: ', MI
#print '\rModulation Index across match trials: ', MI_match
#print '\rModulation Index across nonmatch trials: ', MI_nonmatch
NAI_timecourse = np.mean(aud_MEG_source_trials, axis=0)
#MI_array = np.array([MI, MI_match, MI_nonmatch])
# now, save all NAI timecourses to a single file
np.save(NAI_file, NAI_timecourse)
# also, save MI across all trials, MI across match trials, and MI across nonmatch trials
np.save(MI_file, MI)
# Set up figure to plot MEG source dynamics averaged across trials
fig = plt.figure(1)
# Plot MEG signal
aud_plot_S1 = plt.plot(NAI_timecourse[0], label='S1')
aud_plot_S2 = plt.plot(NAI_timecourse[1], label='S2')
#plt.ylim(75, 120)
# Show the plot on the screen