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# ***************************************************************************
#   Large-Scale Neural Modeling software (LSNM)
#   Section on Brain Imaging and Modeling
#   Voice, Speech and Language Branch
#   National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
#   National Institutes of Health
#   This file (compute_PSC.py) was created on December 2, 2015.
#   Author: Antonio Ulloa
#   Last updated by Antonio Ulloa on February 4, 2016  
# **************************************************************************/

# compute_PSC.py
# Calculate and plot the Percent Signal Change (PSC) of fMRI BOLD timeseries across
# subjects for 2 conditions: DMS and passive viewing.
# The inputs are BOLD timeseries for each subject, one timeseries per brain module.
# We take each timeseries and convert
# each to PSC by dividing every time point by the baseline (the mean of the whole
# time course for a given subject and brain area), then multiplying by 100
# (Source: BrainVoyager v20.0 User's Guide). That way,
# we obtain a
# whole-experiment timecourse in percent signal change, per brain area, per subject.
# Then, we average together all time points for each condition, DMS and control,
# separately, across subjects, per brain area. That gives us one PSC number per
# brain area per condition, for all subjects.
# We also do a paired t-test to check for the statistical significance of the difference
# between DMS and control conditions, per brain area.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import matplotlib as mpl

import pandas as pd

import math as math

from scipy.stats import poisson

from scipy.stats import t

# define the length of both each trial and the whole experiment
# in synaptic timesteps, as well as total number of trials
experiment_length = 3960
trial_length = 110
num_of_trials = 36             # number of trials per subject

num_of_fmri_blocks = 12             # how many blocks of trials in the experiment
num_of_syn_blocks = 12              # we have more synaptic blocks than fmri blocks
                                    # because we get rid of blocks in BOLD timeseries

num_of_subjects = 10

scans_removed = 0             # number of scans removed from BOLD computation
synaptic_steps_removed = 0    # number of synaptic steps removed from synaptic
                              # computation

num_of_modules = 8            # V1, V4, IT, FS, D1, D2, FR, cIT (contralateral IT)

# define total number of trials across subjects
total_trials = num_of_trials * num_of_subjects

# define total number of blocks across subjects
total_fmri_blocks = num_of_fmri_blocks * num_of_subjects
#total_syn_blocks  = num_of_syn_blocks * num_of_subjects

synaptic_timesteps = experiment_length - synaptic_steps_removed

# define the names of the input files where the BOLD timeseries are contained

# set matplot lib parameters to produce visually appealing plots

# define output file where means, standard deviations, and variances will be stored
PSC_stats_FILE = 'psc_stats_TVB_ROI.txt'

# define neural synaptic time interval in seconds. The simulation data is collected
# one data point at synaptic intervals (10 simulation timesteps). Every simulation
# timestep is equivalent to 5 ms.
Ti = 0.005 * 10

# Total time of scanning experiment in seconds (timesteps X 5)
T = 198

# Time for one complete trial in milliseconds
Ttrial = 5.5

# the scanning happened every Tr interval below (in milliseconds). This
# is the time needed to sample hemodynamic activity to produce
# each fMRI image.
Tr = 2

num_of_scans = T / Tr - scans_removed
# Construct a numpy array of time points
time_in_seconds = np.arange(0, T, Tr)

scanning_timescale = np.arange(0, synaptic_timesteps, synaptic_timesteps / (T/Tr))

# open files containing BOLD time-series
BOLD_ts = np.zeros((num_of_subjects, num_of_modules, num_of_scans))
for idx in range(0, num_of_subjects):
    BOLD_ts[idx] = np.load(BOLD_ts_subj[idx])    

# Perform time-course normalization by converting each timeseries to percent signal change
# for each subject and for each module relative to the mean of each time course.
for s in range(0, num_of_subjects):
    for m in range(0, num_of_modules):
        timecourse_mean = np.mean(BOLD_ts[s,m])
        BOLD_ts[s,m] = BOLD_ts[s,m] / timecourse_mean * 100. - 100.

mean_PSC_dms = np.zeros((num_of_subjects, num_of_modules))
mean_PSC_ctl = np.zeros((num_of_subjects, num_of_modules))
scans_in_each_block = int(round(num_of_scans / (num_of_fmri_blocks / 2.), 0))
print 'Scans in each block: ', scans_in_each_block
# now, perform a mean of PSCs of scan 4, 5, 6 of each condition
for s in range(0, num_of_subjects):
    for m in range(0, num_of_modules):
        for i in range(0, num_of_scans, scans_in_each_block):
            mean_PSC_dms[s,m] = (BOLD_ts[s,m,i+4] + BOLD_ts[s,m,i+5] + BOLD_ts[s,m,i+6]) / 3.
            mean_PSC_ctl[s,m] = (BOLD_ts[s,m,i+11]+ BOLD_ts[s,m,i+12]+ BOLD_ts[s,m,i+13]) / 3.

# now, calculate the average PSC across subjects for each brain region and for each condition:
BOLD_v1_dms_avg = np.mean(mean_PSC_dms[:,0]) 
BOLD_v4_dms_avg = np.mean(mean_PSC_dms[:,1])
BOLD_it_dms_avg = np.mean(mean_PSC_dms[:,2])
BOLD_fs_dms_avg = np.mean(mean_PSC_dms[:,3])
BOLD_d1_dms_avg = np.mean(mean_PSC_dms[:,4])
BOLD_d2_dms_avg = np.mean(mean_PSC_dms[:,5])
BOLD_fr_dms_avg = np.mean(mean_PSC_dms[:,6])
BOLD_v1_ctl_avg = np.mean(mean_PSC_ctl[:,0])
BOLD_v4_ctl_avg = np.mean(mean_PSC_ctl[:,1])
BOLD_it_ctl_avg = np.mean(mean_PSC_ctl[:,2])
BOLD_fs_ctl_avg = np.mean(mean_PSC_ctl[:,3])
BOLD_d1_ctl_avg = np.mean(mean_PSC_ctl[:,4])
BOLD_d2_ctl_avg = np.mean(mean_PSC_ctl[:,5])
BOLD_fr_ctl_avg = np.mean(mean_PSC_ctl[:,6])

# calculate the variance as well, across subjects, for each brain regions and for each condition:
BOLD_v1_dms_var = np.var(mean_PSC_dms[:,0])
BOLD_v4_dms_var = np.var(mean_PSC_dms[:,1])
BOLD_it_dms_var = np.var(mean_PSC_dms[:,2])
BOLD_fs_dms_var = np.var(mean_PSC_dms[:,3])
BOLD_d1_dms_var = np.var(mean_PSC_dms[:,4])
BOLD_d2_dms_var = np.var(mean_PSC_dms[:,5])
BOLD_fr_dms_var = np.var(mean_PSC_dms[:,6])
BOLD_v1_ctl_var = np.var(mean_PSC_ctl[:,0])
BOLD_v4_ctl_var = np.var(mean_PSC_ctl[:,1])
BOLD_it_ctl_var = np.var(mean_PSC_ctl[:,2])
BOLD_fs_ctl_var = np.var(mean_PSC_ctl[:,3])
BOLD_d1_ctl_var = np.var(mean_PSC_ctl[:,4])
BOLD_d2_ctl_var = np.var(mean_PSC_ctl[:,5])
BOLD_fr_ctl_var = np.var(mean_PSC_ctl[:,6])
# calculate the standard deviation of the PSC across subjects, for each brain region and for each
# condition
BOLD_v1_dms_std = np.std(mean_PSC_dms[:,0])
BOLD_v4_dms_std = np.std(mean_PSC_dms[:,1])
BOLD_it_dms_std = np.std(mean_PSC_dms[:,2])
BOLD_fs_dms_std = np.std(mean_PSC_dms[:,3])
BOLD_d1_dms_std = np.std(mean_PSC_dms[:,4])
BOLD_d2_dms_std = np.std(mean_PSC_dms[:,5])
BOLD_fr_dms_std = np.std(mean_PSC_dms[:,6])
BOLD_v1_ctl_std = np.std(mean_PSC_ctl[:,0])
BOLD_v4_ctl_std = np.std(mean_PSC_ctl[:,1])
BOLD_it_ctl_std = np.std(mean_PSC_ctl[:,2])
BOLD_fs_ctl_std = np.std(mean_PSC_ctl[:,3])
BOLD_d1_ctl_std = np.std(mean_PSC_ctl[:,4])
BOLD_d2_ctl_std = np.std(mean_PSC_ctl[:,5])
BOLD_fr_ctl_std = np.std(mean_PSC_ctl[:,6])

# Display all PSCs for both DMS and CTL, which represent the average of
# the Percent Signal Change per each brain area per each module
print 'BOLD V1 DMS mean, std, var: [', BOLD_v1_dms_avg, BOLD_v1_dms_std, BOLD_v1_dms_var, ']'
print 'BOLD V4 DMS mean, std, var: [', BOLD_v4_dms_avg, BOLD_v4_dms_std, BOLD_v4_dms_var, ']'
print 'BOLD IT DMS mean, std, var: [', BOLD_it_dms_avg, BOLD_it_dms_std, BOLD_it_dms_var, ']'
print 'BOLD FS DMS mean, std, var: [', BOLD_fs_dms_avg, BOLD_fs_dms_std, BOLD_fs_dms_var, ']'
print 'BOLD D1 DMS mean, std, var: [', BOLD_d1_dms_avg, BOLD_d1_dms_std, BOLD_d1_dms_var, ']'
print 'BOLD D2 DMS mean, std, var: [', BOLD_d2_dms_avg, BOLD_d2_dms_std, BOLD_d2_dms_var, ']'
print 'BOLD FR DMS mean, std, var: [', BOLD_fr_dms_avg, BOLD_fr_dms_std, BOLD_fr_dms_var, ']'
print 'BOLD V1 CTL mean, std, var: [', BOLD_v1_ctl_avg, BOLD_v1_ctl_std, BOLD_v1_ctl_var, ']'
print 'BOLD V4 CTL mean, std, var: [', BOLD_v4_ctl_avg, BOLD_v4_ctl_std, BOLD_v4_ctl_var, ']'
print 'BOLD IT CTL mean, std, var: [', BOLD_it_ctl_avg, BOLD_it_ctl_std, BOLD_it_ctl_var, ']'
print 'BOLD FS CTL mean, std, var: [', BOLD_fs_ctl_avg, BOLD_fs_ctl_std, BOLD_fs_ctl_var, ']'
print 'BOLD D1 CTL mean, std, var: [', BOLD_d1_ctl_avg, BOLD_d1_ctl_std, BOLD_d1_ctl_var, ']'
print 'BOLD D2 CTL mean, std, var: [', BOLD_d2_ctl_avg, BOLD_d2_ctl_std, BOLD_d2_ctl_var, ']'
print 'BOLD FR CTL mean, std, var: [', BOLD_fr_ctl_avg, BOLD_fr_ctl_std, BOLD_fr_ctl_var, ']'

# Calculate the statistical significance by using a one-tailed paired t-test:
# We are going to have one group of 10 subjects, doing both DMS and control task
#     (1) Set up hypotheses:
# The NULL hypothesis is:
#          * The mean difference between paired observations (DMS and CTL) is zero
# Our alternative hypothesis is:
#          * The mean difference between paired observations (DMS and CTL) is not zero
#     (2) Set a significance level:
alpha = 0.05
#     (3) What is the critical value and the rejection region?
n = 10 - 1                   # sample size minus 1
rejection_region = 1.833       # as found on t-test table for t and dof given,
                               # values of t above rejection_region will be rejected
#     (4) compute the value of the test statistic                               
# calculate differences between the pairs of data:
d  = mean_PSC_dms - mean_PSC_ctl
# calculate the mean of those differences
d_mean = np.mean(d, axis=0)
# calculate the standard deviation of those differences
d_std = np.std(d, axis=0)
# calculate square root of sample size minus 1
sqrt_n = math.sqrt(n)
# calculate standard error of the mean differences
d_sem = d_std/sqrt_n 
# calculate the t statistic:
t_star = d_mean / d_sem

print 'Mean differences: ', d_mean

print 't-values for PSC comparisons (V1, V4, IT, FS, D1, D2, FR, cIT): ', t_star

print 'Dimensions of mean differences array', d_mean.shape
print 'Dimensions of std of differences array', d_std.shape

# increase font size prior to plotting
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 15})

# define number of groups to plot
N = 1

# create a list of x locations for each group 
index = np.arange(N)            
width = 0.2                     # width of the bars

fig, ax = plt.subplots()


# now, group the values to be plotted by brain module and by task condition

rects_v1_dms = ax.bar(index, d_mean[0], width, color='yellow',
                      label='V1', yerr=d_sem[0] )

rects_v4_dms = ax.bar(index + width, d_mean[1], width, color='green',
                      label='V4', yerr=d_sem[1] )

rects_it_dms = ax.bar(index + width*2, d_mean[2], width, color='blue',
                      label='IT', yerr=d_sem[2] )

rects_fs_dms = ax.bar(index + width*3, d_mean[3], width, color='orange',
                      label='FS', yerr=d_sem[3] )

rects_d1_dms = ax.bar(index + width*4, d_mean[4], width, color='red',
                      label='D1', yerr=d_sem[4] )

rects_d2_dms = ax.bar(index + width*5, d_mean[5], width, color='pink',
                      label='D2', yerr=d_sem[5] )

rects_fr_dms = ax.bar(index + width*6, d_mean[6], width, color='purple',
                      label='FR', yerr=d_sem[6] )


# get rid of x axis ticks and labels

ax.set_ylabel('Signal change differences')

# Shrink current axis by 10% to make space for legend
box = ax.get_position()
ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.85, box.height])

# place a legend to the right of the figure
plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.02, .5))

#set up figure to plot BOLD signal (normalized to PSC)

# plot V1 BOLD time-series in yellow
ax = plt.subplot(7,1,1)
ax.plot(BOLD_ts[0], linewidth=3.0, color='yellow')
# plot V4 BOLD time-series in yellow
ax = plt.subplot(7,1,2)
ax.plot(BOLD_ts[1], linewidth=3.0, color='lime')
# plot IT BOLD time-series in yellow
ax = plt.subplot(7,1,3)
ax.plot(BOLD_ts[2], linewidth=3.0, color='blue')
# plot FS BOLD time-series in yellow
ax = plt.subplot(7,1,4)
ax.plot(BOLD_ts[3], linewidth=3.0, color='orange')
# plot D1 BOLD time-series in yellow
ax = plt.subplot(7,1,5)
ax.plot(BOLD_ts[4], linewidth=3.0, color='red')
# plot D2 BOLD time-series in yellow
ax = plt.subplot(7,1,6)
ax.plot(BOLD_ts[5], linewidth=3.0, color='pink')
# plot FR BOLD time-series in yellow
ax = plt.subplot(7,1,7)
ax.plot(BOLD_ts[6], linewidth=3.0, color='darkorchid')

# Show the plots on the screen