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# ***************************************************************************
# Large-Scale Neural Modeling software (LSNM)
# Section on Brain Imaging and Modeling
# Voice, Speech and Language Branch
# National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
# National Institutes of Health
# This file (func_conn_syn_tvb.py) was created on May 4, 2015.
# Based in part by Matlab scripts by Horwitz et al.
# Author: Antonio Ulloa
# Last updated by Antonio Ulloa on September 7 2015
# **************************************************************************/
# func_conn_syn_tvb.py
# Calculate and plot functional connectivity (within-task time series correlation)
# of IT with all other simulated brain areas, using the output
# from Hagmann's brain (integrated synaptic activity) WITHOUT LSNM modules.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import pandas as pd
# set matplot lib parameters to produce visually appealing plots
# define the name of the input file where the synaptic activities are stored
SYN_file = 'synaptic_in_ROI_tvb.npy'
# define the name of the output file where the functional connectivity timeseries will be stored
func_conn_dms_file = 'corr_syn_IT_vs_all_tvb.npy'
# define the length of both each trial and the whole experiment
# in synaptic timesteps, as well as total number of trials
experiment_length = 3960
trial_length = 110
number_of_trials = 36
# define intertrial interval duration in number of synaptic timesteps
#ITI_length = 20
# open file that contains the synaptic activities
syn = np.load(SYN_file)
# extract synaptic activities for each ROI
v1_syn = syn[0, 1:]
v4_syn = syn[1, 1:]
it_syn = syn[2, 1:]
fs_syn = syn[3, 1:]
d1_syn = syn[4, 1:]
d2_syn = syn[5, 1:]
fr_syn = syn[6, 1:]
lit_syn= syn[7, 1:]
# now, convert DMS and control timeseries into pandas timeseries, so we can analyze it
IT_dms_ts = pd.Series(it_syn)
V1_dms_ts = pd.Series(v1_syn)
V4_dms_ts = pd.Series(v4_syn)
D1_dms_ts = pd.Series(d1_syn)
D2_dms_ts = pd.Series(d2_syn)
FS_dms_ts = pd.Series(fs_syn)
FR_dms_ts = pd.Series(fr_syn)
LIT_dms_ts= pd.Series(lit_syn)
# ... and calculate the functional connectivity of IT with the other modules,
# using the Pearson correlation coefficient
funct_conn_it_v1_dms = IT_dms_ts.corr(V1_dms_ts, method='pearson')
funct_conn_it_v4_dms = IT_dms_ts.corr(V4_dms_ts, method='pearson')
funct_conn_it_d1_dms = IT_dms_ts.corr(D1_dms_ts, method='pearson')
funct_conn_it_d2_dms = IT_dms_ts.corr(D2_dms_ts, method='pearson')
funct_conn_it_fs_dms = IT_dms_ts.corr(FS_dms_ts, method='pearson')
funct_conn_it_fr_dms = IT_dms_ts.corr(FR_dms_ts, method='pearson')
funct_conn_it_lit_dms= IT_dms_ts.corr(LIT_dms_ts,method='pearson')
# pack correlation coefficients in preparation for saving to a file
func_conn_dms = np.array([funct_conn_it_v1_dms,funct_conn_it_v4_dms,
# now, save all correlation coefficients to a output files
np.save(func_conn_dms_file, func_conn_dms)
# define number of groups to plot
N = 1
# create a list of x locations for each group
index = np.arange(N)
width = 0.1 # width of the bars
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
rects_v1 = ax.bar(index, funct_conn_it_v1_dms, width, color='purple', label='V1')
rects_v4 = ax.bar(index + width, funct_conn_it_v4_dms, width, color='darkred', label='V4')
rects_fs = ax.bar(index + width*2, funct_conn_it_fs_dms, width, color='lightyellow', label='FS')
rects_d1 = ax.bar(index + width*3, funct_conn_it_d1_dms, width, color='lightblue', label='D1')
rects_d2 = ax.bar(index + width*4, funct_conn_it_d2_dms, width, color='yellow', label='D2')
rects_fr = ax.bar(index + width*5, funct_conn_it_fr_dms, width, color='red', label='FR')
rects_lit= ax.bar(index + width*6, funct_conn_it_lit_dms, width, color='green', label='left IT')
# get rid of x axis ticks and labels
ax.xaxis.set_label_coords(0.5, -0.025)
# Shrink current axis by 10% to make space for legend
box = ax.get_position()
ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.9, box.height])
# place a legend to the right of the figure
plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.02, .5))
# Show the plots on the screen