function [clust_out,clust_act,Proj_units,steps_elapsed,Clust_con,S_clust,proj_out,varargout] = discrete_cluster1(N_clust,N,P_LC,P_PC,Proj_S,Other_S,Proj,Proj_I,Other_I,r,convergence,max_steps,thresh,sensory_input,seed,varargin)
% DISCRETE_CLUSTER1 simulate discrete sensory input to RF cluster model version 1
% NC clusters, NN neurons per cluster,
% PL probability of local connections; PP probability of contacts per long range connecton to cluster
% S proportion of projection neurons which receive sensor input (usually 1), SO proportion of interneurons which
% receive sensory input, P proportion of projection units,
% PI proportion of projection neurons which are inhibitory, OI proportion of interneurons which are inhibitory,
% R power law exponent for long-range connections (but see below), CON convergence criteria, MAX maxmimum number of time-steps allowed,
% THETA threshold for leaky-integrator units, SENS array of sensory
% input, SEED random number generator seed (set to [] to get new model
% on each call)
% NOTE: intra- and inter- cluster connections (as specified by PL and PP
% respectively) are selected from a uniformly random distribution.
% returns A the output array of the entire model, B the activation array if the model, C the indices of the cluster projection units, D the number of steps elapsed,
% E the cluster connection matrix, F the matrix of units receiving sensory inputs, G is a matrix of projection unit outputs
% where each column is a cluster.
% Add optional outputs: H returns the matrix of sample points of outputs
% from the network, I returns the time-stamps of those outputs, J returns a structure describing structural features of the model,
% DISCRETE_CLUSTER1(...,FLAG,PA,PO,W) where FLAG contains any of
% 's' - uses spatially-uniform distribution of long-range
% connections rather than distance-dependent. Parameter R becomes
% probability of connections and therefore must be in range
% {0,1}.
% 'r' - sets the weights to Gamma-distributed random values (centered around
% +/- W); allows the model to operate across its entire dynamic
% range (default weight is 1)
% 'f' - sets weights to constant of W (default weight is 1)
% 'p' - allows input array SENS to be complete sensory-receiving cell pattern, rather than specifying
% by cluster;
% 'i' - scales inhibitory weights by the ratio between
% excitatory:inhibitory connections across the whole model
% 'o' - solves the model using the numerical ODE version of the
% neural net solver rather than discrete-time exact solution. The
% numerical version is *much* slower, but useful for verifying
% complex dynamics are not an artifact of the discrete-time
% assumptions.
% and where PA and PO are the activation and output arrays to initialise
% the model into a prior state - e.g. the state acheived after the last set of inputs. Note that
% these cannot be used with the ODE solver version.
% Set FLAG = '' to omit if required. Set PA, PO = [] to omit (if only W
% required)
% Mark Humphries 2/12/2005
uniform = 0;
rand_w = 0;
pattern = 0;
scale_i = 0;
exact_solver = 1;
fixed_w = 1;
if nargin >= 16
if findstr(varargin{1},'s') uniform = 1; end
if findstr(varargin{1},'r') rand_w = 1; end
if findstr(varargin{1},'p') pattern = 1; end
if findstr(varargin{1},'f')
if nargin < 19
error('Fixed weight requested but not supplied as final argument - see help for details');
fixed_w = varargin{4};
if findstr(varargin{1},'i') scale_i = 1; end
if findstr(varargin{1},'o') exact_solver = 0; end
if N_clust < 1
error('Must specify at least 2 clusters')
elseif ~pattern & N_clust ~= length(sensory_input)
error('Sensory input array must have same number of elements as there are specified clusters');
%% set random seed for replicable results
if ~isempty(seed)
% number of units total
N_units = N_clust * N;
%% simulation parameters
k = 50; % tau ~ 2ms
% k = 5; % tau ~ 200 ms
slope = 1;
delta_t = 0.0001; % NOTE: dt << tau !!
decay = exp(-k * delta_t);
%convergence = 0.0001;
%num_runs = 100;
%thresh = -0.1;
%%%%%%% the high-level processing unit is termed a cluster %%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%% cluster parameters - number of neurons and input types
num_Proj = ceil(Proj * N); % number of projection units
num_Other = N - num_Proj; % number of other units
num_Proj_S = ceil(num_Proj * Proj_S); % number of projection units receiving sensory input
num_Other_S = ceil(num_Other * Other_S); % number of other units receiving sensory input
num_Proj_I = ceil(num_Proj * Proj_I); % number of inhibitory projection units
num_Other_I = ceil(num_Other * Other_I); % number of inhibitory other units
Clust_con = zeros(N_units); % connection matrix - rows from, columns to
S_clust = zeros(N_clust,N);
Clust_sign = ones(N_clust,N);
Proj_units = zeros(N_clust,num_Proj);
%%% generate clusters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Clust = zeros(N_clust);
I_to_I = zeros(N_clust,1);
I_to_P = zeros(N_clust,1);
P_to_P = zeros(N_clust);
P_to_I = zeros(N_clust);
for clust = 1:N_clust
%% determine projection units
sequence = randperm(N);
projection = sequence(1:num_Proj); %% array of projection unit indices
Proj_units(clust,:) = projection;
Clust_sign(clust,projection(1:num_Proj_I)) = -1; % assign inhibitory projection units
%% detemine other inhibitory units
others = sequence(num_Proj+1:end); %% array of other unit indices
inhibitory = others(1:num_Other_I);
Clust_sign(clust,inhibitory) = -1;
%% determine sensory input units
% projection
sens = randperm(num_Proj);
proj_sens = projection(sens(1:num_Proj_S));
S_clust(clust,proj_sens) = 1;
% other
sens = randperm(num_Other);
other_sens = others(sens(1:num_Other_S));
S_clust(clust,other_sens) = 1;
%%%%%%%%%% inter-cluster connectivity %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
if ~uniform
%% use power law to define which clusters the current cluster units connect to
disp('Distance-dependent model');
for i = 1:num_Proj
for j = 1:N_clust
if j ~= clust %% cannot connect long-range to self!!
prob_connect = abs(clust - j) .^ -r; %% note: using this power law, a cluster will always contact its immediate neighbours
if rand < prob_connect
number_units = sum(rand(N,1) <= P_PC); %% number of units in target cluster contacted by projection unit 0 <= number_units <= N
if number_units > 0
Clust(clust,j) = Clust(clust,j) + 1; % generate cluster connection matrix for debugging
sequence = randperm(N);
row = projection(i)+(clust-1)*N;
col = sequence(1:number_units)+(j-1)*N;
Clust_con(row,col) = Clust_sign(clust,projection(i));
%% use binomial (spatially-uniform) distribution to define which clusters the current cluster units connect to
disp('Spatially-uniform model');
if r > 1 error('Probability of long-range connection must be in range {0,1}.'); end
for i = 1:num_Proj
for j = 1:N_clust
if j ~= clust %% cannot connect long-range to self!!
if rand < r %% uniformly random distribution of cluster targets
number_units = sum(rand(N,1) <= P_PC); %% number of units in target cluster contacted by projection unit 0 <= number_units <= N
if number_units > 0
Clust(clust,j) = Clust(clust,j) + 1; % generate cluster connection matrix for debugging
sequence = randperm(N);
row = projection(i)+(clust-1)*N;
col = sequence(1:number_units)+(j-1)*N;
Clust_con(row,col) = Clust_sign(clust,projection(i));
%% determine intra-cluster connections: only interneurons have them
for i = 1:num_Other
local_con_probs = rand(N,1); %% probabilites of connecting to each unit in cluster
cons = find(local_con_probs <= P_LC);
% determine what it's connecting to
for loop = 1:length(cons)
if any(projection == cons(loop))
I_to_P(clust) = I_to_P(clust) + 1;
I_to_I(clust) = I_to_I(clust) + 1;
row = others(i)+(clust-1)*N;
col = cons + (clust-1)*N;
Clust_con(row,col) = Clust_sign(clust,others(i));
Clust_con(row,row) = 0; %% remove any recurrent connections!
% determine linear index of projection units
idx_p_units = zeros(N_clust,num_Proj);
for loop1 = 1:N_clust
idx_p_units(loop1,:) = Proj_units(loop1,:) + (loop1-1) * N;
idx_p_units = idx_p_units';
idx_p_units = sort(idx_p_units(:));
% find inter-cluster projection structure
for loop1 = 1:N_clust
i_start = 1 + (N*(loop1-1));
i_end = loop1*N;
this_clust = idx_p_units(idx_p_units >= i_start & idx_p_units <= i_end);
this_clust = this_clust - N *(loop1-1); % shift back
% this_idx = zeros(N,1);
% this_idx(this_clust) = 1;
for loop2 = 1:N_clust
if loop2 ~= loop1
this_section = Clust_con(1+N*(loop2-1):N*loop2,i_start:i_end);
this_section = sum(this_section);
to_P = sum(this_section(this_clust));
P_to_P(loop2,loop1) = to_P;
P_to_I(loop2,loop1) = sum(this_section) - to_P;
% find neuron input balance per cluster and per P and I units
input_w = sum(Clust_con);
P_pos = zeros(N_clust,1);
P_neg = zeros(N_clust,1);
P_bal = zeros(N_clust,1);
I_pos = zeros(N_clust,1);
I_neg = zeros(N_clust,1);
I_bal = zeros(N_clust,1);
for loop = 1:N_clust
i_start = 1 + (N*(loop-1));
i_end = loop*N;
this_clust_p = idx_p_units(idx_p_units >= i_start & idx_p_units <= i_end);
this_clust_i = i_start:i_end;
this_clust_i(this_clust_p-N*(loop-1)) = [];
P_pos(loop) = sum(input_w(this_clust_p) > 0);
P_neg(loop) = sum(input_w(this_clust_p) < 0);
P_bal(loop) = sum(input_w(this_clust_p) == 0);
I_pos(loop) = sum(input_w(this_clust_i) > 0);
I_neg(loop) = sum(input_w(this_clust_i) < 0);
I_bal(loop) = sum(input_w(this_clust_i) == 0);
% generate structure of model structural values other than weight matrix
this_model = struct('Clust',Clust,'I_to_I',I_to_I,'I_to_P',I_to_P,...
%%%%%%%% set weights %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% set weights to random values if necessary
pre_C_e = length(find(Clust_con > 0));
pre_C_i = length(find(Clust_con < 0));
%if rand_w Clust_con = Clust_con .* rand(size(Clust_con)); end % scales all weights
if rand_w Clust_con = Clust_con .* random('Gamma',10,0.02,N_units,N_units); % scales all weights
% set fixed weight....
else Clust_con = Clust_con .* fixed_w; end
C_e = length(find(Clust_con > 0));
C_i = length(find(Clust_con < 0));
% scale inhibitory weights
if scale_i
Clust_con(Clust_con < 0) = Clust_con(Clust_con < 0) .* (C_e / C_i);
%Clust_con = Clust_con ./ sum(sum(abs(Clust_con)));
% Clust_con = zeros(N_units);
%%% look at model as lattice ring
% visualise_net(Clust_con,'undirected');
%%%%%%%%%% run simulation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%% create sensory input matrix %%%
if ~pattern
[m n] = size(sensory_input);
% replicate array
if n > m
temp_sens = sensory_input(ones(1,N),:);
temp_sens = sensory_input(:,ones(1,N));
% % convert to continuous array
% temp_sens = temp_sens(:);
% % and convert input unit matrix to continuous array
% temp_S_clust = S_clust';
% temp_S_clust = temp_S_clust(:);
% therefore input array is
input = temp_sens .* S_clust;
input = input';
input = input(:);
temp_S_clust = S_clust';
temp_S_clust = temp_S_clust(:);
input = sensory_input .* temp_S_clust;
%%%% create suitable arrays %%%%%
a_Thresh = thresh*ones(N_units,1);
a_Slope = slope*ones(N_units,1);
a_Decay = decay .*ones(N_units,1);
a_Tau = (1/k) .* ones(N_units,1);
%% solve network %%
s_points = -1; % no samples
s_points = 1:1:max_steps;
% select solution method
if exact_solver
if nargin >= 17 & ~isempty(varargin{2}) & ~isempty(varargin{3})
[clust_out,steps_elapsed,clust_act,y] = LI_network(Clust_con,input,a_Thresh,a_Slope,s_points,max_steps,convergence,a_Decay,N_units,0,varargin{2},varargin{3});
[clust_out,steps_elapsed,clust_act,y] = LI_network(Clust_con,input,a_Thresh,a_Slope,s_points,max_steps,convergence,a_Decay,N_units,0);
%[clust_out,steps_elapsed,clust_act,y] = LI_network_num(Clust_con,input,a_Thresh,a_Slope,s_points,a_Tau,max_steps,convergence,delta_t,N_units,0);
varargout{1} = y;
[r c] = size(y);
varargout{2} = s_points(1:c) * delta_t;
disp('Using built-in ODE solver')
tspan = [0 max_steps * delta_t];
y0 = zeros(N_units,1);
[act,t,out] = LI_network_ode(Clust_con,input,N_units,1/k .* ones(N_units,1),'ramp',tspan,y0);
varargout{1} = out';
varargout{2} = t;
clust_out = out(end,:);
clust_act = act(end,:);
steps_elapsed = t(end) / delta_t;
%% output of most interest is from projection units....
proj_out = reshape(clust_out(idx_p_units),num_Proj,N_clust);
%% also return all other structural values
varargout{3} = this_model;