function [Clust_con,varargout] = pruning_model(Nc,n,rho,Pc,seed,L,T,model,flags,varargin)
% PRUNING_MODEL synaptic pruning RF anatomical model
% PRUNING_MODEL(NC,N,RHO,Pc,SEED,L,T,M,FLAGS) where NC, N, Pc, and RHO are the parameters
% for the discrete cluster model, SEED is a random seed initialiser (set SEED=[]
% if not required), L is the proportion of neurons which randomly update, T is the
% synaptic pruning threshold, M is the model type ('random','prop','inc')
% and FLAGS is an the argument setting the flags for
% the DISCRETE_CLUSTER1 function (set FLAGS = [] to omit).
% Returns the weight matrix - must be converted into graph form for
% further topological analysis.
% PRUNING_MODEL(...,TPl,TPp,'s') are optional arguments:
% TPl and TPp set the target P(l) and P(p) values for the synaptic total to be
% pruned too. Default is P(l) = P(p) = 0.2, set both to [] to omit; 's'
% forces the model to separately update excitatory and inhibitory units
% to get both projection and inter-neuron totals close to expected values
% (rather than overall synaptic total).
% (1) Pc is the either the probability of connection
% (spatially-uniform - include flag 's') or exponent of
% the power-law (distance-dependent - default). In manuscript, these have
% been set at Pc = 0.25 ('s') or Pc = 1 (default).
% (2) L is the proportion of units chosen to be updated. For
% the 'prop' and 'inc' models, the units are chosen with probability proportional to
% their total weighted input; for the 'random' model, the proportion L
% are chosen at random.
% (3) For the 'inc' model, all units chosen are increased, all others are
% decreased.....
% Mark Humphries 15/7/2005
t_Pl = 0.2; % default target levels of P(l) and P(p)
t_Pp = 0.2;
count_all = 1;
if nargin >= 10 & ~isempty(varargin{1}) t_Pl = varargin{1}; end
if nargin >= 11 & ~isempty(varargin{2}) t_Pp = varargin{2}; end
if nargin >= 12 & ~isempty(varargin{3}) count_all = 0; end
flags = ['r' flags]; % default flag to generate random weights
%%%%%%%%%%%% define general structural model parameters %%%%%%%%%%%
% Inter-cluster
Pp = 0.9; % probability of cluster-unit connection for long-range input
% Intra-cluster
Pl = 0.9; % probability of connection for each local interneuron
rho_s = 1; % all projection neurons receive sensory input
lambda_s = 0; % proportion of interneurons receiving sensory input
rho_i = 0; % proportion of inhibitory projection neurons
lambda_i = 1; % proportion of inhibitory interneurons
%%%%%%%%%%% parameters for FULL model %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% simulation parameters
con = 1e-6; % convergence criteria
max_steps = 1;
theta = 0; % unit threshold
slope = 1; % output slope
% input
S = zeros(Nc,1);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CREATE FULL MODEL %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
[clust_out,clust_act,Proj_units,steps_elapsed,Clust_con,S_clust,proj_out,samp,t_samp,this_model] =...
clear clust_out clust_act steps_elapsed S_clust proj_out samp t_samp
%%%%%%%%%% CREATE PRUNED MODEL %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
n_p = round(rho * n);
n_i = n - n_p;
% find expected numbers of connection types
Ei = round(Nc * n_i * (n-1) * t_Pl);
if findstr(flags,'s')
Ep = round(n_p * Nc * n * t_Pp * (Nc-1) * Pc);
Nq = 0;
for loop = 1:Nc
j = min(Nc - loop,(Nc-1)-(Nc-loop));
k = max(Nc - loop,(Nc-1)-(Nc-loop));
Nq = Nq + (2*(sum((1:j).^-Pc)) + sum((j+1:k).^-Pc));
Ep = round(n_p * Nq * n * t_Pp);
TargetTotal = Ep + Ei;
%% initial synaptic totals and unit types
Syns = find(Clust_con ~= 0);
SynTotal = length(Syns);
% prune model!
counter = 0;
if count_all
while SynTotal > TargetTotal
counter = counter + 1;
Remaining = SynTotal - TargetTotal
switch model
case 'random'
% randomly update - select random sub-set of synapses and add
% random amount to each
NumChange = round(SynTotal * L);
List = randperm(NumChange);
Old_w = Clust_con(Syns(List));
Clust_con(Syns(List)) = Old_w + normrnd(0,0.025,NumChange,1);
% any that change sign are automatically pruned...
FlipSign = find((Clust_con(Syns(List)) > 0 & Old_w < 0) | (Clust_con(Syns(List)) < 0 & Old_w > 0));
Clust_con(Syns(List(FlipSign))) = 0;
case {'prop','inc'}
% update whole unit's output with probability proportional
% to absolute total input weight - on basis that, according to
% Hebbian-type learning:
% 'prop': greater total input would lead to greater chance of either
% correct output (leading to LTP) or incorrect output (leading to LTD)
% 'inc': greater total input signifies mostly correct responses
% would occur and therefore be strengthend more, all others
% decreased....
% do excitatory
input_totals = sum(Clust_con);
output_totals = sum(Clust_con');
total_input = sum(abs(input_totals));
probabilities = input_totals ./ total_input;
% check probabilities
update_prop = 0;
List = [];
n_units = Nc*n;
units = 1:n_units;
while update_prop < L
% get units to update by checking probabilities
update = find(rand(1,n_units) < probabilities);
% add corresponding units to list
List = [List units(update)];
% remove from possible candidates
units(update) = [];
probabilities(update) = [];
% reduce number of units to update
n_units = n_units - length(update);
update_prop = length(List) / (Nc*n);
Old_w = Clust_con;
change = zeros(Nc*n);
change(:,List) = Clust_con(:,List) ~= 0;
% shift weights a random amount - more likely to be active, but
% also therefore likely to fire incorrectly and therefore be reduced in
% efficacy
% must multiply by connection matrix so that only existing
% connections get changed!
if findstr(model,'prop')
Clust_con = Old_w + normrnd(0,0.025,Nc*n,Nc*n) .* change;
% or shift all in dominant direction - assume strengthening
% Gamma distribution here approximates RHS of normal dist
% used above
Clust_con = Clust_con + gamrnd(1,0.015,Nc*n,Nc*n) .* change .* repmat(sign(input_totals),Nc*n,1);
% all others decrease - variable "units" contains all those
% not already updated...
change_down = zeros(Nc*n);
change_down(:,units) = Clust_con(:,units) ~= 0;
Clust_con = Clust_con - gamrnd(1,0.015,Nc*n) .* change_down .* repmat(sign(input_totals),Nc*n,1);
% any that change sign are automatically pruned...
FlipSign = find((Clust_con > 0 & Old_w < 0) | (Clust_con < 0 & Old_w > 0));
Clust_con(FlipSign) = 0;
% prune synapses by threshold
Clust_con(abs(Clust_con) < T) = 0;
Syns = find(Clust_con ~= 0);
SynTotal = length(Syns);
%%%% do separate running totals
% unit indices
clusters = repmat((0:Nc-1)',1,n_p);
IdxP = (Proj_units + (n .* clusters))';
IdxP = IdxP(:); % projection neuron indices
nP = length(IdxP);
IdxI = (1:n*Nc)';
IdxI(IdxP) = []; % interneuron indices
nI = length(IdxI);
ClustP = Clust_con(IdxP,:); % outputs from each projection neuron
ClustI = Clust_con(IdxI,:);
ClustP = Clust_con(:,IdxP); % inputs to each projection neuron
ClustI = Clust_con(:,IdxI);
tempP = Clust_con(IdxP,:);
tempI = Clust_con(IdxI,:);
SynP = find(tempP);
SynI = find(tempI);
SynPTotal = length(SynP);
SynITotal = length(SynI);
%% do separate running totals for projection and inter-neurons
while SynPTotal > Ep | SynITotal> Ei
counter = counter + 1;
P_remaining = SynPTotal - Ep
I_remaining = SynITotal - Ei
% alter distribution of update rates according to number of units
% remaining, with the aim of them finishing together
rp = (P_remaining*(P_remaining > 0)) / ((I_remaining*(I_remaining>0)) + P_remaining);
ri = 1 - rp;
Lp = L * rp;
Li = L * ri;
switch model
case 'random'
% randomly update - select random sub-set of synapses and add
% random amount to each
if P_remaining > 0
NumPChange = round(SynPTotal * Lp);
NumPChange = 0;
if I_remaining > 0
NumIChange = round(SynITotal * Li);
NumIChange = 0;
ListP = randperm(NumPChange);
ListI = randperm(NumIChange);
% keyboard
% update P
Old_w = ClustP(SynP(ListP));
ClustP(SynP(ListP)) = Old_w + normrnd(0,0.025,NumPChange,1);
% any that change sign are automatically pruned...
FlipSign = find((ClustP(SynP(ListP)) > 0 & Old_w < 0) | (ClustP(SynP(ListP)) < 0 & Old_w > 0));
ClustP(SynP(ListP(FlipSign))) = 0;
% update I
Old_w = ClustI(SynI(ListI));
ClustI(SynI(ListI)) = Old_w + normrnd(0,0.025,NumIChange,1);
% any that change sign are automatically pruned...
FlipSign = find((ClustI(SynI(ListI)) > 0 & Old_w < 0) | (ClustI(SynI(ListI)) < 0 & Old_w > 0));
ClustI(SynI(ListI(FlipSign))) = 0;
% put back into Clust_con
%Clust_con(:,IdxP) = ClustP;
%Clust_con(:,IdxI) = ClustI;
Clust_con(IdxP,:) = ClustP; % inputs to each projection neuron
Clust_con(IdxI,:) = ClustI;
case {'prop','inc'}
% update whole unit's output with probability proportional
% to absolute total input weight - on basis that, according to
% Hebbian-type learning:
% 'prop': greater total input would lead to greater chance of either
% correct output (leading to LTP) or incorrect output (leading to LTD)
% 'inc': greater total input signifies mostly correct responses
% would occur and therefore be strengthened more, all others
% decreased....
input_totals = sum(Clust_con);
output_totals = sum(Clust_con');
total_input = sum(abs(input_totals));
% keyboard
P_probabilities = input_totals(IdxP) ./ total_input;
I_probabilities = input_totals(IdxI) ./ total_input;
%%%% do projection neurons
if P_remaining > 0
% check probabilities
update_prop = 0;
List = [];
nP = length(IdxP);
p_units = 1:nP;
while update_prop < Lp
% get units to update by checking probabilities
update = find(rand(1,nP) < P_probabilities);
% add corresponding units to list
List = [List p_units(update)];
% remove from possible candidates
p_units(update) = [];
P_probabilities(update) = [];
% reduce number of units to update
nP = nP - length(update);
update_prop = length(List) / length(IdxP);
Old_w = ClustP;
change = zeros(Nc*n,length(IdxP));
change(:,List) = ClustP(:,List) ~= 0;
% shift weights a random amount - more likely to be active, but
% also therefore likely to fire incorrectly and therefore be reduced in
% efficacy
% must multiply by connection matrix so that only existing
% connections get changed!
if findstr(model,'prop')
ClustP = Old_w + normrnd(0,0.025,Nc*n,length(IdxP)) .* change;
% or shift all in dominant direction - assume strengthening
% Gamma distribution here approximates RHS of normal dist
% used above
ClustP = Old_w + gamrnd(1,0.015,Nc*n,length(IdxP)) .* change .* repmat(sign(input_totals(IdxP)),Nc*n,1);
% all others decrease - variable "p_units" contains all those
% not already updated...
change_down = zeros(Nc*n,length(IdxP));
change_down(:,p_units) = Clust_con(:,p_units) ~= 0;
ClustP = ClustP - gamrnd(1,0.015,Nc*n,length(IdxP)) .* change_down .* repmat(sign(input_totals(IdxP)),Nc*n,1);
% any that change sign are automatically pruned...
FlipSign = find((ClustP > 0 & Old_w < 0) | (ClustP < 0 & Old_w > 0));
ClustP(FlipSign) = 0;
%%%% do inter-neurons
%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
if I_remaining > 0
% check probabilities
update_prop = 0;
List = [];
nI = length(IdxI);
i_units = 1:nI;
while update_prop < Li
% get units to update by checking probabilities
update = find(rand(1,nI) < I_probabilities);
% add corresponding units to list
List = [List i_units(update)];
% remove from possible candidates
i_units(update) = [];
I_probabilities(update) = [];
% reduce number of units to update
nI = nI - length(update);
update_prop = length(List) / length(IdxI);
% keyboard
Old_w = ClustI;
change = zeros(Nc*n,length(IdxI));
change(:,List) = ClustI(:,List) ~= 0;
% shift weights a random amount - more likely to be active, but
% also therefore likely to fire incorrectly and therefore be reduced in
% efficacy
% must multiply by connection matrix so that only existing
% connections get changed!
if findstr(model,'prop')
% keyboard
ClustI = Old_w + normrnd(0,0.025,Nc*n,length(IdxI)) .* change;
% or shift all in dominant direction - assume strengthening
% Gamma distribution here approximates RHS of normal dist
% used above
ClustI = Old_w + gamrnd(1,0.015,Nc*n,length(IdxI)) .* change .* repmat(sign(input_totals(IdxI)),Nc*n,1);
% all others decrease - variable "i_units" contains all those
% not already updated...
change_down = zeros(Nc*n,length(IdxI));
change_down(:,i_units) = Clust_con(:,i_units) ~= 0;
ClustI = ClustI - gamrnd(1,0.015,Nc*n,length(IdxI)) .* change_down .* repmat(sign(input_totals(IdxI)),Nc*n,1);
% any that change sign are automatically pruned...
FlipSign = find((ClustI > 0 & Old_w < 0) | (ClustI < 0 & Old_w > 0));
ClustI(FlipSign) = 0;
% put back into Clust_con
Clust_con(:,IdxP) = ClustP;
Clust_con(:,IdxI) = ClustI;
% prune synapses by threshold
Clust_con(abs(Clust_con) < T) = 0;
% generate new input sub-matrices
% ClustP = Clust_con(IdxP,:); % outputs from each projection neuron
% ClustI = Clust_con(IdxI,:);
ClustP = Clust_con(:,IdxP); % inputs to each projection neuron
ClustI = Clust_con(:,IdxI); % inputs to each interneuron
% do synaptic counts ON OUTPUTS
tempP = Clust_con(IdxP,:);
tempI = Clust_con(IdxI,:);
SynP = find(tempP);
SynI = find(tempI);
SynPTotal = length(SynP);
SynITotal = length(SynI);