/************************************************************************************************************************ PROGRAM: BIOSIM FILENAME: HH.channel.description PURPOSE: description of all parameters used in the HH.channel file 35 parameter ************************************************************************************************************************/ HH_NA_E - equilibrium potential of sodium channel HH_NA_G - conductance of sodium channel HH_K_E - equilibrium potential of potassium channel HH_K_G - conductance of potassium channel HH_Form_Alpha_M - form parameter for gate variable m, alpha term HH_AalphaM - rate constant HH_V0alphaM - half maximum potential HH_BalphaM - step width HH_Form_Beta_M - form parameter for gate variable m, beta term HH_AbetaM - rate constant HH_V0betaM - half maximum potential HH_BbetaM - step width HH_M_POWER - power of gate variable m HH_M_INITIAL - initial value of gate variable m HH_Form_Alpha_H - form parameter for gate variable h, alpha term HH_AalphaH - rate constant HH_V0alphaH - half maximum potential HH_BalphaH - step width HH_Form_Beta_H - form parameter for gate variable h, beta term HH_AbetaH - rate constant HH_V0betaH - half maximum potential HH_BbetaH - step width HH_H_POWER - power of gate variable h HH_H_INITIAL - initial value of gate variable h HH_Form_Alpha_N - form parameter for gate variable n, alpha term HH_AalphaN - rate constant HH_V0alphaN - half maximum potential HH_BalphaN - step width HH_Form_Beta_N - form parameter for gate variable n, beta term HH_AbetaN - rate constant HH_V0betaN - half maximum potential HH_BbetaN - step width HH_N_POWER - power of gate variable n HH_N_INITIAL - initial value of gate variable n HH_SPIKE_THRESHOLD - spike threshold, used only for spike identification