GB_CA_INITIAL	- initial calcium concentration
GB_K_ICA	- cell volume dependend, formula: (1/(2*Faraday-constant*cell_volume))
GB_K_CA	- speed of calcium restitution
GB_C0_CA	- constant background concentration of calcium
GB_CA_CA	- extracellular calcium concentration
GB_TEMP	- absolute temperature
GB_M_POWER	- power of gate variable m
GB_M_INITIAL	- initial value of gate variable m
GB_H_POWER	- power of gate variable h
GB_H_INITIAL	- initial value of gate variable h
GB_NA_G	- conductance of sodium channel
GB_NA_E	- equilibrium potential of sodium channel
GB_Form_Alpha_M	- form parameter for gate variable m, alpha term
GB_AalphaM	- rate constant
GB_V0alphaM	- half maximum potential
GB_BalphaM	- step width
GB_Form_Beta_M	- form parameter for gate variable m, beta term
GB_AbetaM	- rate constant
GB_V0betaM	- half maximum potential
GB_BbetaM	- step width
GB_Form_Alpha_H	- form parameter for gate variable h, alpha term
GB_AalphaH	- rate constant
GB_V0alphaH	- half maximum potential
GB_BalphaH	- step width
GB_Form_Beta_H	- form parameter for gate variable h, beta term
GB_AbetaH	- rate constant
GB_V0betaH	- half maximum potential
GB_BbetaH	- step width
GB_N_POWER	- power of gate variable n
GB_N_INITIAL	- initial value of gate variable n
GB_K_G	- conductance of potassium channel
GB_K_E	- equilibrium potential of potassium channel
GB_Form_Alpha_N	- form parameter for gate variable n, alpha term
GB_AinfinityN	- rate constant
GB_V0infinityN	- half maximum potential
GB_BinfinityN	- step width
GB_Form_Beta_N	- form parameter for gate variable n, beta term
GB_AtauN	- rate constant
GB_V0tauN	- half maximum potential
GB_BtauN	- step width
GB_A_POWER	- power of gate variable a
GB_A_INITIAL	- initial value of gate variable a
GB_B1_POWER	- power of gate variable beta 1
GB_B1_INITIAL	- initial value of gate variable beta 1
GB_B2_POWER	- power of gate variable beta 2
GB_B2_INITIAL	- initial value of gate variable beta 2
GB_G_POWER	- power of gate variable gamma
GB_G_INITIAL	- initial value of gate variable gamma
GB_A_G	- conductance of A-channel
GB_A_E	- equilibrium potential of A-channel
GB_Form_Alpha_A	- form parameter for gate variable a, alpha term
GB_V0a 	- half maximum potential
GB_Ba	- step width
GB_Form_Beta_A	- form parameter for gate variable a, beta term
GB_Ta 	- time constant (= 1 / rate constant)
GB_Form_Alpha_B1	- form parameter for gate variable b1, alpha term
GB_V0b1	- half maximum potential
GB_Bb1	- step width
GB_Form_Beta_B1	- form parameter for gate variable b1, beta term
GB_Tb1	- time constant (= 1 / rate constant)
GB_Form_Alpha_B2	- form parameter for gate variable b2, alpha term
GB_V0alphab2	- half maximum potential
GB_Balphab2	- step width
GB_Form_Beta_B2	- form parameter for gate variable b2, beta term
GB_Ab2	- rate constant for gate variable b2
GB_V0b2	- half maximum potential
GB_Bb2	- step width
GB_V0g	- half maximum potential for gate variable gamma
GB_Bg	- step width for gate variable gamma
GB_C_POWER	- power of gate variable c
GB_C_INITIAL	- initial value of gate variable c
GB_D_POWER	- power of gate variable d
GB_D_INITIAL	- initial value of gate variable d
GB_CA1_G	- conductance of first calcium channel
GB_Form_Alpha_C	- form parameter for gate variable c, alpha term
GB_V0c	- half maximum potential
GB_Bc	- step width
GB_Form_Beta_C	- form parameter for gate variable c, beta term
GB_Tc	- time constant (= 1 / rate constant)
GB_Form_Alpha_D	- form parameter for gate variable d, alpha term
GB_V0d	- half maximum potential
GB_Bd	- step width
GB_Form_Beta_D	- form parameter for gate variable d, beta term
GB_Td	- time constant (= 1 / rate constant)
GB_E_POWER	- power of gate variable e
GB_E_INITIAL	- initial value of gate variable e
GB_CA2_G	- conductance of second calcium channel
GB_Form_Alpha_E	- form parameter for gate variable e, alpha term
GB_V0e	- half maximum potential
GB_Be	- step width
GB_Form_Beta_E	- form parameter for gate variable e, beta term
GB_Te	- time constant (= 1 / rate constant)
GB_P_POWER	- power of gate variable p
GB_P_INITIAL	- initial value of gate variable p
GB_Q_POWER	- power of gate variable q
GB_Q_INITIAL	- initial value of gate variable q
GB_KCA_G	- conductance of calcium dependend potassium channel
GB_KCA_E	- equilibrium potential of calcium dependend potassium channel
GB_Form_Alpha_P	- form parameter for gate variable p, alpha term
GB_V0p1	- half maximum potential
GB_Bp1	- step width
GB_Form_Beta_P	- form parameter for gate variable p, beta term
GB_V0p2	- half maximum potential
GB_Bp2	- step width
GB_Tp	- time constant (= 1 / rate constant)
GB_Cca	- speed of calcium restitution for gate variable p
GB_C1	- calcium concentration constant for gate variable p
GB_Form_Alpha_Q	- form parameter for gate variable q, alpha term
GB_C2	- calcium concentration constant for gate variable q
GB_C3	- calcium concentration constant for gate variable q
GB_Form_Beta_Q	- form parameter for gate variable q, beta term
GB_Tq	- time constant (= 1 / rate constant)
GB_R_POWER	- power of gate variable r
GB_R_INITIAL	- initial value of gate variable r
GB_IR_G	- conductance of IR-channel
GB_IR_E	- equilibrium potential of IR-channel
GB_Form_Alpha_R	- form parameter for gate variable r, alpha term
GB_V0r	- half maximum potential
GB_Br	- step width
GB_Form_Beta_R	- form parameter for gate variable r, beta term
GB_Atau_r	- time constant (= 1 / rate constant)
GB_V0tau_r	- half maximum potential
GB_Btau_r	- step width
GB_S_POWER	- power of gate variable n
GB_S_INITIAL	- initial value of gate variable n
GB_P_G	- conductance of potassium channel
GB_P_E	- equilibrium potential of potassium channel
GB_Form_Alpha_S	- form parameter for gate variable s, alpha term
GB_V0s	- half maximum potential
GB_Bs	- step width
GB_Form_Beta_S	- form parameter for gate variable s, beta term
GB_Ts	- time constant (= 1 / rate constant)
GB_SPIKE_THRESHOLD	- spike threshold, used only for spike identification