This readme and the code were contributed by Timothee Masquelier Sept 10th 2009 This code was used in: Masquelier T, Hugues E, Deco G, Thorpe SJ (2009) Oscillations, Phase-of-Firing Coding, and Spike Timing-Dependent Plasticity: An Efficient Learning Scheme. J Neurosci 29(43):13484-13493 Feel free to use/modify but please cite us. We use the Brian simulator described in: Goodman D, Brette R (2008) Brian: a simulator for spiking neural networks in python. Front Neuroinformatics 2:5. and available from: This code has been tested with: - Brian 1.1.2 - Python 2.5 and 2.6 - Windows XP and Linux Note that we did not use the STDP class provided in Brian. For flexibility issues we preferred to code STDP manually (using embedded C code for faster computations) The base implementation corresponds to the 'all-to-all' additive STDP of: Song S, Miller K, Abbott L (2000) Competitive hebbian learning through spike-timing-dependent synaptic plasticity. Nat Neurosci A 'nearest-spike' implementation is also provided. Use mu > 0 to interpolate with multiplicative STDP as in: Gutig R, Aharonov R, Rotter S, Sompolinsky H (2003) Learning input correlations through nonlinear temporally asymmetric hebbian plasticity. J Neurosci Rate-based homeostatic terms w_in and w_out can also be added as in: Kempter R, Gerstner W, van Hemmen JL (1999) Hebbian learning and spiking neurons. Phys Rev E Main file (should be called like that "python -i") Calls to set the parameters. The current configuration corresponds to the first 3 seconds of the oscillation case (see Fig. 5 in the paper). Instantiate the all the needed neurons (input layer, mirror layer (copy of the input layer useful for implementation issues), output layer), connect them, and finally runs the Brian simulator. All the data files are read and dumped in ../data There are two main modes: recomputeSpikeList = True (used in the paper) input layer is computed from activation levels in files inputValues.###.txt (the number is the random seed) format: '%010.5f ' (time) '%07.5f ' (value for neuron 0) '%07.5f ' (value for neuron 1) ... The files used in the paper are available upon requests ( recomputeSpikeList = False spikes from the input layer are read from spikeList.###.###.mat files (first number is the random seed, second number is the period number). each file contain a (n,2) array called sl : neuron (start from 0), and spike time in s This mode thus allows you to test STDP with input spike trains generated somewhere else (for eg with Matlab) To take advantage of Python vectorization we can simulate multiple output neuron in parallel, with different gmax and LTD/LTP ratios (this is useful for parameter exploration) nG is the number of gmax values nR is number of ratio LTD/LTP M = nG*nR is the number of output neurons, numbered like that [ (r_0,g_0)...(r_0,g_nG),(r_1,g_0)...(r_1,g_nG),...,(r_nR,g_0)...(r_nR,g_nG)] Note that instead of LTD/LTP ratios you can also explore various w_in/w_out ratios. If you want to use resets set useReset = True in and provide a reset.###.mat file with a (1,n) array containing reset times in s and called resetTimes For plotting it may be useful to provide a realValuedPattern.XXX.mat file with the repeating pattern activation levels in a (1,n) array called realValuedPattern For plotting and mutual info computation it may be useful to provide a patternPeriod.XXX.mat file with a (n,2) array (start,end) in s called patternPeriod other Python files: contains all the parameters graphical plotting computes, plots and dumps the mutual info between presence of the stimulus and postsynaptic responses dump final weigth in weight.###.mat Brian file to handle both a refractory period and a user-defined reset function (under development): exports data in a mat file for later use with Matlab (underdevelopment): dump all variables (underdevelopment): load all (previously dumped) variables (underdevelopment): restore the final state of a previous simulation Final note: I was new to Python when I started this project. I'm sure many things could be coded more efficiently.