# fixed_net_multi_trial_plot.py ---
# Author: Subhasis Ray
# Created: Thu Sep 27 16:01:45 2018 (-0400)
# Last-Updated: Fri Sep 28 12:35:14 2018 (-0400)
# By: Subhasis Ray
# Version: $Id$
# Code:
"""This is a refinement of analysis_20180927.py
- for plotting and comparing multiple trials of same network"""
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
if sys.platform == 'win32':
sys.path += ['/home/rays3/projects/ggn/analysis', '/home/rays3/projects/ggn/morphutils', '/home/rays3/projects/ggn/nrn', '/home/rays3/apps/matrix-entropy']
import os
import h5py as h5
import numpy as np
import random
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import yaml
import pint
from collections import defaultdict
import pandas as pd
import network_data_analysis as nda
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
import pn_kc_ggn_plot_mpl as myplot
import neurograph as ng
import timeit
import time
import sklearn.neighbors as skn
import neighborhood_functions as nfn
import moving_window_filter as mwf
import calculate_profile as calcprof
datadir = '/data/rays3/ggn/fixed_net/'
kde_bandwidth = 20.0
def get_kc_clusters(fd):
lca_clus_info = fd[nda.lca_kc_cluster_path]['label', 'sec'][:, 0]
mca_clus_info = fd[nda.mca_kc_cluster_path]['label', 'sec'][:, 0]
lca_kcs = pd.DataFrame(data=lca_clus_info)
mca_kcs = pd.DataFrame(data=mca_clus_info)
mca_kcs['cluster'] = map('mca_{}'.format, mca_kcs.label)
lca_kcs['cluster'] = map('lca_{}'.format, lca_kcs.label)
kc_clusters = pd.concat([lca_kcs, mca_kcs], ignore_index=True)
kc_clusters.set_index('sec', drop=True, verify_integrity=True)
return kc_clusters
def plot_fixed_net(fd, kc_clusters, time, ax=None):
ret = {}
fig = None
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=5, sharex='all')
pn_st = [(int(k.split('_')[-1]), v.value) for k, v in fd[nda.pn_st_path].items()]
pn_st = sorted(pn_st, key=lambda x: x[0])
pn_x = []
pn_y = []
for k, st in pn_st:
pn_y.append(k * np.ones_like(st))
ax[0].plot(np.concatenate(pn_x), np.concatenate(pn_y), ',')
# It is more efficient to plot all the spike times in one plot command
xgrid = np.arange(time[0], time[-1], 10.0)
# Compute PSTH with Gaussian kernel
pn_psth, _ = np.histogram(np.concatenate(pn_x), xgrid)
pn_pdf, _ = nda.kde_pdf(np.concatenate(pn_x), kde_bandwidth, xgrid=xgrid)
ax[1].plot(xgrid[:-1], pn_psth)
ax[1].twinx().plot(xgrid, pn_pdf)
kc_st = {v.attrs['source']: v.value for k, v in fd[nda.kc_st_path].items()}
ggn_basal = fd['/data/uniform/ggn_basal/GGN_basal_Vm'].value
kc_idx = 0
all_kc_x = []
all_kc_y = []
for clus, grp in kc_clusters.groupby('cluster'):
kc_x = []
kc_y = []
for idx, row in grp.iterrows():
st = kc_st[row['sec']]
kc_y.append(np.ones_like(st) * kc_idx)
kc_idx += 1
ax[2].plot(np.concatenate(kc_x), np.concatenate(kc_y), ',')
kc_x = np.concatenate([np.concatenate(x) for x in all_kc_x])
kc_psth, _ = np.histogram(kc_x, xgrid)
kc_pdf, _ = nda.kde_pdf(kc_x, kde_bandwidth, xgrid=xgrid)
ax[3].plot(xgrid[:-1], kc_psth)
ax[3].twinx().plot(xgrid, kc_pdf)
ax[4].plot(time, np.mean(ggn_basal, axis=0))
ax[4].set_ylim(-51, -30)
ret['pn_x'] = pn_x
ret['pn_y'] = pn_y
ret['kc_x'] = all_kc_x
ret['kc_y'] = all_kc_y
ret['pn_psth'] = pn_psth
ret['pn_pdf'] = pn_pdf
ret['kc_psth'] = kc_psth
ret['kc_pdf'] = kc_pdf
ret['xgrid'] = xgrid
ret['ggn_basal'] = ggn_basal
return fig, ax, ret
def plot_multi_trial(filenames):
kc_clusters = None
orig_data = None
for fname in filenames:
with h5.File(fname, 'r') as fd:
if kc_clusters is None:
with h5.File(fd.attrs['original'], 'r') as fd_orig:
kc_clusters = get_kc_clusters(fd_orig)
vuniform = fd_orig['/data/uniform/ggn_basal/GGN_basal_Vm']
orig_time = np.arange(vuniform.shape[1]) * vuniform.attrs['dt']
ofig, oax, orig_data = plot_fixed_net(fd_orig, kc_clusters, orig_time)
time = fd['/map/time/time'].value
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=5, sharex='all')
ax[1].plot(orig_data['xgrid'][:-1], orig_data['pn_psth'], '--')
ax[1].twinx().plot(orig_data['xgrid'], orig_data['pn_pdf'], '--')
ax[3].plot(orig_data['xgrid'][:-1], orig_data['kc_psth'], '--')
ax[3].twinx().plot(orig_data['xgrid'], orig_data['kc_pdf'], '--')
ax[4].plot(orig_time, np.mean(orig_data['ggn_basal'], axis=0), '--')
fig, ax, ret = plot_fixed_net(fd, kc_clusters, time, ax=ax)
except IOError as e:
print('Problem with file', fname)
jids_iid_same_odor = [
filenames = [nda.find_file_by_jid(jid, datadir)[0] for jid in jids_iid_same_odor]
jids_clustered_same_odor = [
filenames = [nda.find_file_by_jid(jid, datadir)[0] for jid in jids_clustered_same_odor]
jids_iid_diff_odor = [ # these were after JID9932209 - IID PN->KC conn
jids_clustered_diff_odor = [ # after JID9932198, clustered PN->KC conn
for jids in zip(jids_iid_same_odor, jids_iid_diff_odor):
filenames = [nda.find_file_by_jid(jid, datadir)[0] for jid in jids]
for jids in zip(jids_clustered_same_odor,
filenames = [nda.find_file_by_jid(jid, datadir)[0] for jid in jids]
# fixed_net_multi_trial_plot.py ends here