# pn_output.py ---
# Filename: pn_output.py
# Description:
# Author: Subhasis Ray
# Maintainer:
# Created: Wed Jan 10 17:01:37 2018 (-0500)
# Code:
"""Generate array of spike times for 830 PNs. These will be fed to KC
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import nhpp
from config import Q_, ur, h, logger
import nrnutils as nu
import ephys
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from collections import defaultdict
osc_fn = lambda a, f, t: a * np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * t) # simple sinusoidal oscillation function
def create_pn_output(params):
"""This attempts to create inputs a KC receives from its presynaptic PNs
References: Mazor and Laurent, 2005; Jortner, et al., 2007.
Here the assumption is `odor_exc_frac` fraction of all PNs is
activated by a specific odor, i.e. there firing rate goes up
(exact formula in code).
On the other hand, spont_exc_frac of the cells are spontaneously
npn: total number of PNs
odor_exc_frac: fraction of PNs that spike in response to odor
spont_exc_frac: fraction of PNs that spike spontaneously
stim_rate: baseline firing rate of a PN during odor stimulation
spont_rate: baseline firing rate of a PN without odor
osc_freq: frequency of LFP oscillation
osc_amp_scale: The amplitude of oscillation as a fraction of
baseline firing rate (default 0.3 from data from 50000 PNs).
Returns a list of array quantitities containing spike times of
each PN.
onset = Q_(params['onset']).to('s').m
duration = Q_(params['duration']).to('s').m
tail = Q_(params['tail']).to('s').m
delta = Q_(params['delta']).to('s').m
npn = params['npn']
odor_exc_frac = params['odor_exc_frac']
spont_exc_frac = params['spont_exc_frac']
odor_inh_frac = params['odor_inh_frac']
stim_rate = Q_(params['stim_rate']).to('Hz').m
spont_rate = Q_(params['spont_rate']).to('Hz').m
osc_freq = Q_(params['osc_freq']).to('Hz').m
osc_amp_scale = params['osc_amp_scale']
assert (odor_exc_frac + odor_inh_frac) <= 1
spont_amp = spont_rate * osc_amp_scale
stim_amp = stim_rate * osc_amp_scale
# Rate function for spontaneously active, excited by odor
rate_fn_spont_odor = lambda t: \
stim_rate + stim_amp * np.sin(2 * np.pi * osc_freq * t) \
if (onset < t < (onset + duration)) \
else spont_rate + spont_amp * np.sin(2 * np.pi * osc_freq * t)
# Odor inhibited, but spontaneously active
rate_fn_odor_inh = lambda t: \
0.0 if (onset < t < (onset + duration)) \
else spont_rate + spont_amp * np.sin(2 * np.pi * osc_freq * t)
# Rate function for spontaneously active, unaffected by odor
rate_fn_spont = lambda t: \
spont_rate + spont_amp * np.sin(2 * np.pi * osc_freq * t)
# rate function for spontaneously silent, activated by odor
rate_fn_odor = lambda t: \
stim_rate + stim_amp * np.sin(2 * np.pi * osc_freq * t) \
if (onset < t < (onset + duration)) \
else 0.0
n_spont_odor = int(npn * spont_exc_frac * odor_exc_frac + 0.5) # spontanously active, excited by odor
n_odor = int(npn * (1 - spont_exc_frac) * odor_exc_frac + 0.5) # silent, activated by odor
n_odor_inh = int(npn * spont_exc_frac * odor_inh_frac + 0.5) # spontaneously active inhibited by odor
n_spont = int(npn * spont_exc_frac * (1 - odor_exc_frac - odor_inh_frac) + 0.5)
# Ignore those that are neither spontaneously active nor activated
# by a given odor: how many such PNs?
pn_output = []
start = timer()
for ii in range(n_spont_odor):
spike_times = nhpp.nhpp_thinning(rate_fn_spont_odor,
onset + duration + tail,
pn_output.append(Q_(np.array(spike_times), 's'))
for ii in range(n_odor):
spike_times = nhpp.nhpp_thinning(rate_fn_odor,
onset + duration + tail,
pn_output.append(Q_(np.array(spike_times), 's'))
for ii in range(n_spont):
spike_times = nhpp.nhpp_thinning(rate_fn_spont,
onset + duration + tail,
pn_output.append(Q_(np.array(spike_times), 's'))
for ii in range(n_odor_inh):
spike_times = nhpp.nhpp_thinning(rate_fn_odor_inh,
onset + duration + tail,
pn_output.append(Q_(np.array(spike_times), 's'))
end = timer()
logger.info('Time to create {} PN spiketrains {} s'.format(len(pn_output), end - start))
silent = npn - len(pn_output)
for ii in range(silent):
pn_output.append(Q_(np.array([]), 's'))
return pn_output
def create_shifting_response(params):
"""Create a response pattern with a shifting window into PN population
over the LFP cycles.
The step by step process to arrive at this design is in
params should have the following key value pairs:
onset: stimulus / activity onset
duration: duration of stimulus
offdur: duration of off response
tail: simulation time after the stimulus is over
trials(=1): number of trials (only `tail` interval between successive stimuli.
delta: interval at which the Poisson rate is considered.
npn(=830): total number of PNs
odor_exc_shift(=0.1): fraction of excited PN changing state in each LFP cycle
stim_rate(=20.0Hz): firing rate of excited PN upon odor, i.e. 1 spike in 50 ms
spont_rate(=2.6Hz): spontaneous firing rate of a PN
osc_freq(=20.0Hz): LFP oscillation frequency
start_frac: fraction of cells in each group that start spiking simultaneously at the excitation phase of the group
pn_spikes - list of lists: i-th entry is a list spike
times of i-th PN.
clusters - dict: list of PNs mapped to their stimulus response
start time. The entries against off response time include bith EI
and II PNs.
response_types - dict: {
'EE': indices of PNs that spike throughout odor presentation,
'EI': indices of PNs that spike during first half of odor presentation,
'IE': indices of PNs that spike during last half of odor presentation,
'II': indices of PNs that do not spike during of odor presentation
'U': spntaneously active and unresponsive to odor stimulus
npn = params['npn']
lfp_bin = 50e-3 # second
spont_rate = params['spont_rate'].to('Hz').m
delta = params['delta'].to('s').m
onset = params['onset'].to('s').m
dur = params['duration'].to('s').m
tail = params['tail'].to('s').m
offdur = params['offdur'].to('s').m
osc_freq = params['osc_freq'].to('Hz').m
stim_rate = params['stim_rate'].to('Hz').m
osc_amp_scale = params['osc_amp_scale']
start_frac = params['start_frac']
# Indices of different kinds of PNs.
unresponsive = range(0, int(npn/3.0))
EE = list(range(unresponsive[-1]+1,int(unresponsive[-1]+1+npn/6.0)))
EI = list(range(EE[-1]+1, int(EE[-1]+1+npn/6.0)))
IE = list(range(EI[-1]+1, int(EI[-1]+1+npn/6.0)))
II = list(range(IE[-1]+1, npn))
response_types = {'EE': EE, 'EI': EI, 'IE': IE, 'II': II, 'U': unresponsive}
clusters = defaultdict(list)
pn_spikes = []
start = timer()
# Spontaneous activity in all neurons
spont_rate_fn = lambda t: spont_rate
for ii in range(params['npn']):
st1 = nhpp.nhpp_thinning(spont_rate_fn, onset, delta)
st2 = nhpp.nhpp_thinning(spont_rate_fn, tail, delta) + onset + dur + offdur
pn_spikes.append(list(st1) + list(st2))
# Unresponsive PNs - first 1/3rd
for jj, index in enumerate(unresponsive):
pn_spikes[index] += list(nhpp.nhpp_thinning(spont_rate_fn, dur + offdur, delta) + onset)
# Excited throughout odor
# The rate function: python has dynamic binding - so ee_rate_fn
# sees the value of `start` at evaluation time.
ee_rate_fn = lambda t: stim_rate + osc_fn((dur - t) * stim_rate * osc_amp_scale / dur, osc_freq, t) \
if t > start else 0
start = 0
# After every `pnclus` PNs, increase the start time.
pnclus = round(params['shifting_frac'] * len(EE))
for jj, index in enumerate(EE):
pn_spikes[index] += list(nhpp.nhpp_thinning(ee_rate_fn, dur, delta) + onset)
clusters[onset + start].append(index)
diff = jj - len(EE) * start_frac
if (diff > 0) and ( round(diff) % pnclus == 0):
start += lfp_bin
# PNs active only in first half of odour presentation
ei_rate_fn = lambda t: stim_rate + osc_fn((dur - t) * stim_rate * osc_amp_scale / dur, osc_freq, t) \
if (t > start) and (t < dur/2.0) else 0
start = 0
pnclus = round(params['shifting_frac'] * len(EI)) # How many PNs should share the same starting time?
for jj, index in enumerate(EI):
pn_spikes[index] += list(nhpp.nhpp_thinning(ei_rate_fn, dur, delta) + onset)
clusters[onset + start].append(index)
diff = jj - len(EI) * start_frac
if (diff > 0) and (round(diff) % pnclus == 0):
start += lfp_bin
# PNs active only in last half of odour presentation
ie_rate_fn = lambda t: stim_rate + osc_fn((dur - t) * 2.0 * stim_rate * osc_amp_scale / dur, osc_freq, t) \
if (t > start) else 0
start = dur / 2.0
pnclus = round(params['shifting_frac'] * len(IE)) # How many PNs should share the same starting time?
for jj, index in enumerate(IE):
pn_spikes[index] += list(nhpp.nhpp_thinning(ie_rate_fn, dur, delta) + onset)
clusters[onset + start].append(index)
diff = jj - len(IE) * start_frac
if (diff > 0) and (round(diff) % pnclus == 0):
start += lfp_bin
# off response
off_rate_fn = lambda t: stim_rate + osc_fn((offdur - t) * stim_rate * osc_amp_scale / offdur, osc_freq, t) \
if (t > start) else 0
start = 0
pnclus = round(params['shifting_frac'] * len(EI)) # How many PNs should share the same starting time?
for jj, index in enumerate(EI):
pn_spikes[index] += list(nhpp.nhpp_thinning(off_rate_fn, offdur, delta) + onset + dur)
clusters[onset + dur + start].append(index)
diff = jj - len(EI) * start_frac
if (diff > 0) and (round(diff) % pnclus == 0):
start += lfp_bin
start = 0
pnclus = round(params['shifting_frac'] * len(II)) # How many PNs should share the same starting time?
for jj, index in enumerate(II):
pn_spikes[index] += list(nhpp.nhpp_thinning(off_rate_fn, offdur, delta) + onset + dur)
clusters[onset + dur + start].append(index)
diff = jj - len(II) * start_frac
if (diff > 0) and (round(diff) % pnclus == 0):
start += lfp_bin
qst = []
for ii, st in enumerate(pn_spikes):
st = np.array(st)
qst.append(Q_(st, 's'))
pn_spikes = qst
end = timer()
logger.info('Finished PN output creation in {} s'.format(end - start))
return pn_spikes, clusters, response_types
# pn_output.py ends here