# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Jun 25 13:55:10 2019
@author: Subhasis
import sys
import os
import shutil
import numpy as np
import h5py as h5
import pandas as pd
import yaml
import argparse
import network_data_analysis as nda
"""Find the highest spiking KCs so we can disconnect them and repeat the
network model simulation"""
def make_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Disconnect high firing KCs from data file to create a template network')
parser.add_argument('--limit', type=int, default=5, help='Upper limit of allowed KC spike count')
parser.add_argument('--sdir', type=str, help='source directory')
parser.add_argument('--tdir', type=str, help='target directory')
parser.add_argument('--jid', type=str, help='JID of source dataset')
return parser
def remove_high_firing_kcs(jid, limit, sdir, tdir):
"""Remove KCs firing more than `limit` from dataset of `jid`. `sdir`
points to directory containing the data file, `tdir` is where the
output file will be written. If source file is called `x.h5`,
output file will be `x_kc{limit}.h5`
fpath = nda.find_h5_file(jid, sdir)
kc_spike_count = []
with h5.File(fpath, 'r') as fd:
for kc, spikes in fd[nda.kc_st_path].items():
kc_spike_count.append((spikes.attrs['source'], len(spikes)))
forig_path = fd.attrs['original']
print(jid, ': original template:', forig_path)
except KeyError:
forig_path = fpath
syn = fd[nda.pn_kc_syn_path]
if len(syn.shape) == 2:
syn_orig = pd.DataFrame(data=syn[:, 0])
syn_orig = pd.DataFrame(data=syn[:])
kc_spikes = pd.DataFrame(kc_spike_count, columns=['kc', 'spikes'])
print('# kcs > 5 spikes:', len(kc_spikes[kc_spikes['spikes'] > 5]))
print('# kcs > 10 spikes:', len(kc_spikes[kc_spikes['spikes'] > 10]))
print('# spiking kcs:', len(kc_spikes[kc_spikes['spikes'] > 0]))
orig_0 = set(np.where(syn_orig['gmax'] == 0)[0])
over = kc_spikes[kc_spikes['spikes'] > limit]
print('{} kcs spiked more than {} spikes'.format(len(over), limit))
if len(over) == 0:
print('No KCs meet criterion. Nothing to do')
return 0
over_syn = pd.merge(syn_orig, over, left_on='post', right_on='kc')
print('Synapses to > limit kcs', len(over_syn))
print('Synapse to these kcs set to 0?', len(np.flatnonzero(over_syn['gmax'].values == 0)))
# This is tricky - a simulation based on a template used to
# generate a datafile with external reference to the synapse
# datasets in the template. So attempt to generate another
# template by updating synapses in the produced datafile
# referred back to the original template.
fname = os.path.basename(fpath).rpartition('.')[0]
out_fname = '{}_kc{}.h5'.format(fname, limit)
outfile = os.path.join(tdir, out_fname)
if os.path.exists(outfile):
print(f'File already exists: {outfile}')
return 0
# 2019-07-15 - copying forig_path resulted in losing KC spike
# information from new simulation (fpath). Now that I save the
# synapses directly, instead of an external ref, there is no need
# to copy forig.
print('Copying data from {} as {} to update using {} KC spiking'.format(forig_path, outfile, fpath))
shutil.copyfile(forig_path, outfile)
print('Disabling PN synapses to KCs firing > {} spikes'.format(limit))
changed_syn_count = 0
with h5.File(outfile, 'a') as ofd:
syndf = ofd[nda.pn_kc_syn_path]
# Set the conductances to each KC spiking more than 5 spikes to 0
for row in over.itertuples():
idx = np.where(syn_orig['post'] == row.kc)[0]
# print('Common 0 syn:', len(set(idx).intersection(orig_0)))
changed_syn_count += len(idx)
syndf[idx, 0, 'gmax'] = 0.0
print('Modified: synapses set to 0 conductance:', changed_syn_count)
print('Original: synapses with 0 conductance:', len(syn_orig[syn_orig['gmax'] == 0.0]))
with h5.File(outfile, 'r') as o2:
syn_new = pd.DataFrame(data=o2[nda.pn_kc_syn_path][:, 0])
print('# synapses in updated file', len(syn_new))
print('# shape of synapse data in updated file', syn_new.shape)
print('# synapses with 0 conductance', len(syn_new[syn_new['gmax'] == 0.0]))
assert (len(syn_new[syn_new['gmax'] == 0.0]) - len(syn_orig[syn_orig['gmax'] == 0.0])) == changed_syn_count
print('Finished checking updated file')
return changed_syn_count
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = make_parser()
args = parser.parse_args()
changed_syn_count = remove_high_firing_kcs(args.jid, args.limit, args.sdir, args.tdir)
if changed_syn_count == 0: