# ephys.py ---
# Filename: ephys.py
# Description:
# Author: Subhasis Ray
# Maintainer:
# Created: Fri May 6 14:45:36 2016 (-0400)
# Version:
# Package-Requires: ()
# Last-Updated: Tue Jul 24 14:56:34 2018 (-0400)
# By: Subhasis Ray
# Update #: 924
# Commentary:
# Code:
"""Utilities for electrophysiology simulation experiments."""
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import numpy as np
from config import Q_, ur, h
from scipy.optimize import minimize
def calc_em(elist, glist):
"""Takes a list of the reversal potential of the different ions and a
list of the corresponding ionic conductances.
return np.dot(elist, glist) / np.sum(glist)
def balance_gbar(em, elist, glist):
"""Balance the gbar of `index`-th entry in glist such that we get em
as steady state potential"""
def fun(x):
ret = np.abs(calc_em(elist, x) - em)
return ret
bounds = [(0, None) for ii in glist]
res = minimize(fun, glist, method='SLSQP', bounds=bounds, tol=1e-6)
return res
class Mechanism(object):
"""This snippet is modified from that by Andrew Davison.
def __init__(self, name, **parameters):
self.name = name
self.parameters = parameters
def insert_into(self, section):
for name, value in self.parameters.items():
for segment in section:
mech = getattr(segment, self.name)
setattr(mech, name, value)
def set_mech_param(section, mech_name, param_name, param_value):
"""Set parameter value for mechanism in every segment in section"""
for segment in section:
mech = getattr(segment, mech_name)
setattr(mech, param_name, param_value)
def create_mechs(param_dict):
"""Create mechanisms from parameter dictionary. It should be a dict of
dict like: {name: {'gbar': gbar_quantity}} except for passive conductance
`pas`, which must have {'g': gpas_quantity, 'e': epas_quantity}
Returns: a dict of {name: ephys.Mechanism}
ret = {}
for name, params in param_dict.items():
if name == 'pas':
gpas = Q_(params['g'])
epas = Q_(params['e'])
mech = Mechanism(name, g=gpas.to('S/cm**2').m,
mech = Mechanism(name, gbar=Q_(params['gbar']).to('S/cm**2').m)
ret[name] = mech
return ret
def create_cable(name, diameter, length, nseg, RA,
CM=Q_('1.0uF/cm**2'), mechs=[], ek=Q_('-80.0mV'),
ena=Q_('60.0mV'), eca=Q_('60.0mV'), verbose=False):
"""Create a cable with specified dimeter, length and number of
segments and insert the mechanisms in mechs list.
diameter (um): cable diameter
length (um): cable length
nseg: number of segments to divide the cable into
RA (ohm-cm): specific axial resistance
CM (uF/cm2): specific membrane capacitance.
mechs (Mechanism): list of mechanisms to be inserted into the
section. You may want to update the properties later using
ek (mV): K+ reversal potential
ena (mV): Na+ reversal potential
eca (mV): Ca2+ reversal potential.
cable: a new Section with all the properties and mechanisms.
cable = h.Section(name=name)
cable.diam = diameter.to(ur.um).m
cable.L = length.to(ur.um).m
cable.cm = CM.to('uF/cm**2').m
cable.Ra = RA.to('ohm*cm').m
cable.nseg = nseg
for mech in mechs:
if hasattr(cable, 'ek'):
cable.ek = ek.to('mV').m
if hasattr(cable, 'ena'):
cable.ena = ena.to('mV').m
if hasattr(cable, 'eca'):
cable.eca = eca.to('mV').m
if verbose:
print('Created cable', name, 'with', nseg, 'segments')
for x in cable:
print('Segment at', x.x, 'diam=', x.diam, 'area=', x.area(),
'area computed=', np.pi * x.diam * cable.L / cable.nseg,
'ri=', x.ri(), 'computed ri=',
0.01 * cable.Ra * (cable.L / 2 / cable.nseg) /
(np.pi * (x.diam / 2) ** 2))
for mech in mechs:
m = getattr(x, mech.name)
print(' Has mechanism', m.name())
return cable
def setup_sec_rec(cable, field, t=None):
"""Create and return a list of vectors to record `field` from every segment of
the cable"""
vecs = []
for seg in cable:
vec = h.Vector()
# # https://www.neuron.yale.edu/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1442 tells how nrn counts node pos
# pos = (0.5 + n) / cable.nseg
# print('Measuring Vm of segment', n, 'at', pos)
# if pos > 1.0:
# pos = 1.0
if t is None:
vec.record(getattr(seg, '_ref_{}'.format(field)))
vec.record(getattr(seg, '_ref_{}'.format(field)), t)
return vecs
def setup_mech_rec(cable, mechname, field):
"""Record the specified field of the mechanism `mechname` from all
segments of the cable"""
vecs = []
for n in range(cable.nseg):
vec = h.Vector()
# https://www.neuron.yale.edu/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1442 tells how nrn counts node pos
pos = (0.5 + n) / cable.nseg
print('Measuring {}.{} of segment {} at {}'.format(mechname, field, n,
if pos > 1.0:
pos = 1.0
mech = getattr(cable(pos), mechname)
fieldref = getattr(mech, '_ref_{}'.format(field))
return vecs
def setup_current_clamp(cable, delay=100.0 * ur.ms, duration=10.0 * ur.ms,
amplitude=100 * ur.nA,
"""Insert a current clamp electrode to deliver `amplitude` nA current
at `pos` fraction of length for `duration` ms starting at `delay`
trode = h.IClamp(cable(pos))
# avoid conflict with python keyword `del`
trode.delay = delay.to(ur.ms).m
trode.dur = duration.to(ur.ms).m
trode.amp = amplitude.to(ur.nA).m
print('Inserted current clamp electrode at', pos,
'fraction of cable to deliver', amplitude,
'nA current starting at', delay, 'ms for', duration, 'ms')
return trode
def setup_voltage_clamp(cable, vhold, thold, vpre, tpre, vclamp,
tclamp, pos=0.0, rs=Q_('0.001Mohm')):
"""Create a voltage clamp at `pos` location on `cable`.
vhold: holding voltage (with unit, converted to mV)
thold: holding period (with unit, converted to ms)
vpre: prepulse voltage (with unit, converted to mV)
tpre: prepulse period (with unit, converted to ms)
vclamp: clamping voltage (with unit, converted to mV)
tclamp: clamping period (with unit, converted to ms)
rs: series resistance with clamp circuit (with unit, converted to Mohm)
clamp = h.SEClamp(pos, sec=cable)
clamp.rs = rs.to(ur.Mohm).m
clamp.amp1 = vhold.to(ur.mV).m
clamp.dur1 = thold.to(ur.ms).m
clamp.amp2 = vpre.to(ur.mV).m
clamp.dur2 = tpre.to(ur.ms).m
clamp.amp3 = vclamp.to(ur.mV).m
clamp.dur3 = tclamp.to(ur.ms).m
return clamp
def update_section(sec, args):
"""Update section properties.
args: {name: value} for parameters.
The names `length`, `dia` and `RA` are mapped to L, diam and Ra
`length`: section.L
`dia`: section.diam
`nseg`: section.nseg
for all mechanisms, the entries should be:
name: {field: value, ...}
sec.L = args.pop('length', sec.L)
sec.diam = args.pop('dia', Q_(sec.diam, 'um')).to('um').m
sec.Ra = args.pop('RA', Q_(sec.Ra, 'ohm*cm')).to('ohm*cm').m
sec.nseg = args.pop('nseg', sec.nseg)
for mech, params in args.items():
for pname, pvalue in params.items():
if pname.startswith('g'):
val = pvalue.to('S/cm**2').m
elif pname.startswith('e'):
val = pvalue.to('mV').m
raise Exception('Do not know how to handle {} {}'.format(pname, pvalue))
set_mech_param(sec, mech, pname, val)
# ephys.py ends here