# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Plot parameter sweep data for synchronized synaptic input to GGN
Created on Fri May 12 12:40:50 2017
@author: Subhasis
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import h5py as h5
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
with h5.File('data/B_Vm_multi_syn_20170510_171812.h5', 'r') as fd:
for ii in range(10):
fig = plt.figure()
for jj in range(10):
simno = ii * 10 + jj
simgrp = fd['simulation_{}'.format(simno)]
print('simgroup', simgrp)
syninfo = simgrp['syninfo']
RA = simgrp.attrs['RA']
RM = 1.0/simgrp.attrs['g_pas']
print(RA, RM)
ax = fig.add_subplot(5,2, jj+1)
ax.set_title('RA {:0.2f} ohm-cm, RM {:.2f} kohm-cm2'.format(RA, RM/1000))
t = simgrp['time']
for node in simgrp:
if not node.startswith('v_'):
v = simgrp[node]
sec = v.attrs['section']
if sec in syninfo:
# print('Synapse', sec)
ax.plot(t, v, 'g--')
elif 'dend_5' in str(sec):
ax.plot(t, v, 'y-')
fig.set_size_inches((8, 6))
fig.savefig('Vm_multi_syn_20170510_171812_{}.png'.format(ii), transparent=True)