Model {
  Name			  "meart_target_60"
  Version		  6.5
  MdlSubVersion		  0
  GraphicalInterface {
    NumRootInports	    0
    NumRootOutports	    0
    ParameterArgumentNames  ""
    ComputedModelVersion    "1.934"
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    NumTestPointedSignals   0
  SavedCharacterEncoding  "windows-1252"
  SaveDefaultBlockParams  on
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  LibraryLinkDisplay	  "none"
  WideLines		  off
  ShowLineDimensions	  on
  ShowPortDataTypes	  on
  ShowLoopsOnError	  on
  IgnoreBidirectionalLines off
  ShowStorageClass	  off
  ShowTestPointIcons	  on
  ShowViewerIcons	  on
  SortedOrder		  off
  ExecutionContextIcon	  off
  ShowLinearizationAnnotations on
  ScopeRefreshTime	  0.035000
  OverrideScopeRefreshTime on
  DisableAllScopes	  off
  DataTypeOverride	  "UseLocalSettings"
  MinMaxOverflowLogging	  "UseLocalSettings"
  MinMaxOverflowArchiveMode "Overwrite"
  BlockNameDataTip	  off
  BlockParametersDataTip  off
  BlockDescriptionStringDataTip	off
  ToolBar		  on
  StatusBar		  on
  BrowserShowLibraryLinks off
  BrowserLookUnderMasks	  off
  CloseFcn		  "rtwprivate ssgencode ModelCloseRequest meart_target"
  Created		  "Wed Jan 10 14:49:36 2007"
  Creator		  "cdfz"
  UpdateHistory		  "UpdateHistoryNever"
  ModifiedByFormat	  "%<Auto>"
  LastModifiedBy	  "avnerw"
  ModifiedDateFormat	  "%<Auto>"
  LastModifiedDate	  "Sun Dec 20 12:17:42 2009"
  ModelVersionFormat	  "1.%<AutoIncrement:934>"
  ConfigurationManager	  "None"
  LinearizationMsg	  "none"
  Profile		  off
  ParamWorkspaceSource	  "MATLABWorkspace"
  AccelSystemTargetFile	  "accel.tlc"
  AccelTemplateMakefile	  "accel_default_tmf"
  AccelMakeCommand	  "make_rtw"
  TryForcingSFcnDF	  off
  RecordCoverage	  off
  CovPath		  "/"
  CovSaveName		  "covdata"
  CovMetricSettings	  "dw"
  CovNameIncrementing	  off
  CovHtmlReporting	  on
  covSaveCumulativeToWorkspaceVar on
  CovSaveSingleToWorkspaceVar on
  CovCumulativeVarName	  "covCumulativeData"
  CovCumulativeReport	  off
  CovReportOnPause	  on
  ExtModeBatchMode	  off
  ExtModeEnableFloating	  on
  ExtModeTrigType	  "manual"
  ExtModeTrigMode	  "normal"
  ExtModeTrigPort	  "1"
  ExtModeTrigElement	  "any"
  ExtModeTrigDuration	  1000
  ExtModeTrigDurationFloating "auto"
  ExtModeTrigHoldOff	  0
  ExtModeTrigDelay	  0
  ExtModeTrigDirection	  "rising"
  ExtModeTrigLevel	  0
  ExtModeArchiveMode	  "off"
  ExtModeAutoIncOneShot	  off
  ExtModeIncDirWhenArm	  off
  ExtModeAddSuffixToVar	  off
  ExtModeWriteAllDataToWs off
  ExtModeArmWhenConnect	  on
  ExtModeSkipDownloadWhenConnect off
  ExtModeLogAll		  on
  ExtModeAutoUpdateStatusClock on
  TunableVars		  "closeonsingleenbale"
  TunableVarsStorageClass "Auto"
  BufferReuse		  off
  ProdHWDeviceType	  "32-bit xPC Target (AMD Athlon)"
  ShowModelReferenceBlockVersion off
  ShowModelReferenceBlockIO off
  Array {
    Type		    "Handle"
    Dimension		    1
    Simulink.ConfigSet {
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      Version		      "1.2.0"
      Array {
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	Dimension		7
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	  Version		  "1.2.0"
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	  StopTime		  "Inf"
	  AbsTol		  "auto"
	  FixedStep		  "0.0005"
	  InitialStep		  "auto"
	  MaxNumMinSteps	  "-1"
	  MaxOrder		  5
	  ConsecutiveZCsStepRelTol "10*128*eps"
	  MaxConsecutiveZCs	  "1000"
	  ExtrapolationOrder	  4
	  NumberNewtonIterations  1
	  MaxStep		  "auto"
	  MinStep		  "auto"
	  MaxConsecutiveMinStep	  "1"
	  RelTol		  "1e-3"
	  SolverMode		  "Auto"
	  Solver		  "FixedStepDiscrete"
	  SolverName		  "FixedStepDiscrete"
	  ZeroCrossControl	  "UseLocalSettings"
	  AlgebraicLoopSolver	  "TrustRegion"
	  SolverResetMethod	  "Fast"
	  PositivePriorityOrder	  off
	  AutoInsertRateTranBlk	  off
	  SampleTimeConstraint	  "Unconstrained"
	  RateTranMode		  "Deterministic"
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	  Decimation		  "1"
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	  MaxDataPoints		  "1000"
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	  TimeSaveName		  "tout"
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	  SignalLoggingName	  "logsout"
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	  OutputTimes		  "[]"
	  Refine		  "1"
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	    Cell		    "ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup"
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	  FoldNonRolledExpr	  on
	  LocalBlockOutputs	  off
	  ParameterPooling	  on
	  RollThreshold		  5
	  SystemCodeInlineAuto	  off
	  StateBitsets		  off
	  DataBitsets		  off
	  UseTempVars		  on
	  ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup on
	  ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup on
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	  SignalInfNanChecking	  "none"
	  ReadBeforeWriteMsg	  "UseLocalSettings"
	  WriteAfterWriteMsg	  "UseLocalSettings"
	  WriteAfterReadMsg	  "UseLocalSettings"
	  AlgebraicLoopMsg	  "warning"
	  ArtificialAlgebraicLoopMsg "warning"
	  CheckSSInitialOutputMsg on
	  CheckExecutionContextPreStartOutputMsg off
	  CheckExecutionContextRuntimeOutputMsg	off
	  SignalResolutionControl "TryResolveAllWithWarning"
	  BlockPriorityViolationMsg "warning"
	  MinStepSizeMsg	  "warning"
	  TimeAdjustmentMsg	  "none"
	  MaxConsecutiveZCsMsg	  "error"
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	  InheritedTsInSrcMsg	  "warning"
	  DiscreteInheritContinuousMsg "warning"
	  MultiTaskDSMMsg	  "error"
	  MultiTaskCondExecSysMsg "error"
	  MultiTaskRateTransMsg	  "error"
	  SingleTaskRateTransMsg  "none"
	  TasksWithSamePriorityMsg "warning"
	  SigSpecEnsureSampleTimeMsg "warning"
	  CheckMatrixSingularityMsg "none"
	  IntegerOverflowMsg	  "warning"
	  Int32ToFloatConvMsg	  "warning"
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	  ParameterOverflowMsg	  "error"
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	  ParameterPrecisionLossMsg "warning"
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	  UnnecessaryDatatypeConvMsg "none"
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	  InvalidFcnCallConnMsg	  "error"
	  FcnCallInpInsideContextMsg "Use local settings"
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	  UnconnectedOutputMsg	  "warning"
	  UnconnectedLineMsg	  "warning"
	  SFcnCompatibilityMsg	  "none"
	  UniqueDataStoreMsg	  "none"
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	  AssertControl		  "UseLocalSettings"
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	  ModelReferenceIOMismatchMessage "none"
	  ModelReferenceCSMismatchMessage "none"
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	  ModelReferenceDataLoggingMessage "warning"
	  ModelReferenceSymbolNameMessage "warning"
	  ModelReferenceExtraNoncontSigs "error"
	  StrictBusMsg		  "Warning"
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	  ProdBitPerInt		  32
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	  ProdEndianess		  "LittleEndian"
	  ProdWordSize		  32
	  ProdShiftRightIntArith  on
	  ProdHWDeviceType	  "32-bit xPC Target (AMD Athlon)"
	  TargetBitPerChar	  8
	  TargetBitPerShort	  16
	  TargetBitPerInt	  32
	  TargetBitPerLong	  32
	  TargetShiftRightIntArith on
	  TargetIntDivRoundTo	  "Undefined"
	  TargetEndianess	  "Unspecified"
	  TargetWordSize	  32
	  TargetTypeEmulationWarnSuppressLevel 0
	  TargetPreprocMaxBitsSint 32
	  TargetPreprocMaxBitsUint 32
	  TargetHWDeviceType	  "Specified"
	  TargetUnknown		  off
	  ProdEqTarget		  on
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	  Version		  "1.2.0"
	  UpdateModelReferenceTargets "IfOutOfDateOrStructuralChange"
	  CheckModelReferenceTargetMessage "error"
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	Simulink.RTWCC {
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	  TemplateMakefile	  "xpc_default_tmf"
	  Description		  "xPC Target"
	  GenerateReport	  off
	  SaveLog		  off
	  RTWVerbose		  on
	  RetainRTWFile		  off
	  ProfileTLC		  off
	  TLCDebug		  off
	  TLCCoverage		  off
	  TLCAssert		  off
	  ProcessScriptMode	  "Default"
	  ConfigurationMode	  "Optimized"
	  ProcessScript		  "xpctarget_make_rtw_hook"
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	  LaunchReport		  off
	  TargetLang		  "C"
	  IncludeBusHierarchyInRTWFileBlockHierarchyMap	off
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	    Dimension		    2
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	      PreserveNameWithParent  off
	      ShowEliminatedStatement off
	      IncAutoGenComments      off
	      SimulinkDataObjDesc     off
	      SFDataObjDesc	      off
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	      CustomSymbolStrBlkIO    "rtb_$N$M"
	      CustomSymbolStrTmpVar   "$N$M"
	      CustomSymbolStrMacro    "$R$N$M"
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	      ParamNamingRule	      "None"
	      SignalNamingRule	      "None"
	      InsertBlockDesc	      off
	      SimulinkBlockComments   on
	      EnableCustomComments    off
	      InlinedPrmAccess	      "Literals"
	      ReqsInCode	      off
	    xpctarget.xpcTargetCC {
	      $BackupClass	      "Simulink.TargetCC"
	      $ObjectID		      10
	      Array {
		Type			"Cell"
		Dimension		13
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		Cell			"SupportNonFinite"
		Cell			"SupportComplex"
		Cell			"SupportAbsoluteTime"
		Cell			"SupportContinuousTime"
		Cell			"SupportNonInlinedSFcns"
		PropName		"DisabledProps"
	      Version		      "1.2.0"
	      TargetFcnLib	      "ansi_tfl_tmw.mat"
	      TargetLibSuffix	      ""
	      TargetPreCompLibLocation ""
	      GenFloatMathFcnCalls    "ANSI_C"
	      UtilityFuncGeneration   "Auto"
	      GenerateFullHeader      on
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	      GenerateTestInterfaces  off
	      IsPILTarget	      off
	      ModelReferenceCompliant on
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	      CombineOutputUpdateFcns off
	      SuppressErrorStatus     off
	      IncludeFileDelimiter    "Auto"
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	      LogVarNameModifier      "rt_"
	      MatFileLogging	      on
	      MultiInstanceERTCode    off
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	      SupportComplex	      on
	      PurelyIntegerCode	      off
	      SupportContinuousTime   on
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	      ParenthesesLevel	      "Nominal"
	      RL32ModeModifier	      "Real-Time"
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	      xPCIRQSourceBoard	      "UEI_MFx"
	      xPCIOIRQSlot	      "-1"
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      Name		      "Configuration"
      SimulationMode	      "external"
      CurrentDlgPage	      "Real-Time Workshop/xPC Target options"
    PropName		    "ConfigurationSets"
  Simulink.ConfigSet {
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    Block {
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    Block {
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      RndMeth		      "Zero"
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      SampleTime	      "-1"
    Block {
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      Outputs		      "4"
      DisplayOption	      "none"
      BusSelectionMode	      off
    Block {
      BlockType		      EnablePort
      StatesWhenEnabling      "held"
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    Block {
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      IterationSource	      "internal"
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      IterationVariableDataType	"int32"
    Block {
      BlockType		      Gain
      Gain		      "1"
      Multiplication	      "Element-wise(K.*u)"
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      ParameterDataType	      "sfix(16)"
      ParameterScalingMode    "Best Precision: Matrix-wise"
      ParameterScaling	      "2^0"
      OutDataTypeMode	      "Same as input"
      OutDataType	      "sfix(16)"
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      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	on
      SampleTime	      "-1"
    Block {
      BlockType		      Ground
    Block {
      BlockType		      HitCross
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      HitCrossingDirection    "either"
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      SampleTime	      "-1"
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      SamplingMode	      "auto"
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      LatchByCopyingInsideSignal off
      Interpolate	      on
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      BlockType		      Logic
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      AllPortsSameDT	      on
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      LogicDataType	      "uint(8)"
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      BlockType		      MultiPortSwitch
      Inputs		      "4"
      zeroidx		      off
      InputSameDT	      on
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      RndMeth		      "Floor"
      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	on
      SampleTime	      "-1"
    Block {
      BlockType		      Mux
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      DisplayOption	      "none"
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      BusObject		      "BusObject"
      NonVirtualBus	      off
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      BusObject		      "BusObject"
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      SampleTime	      "-1"
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      SignalType	      "auto"
      SamplingMode	      "auto"
      OutputWhenDisabled      "held"
      InitialOutput	      "[]"
    Block {
      BlockType		      Product
      Inputs		      "2"
      Multiplication	      "Element-wise(.*)"
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      OutDataType	      "sfix(16)"
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      LockScale		      off
      RndMeth		      "Zero"
      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	on
      SampleTime	      "-1"
    Block {
      BlockType		      RateTransition
      Integrity		      on
      Deterministic	      on
      X0		      "0"
      OutPortSampleTime	      "-1"
    Block {
      BlockType		      RelationalOperator
      Operator		      ">="
      InputSameDT	      on
      LogicOutDataTypeMode    "Logical (see Configuration Parameters: Optimiza"
      LogicDataType	      "uint(8)"
      ZeroCross		      on
      SampleTime	      "-1"
    Block {
      BlockType		      Reshape
      OutputDimensionality    "1-D array"
      OutputDimensions	      "[1,1]"
    Block {
      BlockType		      Saturate
      UpperLimit	      "0.5"
      LowerLimit	      "-0.5"
      LinearizeAsGain	      on
      ZeroCross		      on
      SampleTime	      "-1"
    Block {
      BlockType		      Selector
      IndexMode		      "One-based"
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      OutputPortSize	      "1"
    Block {
      BlockType		      "S-Function"
      FunctionName	      "system"
      SFunctionModules	      "''"
      PortCounts	      "[]"
    Block {
      BlockType		      SignalSpecification
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      SamplingMode	      "auto"
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      RTWMemSecFuncExecute    "Inherit from model"
      RTWMemSecDataConstants  "Inherit from model"
      RTWMemSecDataInternal   "Inherit from model"
      RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
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    Block {
      BlockType		      Sum
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      Inputs		      "++"
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      LockScale		      off
      RndMeth		      "Floor"
      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	on
      SampleTime	      "-1"
    Block {
      BlockType		      Switch
      Criteria		      "u2 >= Threshold"
      Threshold		      "0"
      InputSameDT	      on
      OutDataTypeMode	      "Inherit via internal rule"
      RndMeth		      "Floor"
      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	on
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      SampleTime	      "-1"
    Block {
      BlockType		      Terminator
    Block {
      BlockType		      TriggerPort
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      SampleTimeType	      "triggered"
      SampleTime	      "1"
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      BlockType		      UnitDelay
      X0		      "0"
      SampleTime	      "1"
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      RTWStateStorageClass    "Auto"
    Block {
      BlockType		      WhileIterator
      MaxIters		      "5"
      WhileBlockType	      "while"
      ResetStates	      "held"
      ShowIterationPort	      off
      OutputDataType	      "int32"
    Block {
      BlockType		      Width
      OutputDataTypeScalingMode	"Choose intrinsic data type"
      DataType		      "double"
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		  Position		  [240, 48, 275, 82]
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		  SourceType		  "Integer Delay"
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		  samptime		  "-1"
		  NumDelays		  "refractoryperiod"
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		  BlockType		  Logic
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		  Position		  [160, 43, 195, 167]
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		  DstPort		  2
		Line {
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		  SrcPort		  1
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		    DstPort		    1
		  Branch {
		    Points		    [0, -75]
		    Branch {
		    Points		    [0, -40]
		    DstBlock		    "Integer Delay1"
		    DstPort		    1
		    Branch {
		    DstBlock		    "Re-Enable"
		    DstPort		    1
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		    Points		    [0, 105]
		    DstBlock		    "Logical\nOperator"
		    DstPort		    1
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		  DstPort		  2
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		  SrcPort		  1
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		  DstPort		  1
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		  SrcPort		  1
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		  DstPort		  3
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	      Name		      "Out"
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	    Line {
	      SrcBlock		      "Minimum"
	      SrcPort		      1
	      DstBlock		      "Hit \nCrossing"
	      DstPort		      1
	    Line {
	      SrcBlock		      "Hit \nCrossing"
	      SrcPort		      1
	      DstBlock		      "Refractory"
	      DstPort		      1
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	      SrcBlock		      "In"
	      SrcPort		      1
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	      SrcPort		      1
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	      DstPort		      1
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	      SrcBlock		      "Disable"
	      SrcPort		      1
	      DstBlock		      "Held Disable"
	      DstPort		      1
	    Line {
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	      SrcPort		      1
	      Points		      [15, 0; 0, -90]
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	Block {
	  BlockType		  Concatenate
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	  Position		  [630, 365, 675, 465]
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	  Mode			  "Vertical matrix concatenation"
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	  BlockType		  Constant
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	  OutDataType		  "sfix(16)"
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	  OutScaling		  "2^0"
	  SampleTime		  "frametime"
	  FramePeriod		  "inf"
	Block {
	  BlockType		  SubSystem
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	  Position		  [1160, 549, 1260, 591]
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	  MaskValueString	  "onsetwindowsize|onsetchannelmask"
	  MaskTabNameString	  ","
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	    Block {
	      BlockType		      Sum
	      Name		      "Add Intra-Frame\nTime Offset"
	      Ports		      [2, 1]
	      Position		      [565, 155, 585, 175]
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	      IconShape		      "round"
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	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
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	      BlockType		      Constant
	      Name		      "Constant"
	      Position		      [65, 68, 300, 92]
	      Value		      "repmat([(buffersizeframes*8):-8:8]',1,6"
	      VectorParams1D	      off
	      SamplingMode	      "Sample based"
	      OutDataTypeMode	      "uint32"
	      OutDataType	      "sfix(16)"
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	      OutScaling	      "2^0"
	      SampleTime	      "inf"
	      FramePeriod	      "inf"
	    Block {
	      BlockType		      DataTypeConversion
	      Name		      "Data Type Conversion"
	      Position		      [100, 147, 140, 173]
	      OutDataTypeMode	      "int8"
	      RndMeth		      "Floor"
	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
	    Block {
	      BlockType		      Reference
	      Name		      "Delay Line"
	      Ports		      [1, 1]
	      Position		      [250, 144, 310, 196]
	      SourceBlock	      "dspbuff3/Delay Line"
	      SourceType	      "Delay Line"
	      siz		      "buffersizeframes"
	      ic		      "0"
	      directfeed	      off
	    Block {
	      BlockType		      Product
	      Name		      "Divide"
	      Ports		      [2, 1]
	      Position		      [470, 147, 500, 178]
	      Inputs		      "**"
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	      OutScaling	      "2^-10"
	      RndMeth		      "Floor"
	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
	    Block {
	      BlockType		      Constant
	      Name		      "Enable Channels"
	      Position		      [25, 223, 145, 247]
	      Value		      "enablechannelmask"
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	      SamplingMode	      "Sample based"
	      OutDataTypeMode	      "int8"
	      OutDataType	      "sfix(16)"
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	      OutScaling	      "2^0"
	      SampleTime	      "inf"
	      FramePeriod	      "inf"
	    Block {
	      BlockType		      Reference
	      Name		      "Order Channels\nBy Onset Time"
	      Ports		      [1, 2]
	      Position		      [835, 153, 900, 202]
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	      DialogControllerArgs    "DataTag1"
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	      SourceType	      "Sort"
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	      dir		      "Descending"
	      sortAlg		      "Insertion sort"
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	      allowOverrides	      on
	      accumMode		      "Same as product output"
	      accumWordLength	      "32"
	      accumFracLength	      "30"
	      prodOutputMode	      "Same as input"
	      prodOutputWordLength    "32"
	      prodOutputFracLength    "30"
	      roundingMode	      "Floor"
	      overflowMode	      off
	      LockScale		      off
	    Block {
	      BlockType		      Reference
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	      Position		      [660, 137, 740, 193]
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	      Position		      [190, 151, 220, 184]
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	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
	    Block {
	      BlockType		      Product
	      Name		      "Set Cannels With\nNo Activity To Zero"
	      Ports		      [2, 1]
	      Position		      [1015, 154, 1055, 201]
	      InputSameDT	      off
	      OutDataTypeMode	      "uint8"
	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
	    Block {
	      BlockType		      Reference
	      Name		      "Spike Ocurred\nDuring Frame?"
	      Ports		      [1, 1]
	      Position		      [380, 155, 410, 185]
	      SourceBlock	      "simulink/Logic and Bit\nOperations/Comp"
"are\nTo Zero"
	      SourceType	      "Compare To Zero"
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	      SystemSampleTime	      "-1"
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	      RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
	      relop		      ">"
	      LogicOutDataTypeMode    "boolean"
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	    Block {
	      BlockType		      Reference
	      Name		      "Spike Ocurred?"
	      Ports		      [1, 1]
	      Position		      [940, 150, 970, 180]
	      NamePlacement	      "alternate"
	      SourceBlock	      "simulink/Logic and Bit\nOperations/Comp"
"are\nTo Zero"
	      SourceType	      "Compare To Zero"
	      ShowPortLabels	      on
	      SystemSampleTime	      "-1"
	      FunctionWithSeparateData off
	      RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm   "Inherit from model"
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	      RTWMemSecDataConstants  "Inherit from model"
	      RTWMemSecDataInternal   "Inherit from model"
	      RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
	      relop		      ">"
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	    Block {
	      BlockType		      Terminator
	      Name		      "Terminator"
	      Position		      [790, 140, 810, 160]
	      NamePlacement	      "alternate"
	    Block {
	      BlockType		      Outport
	      Name		      "Order"
	      Position		      [1115, 173, 1145, 187]
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	    Line {
	      SrcBlock		      "Delay Line"
	      SrcPort		      1
	      Points		      [20, 0]
	      Branch {
		DstBlock		"Spike Ocurred\nDuring Frame?"
		DstPort			1
	      Branch {
		Points			[0, 60; 240, 0]
		DstBlock		"Add Intra-Frame\nTime Offset"
		DstPort			2
	    Line {
	      SrcBlock		      "Order Channels\nBy Onset Time"
	      SrcPort		      1
	      DstBlock		      "Spike Ocurred?"
	      DstPort		      1
	    Line {
	      SrcBlock		      "Spike Ocurred?"
	      SrcPort		      1
	      DstBlock		      "Set Cannels With\nNo Activity To Zero"
	      DstPort		      1
	    Line {
	      SrcBlock		      "Order Channels\nBy Onset Time"
	      SrcPort		      2
	      DstBlock		      "Set Cannels With\nNo Activity To Zero"
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	    Line {
	      SrcBlock		      "Peak Finder"
	      SrcPort		      2
	      DstBlock		      "Order Channels\nBy Onset Time"
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	      DstPort		      1
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	      SrcBlock		      "Add Intra-Frame\nTime Offset"
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	      DstPort		      1
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	      SrcBlock		      "Spike Ocurred\nDuring Frame?"
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	      SrcPort		      1
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	Block {
	  BlockType		  Reference
	  Name			  "PD2-MF Frame 12bit series "
	  Ports			  [0, 60]
	  Position		  [15, 15, 145, 645]
	  SourceBlock		  "xpcueilib/A//D\nFrame/PD2-MF Frame 12bit se"
"ries "
	  SourceType		  "ueipd2mf12_ad_16"
	  boardtypein		  "PD2-MF-64-3M/12H"
	  channel		  "[1:60]"
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	  mux			  "[1]"
	  range			  "+- 5 Volts"
	  sediff		  "Single Ended"
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	  clsource		  "Internal"
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	  slave			  off
	  freq			  "8/frametime*60"
	  burst			  "32"
	  pcislot		  "-1"
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	  BlockType		  Reshape
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	  Position		  [530, 316, 615, 344]
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	  OutputDimensions	  "[8,60]"
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	Line {
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	Line {
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	Line {
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	Line {
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	Line {
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	Line {
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" then output TRUE, otherwise output FALSE.  The initial condition determines "
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	      Name		      "Demux1"
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	      Position		      [170, 700, 175, 1200]
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	      Name		      "Mux"
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	      Position		      [475, 116, 480, 154]
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	      Position		      [475, 176, 480, 214]
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	  BlockType		  Ground
	  Name			  "No Send1"
	  Position		  [425, 510, 445, 530]
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	  BlockType		  Reference
	  Name			  "QSC-100"
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	  Position		  [770, 387, 845, 538]
	  SourceBlock		  "xpclib/RS232/Quatech/QSC-100/QSC-100"
	  SourceType		  "QSC-100 RS232 Send Receive"
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	  FramePeriod		  "inf"
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	    Points		    [125, 0]
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	      DstBlock		      "Switch"
	      DstPort		      2
	    Branch {
	      Points		      [0, 290]
	      DstBlock		      "Switch1"
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	  SrcPort		  1
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	  DstPort		  3
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	  SrcBlock		  "Switch"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  Points		  [100, 0; 0, 220]
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	  DstPort		  1
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "Sum"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  Points		  [35, 0; 0, 50]
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	    DstBlock		    "Unit Delay"
	    DstPort		    1
	  Branch {
	    DstBlock		    "Sent Count"
	    DstPort		    1
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "Unit Delay"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  Points		  [-25, 0; 0, -50]
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	  DstPort		  2
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "QSC-100"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  DstBlock		  "Terminator2"
	  DstPort		  1
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	  SrcPort		  2
	  DstBlock		  "Terminator4"
	  DstPort		  1
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	  SrcBlock		  "QSC-100"
	  SrcPort		  3
	  DstBlock		  "Terminator5"
	  DstPort		  1
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	  SrcBlock		  "QSC-100"
	  SrcPort		  4
	  DstBlock		  "Terminator6"
	  DstPort		  1
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "Ground4"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  DstBlock		  "QSC-100"
	  DstPort		  4
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "Robot Command"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  Points		  [515, 0; 0, 100]
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	  DstPort		  2
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	  DstPort		  3
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	  SrcPort		  1
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	  DstPort		  3
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	  SrcPort		  1
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	  DstPort		  1
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	  BlockType		  Reference
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	  Position		  [750, 260, 820, 340]
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"e (n-D)"
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	  Position		  [750, 375, 820, 455]
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"e (n-D)"
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	      X0		      "startvalue"
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	      Position		      [465, 33, 495, 47]
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	      SrcPort		      1
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	      Position		      [430, 37, 490, 73]
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	      nvars		      "1"
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	      BlockType		      Reference
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	      SrcPort		      1
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		DstPort			1
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"e (n-D)"
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	Block {
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	    Points		    [0, 100]
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	  SrcPort		  1
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	  DstPort		  1
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	  SrcPort		  1
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	  SrcPort		  1
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	    DstPort		    1
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	    Points		    [0, 90]
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	    DstPort		    1
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	  SrcPort		  1
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	  DstPort		  1
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"  : %15.0f,Bursts detected     : %15.0f,Events per Burst    : %15.0f,UDP Pack"
"ets Dropped : %15.0f, Delta T:           %15.0f, Clamp Enabled: %15.5f, Clamp"
" Control: %15.0f, Clamp Control2: %15.0f'"
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	      Position		      [350, 108, 385, 142]
	      Orientation	      "left"
	      NamePlacement	      "alternate"
	      X0		      "startvalue"
	      SampleTime	      "-1"
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	      BlockType		      Outport
	      Name		      "Count"
	      Position		      [510, 33, 540, 47]
	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
	      BusOutputAsStruct	      off
	    Line {
	      SrcBlock		      "Data Type Conversion"
	      SrcPort		      1
	      DstBlock		      "Sum"
	      DstPort		      1
	    Line {
	      SrcBlock		      "Event"
	      SrcPort		      1
	      DstBlock		      "Data Type Conversion"
	      DstPort		      1
	    Line {
	      SrcBlock		      "Sum"
	      SrcPort		      1
	      Points		      [100, 0]
	      Branch {
		DstBlock		"Count"
		DstPort			1
	      Branch {
		Points			[0, 85]
		DstBlock		"Unit Delay"
		DstPort			1
	    Line {
	      SrcBlock		      "Unit Delay"
	      SrcPort		      1
	      Points		      [-40, 0]
	      DstBlock		      "Sum"
	      DstPort		      2
	Block {
	  BlockType		  SubSystem
	  Name			  "Event Counter B"
	  Ports			  [1, 1]
	  Position		  [370, 547, 445, 593]
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	  MaskIconUnits		  "autoscale"
	  MaskValueString	  "0"
	  System {
	    Name		    "Event Counter B"
	    Location		    [313, 317, 928, 494]
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	    Block {
	      BlockType		      Inport
	      Name		      "Event"
	      Position		      [25, 33, 55, 47]
	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
	    Block {
	      BlockType		      DataTypeConversion
	      Name		      "Data Type Conversion"
	      Position		      [135, 23, 210, 57]
	      OutDataTypeMode	      "uint32"
	      RndMeth		      "Floor"
	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
	    Block {
	      BlockType		      Sum
	      Name		      "Sum"
	      Ports		      [2, 1]
	      Position		      [295, 30, 315, 50]
	      ShowName		      off
	      IconShape		      "round"
	      Inputs		      "|++"
	      InputSameDT	      off
	      OutDataTypeMode	      "Inherit via internal rule"
	      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow	off
	    Block {
	      BlockType		      UnitDelay
	      Name		      "Unit Delay"
	      Position		      [350, 108, 385, 142]
	      Orientation	      "left"
	      NamePlacement	      "alternate"
	      X0		      "startvalue"
	      SampleTime	      "-1"
	    Block {
	      BlockType		      Outport
	      Name		      "Count"
	      Position		      [510, 33, 540, 47]
	      IconDisplay	      "Port number"
	      BusOutputAsStruct	      off
	    Line {
	      SrcBlock		      "Unit Delay"
	      SrcPort		      1
	      Points		      [-40, 0]
	      DstBlock		      "Sum"
	      DstPort		      2
	    Line {
	      SrcBlock		      "Sum"
	      SrcPort		      1
	      Points		      [100, 0]
	      Branch {
		Points			[0, 85]
		DstBlock		"Unit Delay"
		DstPort			1
	      Branch {
		DstBlock		"Count"
		DstPort			1
	    Line {
	      SrcBlock		      "Event"
	      SrcPort		      1
	      DstBlock		      "Data Type Conversion"
	      DstPort		      1
	    Line {
	      SrcBlock		      "Data Type Conversion"
	      SrcPort		      1
	      DstBlock		      "Sum"
	      DstPort		      1
	Block {
	  BlockType		  Selector
	  Name			  "Select first\nElement A"
	  Ports			  [1, 1]
	  Position		  [440, 331, 480, 369]
	  InputType		  "Vector"
	  ElementSrc		  "Internal"
	  Elements		  "1"
	  RowSrc		  "Internal"
	  Rows			  "1"
	  ColumnSrc		  "Internal"
	  Columns		  "1"
	  IndexIsStartValue	  off
	Block {
	  BlockType		  Selector
	  Name			  "Select first\nElement B"
	  Ports			  [1, 1]
	  Position		  [440, 711, 480, 749]
	  InputType		  "Vector"
	  ElementSrc		  "Internal"
	  Elements		  "1"
	  RowSrc		  "Internal"
	  Rows			  "1"
	  ColumnSrc		  "Internal"
	  Columns		  "1"
	  IndexIsStartValue	  off
	Block {
	  BlockType		  RelationalOperator
	  Name			  "Stimulate A1"
	  Position		  [235, 142, 265, 173]
	  Operator		  "=="
	  InputSameDT		  off
	  LogicOutDataTypeMode	  "Boolean"
	  LogicDataType		  "uint(32)"
	  ZeroCross		  off
	Block {
	  BlockType		  RelationalOperator
	  Name			  "Stimulate A2"
	  Position		  [235, 502, 265, 533]
	  Operator		  "=="
	  InputSameDT		  off
	  LogicOutDataTypeMode	  "Boolean"
	  LogicDataType		  "uint(32)"
	  ZeroCross		  off
	Block {
	  BlockType		  Constant
	  Name			  "Stimulus Trigger Times"
	  Position		  [15, 247, 120, 273]
	  BackgroundColor	  "lightBlue"
	  NamePlacement		  "alternate"
	  Value			  "stimtimes"
	  VectorParams1D	  on
	  SamplingMode		  "Sample based"
	  OutDataTypeMode	  "uint32"
	  OutDataType		  "sfix(16)"
	  ConRadixGroup		  "Use specified scaling"
	  OutScaling		  "2^0"
	  SampleTime		  "-1"
	  FramePeriod		  "inf"
	Block {
	  BlockType		  UnitDelay
	  Name			  "Unit Delay A"
	  Position		  [475, 186, 515, 234]
	  NamePlacement		  "alternate"
	  SampleTime		  "-1"
	Block {
	  BlockType		  UnitDelay
	  Name			  "Unit Delay B"
	  Position		  [480, 546, 520, 594]
	  NamePlacement		  "alternate"
	  SampleTime		  "-1"
	Block {
	  BlockType		  Outport
	  Name			  "Stimulate A"
	  Position		  [855, 108, 885, 122]
	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
	  BusOutputAsStruct	  off
	Block {
	  BlockType		  Outport
	  Name			  "Sync"
	  Position		  [865, 468, 895, 482]
	  Port			  "2"
	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
	  BusOutputAsStruct	  off
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "Select first\nElement B"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  DstBlock		  "Compare\nTo Zero A1"
	  DstPort		  1
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "Select first\nElement A"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  DstBlock		  "Compare\nTo Zero A"
	  DstPort		  1
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "Compare\nTo Zero A1"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  Points		  [140, 0; 0, -250]
	  DstBlock		  "Enable B"
	  DstPort		  2
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "Enable B"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  DstBlock		  "Sync"
	  DstPort		  1
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "Compare\nTo Zero A"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  Points		  [150, 0; 0, -230]
	  DstBlock		  "Enable A"
	  DstPort		  2
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "Enable A"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  DstBlock		  "Stimulate A"
	  DstPort		  1
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "Unit Delay B"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  DstBlock		  "Element selector\n B"
	  DstPort		  1
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "Unit Delay A"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  DstBlock		  "Element selector A"
	  DstPort		  1
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "Element selector\n B"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  Points		  [65, 0; 0, -190; -460, 0; 0, 105]
	  DstBlock		  "Stimulate A2"
	  DstPort		  1
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "Data B"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  Points		  [265, 0]
	  Branch {
	    Points		    [0, 110]
	    DstBlock		    "Select first\nElement B"
	    DstPort		    1
	  Branch {
	    DstBlock		    "Element selector\n B"
	    DstPort		    2
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "Event Counter B"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  DstBlock		  "Unit Delay B"
	  DstPort		  1
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "Stimulate A2"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  Points		  [70, 0]
	  Branch {
	    Points		    [0, -55]
	    DstBlock		    "Enable B"
	    DstPort		    1
	  Branch {
	    Points		    [0, 50]
	    DstBlock		    "Event Counter B"
	    DstPort		    1
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "Element selector A"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  Points		  [65, 0; 0, -190; -460, 0; 0, 105]
	  DstBlock		  "Stimulate A1"
	  DstPort		  1
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "Stimulus Trigger Times"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  Points		  [215, 0]
	  Branch {
	    Points		    [0, 90]
	    DstBlock		    "Select first\nElement A"
	    DstPort		    1
	  Branch {
	    DstBlock		    "Element selector A"
	    DstPort		    2
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "Event Counter A"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  DstBlock		  "Unit Delay A"
	  DstPort		  1
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "Model Time Step"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  Points		  [70, 0]
	  Branch {
	    Points		    [0, 360]
	    DstBlock		    "Stimulate A2"
	    DstPort		    2
	  Branch {
	    DstBlock		    "Stimulate A1"
	    DstPort		    2
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "Stimulate A1"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  Points		  [70, 0]
	  Branch {
	    Points		    [0, -55]
	    DstBlock		    "Enable A"
	    DstPort		    1
	  Branch {
	    Points		    [0, 50]
	    DstBlock		    "Event Counter A"
	    DstPort		    1
    Block {
      BlockType		      Constant
      Name		      "Sync Times"
      Position		      [60, 42, 165, 68]
      BackgroundColor	      "lightBlue"
      Value		      "synctimes"
      VectorParams1D	      on
      SamplingMode	      "Sample based"
      OutDataTypeMode	      "uint32"
      OutDataType	      "sfix(16)"
      ConRadixGroup	      "Use specified scaling"
      OutScaling	      "2^0"
      SampleTime	      "-1"
      FramePeriod	      "inf"
    Block {
      BlockType		      Constant
      Name		      "Time and Indexes of stimulus \ncombination and "
      Position		      [75, 162, 180, 188]
      BackgroundColor	      "lightBlue"
      NamePlacement	      "alternate"
      Value		      "switchtimes"
      VectorParams1D	      off
      SamplingMode	      "Sample based"
      OutDataTypeMode	      "uint32"
      OutDataType	      "sfix(16)"
      ConRadixGroup	      "Use specified scaling"
      OutScaling	      "2^0"
      SampleTime	      "-1"
      FramePeriod	      "inf"
    Block {
      BlockType		      UnitDelay
      Name		      "Unit Delay1"
      Position		      [105, 403, 140, 437]
      Orientation	      "left"
      NamePlacement	      "alternate"
      SampleTime	      "-1"
    Line {
      SrcBlock		      "DAQ Frame\n(8-sample)"
      SrcPort		      2
      DstBlock		      "Network Transmit "
      DstPort		      5
    Line {
      SrcBlock		      "DAQ Frame\n(8-sample)"
      SrcPort		      3
      DstBlock		      "+-5V 12bit"
      DstPort		      1
    Line {
      SrcBlock		      "+-5V 12bit"
      SrcPort		      1
      DstBlock		      "Saturate at 8bit"
      DstPort		      1
    Line {
      SrcBlock		      "Mux"
      SrcPort		      1
      DstBlock		      "Statistical Information"
      DstPort		      1
    Line {
      SrcBlock		      "Saturate at 8bit"
      SrcPort		      1
      DstBlock		      "Network Transmit "
      DstPort		      6
    Line {
      SrcBlock		      "Sync Times"
      SrcPort		      1
      DstBlock		      "Stimulus Timer1"
      DstPort		      1
    Line {
      SrcBlock		      "Serial Command Timer"
      SrcPort		      1
      Points		      [0, -5]
      DstBlock		      "Send Serial Command"
      DstPort		      1
    Line {
      SrcBlock		      "Serial Command Timer"
      SrcPort		      2
      DstBlock		      "Send Serial Command"
      DstPort		      2
    Line {
      SrcBlock		      "Serial Command Timer"
      SrcPort		      3
      Points		      [0, 5; 125, 0]
      Branch {
	DstBlock		"Send Serial Command"
	DstPort			3
      Branch {
	Points			[0, 220]
	DstBlock		"Network Transmit "
	DstPort			3
    Line {
      SrcBlock		      "Stimulation electrodes Configurations"
      SrcPort		      1
      Points		      [25, 0]
      DstBlock		      "Serial Command Timer"
      DstPort		      2
    Line {
      SrcBlock		      "Time and Indexes of stimulus \ncombination and "
      SrcPort		      1
      Points		      [25, 0]
      DstBlock		      "Serial Command Timer"
      DstPort		      1
    Line {
      SrcBlock		      "DAQ Frame\n(8-sample)"
      SrcPort		      1
      DstBlock		      "Network Transmit "
      DstPort		      4
    Line {
      SrcBlock		      "Network Transmit "
      SrcPort		      1
      DstBlock		      "Mux1"
      DstPort		      1
    Line {
      SrcBlock		      "Network Transmit "
      SrcPort		      2
      DstBlock		      "Mux1"
      DstPort		      2
    Line {
      SrcBlock		      "Network Transmit "
      SrcPort		      3
      DstBlock		      "Mux1"
      DstPort		      3
    Line {
      SrcBlock		      "Network Transmit "
      SrcPort		      4
      DstBlock		      "Mux1"
      DstPort		      4
    Line {
      SrcBlock		      "Network Transmit "
      SrcPort		      5
      DstBlock		      "Mux1"
      DstPort		      5
    Line {
      Labels		      [1, 0]
      SrcBlock		      "Mux1"
      SrcPort		      1
      DstBlock		      "Mux"
      DstPort		      1
    Line {
      SrcBlock		      "Unit Delay1"
      SrcPort		      1
      Points		      [-50, 0; 0, 170]
      DstBlock		      "DAQ Frame\n(8-sample)"
      DstPort		      1
    Line {
      SrcBlock		      "Stimulus Intensitiy (mV) Configurations"
      SrcPort		      1
      Points		      [25, 0]
      DstBlock		      "Serial Command Timer"
      DstPort		      3
    Line {
      SrcBlock		      "Serial Command Timer"
      SrcPort		      4
      Points		      [0, 10]
      DstBlock		      "Send Serial Command"
      DstPort		      4
    Line {
      SrcBlock		      "DAQ Frame\n(8-sample)"
      SrcPort		      5
      Points		      [145, 0; 0, 50]
      DstBlock		      "Activity Monitor1"
      DstPort		      1
    Line {
      SrcBlock		      "      "
      SrcPort		      1
      Points		      [35, 0]
      Branch {
	DstBlock		"Stimulator"
	DstPort			1
      Branch {
	Points			[0, 275]
	Branch {
	  DstBlock		  "Network Transmit "
	  DstPort		  1
	Branch {
	  Points		  [0, 80]
	  DstBlock		  "Unit Delay1"
	  DstPort		  1
    Line {
      SrcBlock		      "Stimulus Timer1"
      SrcPort		      1
      DstBlock		      "      "
      DstPort		      1
    Line {
      SrcBlock		      "Stimulus Timer1"
      SrcPort		      2
      Points		      [45, 0; 0, -15]
      DstBlock		      "      "
      DstPort		      3
    Line {
      SrcBlock		      "Detect\nChange"
      SrcPort		      1
      DstBlock		      "Network Transmit "
      DstPort		      2
    Line {
      SrcBlock		      "Model\nTimestep"
      SrcPort		      1
      DstBlock		      "Stimulus Timer1"
      DstPort		      2
MatData {
  NumRecords		  3
  DataRecord {
    Tag			    DataTag2
    Data		    "  %)30     .    ,     8    (    !          %    "
"\"                0         0          "
  DataRecord {
    Tag			    DataTag1
    Data		    "  %)30     .    8     8    (     0         %    "
"\"     $    !     0         .    ,     8    (    !          %    \"     $    "
"$     0         0  0 4V]R= "
  DataRecord {
    Tag			    DataTag0
    Data		    "  %)30     .    ,     8    (    !@         %    "
"\"                0         )          "

# Finite State Machines
#    Stateflow Version 6.5 (R2006b) dated Aug  8 2006, 21:09:58

Stateflow {

	machine {
		id                   		1
		name                 		"meart_target_60"
		created              		"22-Feb-2007 12:36:39"
		isLibrary            		0
		firstTarget          		14
		sfVersion            		65014000

	chart {
		id                                        		2
		name                                      		"Network Transmit /UDP Buffered Packet Send/Transmit Logic"
		windowPosition                            		[356.813 254.45 200.25 189.75]
		viewLimits                                		[0 156.75 0 153.75]
		screen                                    		[1 1 1280 1024 1.333333333333333]
		treeNode                                  		[0 3 0 0]
		firstTransition                           		5
		firstJunction                             		4
		viewObj                                   		2
		machine                                   		1
		decomposition                             		CLUSTER_CHART
		type                                      		EML_CHART
		firstData                                 		6
		chartFileNumber                           		2
		disableImplicitCasting                    		1
		eml {
			name       		"fcn"

	state {
		id                           		3
		labelString                  		"eML_blk_kernel()"
		position                     		[18 64.5 118 66]
		fontSize                     		12
		chart                        		2
		treeNode                     		[2 0 0 0]
		superState                   		SUBCHART
		subviewer                    		2
		type                         		FUNC_STATE
		decomposition                		CLUSTER_STATE
		eml {
			isEML                    		1
			script                   		"function [send_packet,send_sync,ack]  =  fcn(rcv_sync,rcv_v"
						"% Transmit Synchronization logic - State controller for the"
						" Target application \n"
						"%   that controls transmission of a contigyous stream of da"
						"ta from to the host.\n"
						"%   Acknowledge\n"
						"%SYC_RESEND -  This value defines how many cycles to wait f"
						"or an ACK before \n"
						"%  re-transmitting a packet.  The actual resend period is a"
						"n integer multiple \n"
						"%  of the sample period of this block. \n"
						"%  Recommendation - it should > 1 and less than the packet "
						"size.  \n"
						"%  If your packet size is 100, I'd recommend a value of aro"
						"und 20.  But the optimum value will\n"
						"%  depend on many factors, such as sample period, network l"
						"oading, \n"
						"%  network bandwidth, host loading, host latency etc.  \n"
						"% States - \n"
						"%  WAIT_DV(0) - This is our initial state and means we're w"
						"aiting for our\n"
						"%    a packet to be ready for transmission.  In this state,"
						" we ignore all\n"
						"%    received stuff and simply wait for a complete packet t"
						"o be ready.  \n"
						"%  WAIT_ACK(1) - Waiting for an acknowledgement.\n"
						"persistent timer;\n"
						"persistent sync; \n"
						"persistent state;\n"
						"% How many time steps should we wait before re-transmitting"
						" a packet?  If this\n"
						"% value is too small, we can reduce overall channel bandwid"
						"th by sending unncessary\n"
						"% copies of the same data.  If it is too large, we risk ove"
						"rflowing the FIFO due\n"
						"% to a temporary network blockage.  \n"
						"% Empirically, this \n"
						"% Initialization\n"
						"syc_resend = double(packsize./2);\n"
						"if isempty(state),\n"
						"    state = 1;\n"
						"    sync = 1;  \n"
						"    timer = 0;\n"
						"% Waiting for first packet to be ready to go!\n"
						"%  In this mode, we ignore all received data.  \n"
						"%  Don't bother with timer, (nothing to resend).  \n"
						"switch state,\n"
						"case 1,  % WAIT_DV\n"
						"    if dv,    % Still waiting!\n"
						"        timer = 0;\n"
						"        send_sync = uint32(sync);\n"
						"        send_packet = 1;\n"
						"        ack = logical(0);\n"
						"        state = 2;\n"
						"    else % Data is ready, send it and move to the next stat"
						"e...        \n"
						"        send_sync = uint32(0);\n"
						"        send_packet = 0;\n"
						"        ack = logical(0);        \n"
						"    end\n"
						"otherwise \n"
						"%case 2,  % WAIT_ACK\n"
						"    if (rcv_valid == 1) && (sync == rcv_sync), %Got an ack,"
						" and it's correct !!!  \n"
						"        % I can't send anything on this cycle, because I'm "
						"still holding\n"
						"        %  the previous value\n"
						"        sync = sync + 1;  % move to the next sync integer\n"
						"        send_sync = uint32(0);\n"
						"        send_packet = 0;\n"
						"        ack = logical(1);\n"
						"        state = 1;\n"
						"    else % Still waiting of a valid ack\n"
						"       timer = timer + 1;\n"
						"       if timer >= syc_resend,\n"
						"            send_sync = uint32(sync);  % resend the same sy"
						"            send_packet = 1;\n"
						"            ack = logical(0);\n"
						"            timer = 0;\n"
						"       else \n"
						"            send_sync = uint32(0);\n"
						"            send_packet = 0;\n"
						"            ack = logical(0);\n"
						"       end\n"
						"    end\n"
			editorLayout             		"100 M4x1[281 147 826 761]"
			treatIntsAsFixpt         		0

	junction {
		id         		4
		position   		[23.5747 49.5747 7]
		chart      		2
		linkNode   		[2 0 0]
		subviewer  		2

	transition {
		id             		5
		labelString    		"{eML_blk_kernel();}"
		labelPosition  		[32.125 19.875 102.544 14.964]
		fontSize       		12
		src {
			intersection		[0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
		dst {
			id          		4
			intersection		[7 0 -1 -1 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
		midPoint       		[23.5747 24.9468]
		chart          		2
		linkNode       		[2 0 0]
		dataLimits     		[23.575 23.575 14.625 34.575]
		subviewer      		2
		drawStyle      		SMART
		executionOrder 		1

	data {
		id                            		6
		name                          		"send_packet"
		linkNode                      		[2 0 7]
		scope                         		OUTPUT_DATA
		machine                       		1
		props {
			array {
				size      		"-1"
			type {
				method    		SF_INHERITED_TYPE
			complexity  		SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
		dataType                      		"inherited"
		fixptType {
			slope   		1
			baseType		SF_INT16_TYPE
		complexity                    		SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED

	data {
		id                            		7
		name                          		"rcv_sync"
		linkNode                      		[2 6 8]
		scope                         		INPUT_DATA
		machine                       		1
		props {
			array {
				size      		"-1"
			type {
				primitive 		SF_UINT32_TYPE
		dataType                      		"uint32"
		fixptType {
			slope   		1
			baseType		SF_INT16_TYPE

	data {
		id                            		8
		name                          		"rcv_valid"
		linkNode                      		[2 7 9]
		scope                         		INPUT_DATA
		machine                       		1
		props {
			array {
				size      		"-1"
			type {
				primitive 		SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
			complexity  		SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
		dataType                      		"double"
		fixptType {
			slope   		1
			baseType		SF_INT16_TYPE
		complexity                    		SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED

	data {
		id                            		9
		name                          		"packsize"
		linkNode                      		[2 8 10]
		scope                         		INPUT_DATA
		machine                       		1
		props {
			array {
				size      		"-1"
			type {
				method    		SF_INHERITED_TYPE
			complexity  		SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
		dataType                      		"inherited"
		fixptType {
			slope   		1
			baseType		SF_INT16_TYPE
		complexity                    		SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED

	data {
		id                            		10
		name                          		"send_sync"
		linkNode                      		[2 9 11]
		scope                         		OUTPUT_DATA
		machine                       		1
		props {
			array {
				size      		"-1"
			type {
				primitive 		SF_UINT32_TYPE
			complexity  		SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED
		dataType                      		"uint32"
		fixptType {
			slope   		1
			baseType		SF_INT16_TYPE
		complexity                    		SF_COMPLEX_INHERITED

	data {
		id                            		11
		name                          		"dv"
		linkNode                      		[2 10 12]
		scope                         		INPUT_DATA
		machine                       		1
		props {
			array {
				size      		"-1"
			type {
				primitive 		SF_BOOLEAN_TYPE
		dataType                      		"boolean"
		fixptType {
			slope   		1
			baseType		SF_INT16_TYPE

	data {
		id                            		12
		name                          		"ack"
		linkNode                      		[2 11 0]
		scope                         		OUTPUT_DATA
		machine                       		1
		props {
			array {
				size      		"-1"
			type {
				primitive 		SF_BOOLEAN_TYPE
		dataType                      		"boolean"
		fixptType {
			slope   		1
			baseType		SF_INT16_TYPE

	instance {
		id     		13
		name   		"Network Transmit /UDP Buffered Packet Send/Transmit Logic"
		machine		1
		chart  		2

	target {
		id                        		14
		name                      		"sfun"
		description               		"Default Simulink S-Function Target."
		machine                   		1
		linkNode                  		[1 0 15]

	target {
		id                        		15
		name                      		"rtw"
		codeFlags                 		" comments=1 statebitsets=1 databitsets=1 emitlogicalops=1 el"
						"seifdetection=1 constantfolding=1 redundantloadelimination=0"
						" preservenames=0 preservenameswithparent=0 exportcharts=0"
		machine                   		1
		linkNode                  		[1 14 0]