Library {
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    Block {
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      BlockType		      Logic
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      LogicDataType	      "uint(8)"
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      InitialOutput	      "[]"
    Block {
      BlockType		      "S-Function"
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      RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
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"ignificant first) to hexASCII representation (unit8)"
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      System {
	Name			"Nibble Encoder"
	Location		[304, 417, 1077, 717]
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	  PortDimensions	  "4"
	  DataType		  "uint8"
	Block {
	  BlockType		  Constant
	  Name			  "ASCII '0'"
	  Position		  [371, 195, 399, 220]
	  Orientation		  "up"
	  NamePlacement		  "alternate"
	  Value			  "48"
	  VectorParams1D	  on
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	  OutDataType		  "sfix(16)"
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	  OutScaling		  "2^0"
	  SampleTime		  "inf"
	  FramePeriod		  "inf"
	Block {
	  BlockType		  Constant
	  Name			  "ASCII 'a'"
	  Position		  [371, 20, 399, 45]
	  Orientation		  "down"
	  NamePlacement		  "alternate"
	  Value			  "87"
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	  OutDataType		  "sfix(16)"
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	  OutScaling		  "2^0"
	  SampleTime		  "inf"
	  FramePeriod		  "inf"
	Block {
	  BlockType		  Constant
	  Name			  "Convertmatrix"
	  Position		  [50, 147, 120, 173]
	  Value			  "[8 4 2 1]"
	  VectorParams1D	  on
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	  OutDataType		  "sfix(16)"
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	  OutScaling		  "2^0"
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	  FramePeriod		  "inf"
	Block {
	  BlockType		  Reference
	  Name			  "Dot Product"
	  Ports			  [2, 1]
	  Position		  [225, 102, 255, 133]
	  SourceBlock		  "simulink/Math\nOperations/Dot Product"
	  SourceType		  "Dot Product"
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	  OutDataType		  "sfix(16)"
	  OutScaling		  "2^-10"
	  LockScale		  off
	  RndMeth		  "Floor"
	  DoSatur		  off
	Block {
	  BlockType		  Switch
	  Name			  "Switch"
	  Position		  [450, 67, 505, 173]
	  Criteria		  "u2 > Threshold"
	  Threshold		  "9"
	  InputSameDT		  off
	  SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
	Block {
	  BlockType		  Sum
	  Name			  "add 0-9"
	  Ports			  [2, 1]
	  Position		  [375, 145, 395, 165]
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	Block {
	  BlockType		  Sum
	  Name			  "add a-f"
	  Ports			  [2, 1]
	  Position		  [375, 75, 395, 95]
	  IconShape		  "round"
	  Inputs		  "++|"
	  InputSameDT		  off
	  OutDataTypeMode	  "uint8"
	  OutScaling		  "2^-10"
	  SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
	Block {
	  BlockType		  Outport
	  Name			  "hexASCII"
	  Position		  [600, 113, 630, 127]
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	  BusOutputAsStruct	  off
	  DataType		  "uint8"
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "Switch"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  DstBlock		  "hexASCII"
	  DstPort		  1
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "add 0-9"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  DstBlock		  "Switch"
	  DstPort		  3
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "ASCII '0'"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  DstBlock		  "add 0-9"
	  DstPort		  2
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "ASCII 'a'"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  DstBlock		  "add a-f"
	  DstPort		  1
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "add a-f"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  DstBlock		  "Switch"
	  DstPort		  1
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "Dot Product"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  Points		  [55, 0]
	  Branch {
	    DstBlock		    "Switch"
	    DstPort		    2
	  Branch {
	    Points		    [0, 35]
	    DstBlock		    "add 0-9"
	    DstPort		    1
	  Branch {
	    Points		    [0, -35]
	    DstBlock		    "add a-f"
	    DstPort		    2
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "Convertmatrix"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  Points		  [45, 0; 0, -35]
	  DstBlock		  "Dot Product"
	  DstPort		  2
	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "4bit"
	  SrcPort		  1
	  Points		  [60, 0; 0, 35]
	  DstBlock		  "Dot Product"
	  DstPort		  1
    Block {
      BlockType		      SubSystem
      Name		      "Serial Encoder Block"
      Ports		      [2, 6]
      Position		      [95, 25, 235, 145]
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      MaskDescription	      "encodes two 8 element vector A and B boolean si"
"gnals (unit8) for MEA Serial Port"
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      MaskIconRotate	      "none"
      MaskIconUnits	      "autoscale"
      System {
	Name			"Serial Encoder Block"
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	  PortDimensions	  "8"
	Block {
	  BlockType		  Inport
	  Name			  "B"
	  Position		  [25, 368, 55, 382]
	  Port			  "2"
	  IconDisplay		  "Port number"
	  PortDimensions	  "8"
	Block {
	  BlockType		  Demux
	  Name			  "Demux"
	  Ports			  [1, 8]
	  Position		  [115, 310, 120, 435]
	  BackgroundColor	  "black"
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	  BlockType		  Demux
	  Name			  "Demux1"
	  Ports			  [1, 8]
	  Position		  [115, 150, 120, 275]
	  BackgroundColor	  "black"
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	  BlockType		  Logic
	  Name			  "Hq4"
	  Ports			  [2, 1]
	  Position		  [351, 85, 384, 105]
	  Orientation		  "up"
	  Operator		  "OR"
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	  BlockType		  Logic
	  Name			  "Hq5"
	  Ports			  [2, 1]
	  Position		  [291, 70, 324, 90]
	  Orientation		  "up"
	  Operator		  "OR"
	  AllPortsSameDT	  off
	  OutDataTypeMode	  "Specify via dialog"
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	  BlockType		  Logic
	  Name			  "Hq6"
	  Ports			  [2, 1]
	  Position		  [236, 55, 269, 75]
	  Orientation		  "up"
	  Operator		  "OR"
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	  BlockType		  Logic
	  Name			  "Hq7"
	  Ports			  [2, 1]
	  Position		  [176, 40, 209, 60]
	  Orientation		  "up"
	  Operator		  "OR"
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	  Name			  "Lq0"
	  Ports			  [2, 1]
	  Position		  [151, 515, 184, 535]
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	  Operator		  "OR"
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	  Name			  "Lq1"
	  Ports			  [2, 1]
	  Position		  [211, 500, 244, 520]
	  Orientation		  "down"
	  Operator		  "OR"
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	  Name			  "Lq2"
	  Ports			  [2, 1]
	  Position		  [266, 485, 299, 505]
	  Orientation		  "down"
	  Operator		  "OR"
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	  BlockType		  Logic
	  Name			  "Lq3"
	  Ports			  [2, 1]
	  Position		  [326, 470, 359, 490]
	  Orientation		  "down"
	  Operator		  "OR"
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	  BlockType		  Mux
	  Name			  "Mux"
	  Ports			  [4, 1]
	  Position		  [750, 489, 755, 546]
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	Block {
	  BlockType		  Mux
	  Name			  "Mux1"
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	  Position		  [750, 364, 755, 421]
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	  Ports			  [4, 1]
	  Position		  [750, 294, 755, 351]
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	  BlockType		  Mux
	  Name			  "Mux3"
	  Ports			  [4, 1]
	  Position		  [750, 224, 755, 281]
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	  BlockType		  Mux
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	  Position		  [750, 154, 755, 211]
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	  Name			  "Mux5"
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	  Position		  [750, 29, 755, 86]
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	Block {
	  BlockType		  Reference
	  Name			  "Nibble Encoder"
	  Ports			  [1, 1]
	  Position		  [785, 41, 855, 79]
	  SourceBlock		  "meaworklibrary/Nibble Encoder"
	  SourceType		  ""
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	  RTWMemSecDataInternal	  "Inherit from model"
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	Block {
	  BlockType		  Reference
	  Name			  "Nibble Encoder1"
	  Ports			  [1, 1]
	  Position		  [785, 166, 855, 204]
	  SourceBlock		  "meaworklibrary/Nibble Encoder"
	  SourceType		  ""
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	  RTWMemSecDataConstants  "Inherit from model"
	  RTWMemSecDataInternal	  "Inherit from model"
	  RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
	Block {
	  BlockType		  Reference
	  Name			  "Nibble Encoder2"
	  Ports			  [1, 1]
	  Position		  [785, 236, 855, 274]
	  SourceBlock		  "meaworklibrary/Nibble Encoder"
	  SourceType		  ""
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	  RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
	Block {
	  BlockType		  Reference
	  Name			  "Nibble Encoder3"
	  Ports			  [1, 1]
	  Position		  [785, 306, 855, 344]
	  SourceBlock		  "meaworklibrary/Nibble Encoder"
	  SourceType		  ""
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	  SystemSampleTime	  "-1"
	  FunctionWithSeparateData off
	  RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm	  "Inherit from model"
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	  RTWMemSecDataConstants  "Inherit from model"
	  RTWMemSecDataInternal	  "Inherit from model"
	  RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
	Block {
	  BlockType		  Reference
	  Name			  "Nibble Encoder4"
	  Ports			  [1, 1]
	  Position		  [785, 376, 855, 414]
	  SourceBlock		  "meaworklibrary/Nibble Encoder"
	  SourceType		  ""
	  ShowPortLabels	  on
	  SystemSampleTime	  "-1"
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	  RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm	  "Inherit from model"
	  RTWMemSecFuncExecute	  "Inherit from model"
	  RTWMemSecDataConstants  "Inherit from model"
	  RTWMemSecDataInternal	  "Inherit from model"
	  RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
	Block {
	  BlockType		  Reference
	  Name			  "Nibble Encoder5"
	  Ports			  [1, 1]
	  Position		  [785, 501, 855, 539]
	  SourceBlock		  "meaworklibrary/Nibble Encoder"
	  SourceType		  ""
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	  RTWMemSecDataConstants  "Inherit from model"
	  RTWMemSecDataInternal	  "Inherit from model"
	  RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
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	  Name			  "CTLpreH"
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	  BlockType		  Outport
	  Name			  "DATA1H"
	  Position		  [880, 178, 910, 192]
	  Port			  "2"
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	  BlockType		  Outport
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	  Position		  [880, 318, 910, 332]
	  Port			  "4"
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	  BlockType		  Outport
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	  Position		  [880, 388, 910, 402]
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	Block {
	  BlockType		  Outport
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	  Position		  [880, 513, 910, 527]
	  Port			  "6"
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	Line {
	  SrcBlock		  "Nibble Encoder3"
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	  DstPort		  1
	Line {
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	  DstPort		  1
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	  DstPort		  1
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	  SrcPort		  1
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	  DstPort		  1
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	  DstPort		  1
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	  DstPort		  1
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	  DstPort		  2
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	  SrcPort		  1
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	  DstPort		  3
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	  DstPort		  1
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	  DstPort		  1
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	  DstPort		  1
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	  DstPort		  1
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	  DstPort		  1
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	  SrcPort		  1
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	  DstPort		  1
	Line {
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	Line {
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	    Points		    [390, 0; 0, -135]
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	    Points		    [440, 0; 0, -105]
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	  SrcPort		  2
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	    Points		    [255, 0; 0, -175]
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	    Points		    [305, 0; 0, -145]
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	    Points		    [135, 0; 0, 150]
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	    Points		    [85, 0; 0, 150]
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