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9, "179": 9, "180": 9, "181": 9, "182": 9, "183": 9, "184": 9, "185": 9, "186": 9, "187": 9, "188": 9, "189": 9, "190": 9, "191": 9, "192": 9, "193": 9, "194": 9, "195": 9, "196": 9, "112837": 97, "198": 9, "199": 9, "200": 9, "112841": 17, "202": 9, "112843": 17, "112844": 17, "205": 9, "206": 9, "207": 9, "208": 9, "209": 7, "210": 9, "211": 9, "116948": 97, "155861": 97, "214": 7, "215": 9, "216": 9, "217": 9, "218": 9, "219": 9, "220": 9, "221": 9, "222": 9, "223": 9, "224": 7, "225": 7, "226": 7, "116963": 97, "228": 7, "229": 7, "116966": 17, "116967": 97, "232": 7, "182505": 97, "234": 7, "235": 7, "236": 7, "237": 7, "238": 7, "239": 7, "240": 17, "241": 17, "242": 17, "243": 17, "244": 17, "245": 17, "246": 17, "247": 17, "248": 17, "249": 17, "250": 17, "251": 17, "252": 17, "253": 17, "254": 17, "255": 17, "257": 18, "258": 18, "259": 18, "260": 18, "261": 18, "262": 18, "263": 18, "265": 18, "266": 18, "151819": 97, "268": 18, "269": 18, "270": 18, "271": 18, "182544": 18, 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"150554": 39, "138271": 39, "117813": 97, "117814": 97, "117815": 97, "117817": 97, "117818": 97, "105531": 97, "136252": 39, "52405": 39, "128066": 36, "53430": 36, "146505": 17, "146506": 17, "146507": 17, "128077": 97, "113742": 39, "76881": 36, "76882": 36, "138323": 39, "150619": 97, "120677": 36, "144485": 144, "83509": 36, "136302": 36, "136303": 39, "136307": 97, "154740": 97, "154741": 97, "185462": 126, "226423": 97, "33983": 36, "136317": 126, "154750": 97, "154751": 144, "144513": 144, "144515": 39, "93328": 97, "144532": 36, "93334": 97, "93335": 97, "154778": 97, "185463": 39, "185501": 17, "185502": 126, "197": 9, "185504": 126, "225819": 126, "227131": 39, "144556": 36, "150701": 39, "150702": 97, "52424": 97, "7346": 18, "52404": 39, "140469": 97, "52406": 39, "201": 9, "33977": 36, "52410": 97, "52411": 97, "52413": 97, "52414": 97, "52415": 97, "52416": 97, "52417": 97, "3266": 18, "52419": 97, "52420": 97, "52422": 97, "52423": 97, "93384": 97, "52425": 97, "52426": 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126, "196196": 39, "144990": 39, "83551": 38, "272": 18, "122811": 126, "114276": 97, "137264": 17, "122812": 126, "22119": 36, "225554": 36, "122813": 126, "114289": 97, "114290": 97, "83572": 36, "114293": 97, "83574": 36, "114295": 97, "114297": 97, "122827": 126, "118395": 97, "114302": 97, "114303": 97, "114307": 39, "116943": 36, "116370": 144, "143004": 39, "122821": 126, "7841": 36, "47316": 39, "140966": 39, "143823": 36, "42670": 9, "97969": 36, "183995": 39, "83573": 39, "153282": 18, "153283": 18, "167627": 97, "97997": 36, "181968": 97, "94850": 97, "87769": 17, "98011": 39, "143068": 126, "114299": 97, "224999": 97, "230581": 39, "222956": 39, "143085": 39, "147186": 36, "147188": 144, "91894": 36, "147753": 39, "114428": 97, "118529": 144, "114646": 36, "145165": 97, "153358": 97, "153360": 18, "153361": 18, "94851": 97, "93420": 39, "145174": 38, "151329": 97, "151330": 97, "151331": 39, "120612": 97, "143145": 144, "143146": 97, "227115": 36, "223029": 38, "227130": 97, "225083": 39, "97995": 36, "112447": 97, "184128": 97, "184130": 97, "184132": 97, "186717": 36, "184134": 97, "122814": 126, "184136": 97, "225100": 97, "150219": 39, "112469": 36, "226617": 39, "1882": 36, "1883": 36, "1884": 36, "84216": 36, "116579": 97, "122815": 126, "128875": 39, "186226": 7, "186227": 9, "120693": 17, "120694": 38, "120695": 39, "6013": 18, "116951": 39, "149383": 39, "65417": 39, "102282": 97, "3979": 18, "139148": 39, "151437": 144, "6034": 18, "151445": 39, "3543": 39, "1965": 18, "1966": 18, "8114": 38, "92083": 126, "92084": 126, "92085": 126, "92086": 126, "92087": 126, "92088": 126, "92089": 126, "122810": 126, "92091": 126, "92092": 126, "92093": 126, "92094": 126, "92095": 126, "122816": 126, "122817": 126, "122818": 126, "122819": 126, "122820": 126, "204": 9, "122822": 126, "122823": 126, "122824": 126, "122825": 126, "122826": 126, "114635": 97, "122828": 126, "122829": 126, "155599": 39, "203": 9, "114647": 36, "114648": 36, "116700": 97, "120799": 38, "85986": 97, "36835": 36, "114660": 39, "232102": 39, "118760": 36, "55276": 36, "55277": 39, "206291": 39, "144574": 97, "96242": 97, "96243": 97, "96244": 97, "112634": 36, "185343": 39, "190461": 18, "151550": 17}, "name": {"231425": "Hallucinations", "139267": "I Cl, leak", "227332": "Hippocampus CA1 basket cell - CCK/VIP", "227333": "Hippocampus CA1 basket cell PV CCK VGLUT3", "227334": "Hippocampus CA1 pyramidal cell (cell body in stratum oriens)", "190471": "Locus ceruleus principal neuron", "190474": "Raphe nuclei principal neuron", "227340": "Hippocampus CA2 pyramidal cell", "190477": "Septal principal neuron", "83540": "Winner-take-all", "227346": "Hippocampus CA1 neurogliaform interneuron", "169987": "Dendritic Bistability", "225300": "Electrical-chemical", "112302": "Synthesis", "182617": "H3R", "139268": "I Na, leak", "139270": "Anoxic depolarization", "127324": "R (web link to model)", "227335": "Hippocampus CA1 pyramidal cell (cell body in stratum radiatum)", "129068": "Entorhinal cortex stellate cell", "88109": "Aplysia cultured neuron", "88110": "Medial Superior Olive (MSO) cell", "112687": "Cerebellum golgi cell", "88112": "Cochlear ganglion cell Type II", "88113": "CN stellate cell", "88115": "Ventral cochlear nucleus T stellate (chopper) neuron", "88116": "ELL pyramidal cell", "88117": "I_KHT", "88118": "I_KLT", "88119": "Electric fish P- and T-type primary afferent fibers", "64174": "Synaptic Integration", "186720": "NeuronetExperimenter", "186722": "NEURONPM", "120911": "Leech Retzius neuron", "143445": "I_KD", "184409": "I MI", "182362": "Sensory coding", "184414": "SBML", "186725": "Catacomb", "190560": "Hippocampus CA1 stratum oriens lacunosum-moleculare interneuron ", "188516": "Memory", "184421": "LibRoadRunner", "127083": "I_AHP", "127084": "Locking, mixed mode", "153713": "STEPS (web link to model)", "153715": "IP3", "116856": "PCSIM", "116857": "Biofeedback", "116858": "Reward-modulated STDP", "116868": "Subthalamic Nucleus", "188553": "Abstract Hindmarsh-Rose neuron", "141450": "Cardiac pacemaking", "88204": "Electric fish midbrain torus semicircularis neuron", "88205": "Cardiac ventricular cell", "88206": "I_HERG", "88207": "Neuroblastoma", "88208": "Late Na", "88209": "Na/Ca exchanger", "88210": "I_Na,Ca", "88211": "I_SERCA", "88212": "KCNQ1", "88213": "Brugada", "88214": "Long-QT", "88215": "I_Ks", "88216": "Dentate gyrus hilar cell", "88217": "Globus pallidus neuron", "180378": "Thalamus medial geniculate nucleus interneuron", "186713": "BioPAX", "184489": "Endocannabinoid", "116907": "Direction Selectivity", "104624": "Timothy Syndrome", "225427": "Bipolar Disorder (BP)", "178": "Nicotinic", "179": "M1", "180": "M3", "181": "M4", "182": "M5", "183": "M2", "184": "mGluR1", "185": "mGluR2", "186": "mGluR3", "187": "mGluR4", "188": "mGluR5", "189": "mGluR6", "190": "mGluR7", "191": "mGluR8", "192": "Alpha", "193": "Alpha1", "194": "Alpha2", "195": "Beta", "196": "D1", "112837": "Nucleus accumbens spiny projection neuron", "198": "5-HT1", "199": "5-HT2", "200": "5-HT4", "112841": "I Krp", "202": "GabaA", "112843": "I R", "112844": "I Q", "205": "AMPA", "206": "NMDA", "207": "mGluR", "208": "5-HT3", "209": "Acetylcholine", "210": "Kainate", "211": "Monoamine Receptors", "116948": "Locust Lobula Giant Movement Detector (LGMD) neuron", "155861": "Abstract integrate-and-fire fractional leaky neuron", "214": "Glycine", "215": "Adrenergic", "216": "Serotonin", "217": "Histamine", "218": "Cholinergic Receptors", "219": "Amino Acid Receptors", "220": "Sensory Receptors", "221": "Olfactory Receptors", "222": "Opsins", "223": "Dopaminergic Receptor", "224": "Dopamine", "225": "Zn2+", "226": "NO", "116963": "Stomatogastric Ganglion (STG) Lateral Pyloric (LP) cell", "228": "Dynorphin", "229": "Ephinephrine", "116966": "I_K,Na", "116967": "Fly lobular plate vertical system cell", "232": "Gaba", "182505": "Neocortex layer 4 neuron", "234": "Monoamines", "235": "Peptides", "236": "Ions", "237": "Gases", "238": "Histamine", "239": "Serotonin", "240": "I Chloride", "241": "I Na,p", "242": "I Na,t", "243": "I L high threshold", "244": "I N", "245": "I T low threshold", "246": "I p,q", "247": "I A", "248": "I K", "249": "I K,leak", "250": "I M", "251": "I h", "252": "I Cl,Ca", "253": "I K,Ca", "254": "I CNG", "255": "I CAN", "257": "Dentate gyrus granule cell", "258": "Hippocampus CA1 pyramidal cell", "259": "Hippocampus CA3 pyramidal cell", "260": "Neostriatum spiny direct pathway neuron", "261": "Substantia nigra pars compacta dopaminergic cell", "262": "Thalamus geniculate nucleus (lateral) principal neuron", "263": "Thalamus reticular nucleus cell", "265": "Neocortex V1 pyramidal corticothalamic L6 cell", "266": "Neocortex V1 pyramidal intratelencephalic L2-5 cell", "151819": "Grueneberg ganglion neuron", "268": "Olfactory receptor neuron", "269": "Olfactory cortex anterior pyramidal neuron", "270": "Retina ganglion cell", "271": "Cerebellum purkinje cell", "182544": "Substantia nigra pars reticulata principal cell", "273": "Cochlear nucleus bushy cell", "274": "Cochlear nucleus pyramidal (fusiform) cell", "275": "Spinal cord Ia interneuron", "276": "Spinal cord motor neuron", "277": "Cochlear nucleus octopus cell", "147741": "COMSOL (web link to model)", "127024": "Vibrissa motoneuron", "114737": "Hodgkin-Huxley neuron", "98012": "Calcium dynamics", "127284": "Nav SCN1B", "182581": "TrpM3", "18747": "GENESIS (web link to model)", "182591": "Globus pallidus principal cell", "189152": "Ventral tegmental area dopamine neuron", "2372": "Gaseous Receptors", "2375": "NO", "194888": "Grid cell", "53577": "C or C++ program (web link to model)", "2388": "Peptide Receptors", "2389": "Dynorphin", "2390": "H1", "2391": "Ion Receptors", "2392": "Zn2+", "2393": "CO", "186714": "XML", "2395": "I Sodium", "2396": "I Calcium", "2397": "I Mixed", "186718": "MOOSE/PyMOOSE", "186719": "ERNST (Event Related Neuronal Simulation Tool)", "156000": "Myenteric interstitial cell of Cajal (ICCMY)", "186721": "MySQL", "156002": "Intramuscular interstitial cell of Cajal (ICCIM)", "186723": "Neuronvisio", "186724": "FEMLAB - COMSOL", "2405": "I Potassium", "186726": "ReMoto", "186727": "Virtual Cell", "186728": "Pascal", "143722": "Mathematica", "143724": "Bifurcation", "125294": "Maximum entropy models", "112047": "Aging/Alzheimer`s", "168312": "Neocortex spiking irregular interneuron", "152639": "Temperature", "227711": "Neocortex M1 pyramidal intratelencephalic L2-5 cell", "139658": "Superior paraolivary nucleus neuron", "151948": "Potassium buffering", "152642": "Color selectivity", "143758": "CNrun", "186770": "Motor control", "119191": "Entorhinal cortex", "145884": "Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) neuron", "113733": "Brian", "182690": "Spatial Navigation", "182691": "Neostriatum interneuron gaba/parvalbumin interneuron", "121254": "Depolarization block", "231850": "HSPICE", "182709": "Neostriatum interneuron SOM/NOS interneuron", "125368": "CONTENT", "125369": "Dynamics Solver", "87578": "STDP", "182729": "Somatostatin", "182730": "neuropeptide Y", "182735": "Subthalamic nucleus principal cell", "82384": "CSIM (web link to model)", "156115": "Gamma oscillations", "156116": "VERTEX", "156118": "COPASI", "152026": "Contrast-gain control", "147931": "Orientation selectivity", "156124": "Abstract single compartment conductance based cell", "145886": "Circadian Rhythms", "168419": "Olfactory bulb short axon cell", "45540": "FORTRAN", "143636": "Conductance distributions", "154093": "Hippocampus CA3 basket cell", "227830": "Neocortex M1 pyramidal corticothalamic L6 cell", "96767": "Nociception", "183421": "Volume transmission", "186899": "Hippocampus CA4 Pyramidal Cell", "127514": "Vibrissa motor plant", "127515": "Muscle model and vibrissa biomechanics", "225820": "D5", "35373": "Hippocampus CA1 interneuron oriens alveus", "112853": "Schizophrenia", "139834": "Vestibular neuron", "144479": "IDL", "74300": "Subthalamus nucleus projection neuron", "185098": "Reservoir Computing", "57924": "PSpice", "182866": "Hippocampus CA1 PV+ fast-firing interneuron", "180821": "Hebbian plasticity", "117352": "Pascal (web link to model)", "117353": "Pascal/Delphi", "139885": "Hippocampus CA3 stratum oriens lacunosum-moleculare interneuron", "84598": "Extracellular Fields", "137847": "Phase Response Curves", "113428": "Java (web link to model)", "118207": "Maintenance", "227970": "Neocortex M1 pyramidal pyramidal tract L5B cell", "227971": "Neocortex V1 pyramidal pyramidal tract L5B cell", "94852": "Turtle dorsal cortex subpial cell", "94853": "Turtle dorsal cortex stellate cell", "94854": "Turtle dorsal cortex horizontal cell", "53895": "Java", "227987": "Human", "217749": "Neocortex primary motor area pyramidal layer 5 corticospinal cell", "230047": "The Virtual Mouse Brain (TVMB) (web link to model)", "189094": "Pinsky-Rinzel CA1/3 pyramidal cell ", "232103": "PreBotzinger complex neuron", "125611": "Respiratory column neuron", "3637": "Parameter Fitting", "3978": "Olfactory bulb main interneuron periglomerular cell", "64175": "Electrotonus", "167716": "Spreading depression", "150203": "EDLUT", "123580": "Kv3.4 KCNC4", "185022": "Beta oscillations", "150209": "R", "229638": "KCa1.1 KCNMA1", "154742": "Norns - Neural Net Studio", "144503": "Inferior olive neuron", "150222": "Abstract Morris-Lecar neuron", "223952": "NeuronC (web link to model)", "223953": "Retina amacrine cell", "125650": "NeuronetExperimenter (web link to model)", "151332": "CREB", "82383": "CSIM", "139996": "Evoked LFP", "127711": "Egg-laying circuit", "127712": "C elegans Hermaphrodite-Specific neuron (HSN)", "127713": "C elegans VC motor neuron", "127714": "C elegans uterine-vulval cell (uv1)", "187110": "Neural Field Simulator", "183016": "Reaction-diffusion", "154350": "NeuroML (web link to model)", "154351": "NeuroML", "146899": "Cython", "125684": "Helix pacemaker bursting neuron (RPa1)", "64245": "Catacomb (web link to model)", "128811": "Laminar Connectivity", "3542": "Pattern Recognition", "137990": "Brian (web link to method)", "226057": "HCN1", "226058": "HCN2", "226059": "HCN3", "226060": "HCN4", "2830": "L-Neuron", "2832": "NEST", "2833": "Surf-Hippo", "2835": "MCell", "2836": "Neosim", "185112": "I TRPM8", "185113": "Dorsal Root Ganglion cell: cold sensing", "148257": "I_HCO3", "183076": "Brainstem", "97751": "Stuttering", "230183": "Neocortex V1 interneuron bipolar VIP/CR cell", "125736": "Helix pomatia (snail)", "230185": "Neocortex V1 interneuron chandelier SOM cell", "230186": "Neocortex V1 stellate L4 cell", "230187": "Current Dipole", "230188": "Neocortex M1 interneuron basket PV cell", "125744": "IonChannelLab", "125746": "SBML (web link to model)", "185139": "Brainstem neuron", "230198": "Neocortex U1 interneuron basket PV cell", "230208": "Neocortex M1 stellate L4 cell", "230209": "Neocortex U1 stellate L4 cell", "230210": "Neocortex M1 interneuron bipolar VIP/CR cell", "230211": "Neocortex U1 interneuron bipolar VIP/CR cell", "230212": "Neocortex M1 interneuron chandelier SOM cell", "230213": "Neocortex U1 interneuron chandelier SOM cell", "207692": "Dentate gyrus HIPP cell", "207694": "Olfactory bulb main tufted cell external", "141125": "Phase interference", "82787": "Working memory", "7020": "Retina bipolar cell", "7021": "Neostriatum interneuron cholinergic cell", "180371": "ReMoto (web link to model)", "189309": "Mauthner cell", "155799": "Gastrointestinal tract intrinsic sensory neuron", "54156": "Octave", "139757": "NeuroRD", "49304": "Methods", "142230": "Neocortex spiking regular (RS) neuron", "142232": "Neocortex spiking low threshold (LTS) neuron", "62277": "Pituitary cell", "136098": "Information transfer", "53428": "Chemesis", "136104": "I ANO2", "136106": "G-protein coupled", "231240": "Brian 2", "185503": "Kir2.3 KCNJ4", "123850": "parplex", "82892": "NEURONPM (web link to tool)", "41934": "Intrinsic plasticity", "185305": "Cytokine Signaling", "140252": "Thalamus lateral geniculate nucleus interneuron", "52407": "Heart disease", "140257": "PGENESIS", "22011": "Post-Tetanic Potentiation", "22012": "Depression", "136173": "Nengo", "136178": "Hippocampus CA1 stratum radiatum interneuron", "136179": "Cerebellum deep nucleus neuron", "113658": "Perceptual Categories", "185340": "Olfactory bulb (accessory) mitral cell", "144382": "Osmosis-driven water flux", "144383": "Cellular volume dynamics", "168963": "Motion Detection", "168964": "Fly lamina neuron", "168965": "Fly medulla neuron", "150700": "AnimatLab v1", "144397": "Snnet", "144398": "LFPy", "144405": "Stomatogastric ganglion (STG) pyloric dilator (PD) neuron", "144406": "Stomatogastric ganglion (STG) pyloric neuron", "144409": "Homeostasis", "150554": "Calcium waves", "138271": "Erythromelalgia", "117813": "Spinal cord motor neuron slow twitch", "117814": "Spinal cord motor neuron fatigue resistant", "117815": "Spinal cord motor neuron fast fatiguing", "117817": "Spinal cord Ib interneuron", "117818": "Spinal cord renshaw cell", "105531": "Skeletal muscle cell", "136252": "Rebound firing", "52405": "Epilepsy", "128066": "PSICS", "53430": "Emergent/PDP++", "146505": "KCC2", "146506": "NKCC1", "146507": "Ca pump", "128077": "Neocortex dissociated cultured nerve cell", "113742": "Magnetoencephalography", "76881": "Topographica", "76882": "Topographica (web link to model)", "138323": "Magnetic stimulation", "150619": "Neostriatum spiny neuron", "120677": "XNBC", "144485": "Auditory cortex", "83509": "IGOR Pro", "136302": "Lua", "136303": "Intermittent block", "136307": "Dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cell", "154740": "Abstract integrate-and-fire leaky neuron", "154741": "Abstract Izhikevich neuron", "185462": "Kir2.1 KCNJ2", "226423": "Multi-timescale adaptive threshold non-resetting leaky integrate and fire", "33983": "SNNAP", "136317": "Kv4.1 KCND1", "154750": "Hippocampus septum medial GABAergic neuron", "154751": "Medial Septum", "144513": "Inferior Colliculus", "144515": "Duration Selectivity", "93328": "Tritonia swim interneuron dorsal", "144532": "MySQL (web link to model)", "93334": "Tritonia cerebral cell", "93335": "Tritonia swim interneuron ventral", "154778": "Abstract integrate-and-fire adaptive exponential (AdEx) neuron", "185463": "Pattern Separation", "185501": "Kir2 leak", "185502": "Kir2.2 KCNJ12", "197": "D2", "185504": "Kir2.4 KCNJ14", "225819": "D5 DRD5", "227131": "Pacemaking mechanism", "144556": "STEPS", "150701": "Posture and locomotion", "150702": "Crayfish motor neuron", "52424": "Nucleus laminaris neuron", "7346": "Cerebellum interneuron granule cell", "52404": "Pathophysiology", "140469": "Olfactory bulb main juxtaglomerular cell", "52406": "Multiple sclerosis", "201": "H2", "33977": "XPP", "52410": "Leech heart interneuron", "52411": "Arteriolar network", "52413": "Aplysia sensory neuron", "52414": "Aplysia interneuron", "52415": "Aplysia motor neuron", "52416": "Dentate gyrus mossy cell", "52417": "Dentate gyrus basket cell", "3266": "Antennal lobe olfactory projection neuron (insect)", "52419": "Auditory nerve", "52420": "Aplysia R15 bursting neuron", "52422": "Cardiac atrial cell", "52423": "Heart cell", "93384": "Neocortex bitufted interneuron", "52425": "Myelinated neuron", "52426": "Squid axon", "52427": "Teleost thalamic neuron", "3277": "I A, slow", "144991": "Apoptosis", "62675": "QuB", "58584": "Rate-coding model neurons", "87588": "Crayfish identified nonspiking interneuron", "7387": "Neocortex V1 interneuron basket PV cell", "116944": "Deep brain stimulation", "222437": "Entorhinal cortex pyramidal cell", "222438": "Entorhinal cortex fast-spiking interneuron", "115945": "Neocortex", "115946": "Hippocampus", "115947": "Dentate gyrus", "115948": "Turtle cortex", "115949": "Olfactory cortex", "115950": "Olfactory bulb", "115951": "Thalamus", "115952": "Basal ganglia", "115953": "Cerebellum", "115954": "Spinal motoneuron", "115955": "Enteric nervous system", "115956": "Aplysia", "228597": "Barrel cortex", "228598": "Mouse", "115959": "Stomatogastric ganglion", "115960": "Generic", "212": "Glutamate", "115962": "Unknown", "213": "Gaba", "112854": "Addiction", "112855": "Complementary and alternative medicine", "3629": "Dendritic Action Potentials", "113940": "KInNeSS", "150807": "Neocortex deep neurogliaform interneuron", "150808": "Neocortex superficial neurogliaform interneuron", "113950": "GnRH neuron", "142628": "Amygdala", "116010": "PyNN", "129070": "Envelope synthesis", "195884": "NetPyNE", "3635": "Synchronization", "140601": "FEMLAB - COMSOL (web link to a model/method)", "65418": "Aplysia feeding CPG neurons", "206389": "Ventral tegmental area GABA neuron ", "184582": "CabTRP 1a", "3638": "Simplified Models", "120138": "FORTRAN (web link to a model)", "3639": "Active Dendrites", "116962": "Parameter sensitivity", "118094": "Stick insect nonspiking interneuron", "118095": "MadSim", "111952": "Neural mass", "1361": "Glycine", "227": "CO", "3641": "Detailed Neuronal Models", "230": "Norephinephrine", "231": "Amino Acids", "146805": "Abstract Wang-Buzsaki neuron", "146806": "Abstract theta neuron", "233": "Glutamate", "112842": "Kv4.2 KCND2", "3647": "Long-term Synaptic Plasticity", "146816": "unscented Kalman filter", "169347": "LCG", "152965": "COMSOL", "152968": "Triggered activity", "138633": "Striatum", "225299": "Multiscale", "114079": "Hippocampus CA1 basket cell", "183719": "Synaptic noise", "183720": "Extracellular", "112042": "Yale HMM", "206251": "Abstract integrate-and-fire leaky neuron with dendritic subunits", "167343": "Neocortex U1 pyramidal pyramidal tract L5B cell", "167344": "Neocortex U1 pyramidal intratelencephalic L2-5 cell", "167345": "Neocortex U1 pyramidal corticalthalamic L6 cell", "87474": "XML (web link to model)", "114107": "Gap junctions", "115957": "Tritonia", "114112": "NG108-15 neuronal cell", "115958": "Leech", "3529": "C or C++ program", "3536": "Realistic Network", "3537": "Neuron or other electrically excitable cell", "3538": "Axon", "3539": "Synapse", "3540": "Channel/Receptor", "3541": "Action Potential Initiation", "122326": "Kv1.1 KCNA1", "122327": "Kv1.2 KCNA2", "97752": "Delay", "97753": "Neocortex fast spiking (FS) interneuron", "122331": "Noise Sensitivity", "140767": "Hippocampus CA3 stratum radiatum lacunosum-moleculare interneuron", "50657": "MATLAB (web link to model)", "124389": "Dentate gyrus MOPP cell", "83538": "Unsupervised Learning", "83448": "NCS", "83449": "SPLIT", "22010": "Facilitation", "83451": "MVASpike", "83452": "SciLab", "22013": "Neuromuscular Junction", "120321": "CellML (web link to model)", "120322": "BioPAX (web link to model)", "222730": "I Na, slow inactivation", "206355": "Mathematica (web link to model)", "140826": "I Ca,p", "206363": "Drosophila", "13855": "Therapeutics", "118308": "Superior colliculus", "87589": "Astrocyte", "114214": "IChMASCOT", "229639": "KCa3.1 KCNN4", "92082": "Nav1.1 SCN1A", "3630": "Bursting", "3631": "Ion Channel Kinetics", "3632": "Coincidence Detection", "3633": "Temporal Pattern Generation", "3634": "Oscillations", "122803": "Kv4.3 KCND3", "3636": "Spatio-temporal Activity Patterns", "128565": "Wide dynamic range neuron", "157238": "Fly vertical system tangential cell", "118327": "MOOSE/PyMOOSE (web link to method)", "3640": "Influence of Dendritic Geometry", "122804": "Kv1.4 KCNA4", "3642": "Tutorial/Teaching", "3643": "Synaptic Plasticity", "3644": "Short-term Synaptic Plasticity", "3645": "Axonal Action Potentials", "122805": "Kv1.3 KCNA3", "3649": "Action Potentials", "267": "Olfactory bulb main mitral cell", "122806": "Kv1.5 KCNA5", "128582": "Spinal cord lamina I neuron", "83553": "KInNeSS (web link to model)", "206408": "Earthworm medial giant fiber", "122807": "HERG KCNH2", "167500": "Kir", "83535": "Learning", "83536": "Reinforcement Learning", "122808": "Kv3.3 KCNC3", "58962": "SABER", "83539": "Attractor Neural Network", "140884": "ERNST (Event Related Neuronal Simulation Tool) (web link to model)", "58965": "QBasic/QuickBasic/Turbo Basic", "122809": "Cav3.2 CACNA1H", "196196": "Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)", "144990": "Boolean network", "83551": "Connectionist Network", "272": "Cochlea hair cell (vestibular)", "122811": "Cav3.3 CACNA1I", "114276": "Stomatogastric Ganglion (STG) Modulatory commissural neuron 1 (MCN1)", "137264": "I trp", "122812": "Cav1.3 CACNA1D", "22119": "CellML", "225554": "NEST (web link to model)", "122813": "Cav1.1 CACNA1S", "114289": "Hermissenda photoreceptor Type A", "114290": "Hermissenda photoreceptor Type B", "83572": "Simulink", "114293": "Leech T segmental sensory neuron", "83574": "NeuGen", "114295": "Honeybee kenyon cell", "114297": "Leech pressure (P) mechanosensory neuron", "122827": "NR2B GRIN2B", "118395": "Neostriatum fast spiking interneuron", "114302": "Stomatogastric Ganglion (STG) interneuron 1 (Int1)", "114303": "Stomatogastric Ganglion (STG) Lateral Gastric (LG) cell", "114307": "Conduction failure", "116943": "neuroConstruct (web link to model)", "116370": "Hawkmoth Deilephila elpenor", "143004": "Chloride regulation", "122821": "KCa2.2 KCNN2", "7841": "NEURON (web link to model)", "47316": "Invertebrate", "140966": "Sensory processing", "143823": "neuroConstruct", "42670": "Mechanoreceptors", "97969": "Sspice Symbolic SPICE", "183995": "Ephaptic coupling", "83573": "Action Selection/Decision Making", "153282": "Olfactory bulb main tufted middle cell", "153283": "Olfactory bulb main interneuron granule TC cell", "167627": "Spinal cord sympathetic preganglionic neuron", "97997": "CalC Calcium Calculator", "181968": "Hippocampus CA3 axo-axonic cells", "94850": "Turtle dorsal cortex lateral pyramidal cell", "87769": "ATP-senstive potassium current", "98011": "Place cell/field", "143068": "CLC-2 CLCN2", "114299": "Depressor scutorum rostralis muscle cell", "224999": "Stomatogastric Ganglion (STG) Gastric Mill (GM) cell", "230581": "Stimulus selectivity", "222956": "Neuromodulation", "143085": "Synaptic-input statistic", "147186": "Neuronvisio (web link to model)", "147188": "Prefrontal cortex (PFC)", "91894": "XPP (web link to model)", "147753": "Intracortical Microstimulation", "114428": "Spinal lamprey neuron", "118529": "Retina", "114646": "Python", "145165": "Locus Coeruleus neuron", "153358": "Leech heart motor neuron (HE)", "153360": "Neostriatum spiny indirect pathway neuron", "153361": "Retina photoreceptor rod cell", "94851": "Turtle dorsal cortex medial pyramidal cell", "93420": "Sleep", "145174": "Molecular Network", "151329": "Hippocampus CA1 bistratified cell", "151330": "Hippocampus CA1 axo-axonic cell", "151331": "Storage/recall", "120612": "Drosophila antennal lobe DM1 projection neuron", "143145": "Auditory brainstem", "143146": "Lateral Superior Olive (LSO) cell", "227115": "Neuronify (web link to model)", "223029": "Predictive Coding Network", "227130": "Dopamine neuron of vlPAG/DRN", "225083": "Feature selectivity", "97995": "GNUstep NeXTStep/OpenStep", "112447": "Hippocampus dissociated neuron", "184128": "Neocortex layer 4 pyramidal cell", "184130": "Neocortex layer 2-3 interneuron", "184132": "Neocortex layer 4 interneuron", "186717": "CellExcite", "184134": "Neocortex layer 5 interneuron", "122814": "Cav1.2 CACNA1C", "184136": "Neocortex layer 6a interneuron", "225100": "Retina horizontal cell", "150219": "Reliability", "112469": "CellExcite (web link to model)", "226617": "Spindles", "1882": "NEURON", "1883": "GENESIS", "1884": "NSL", "84216": "NeuronC", "116579": "Leech C interneuron", "122815": "KCa2.1 KCNN1", "128875": "Development", "186226": "Angiotensin", "186227": "AT1R", "120693": "Na/K pump", "120694": "Electrogenic pump", "120695": "Sodium pump", "6013": "Olfactory cortex anterior interneuron superficial layer", "116951": "Spike Frequency Adaptation", "149383": "Drug binding", "65417": "Parkinson's", "102282": "Leech S cell", "3979": "Olfactory bulb main interneuron granule MC cell", "139148": "Brain Rhythms", "151437": "Lamprey, Spinal cord, Brainstem", "6034": "Olfactory cortex anterior interneuron deep layer", "151445": "Recurrent Discharge", "3543": "Activity Patterns", "1965": "Cochlea hair cell (auditory)", "1966": "Retina photoreceptor cone cell", "8114": "Dendrite", "92083": "Nav1.2 SCN2A", "92084": "Nav1.3 SCN3A", "92085": "Nav1.4 SCN4A", "92086": "Nav1.5 SCN5A", "92087": "Nav1.6 SCN8A", "92088": "Nav1.7 SCN9A", "92089": "Nav1.8 SCN10A", "122810": "Cav3.1 CACNA1G", "92091": "Nav1.9 SCN11A SCN12A", "92092": "Nav2.1", "92093": "Nav2.2", "92094": "Nav2.3 SCN7A", "92095": "Nav3.1", "122816": "Kv2.1 KCNB1", "122817": "Kv3.1 KCNC1", "122818": "HCN Cnga1", "122819": "Cav2.1 CACNA1A", "122820": "Cav2.2 CACNA1B", "204": "Muscarinic", "122822": "Kv1.9 Kv7.1 KCNQ1", "122823": "Kir6.2 KCNJ11", "122824": "IRK", "122825": "nAChR alpha 7", "122826": "NR2A GRIN2A", "114635": "Neocortex spiny stellate cell", "122828": "D1 DRD1A", "122829": "D2 DRD2", "155599": "Neurogenesis", "203": "GabaB", "114647": "Python (web link to model)", "114648": "Scilab (web link to model)", "116700": "Aplysia B31/B32 neuron", "120799": "Glia", "85986": "Medial Nucleus of the Trapezoid Body (MNTB) neuron", "36835": "MATLAB", "114660": "Connectivity matrix", "232102": "Respiratory control", "118760": "CalC Calcium Calculator (web link to model)", "55276": "Virtual Cell (web link to model)", "55277": "Signaling pathways", "206291": "Membrane Properties", "144574": "Thalamus DLM projection neuron", "96242": "Microglia", "96243": "Macrophage", "96244": "B lymphocyte", "112634": "Network", "185343": "Persistent activity", "190461": "Hippocampus CA1 basket cell", "151550": "Channelrhodopsin (ChR)"}}