/*Integration routines for the Parker-Sochacki, Runge-Kutta & Bulirsch-Stoer methods*/
/*Parker-Sochacki stepper - Solve and update in one function*/
int ps_step(double **y,double **co,double *y1,double *ynew,double *fp,
double eta[],void (*first)(double **,double **,double *),
void (*iter)(double **,double **,double *,int),int stop,int ps_limit, int nv, int err_nv){
int i,p; double dt=fp[99], dt_pow;
first(y,co,fp); /*Calculate first order terms*/
if(dt == 1)for(i=0;i<nv;i++)y1[i]=y[i][0]+y[i][1];
else{for(i=0;i<nv;i++)y1[i]=y[i][0]+dt*y[i][1]; dt_pow=dt*dt;}
if(dt == 1)for(i=0;i<nv;i++)ynew[i]=y1[i]+y[i][p+1]; /*Update*/
else{for(i=0;i<nv;i++)ynew[i]=y1[i]+y[i][p+1]*dt_pow; dt_pow*=dt;}
if((fabs(y[0][p+1])>10.0)){p=-1;break;} /*Check for divergence*/
/*Test error tolerance on variable value change*/
for(i=0;i<err_nv;i++){if(fabs(ynew[i]-y1[i])>eta[i]) break;}
} p++;
if(stop==1){if(p==ps_limit)mexErrMsgTxt("PS solve failed.");}
return p;
/*Parker-Sochacki stepper - zero tolerance version*/
int ps_step0(double **y,double **co,double *y1,double *ynew,double *fp,
void (*first)(double **,double **,double *),
void (*iter)(double **,double **,double *,int),int stop,int ps_limit, int nv, int err_nv){
int i,p; double dt=fp[99], dt_pow;
first(y,co,fp); /*Calculate first order terms*/
if(dt == 1)for(i=0;i<nv;i++)y1[i]=y[i][0]+y[i][1];
else{for(i=0;i<nv;i++)y1[i]=y[i][0]+dt*y[i][1]; dt_pow=dt*dt;}
if(dt == 1)for(i=0;i<nv;i++)ynew[i]=y1[i]+y[i][p+1]; /*Update*/
else{for(i=0;i<nv;i++)ynew[i]=y1[i]+y[i][p+1]*dt_pow; dt_pow*=dt;}
if((fabs(y[0][p+1])>10.0)){p=-1;break;} /*Check for divergence*/
for(i=0;i<err_nv;i++){if(ynew[i]-y1[i]) break;} /*zero tolerance*/
} p++;
if(stop==1){if(p==ps_limit)mexErrMsgTxt("PS solve failed.");}
return p;
void ps_update(double **y,int var,int ps_order,double dt,double *ynew){
int i;
if(dt == 1){for(i=1,*ynew=y[var][0];i<=ps_order;i++)*ynew+=y[var][i];}
else{ /*Use Horner's method*/
void cauchy_prod(int p,double *a,double a0,double *b,double b0,double *c){
/*c is the pth term of the Cauchy product of a and b with zeroth order
terms a0, b0 allowing shifted products (e.g (a-1)*(b+1))*/
int i;
*c = a0*b[p] + b0*a[p];
for(i = 1; i < p; i++){*c += a[i]*b[p-i];}
void cauchy_prod_basic(int p,double *a,double *b,double *c){
/*c is the pth term of the Cauchy product of a and b*/
int i;
*c = a[0]*b[p] + b[0]*a[p];
for(i = 1; i < p; i++){*c += a[i]*b[p-i];}
void cauchy_prod_signed(int p,double *a,double a0,int sign_a,
double *b,double b0,int sign_b,double *c){
/*Cauchy product with sign parameters to allow negative series*/
int i;
if(sign_a == 1){ /*assume sign_b is negative*/
*c = -a0*b[p] + b0*a[p];
for(i = 1; i < p; i++){*c += -a[i]*b[p-i];}
else if(sign_b == 1){ /*assume sign_a is negative*/
*c = a0*b[p] - b0*a[p];
for(i = 1; i < p; i++){*c += -a[i]*b[p-i];}
else{ /*assume both signs are negative*/
*c = -a0*b[p] - b0*a[p];
for(i = 1; i < p; i++){*c += a[i]*b[p-i];}
double cauchy_prod_gain(int p,double *a,double a0,double gain_a,
double *b,double b0,double gain_b,double *c){
/*Cauchy product with gain parameters to allow multiples of series*/
int i;
*c = a0*gain_b*b[p] + b0*gain_a*a[p];
for(i = 1; i < p; i++){*c += gain_a*a[i]*gain_b*b[p-i];}
void series_div(int p,double a_pp,double *b,double b0,double *c,double c0){
/*calculates pth term of c = a/b, with zeroth order terms b0, c0*/
double cb;
c[p+1] = (a_pp - cb)/b0;
void series_pow(int p,double *a,double a0,double *b,double b0,double x){
/*calculates pth coefficient of b = a^x*/
int i;
b[p] = x*a[p]*b0; /*i=p special case*/
for(i=1;i<p;i++){b[p] += ((x+1)*(double)i/(double)p - 1)*a[i]*b[p-i];}
b[p] /= a0;
/*Non-adaptive 4th order Runge-Kutta stepper*/
void rk_step(double *y,double *y0,double *dydt0,int nv,
double *fp,double dt,void (*derivs)(double *,double *,double *)){
double dt2 = dt/2; double dt6 = dt/6;
int i;
double *rk1,*rk2,*rk3,*dydt;
rk1 = malloc(nv*sizeof(double)); rk2 = malloc(nv*sizeof(double));
rk3 = malloc(nv*sizeof(double)); dydt = malloc(nv*sizeof(double));
for(i=0;i<nv;i++){rk1[i] = dydt0[i]; y[i] = y0[i] + dt2*dydt0[i];} /*1*/
derivs(y, dydt, fp); /*2*/
for(i=0;i<nv;i++){rk2[i] = dydt[i]; y[i] = y0[i] + dt2*dydt[i];}
derivs(y, dydt, fp); /*3*/
for(i=0;i<nv;i++){rk3[i] = dydt[i]; y[i] = y0[i] + dt*dydt[i];}
derivs(y, dydt, fp); /*4*/
for(i=0;i<nv;i++)y[i] = y0[i] + dt6*(rk1[i]+dydt[i]+2*(rk2[i]+rk3[i]));
/*Numerical Recipes modified midpoint method routine - For Bulirsch-Stoer*/
void mmid(double *y,double *dydt,int nv,double htot,int nstep,double *yout,double *fp,void (*derivs)(double *,double *,double *)){
int n,i;
double swap,h2,h,*ym,*yn;
ym = malloc(nv*sizeof(double)); yn = malloc(nv*sizeof(double));
h = htot/(double)nstep; /*stepsize this trip*/
for(i=0;i<nv;i++){ym[i]=y[i];yn[i]=y[i]+h*dydt[i];} /*First step*/
derivs(yn,yout,fp); /*Uses yout for temporary storage of derivatives*/
for(n=2;n<=nstep;n++){ /*General step*/
for(i=0;i<nv;i++){swap = ym[i] + h2*yout[i];ym[i] = yn[i];yn[i] = swap;}
for(i=0;i<nv;i++){yout[i] = 0.5*(ym[i] + yn[i] + h*yout[i]);}/*Last step*/
free(ym); free(yn);
/*NR polynomial extrapolation function - For Bulirsch-Stoer*/
void pzextr(int iest,double xest,double *yest,double *yz,double *yerr,
int nv,double *x,double **d){
/*Evaluate nv functions at x=0 by fitting a polynomial to a sequence of estimates with
progressively smaller values x = xest, and corresponding function vectors yest[1..nv].
This call is number iest in the sequence of calls. Extrapolated function values are
output as yz, and their estimated error is output as yerr.*/
int k1,j; double q,f2,f1,delta,*c;
c = malloc(nv*sizeof(double));
x[iest]=xest; /*save current independent variable*/
if (iest==0){for(j=0;j<nv;j++){d[j][0]=yest[j];}} /*store first element*/
for (k1=0;k1<iest;k1++){
for(j=0;j<nv;j++){ /*propagate tableau 1 diagonal more*/
q=d[j][k1]; d[j][k1]=yerr[j]; delta=c[j]-q;
yerr[j]=f1*delta; c[j]=f2*delta; yz[j]+=yerr[j];
} free(c);
/*NR rational extrapolation function - For Bulirsch-Stoer*/
void rzextr(int iest,double xest,double *yest,double *yz,double *yerr,
int nv,double *x,double **d){
int k,j; double yy,v,ddy,c,b1,b,*fx;
fx = malloc((iest+1)*sizeof(double));
x[iest]=xest; /*save current independent variable*/
if (iest == 0){for(j=0;j<nv;j++){yz[j]=yest[j];d[j][0]=yest[j];yerr[j]=yest[j];}}
for(k=0;k<iest;k++){fx[k+1] = x[iest-k-1]/xest;}
v=d[j][0]; d[j][0]=yy=c=yest[j];
b1=fx[k]*v; b=b1-c;
else ddy=v;
if(k != iest) v=d[j][k];
d[j][k]=ddy; yy+=ddy;
yerr[j]=ddy; yz[j]=yy;
} free(fx);
/*Fixed-step version of Bulirsch-Stoer*/
int bs_step(double *y,double *y0,double *dydt,int nv,double dt,
double *fp,double *eta,void (*derivs)(double *,double *,double *)){
/*y holds the state variables; dydt is the derivative at the start of the step*/
int i,k,n; static int kmax = 50, nseq[100];
double xest, x[100], *yerr, *yseq, *y1, **d;
d = malloc(nv*sizeof(double *)); yerr = malloc(nv*sizeof(double));
yseq = malloc(nv*sizeof(double)); y1 = malloc(nv*sizeof(double));
if(nv>50)mexErrMsgTxt("BS: Maximum number of variables (50) exceeded");
for(i=0;i<100;i++)nseq[i] = 2*(i+1);
for(i=0;i<nv;i++){d[i] = malloc(100*sizeof(double));}
for(k=0;k<kmax;k++){ /*evaluate the sequence of modified midpoint steps*/
for(i=0;i<nv;i++)y1[i]=y[i]; /*store previous iteration solution*/
n = nseq[k];
mmid(y0,dydt,nv,dt,n,yseq,fp,derivs); /*call mmid*/
xest=(dt/n)*(dt/n); /*squared, since error series is even*/
/*pzextr(k,xest,yseq,y,yerr,nv,x,d); /*polynomial extrapolation*/
rzextr(k,xest,yseq,y,yerr,nv,x,d); /*rational extrapolation*/
/*Solution change-based error tolerance*/
for(i=0;i<nv;i++){if(fabs(y[i]-y1[i])>eta[i]) break;} if(i==nv)break;
for(i=0;i<nv;i++){free(d[i]);} free(d);free(yerr);free(yseq);free(y1);
return k;