//mitral-granule reciprocal synapse
//src, target
// assume src,target unique
func syn_gid() {local i
if ($1 < nmitral) { // target is granule
i = ($2 * nmitral + $1 + 1 + ncell) * 100 + 1
}else{ // target is mitral
i = ($1 * nmitral + $2 + 1 + ncell) * 100
return i
begintemplate MGRS
public md, gd, md_gid, gd_gid, clear
public fi, ampanmda, mitral, granule, mitral_gid, granule_gid
public md2ampanmda, gd2fi
public fi_exists, ampa_exists, mexist, gexist
public sm, sg, wm, wg, set_sm, set_sg, ws_str
public pr
external pc, syn_gid
external ncell, nmitral //, nil,amp, rel, inh,synst, nmdafactor
objref mitral, granule
objref md2ampanmda, gd2fi
objref ampanmda, fi, md, gd
objref this, nil, ws_str_
strdef tstr
proc clear() {
objref md2ampanmda, gd2fi
objref ampanmda, fi, md, gd
objref mitral, granule
proc init() {
ws_str_ = new String()
mitral_gid = $1
granule_gid = $4
mexist = pc.gid_exists(mitral_gid)
gexist = pc.gid_exists(granule_gid)
md_gid = syn_gid(granule_gid, mitral_gid)
gd_gid = syn_gid(mitral_gid, granule_gid)
if (mexist) {
mitral = pc.gid2obj(mitral_gid)
// print pc.gid2obj(mitral_gid)
create_syn("{mitral.%s { fi = new FastInhib(%-10.20g )}}",$s2, $3)
create_syn("{mitral.%s { md = new ThreshDetect(%-10.20g)}}",$s2, $3)
pc.set_gid2node(md_gid, pc.id)
pc.cell(md_gid, new NetCon(md, nil), 1)
if (gexist) {
granule = pc.gid2obj(granule_gid)
create_syn("{granule.%s { ampanmda = new AmpaNmda(%-10.20g) }}" , $s5, $6)
create_syn("{granule.%s { gd = new ThreshDetect(%-10.20g)}}" , $s5, $6)
pc.set_gid2node(gd_gid, pc.id)
pc.cell(gd_gid, new NetCon(gd, nil), 1)
// print pc.id, this, mexist, gexist
if (gexist) {
// print pc.id, this, mitral_gid, granule_gid
// print pc.id, this, md_gid,gd_gid
md2ampanmda = pc.gid_connect(md_gid, ampanmda)
// print pc.id, this, md2ampanmda,
if (mexist) {
// print pc.id, this, mitral_gid, granule_gid
// print pc.id, this, md_gid,gd_gid
gd2fi = pc.gid_connect(gd_gid, fi )
// print pc.id, this, gd2fi
// print pc.id, this, mitral_gid, granule_gid, mitral, granule
if (gexist) {
md2ampanmda.weight = 1 // normalized
md2ampanmda.delay = 1
if (mexist) {
gd2fi.weight = 1 // normalized
gd2fi.delay = 1
proc create_syn() {
sprint(tstr, $s1, $s2, $3)
execute(tstr, this)
func fi_exists() {
return (fi != nil)
func ampa_exists() {
return (ampanmda != nil)
proc pr() {local x localobj s
s = new String()
if (mexist) {
x = md.get_loc()
sprint(s.s, "%s(%g) %d --- ", secname(), x, mitral_gid)
sprint(s.s, "%27d --- ", mitral_gid)
if (gexist) {
x = gd.get_loc()
sprint(s.s, "%s%d %s(%g)", s.s, granule_gid, secname(), x)
sprint(s.s, "%s%d", s.s, granule_gid)
printf("%d %s\n", pc.id, s.s)
//returns volatile String in proper wsfile format
// srcid tarid s w
// may be one line or two, no trailing newline
obfunc ws_str() {
if (mexist) {
if (gexist) {
sprint(ws_str_.s, "%d %d %g %g\n%d %d %g %g",\
granule_gid, mitral_gid, sm(), wm(),\
mitral_gid, granule_gid, sg(), wg())
sprint(ws_str_.s, "%d %d %g %g",\
granule_gid, mitral_gid, sm(), wm())
}else if (gexist) {
sprint(ws_str_.s, "%d %d %g %g", mitral_gid, granule_gid, sg(), wg())
ws_str_.s = ""
return ws_str_
proc set_sm() {
if (mexist) { gd2fi.weight[1] = $1 }
proc set_sg() {
if (gexist){ md2ampanmda.weight[1] = $1 }
func sm() {
return gd2fi.weight[1]
func sg() {
return md2ampanmda.weight[1]
func wm() {
return gd2fi.weight[2] * fi.gmax
func wg() {
return md2ampanmda.weight[2] * ampanmda.gmax
endtemplate MGRS
objref mgrs_list
mgrs_list = new List()
obfunc mk_mgrs() { local mitral_gid, granule_gid localobj mgrs
//$1 is the imitral, $s2 section name, $3 section arc position,
//$4 is the igranule, $s5 section name, $6 section arc position
mitral_gid = $1
granule_gid = $4 + ngranule_begin
if (pc.gid_exists(mitral_gid) || pc.gid_exists(granule_gid)) {
mgrs = new MGRS(mitral_gid, $s2, $3, granule_gid, $s5, $6)
return mgrs
return nil