Mitral cell model with four compartments (soma/axon, secondary dendrites, primary dendrite shaft, primary dendrite tuft) from: Davison AP, Feng J and Brown D. (2000) A reduced compartmental model of the mitral cell for use in network models of the olfactory bulb. Brain Research Bulletin 51(5): 393-399. Run the model using the file mosinit.hoc after compiling the .mod files. The graphs from fig. 6 in the paper can be reproduced by clicking the buttons labelled "Stimulate soma with 0.2 uA/cm2" etc.:A panel allows the parameters p, q, r, g_pg, g_sp, g_sd, alpha_s and alpha_g to be varied. Please note there are some typos in the paper: (1) The current balance equation for Vd should be Cm Vd' = -Ileak - INa - IKfast + (gsd/s)(Vs-Vd) not Cm Vd' = -Ileak - INa - IKfast - (gsd/s)(Vs-Vd) (2) In Table 1, g_pg should be 4.08 x 10^-4, not 4.08 x 10^-3 For more information contact Changelog --------- 2022-05: Updated MOD files to compile with the latest neuron releases where ion variables used as STATE can not be declared as GLOBAL.