function x = discrimation_MLE
% function x = discrimination_MLE
% This function uses MLE to estimate the discrimination ability of a given
% population. The population parameters are taken from a helper function
% (get_params). Edit get_params to change the basic population and testing
% paramters
% The returned parameter includes the following:
% x.CFs - the distribution of the CFs for this experiment
% - the bandwidth of all the neurons of interest
% x.spkrate - the evoked spike rate
% x.spont - the spontaneous activity rate
% x.fre - the frequencies at which you want to test discriminability
% x.diff - the delta f of interest
% x.perf - the performance (using the defined 50% threshold)
% x.perf2 - the performance (using a 90% threshold)
% for perf and perf2, you will get a X by Y matrix, where X is for the
% number of experiments run and Y is for the various freqencies tested.
% This function will also plot the results for you. Figure should look
% like figure 8B in the paper (blue line).
% Bao Lab 2008
clear all
P = get_params;
CF = P.CFs;
BW = P.BW;
fre = P.fre;
diff = P.diff;
opts = optimset('DerivativeCheck','off','Display','off', ...
'LargeScale','off','TolX',1e-6,'TolFun',1e-6, ...
numoftrials = 100;
global CFs bw spkrate spont R;
CFs = CF;
bw = BW*ones(1,length(CFs));
spkrate = SPKRT*ones(1,length(CFs));
spont = SPNT*ones(1,length(CFs));
for q = 1:50 %repeat--# of experiments
fprintf(['\tExperiment number is ' num2str(q) '\t' num2str(toc/60) '\n']);
%Go through all the frequencies of interest
for n = 1:length(fre)
% Setting treshold
for m = 1:numoftrials; %# of trials
R = MNRRS(fre(n),CFs,bw,spkrate,spont); %generate a response
[fre_est,lik,exit] = fmincon(@likhood,fre(n),[],[],[],[],fre(n)/2,fre(n)*2,[],opts);
R = MNRRS(fre(n),CFs,bw,spkrate,spont); %generate a response
[fre_est_2,lik,exit] = fmincon(@likhood,fre(n),[],[],[],[],fre(n)/2,fre(n)*2,[],opts);
thre(m) = abs(log2(fre_est/fre_est_2));
% Getting Response
for m = 1:numoftrials; %# of trials
R = MNRRS(fre(n)/2^(diff/2),CFs,bw,spkrate,spont); %generate a response
[fre_est,lik,exit] = fmincon(@likhood,fre(n),[],[],[],[],fre(n)/2,fre(n)*2,[],opts);
R = MNRRS(fre(n)*2^(diff/2),CFs,bw,spkrate,spont); %generate a response
[fre_est_2,lik,exit] = fmincon(@likhood,fre(n)*2^diff,[],[],[],[],fre(n)/2,fre(n)*2,[],opts);
lkl(m) = abs(log2(fre_est/fre_est_2));
perf(q,n) = sum(lkl>median(thre))/length(lkl);
thre = sort(thre);
perf2(q,n) = sum(lkl>thre(90))/length(lkl);
x.CFs = CFs; = bw;
x.spkrate = spkrate;
x.spont = spont;
x.fre = fre;
x.diff = diff;
x.perf = perf;
x.perf2 = perf2;
% Highly recommended that you save the ouput! %
% save discr_temp x
% Plotting the results %
ylabel('Discrimination (%)');
ylim([.5 1]);
set(gca, 'xtick', [1, 4, 7, 10, 13]);
set(gca, 'xticklabel',{x.fre(1), x.fre(4), x.fre(7), x.fre(10), x.fre(13)});