Created by BluePyOpt(1.5.3) at 2020-05-02 08:46:08.997716
* Check that global parameters are the same as with the optimization
proc check_parameter(/* name, expected_value, value */){
strdef error
if($2 != $3){
sprint(error, "Parameter %s has different value %f != %f", $s1, $2, $3)
proc check_simulator() {
check_parameter("celsius", 34, celsius)
check_parameter("v_init", -80, v_init)
begintemplate pv
public init, morphology, geom_nseg_fixed, geom_nsec
public soma, dend, apic, axon, myelin
create soma[1], dend[1], apic[1], axon[1], myelin[1]
objref this, CellRef, segCounts
public all, somatic, apical, axonal, basal, myelinated, APC
objref all, somatic, apical, axonal, basal, myelinated, APC
proc init(/* args: morphology_dir, morphology_name */) {
all = new SectionList()
apical = new SectionList()
axonal = new SectionList()
basal = new SectionList()
somatic = new SectionList()
myelinated = new SectionList()
//For compatibility with BBP CCells
CellRef = this
forall delete_section()
if(numarg() >= 2) {
load_morphology($s1, $s2)
} else {
load_morphology($s1, "C210401C.asc")
proc load_morphology(/* morphology_dir, morphology_name */) {localobj morph, import, sf, extension
strdef morph_path
sprint(morph_path, "%s/%s", $s1, $s2)
sf = new StringFunctions()
extension = new String()
sscanf(morph_path, "%s", extension.s)
sf.right(extension.s, sf.len(extension.s)-4)
if( strcmp(extension.s, ".asc") == 0 ) {
morph = new Import3d_Neurolucida3()
} else if( strcmp(extension.s, ".swc" ) == 0) {
morph = new Import3d_SWC_read()
} else {
printf("Unsupported file format: Morphology file has to end with .asc or .swc" )
morph.quiet = 1
import = new Import3d_GUI(morph, 0)
* Assignment of mechanism values based on distance from the soma
* Matches the BluePyOpt method
proc distribute_distance(){local x localobj sl
strdef stmp, distfunc, mech
sl = $o1
mech = $s2
distfunc = $s3
this.soma[0] distance(0, 0.5)
sprint(distfunc, "%%s %s(%%f) = %s", mech, distfunc)
forsec sl for(x, 0) {
sprint(stmp, distfunc, secname(), x, distance(x))
proc geom_nseg() {
this.geom_nsec() //To count all sections
//TODO: geom_nseg_fixed depends on segCounts which is calculated by
// geom_nsec. Can this be collapsed?
this.geom_nsec() //To count all sections
proc insertChannel() {
forsec this.all {
insert pas
forsec this.apical {
forsec this.axonal {
insert Ca_LVAst
insert Ca_HVA
insert CaDynamics_E2
insert SKv3_1
insert Nav11m
insert SK_E2
insert K_Tst
insert K_Pst
insert Nap_Et2
insert NaTa_t
insert Nav11
insert Im
forsec this.basal {
insert NaTs2_t
insert Nap_Et2
insert Nav11
insert Nav11m
insert K_Tst
insert K_Pst
insert SKv3_1
insert Im
insert Ih
forsec this.somatic {
insert NaTs2_t
insert Nap_Et2
insert Nav11
insert SKv3_1
insert SK_E2
insert K_Tst
insert K_Pst
insert CaDynamics_E2
insert Ca_HVA
insert Ca_LVAst
insert Nav11m
insert Im
forsec this.myelinated {
proc biophys() {
forsec CellRef.all {
Ra = 100
g_pas = 1.1753712511359735e-07
e_pas = -62.605486758793134
forsec CellRef.apical {
forsec CellRef.axonal {
cm = 1
ena = 50
ek = -90
gNaTa_tbar_NaTa_t = 1.8952539630604903
gNav11bar_Nav11 = 2.9986708213550992
gNap_Et2bar_Nap_Et2 = 9.9914521169257362e-07
gK_Pstbar_K_Pst = 4.9798348545652884e-06
gK_Tstbar_K_Tst = 0.0958123928067732
gSK_E2bar_SK_E2 = 0.037731878034846213
gSKv3_1bar_SKv3_1 = 0.356040135857974
gCa_HVAbar_Ca_HVA = 6.6928045008285222e-06
gCa_LVAstbar_Ca_LVAst = 0.00086252457600405862
decay_CaDynamics_E2 = 357.51087087210146
gamma_CaDynamics_E2 = 0.0033841884469849211
gImbar_Im = 0.00031319601262909993
gNav11bar_Nav11m = 0
mh_Nav11m = -26.600000000000001
ms_Nav11m = 6.7000000000000002
hh_Nav11m = -60.200000000000003
hs_Nav11m = 5.5999999999999996
tmh_Nav11m = -40
thh_Nav11m = -65
forsec CellRef.basal {
cm = 1
ena = 50
ek = -90
gNaTs2_tbar_NaTs2_t = 0.0020626919757689753
gNav11bar_Nav11 = 8.7937735030300143e-06
gNap_Et2bar_Nap_Et2 = 1.6389087983832434e-07
gSKv3_1bar_SKv3_1 = 8.1625882332958207e-05
gK_Pstbar_K_Pst = 4.7998069883951371e-08
gK_Tstbar_K_Tst = 1.6848144871536559e-05
gNav11bar_Nav11m = 0
mh_Nav11m = -26.600000000000001
ms_Nav11m = 6.7000000000000002
hh_Nav11m = -60.200000000000003
hs_Nav11m = 5.5999999999999996
tmh_Nav11m = -40
thh_Nav11m = -65
forsec CellRef.somatic {
cm = 1
ena = 50
ek = -85
gNaTs2_tbar_NaTs2_t = 0.95585841724208476
gNav11bar_Nav11 = 0.21504623309972959
gNap_Et2bar_Nap_Et2 = 7.9295968986726376e-07
gSKv3_1bar_SKv3_1 = 0.018497365407533689
gK_Pstbar_K_Pst = 1.8986651083545768e-05
gK_Tstbar_K_Tst = 0.019405714609111748
gSK_E2bar_SK_E2 = 1.6228971252382314e-08
gCa_HVAbar_Ca_HVA = 0.00033062469952363
gCa_LVAstbar_Ca_LVAst = 0.0011410752102358152
decay_CaDynamics_E2 = 103.86036962355075
gamma_CaDynamics_E2 = 0.032352264465451266
gImbar_Im = 0.00010335472123811204
gNav11bar_Nav11m = 0
mh_Nav11m = -26.600000000000001
ms_Nav11m = 6.7000000000000002
hh_Nav11m = -60.200000000000003
hs_Nav11m = 5.5999999999999996
tmh_Nav11m = -40
thh_Nav11m = -65
forsec CellRef.myelinated {
cm = 0.02
distribute_distance(CellRef.basal, "gImbar_Im", "(-0.8696 + 2.087*exp((%.17g)*0.0031))*4.9053963032026885e-07")
distribute_distance(CellRef.basal, "gIhbar_Ih", "(-0.8696 + 2.087*exp((%.17g)*0.0031))*4.3100495575754699e-05")
func sec_count(/* SectionList */) { local nSec
nSec = 0
forsec $o1 {
nSec += 1
return nSec
* Iterate over the section and compute how many segments should be allocate to
* each.
proc geom_nseg_fixed(/* chunkSize */) { local secIndex, chunkSize
chunkSize = $1
soma area(.5) // make sure diam reflects 3d points
secIndex = 0
forsec all {
nseg = 1 + 2*int(L/chunkSize)
segCounts.x[secIndex] = nseg
secIndex += 1
* Count up the number of sections
proc geom_nsec() { local nSec
nSecAll = sec_count(all)
nSecSoma = sec_count(somatic)
nSecApical = sec_count(apical)
nSecBasal = sec_count(basal)
nSecMyelinated = sec_count(myelinated)
nSecAxonalOrig = nSecAxonal = sec_count(axonal)
segCounts = new Vector()
nSec = 0
forsec all {
segCounts.x[nSec] = nseg
nSec += 1
* Replace the axon built from the original morphology file with a stub axon
proc replace_axon(){ local nSec, L_chunk, dist, i1, i2, i3, count, L_target, chunkSize, L_real localobj diams, lens
L_target = 60 // length of stub axon
nseg0 = 5 // number of segments for each of the two axon sections
nseg_total = nseg0 * 2
chunkSize = L_target/nseg_total
nSec = 0
forsec axonal{nSec = nSec + 1}
// Try to grab info from original axon
if(nSec < 1){ //At least two axon sections have to be present!
execerror("Less than two axon sections are present! Add an axon to the morphology and try again!")
} else {
diams = new Vector()
lens = new Vector()
access axon[0]
i1 = v(0.0001) // used when serializing sections prior to sim start
access axon[1]
i2 = v(0.0001) // used when serializing sections prior to sim start
access axon[2]
i3 = v(0.0001) // used when serializing sections prior to sim start
count = 0
forsec axonal{ // loop through all axon sections
nseg = 1 + int(L/chunkSize/2.)*2 //nseg to get diameter
for (x) {
if (x > 0 && x < 1) {
count = count + 1
diams.x[count-1] = diam(x)
lens.x[count-1] = L/nseg
if( count == nseg_total ){
if( count == nseg_total ){
// get rid of the old axon
forsec axonal{delete_section()}
create axon[2]
L_real = 0
count = 0
// new axon dependant on old diameters
for i=0,1{
access axon[i]
L = L_target/2
nseg = nseg_total/2
for (x) {
if (x > 0 && x < 1) {
diam(x) = diams.x[count]
L_real = L_real+lens.x[count]
count = count + 1
if (i == 0) {
v(0.0001) = i1
} else {
v(0.0001) = i2
nSecAxonal = 2
soma[0] connect axon[0](0), 1
axon[0] connect axon[1](0), 1
create myelin[1]
access myelin[0]{
L = 1000
diam = diams.x[count-1]
nseg = 5
v(0.0001) = i3
axon[1] connect myelin[0](0), 1
print "Target stub axon length:", L_target, "um, equivalent length: ", L_real "um"
func hash_str() {localobj sf strdef right
sf = new StringFunctions()
right = $s1
n_of_c = sf.len(right)
hash = 0
char_int = 0
for i = 0, n_of_c - 1 {
sscanf(right, "%c", & char_int)
hash = (hash * 31 + char_int) % (2 ^ 31 - 1)
sf.right(right, 1)
return hash
proc re_init_rng() {localobj sf
strdef full_str, name
sf = new StringFunctions()
endtemplate pv