#!/usr/bin/env python
# This is a modified version of example7.py of LFPy
import LFPy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
import neuron
import math
import io
import sys
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size' : 12,
'figure.facecolor' : '1',
'figure.subplot.wspace' : 0.5,
'figure.subplot.hspace' : 0.5})
dryrun = False
L = 300
centerpos = (0, 0, 0)
themode = sys.argv[1]
if themode not in ['msn', 'msn-beta', 'pyramidal', 'pyramidal-beta']:
sys.exit("Please specify the mode (msn, msn-beta, pyramidal, or pyramidal-beta).")
radius = 150
synapticweight = 0.001
if themode in ['msn', 'msn-beta']: # MSN
cortex = False
Ncells = 2700*8
gabaradius = 200
gabafactor = 1.5
synapsePerCell = 80
elif themode in ['pyramidal', 'pyramidal-beta']: # Cortex
cortex = True
Ncells = 2700*60/100*8
gabaradius = 1e5
gabafactor = 0.1
synapsePerCell = 200
if themode in ['msn', 'pyramidal']:
tstopms = 100
elif themode in ['msn-beta', 'pyramidal-beta']:
tstopms = 200
optionstr = themode+'_newmodel'
def insert_synapses(centerpos, radius, dryrun, synparams, section, n, spTimesFun, args):
if section is None:
idx = cell.get_rand_idx_area_norm(nidx=n)
idx = cell.get_rand_idx_area_norm(nidx=n, section=section)
inserted = 0
for i in idx:
if (cell.xmid[i]-centerpos[0])**2+(cell.ymid[i]-centerpos[1])**2+(cell.zmid[i]-centerpos[2])**2<=radius**2:
inserted += 1
if not dryrun:
synparams.update({'idx' : int(i)})
spiketimes = spTimesFun(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4])
s = LFPy.Synapse(cell, **synparams)
return inserted
def nonstationary_poisson(tstart, tstop, maxlambda, frequency, tmin=-1000.0, tmax=1000000.0):
X = []
x = tmin
while True:
x += -np.log(np.random.random())*maxlambda
if x>tstop:
if np.random.random()<(1+np.sin(-np.pi/2+2*np.pi*frequency*(x-tstart)/1000.0))/2:
return np.array(X)
if cortex:
cellParameters = {
'morphology' : 'morphologies/L5_Mainen96_wAxon_LFPy.hoc',
'rm' : 30000, # membrane resistance
'cm' : 1.0, # membrane capacitance
'Ra' : 150, # axial resistance
'v_init' : -65, # initial crossmembrane potential
'e_pas' : -65, # reversal potential passive mechs
'passive' : True, # switch on passive mechs
'nsegs_method' : 'lambda_f',# method for setting number of segments,
'lambda_f' : 100, # segments are isopotential at this frequency
'timeres_NEURON' : 2**-4, # dt of LFP and NEURON simulation.
'timeres_python' : 2**-4,
'tstartms' : -50, #start time, recorders start at t=0
'tstopms' : tstopms, #stop time of simulation
cellParameters = {
'morphology' : 'morphologies/msp_template_modified2.hoc',
'rm' : 1/(1.7e-5*1.3), # membrane resistance
'cm' : 1.0, # membrane capacitance
'Ra' : 100, # axial resistance
'v_init' : -70, # initial crossmembrane potential
'e_pas' : -70, # reversal potential passive mechs
'passive' : True, # switch on passive mechs
'nsegs_method' : 'lambda_f',# method for setting number of segments,
'lambda_f' : 100, # segments are isopotential at this frequency
'timeres_NEURON' : 2**-4, # dt of LFP and NEURON simulation.
'timeres_python' : 2**-4,
'tstartms' : -50, #start time, recorders start at t=0
'tstopms' : tstopms, #stop time of simulation
# Synaptic parameters taken from Hendrickson et al 2011
# Excitatory synapse parameters:
synapseParameters_AMPA = {
'e' : 0, #reversal potential
'syntype' : 'Exp2Syn', #conductance based exponential synapse
'tau1' : 1., #Time constant, rise
'tau2' : 3., #Time constant, decay
'weight' : synapticweight, #Synaptic weight
'color' : 'r', #for plt.plot
'marker' : '.', #for plt.plot
'record_current' : True, #record synaptic currents
# Inhibitory synapse parameters
synapseParameters_GABA_A = {
'e' : -70,
'syntype' : 'Exp2Syn',
'tau1' : 1.,
'tau2' : 12.,
'weight' : synapticweight,
'color' : 'b',
'marker' : '.',
'record_current' : True
# where to insert, how many, and which input statistics
if themode in ['msn', 'pyramidal']:
insert_synapses_AMPA_args = {
'spTimesFun' : LFPy.inputgenerators.stationary_gamma,
'args' : [25, 75, 0.5, 40,
insert_synapses_GABA_A_args = {
'spTimesFun' : LFPy.inputgenerators.stationary_gamma,
'args' : [25, 75, 0.5, 40,
insert_synapses_AMPA_args = {
'spTimesFun' : nonstationary_poisson,
'args' : [0, tstopms, 20, 15,
insert_synapses_GABA_A_args = {
'spTimesFun' : nonstationary_poisson,
'args' : [0, tstopms, 20, 15,
# Define electrode geometry corresponding to a laminar electrode, where contact
# points have a radius r, surface normal vectors N, and LFP calculated as the
# average LFP in n random points on each contact:
n_elec = 64
N = np.empty((n_elec, 3))
for i in range(N.shape[0]):
N[i,] = [1, 0, 0] #normal unit vec. to contacts
if cortex:
electrodeParameters = {
'sigma' : 0.3, # Extracellular potential
'x' : np.zeros(n_elec) + 25*0, # x,y,z-coordinates of electrode contacts
'y' : np.zeros(n_elec),
'z' : np.linspace(-1500, 500, n_elec),
'n' : 20,
'r' : 10,
'N' : N,
electrodeParameters = {
'sigma' : 0.3, # Extracellular potential
'x' : np.zeros(n_elec) + 25*0, # x,y,z-coordinates of electrode contacts
'y' : np.zeros(n_elec),
'z' : np.linspace(-500, 500, n_elec),
'n' : 20,
'r' : 10,
'N' : N,
# Parameters for the cell.simulate() call, recording membrane- and syn.-currents
simulationParameters = {
'rec_imem' : True, # Record Membrane currents during simulation
'rec_isyn' : True, # Record synaptic currents
'rec_vmem' : False
# Main simulation procedure
total_ampa = 0
total_gaba = 0
totalneurons = 0
LFPsum = np.array([])
spos = []
print str(Ncells/float((2*L)**3)*100**3)+" neurons in 100 * 100 * 100 micro m^3"
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[12, 8])
rc('text', usetex=True)
rc('text.latex', preamble=r'\usepackage{arev}')
#plot the somatic trace
ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.4, 0.7, 0.5, 0.2])
ax1.set_ylabel('Soma potential/mV')
ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.4, 0.4, 0.5, 0.2])
ax2.set_ylabel('Synaptic input/nA')
#plot the morphology, electrode contacts and synapses
ax4 = fig.add_axes([0.05, 0, 0.25, 1], frameon=False)
for nc in range(Ncells):
#Initialize cell instance, using the LFPy.Cell class
cell = LFPy.Cell(**cellParameters)
if cortex:
cell.set_rotation(0, 0, 2*math.pi*np.random.rand())
cell.set_pos(-L+2*L*np.random.rand(), -L+2*L*np.random.rand(), -800-L+2*L*np.random.rand())
ampa = insert_synapses(centerpos, radius, dryrun, synapseParameters_AMPA, 'apic', synapsePerCell, **insert_synapses_AMPA_args)
gaba = insert_synapses(centerpos, gabaradius, dryrun, synapseParameters_GABA_A, 'dend', synapsePerCell*gabafactor, **insert_synapses_GABA_A_args)
for i in range(10):
cell.set_rotation(2*math.pi*np.random.rand(), 2*math.pi*np.random.rand(), 2*math.pi*np.random.rand())
cell.set_pos(-L+2*L*np.random.rand(), -L+2*L*np.random.rand(), -L+2*L*np.random.rand())
ampa = insert_synapses(centerpos, radius, dryrun, synapseParameters_AMPA, None, synapsePerCell, **insert_synapses_AMPA_args)
gaba = insert_synapses(centerpos, gabaradius, dryrun, synapseParameters_GABA_A, None, synapsePerCell*gabafactor, **insert_synapses_GABA_A_args)
#Insert synapses using the function defined earlier
if ampa+gaba==0:
total_ampa += ampa
total_gaba += gaba
totalneurons += 1
if dryrun:
print('processing neurons.... '+str(nc+1)+'/'+str(Ncells))
print('simulating LFPs.... '+str(nc+1)+'/'+str(Ncells))
#perform NEURON simulation, results saved as attributes in the cell instance
# Initialize electrode geometry, then calculate the LFP, using the
# LFPy.RecExtElectrode class. Note that now cell is given as input to electrode
# and created after the NEURON simulations are finished
electrode = LFPy.RecExtElectrode(cell, **electrodeParameters)
thetvec = cell.tvec
if LFPsum.shape==(0,):
LFPsum = electrode.LFP
LFPsum += electrode.LFP
if totalneurons%100==0:
thecolor = (np.random.rand(), np.random.rand(), np.random.rand())
if not dryrun:
ax1.plot(cell.tvec, cell.somav)
for i in range(len(cell.synapses)):
if i%10==0:
ax2.plot(cell.tvec, cell.synapses[i].i, color=thecolor)
for sec in neuron.h.allsec():
idx = cell.get_idx(sec.name())
ax4.plot(np.r_[cell.xstart[idx], cell.xend[idx][-1]], # xstart and xend are lists of segments
np.r_[cell.zstart[idx], cell.zend[idx][-1]],
for i in range(len(cell.synapses)):
spos.append([cell.synapses[i].x, cell.synapses[i].z, cell.synapses[i].color, cell.synapses[i].marker])
print totalneurons, "neurons,", total_ampa, "AMPA synapses,", total_gaba, "GABA synapses, "
for x,z,c,m in spos:
ax4.plot(x, z, color=c, marker=m)
if not dryrun:
for i in range(electrode.x.size):
ax4.plot(electrode.x[i], electrode.z[i], color='g', marker='o')
#plot the LFP as image plot
ax3 = fig.add_axes([0.4, 0.1, 0.5, 0.2])
absmaxLFP = abs(np.array([LFPsum.max(), LFPsum.min()])).max()
im = ax3.pcolormesh(thetvec, electrode.z, LFPsum,
vmax=absmaxLFP, vmin=-absmaxLFP,
#cb = plt.colorbar(im)
#ticklabs = cb.ax.get_yticklabels()
#cb.ax.set_yticklabels(ticklabs, ha='right')
rect = np.array(ax3.get_position().bounds)
rect[0] += rect[2] + 0.01
rect[2] = 0.02
cax = fig.add_axes(rect)
cbar = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax)
params = '_'.join(list(map(str, [totalneurons, total_ampa, total_gaba, Ncells, synapticweight, gabaradius, gabafactor, synapsePerCell])))
fig.savefig(optionstr+'_'+params+'.pdf', dpi=1200)
fp = open(optionstr+'_'+params+'_voltage.txt', 'w')
for l in LFPsum:
fp.write(" ".join(map(str, l))+"\n")