from neuron import h
import params
import misc
granules = params.granules
from gidfunc import *
# set granules type #
pos2type = {}
_gran_voxel = set([ (0, 0, 0) ])
def gc_is_superficial(ggid):
p = granules.ggid2pos[ggid]
# it fix the granule cells type
up = misc.Ellipsoid(params.bulbCenter, params.granAxisUp)
dw = misc.Ellipsoid(params.bulbCenter, params.granAxisDw)
return (dw.normalRadius(p)-1)/(dw.normalRadius(up.project(p))-1) > 0.5
def init():
from math import exp
# it fix the granule cells type
up = misc.Ellipsoid(params.bulbCenter, params.granAxisUp)
dw = misc.Ellipsoid(params.bulbCenter, params.granAxisDw)
for p, ggid in granules.pos2ggid.items():
rng_type = params.ranstream(ggid, params.stream_granule_type)
if rng_type.uniform(0, 1) < params.gc_type3_prob:
# if False:
gtype = 1
prob = (dw.normalRadius(p)-1)/(dw.normalRadius(up.project(p))-1)
#if rng_type.uniform(0, 1) > prob:
if prob <= 0.5:
# if not gc_is_superficial(ggid):
gtype = 0 # right type for mitral only
gtype = 2 # right type for mid. tufted only
pos2type.update({ p:gtype })
# initialize the voxel grid to connect segment to granule cells
d = params.gran_voxel
ndepth = int(round(params.gran_connect_radius/d))
old_moves = set([ (0, 0, 0) ])
for idepth in range(ndepth):
new_moves = set()
for m in old_moves:
for dx in range(-d, d+1, d):
for dy in range(-d, d+1, d):
for dz in range(-d, d+1, d):
p = (m[0]+dx, m[1]+dy, m[2]+dz)
old_moves = new_moves
# ----------------- #
''' get the voxels below the segment would connect to '''
def get_granules_below(p, glomid):
bnd_up = misc.Ellipsoid(params.bulbCenter, params.granAxisUp)
bnd_dw = misc.Ellipsoid(params.bulbCenter, params.granAxisDw)
p_up = bnd_up.project(p)
p_dw = bnd_dw.project(p) #params.glomRealCoords[glomid])
def get_neighbors(q):
neighpt = []
for dx, dy, dz in _gran_voxel:
neighpt.append((q[0]+dx, q[1]+dy, q[2]+dz))
return neighpt
def get_p(x):
return (int((p_dw[0]+x*(p_up[0]-p_dw[0]))/d)*d,
pts = set()
nmoves = 1+int(misc.distance(p_up, p_dw)/params.gran_voxel)
x = 0.0
while x < 1:
x += 1.0/nmoves
return pts
''' dendrites locations to connect '''
def dend_connections(sec):
n = int(h.n3d())
x = h.Vector(n)
y = h.Vector(n)
z = h.Vector(n)
s = h.Vector(n)
for i in range(n):
x.x[i] = h.x3d(i)
y.x[i] = h.y3d(i)
z.x[i] = h.z3d(i)
s.x[i] = h.arc3d(i)
# find arc to interp
s1 = h.Vector()
arc = params.mean_synapse_invl/2
while arc < sec.L:
arc += params.mean_synapse_invl
# interpolate
x.interpolate(s1, s)
y.interpolate(s1, s)
z.interpolate(s1, s)
return s1, x, y, z
''' cell lat. dend. locations to connect '''
def lateral_connections(cellid, cell):
ci = []
for i in range(int(cell.nsecden)):
s, x, y, z = dend_connections(cell.secden[i])
for j in range(int(s.size())):
ci.append((int(cellid), i, s.x[j], None, 0, None,
0, (x.x[j], y.x[j], z.x[j])))
return ci
''' choice a granule to connect '''
def connect_to_granule(ci, rng, gconnected):
up = misc.Ellipsoid(params.bulbCenter, params.granAxisUp)
dw = misc.Ellipsoid(params.bulbCenter, params.granAxisDw)
gvoxels = list(get_granules_below(ci[-1], mgid2glom(ci[0])))
def inside_boundary(p):
return up.normalRadius(p) < 1 and dw.normalRadius(p) >= 1
def is_proper_type(cgid, gpos):
gtype = pos2type[gpos]
if ismitral(cgid):
return gtype == 0 or gtype == 1
elif ismtufted(cgid):
return gtype == 1 or gtype == 2
return False
while True:
# cannot connect
if len(gvoxels) == 0:
index = int(rng.discunif(0, len(gvoxels)-1))
gpos = gvoxels[index]
# the voxel is a granule
if inside_boundary(gpos) and gpos not in gconnected and is_proper_type(ci[0], gpos):
return granules.pos2ggid[gpos], 0, rng.uniform(0, 1), gpos
del gvoxels[index]
return None
# initialize the lateral connections
if __name__ == '__main__':
def ggid2type_save(filename):
with open(filename, 'w') as fo:
for gpos, gtype in pos2type.items():
fo.write('%d %d\n' % (granules.pos2ggid[gpos], \
gtype) \
with open('../bulbvis/granules.txt', 'w') as fo:
for ggid, p in granules.ggid2pos.items():
fo.write('%d ' % ggid)
fo.write('%g %g %g '% p)
fo.write('%d\n' % 0)
n = [0]*3
for gtype in pos2type.values(): n[gtype]+=1
print n
print 'saved'