# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
OdorStim supplies an odors[name] stimulus to each mitral tuft dendrite
defined by odors[name].glom_weights. Thus there is a separate NetCon for
each tuft dendrite on this process.
from common import *
import params
import odors
from gidfunc import mgid2glom, ismitral, ismtufted
tufts_diverged = {}
import gidfunc
#''' diverge the orn touching the tufts '''
#def init_tufts_diverged():
# tufts_diverged.clear()
# N_Mc = params.Nmitral_per_glom
# N_mTc = params.Nmtufted_per_glom
# gid_mTc = params.gid_mtufted_begin
# for glomid in range(params.Ngloms):
# import mcgrow
# for gid in range(glomid*N_Mc, (glomid+1)*N_Mc):
# ntft = int(params.ranstream(gid, params.stream_tuft).discunif(mcgrow.n_min_tuft, mcgrow.n_max_tuft))
# for i in range(ntft):
# tufts_diverged[(gid, i)] = params.cellid2glomid(gid)
# import mtcgrow
# for gid in range(glomid*N_mTc+gid_mTc, (glomid+1)*N_mTc+gid_mTc):
# ntft = int(params.ranstream(gid, params.stream_tuft).discunif(mtcgrow.n_min_tuft, mtcgrow.n_max_tuft))
# for i in range(ntft):
# tufts_diverged[(gid, i)] = params.cellid2glomid(gid)
# # diverge uniformly
# keys = tufts_diverged.keys()
# while len(keys) > 1:
# j = int(params.ranstream(*keys[0]).discunif(1, len(keys)-1))
# aux = tufts_diverged[keys[0]]
# tufts_diverged[keys[0]] = tufts_diverged[keys[j]]
# tufts_diverged[keys[j]] = aux
# del keys[0]
class OdorStim:
def __init__(self, odorname, start, dur, conc):
''' Specifies the odor for an OdorStim. Note that the OdorStim is
activated with setup which can only be called after the mitrals
dict exists (usually from determine_connections.py).
self.odorname = odorname
self.start = start
self.dur = dur
self.conc = conc
self.verbose = True
self.next_invl = 0
if params.glomerular_layer == 0:
self.w_odor = odors.odors[odorname].getORNs(conc) # odor vector
elif params.glomerular_layer == 1:
self.w_odor = odors.odors[odorname].afterPG_1(conc) # odor vector
elif params.glomerular_layer == 2:
self.w_odor = odors.odors[odorname].afterPG_2(conc) # odor vector
# set up the netcons to simulate the ORNs
self.netcons = {}
self.rng_act = params.ranstream(0, params.stream_orn_act)
self.rng_act.uniform(params.sniff_invl_min, params.sniff_invl_max)
model = getmodel()
for gid, cell in model.mitrals.items():
if h.section_exists("tuftden", 0, cell):
for i in range(int(cell.ornsyn.count())):
self.netcons[(gid, i)] = h.NetCon(None, cell.ornsyn.o(i))
self.fih = h.FInitializeHandler(0, (self.init_ev, (start,)))
def init_ev(self, start):
''' first event at start.
In principle this can be called by the user during a simulation
but if h.t < the previous stop, the randomness will be mixed
between the multiple (start,stop) intervals.
h.cvode.event(start, (self.ev, (start,)))
def ev(self, time):
''' set odors stimulation intensity '''
model = getmodel()
for gid, cell in model.mitrals.items():
if gidfunc.ismitral(gid):
g_e_baseline = params.orn_g_mc_baseline
std_e = params.orn_g_mc_std
g_e_max = params.orn_g_mc_max
g_e_baseline = params.orn_g_mt_baseline
std_e = params.orn_g_mt_std
g_e_max = params.orn_g_mt_max
if h.section_exists("tuftden", 0, cell):
for i in range(int(cell.ornsyn.count())):
cell.ornsyn.o(i).cc_peak = self.w_odor[mgid2glom(gid)]
cell.ornsyn.o(i).g_e_baseline = g_e_baseline
cell.ornsyn.o(i).g_e_max = g_e_max
cell.ornsyn.o(i).std_e = std_e
for nc in self.netcons.values():
if self.verbose and rank == 0:
print 'activation of %s at %g (ms)\tinterval %g' % (self.odorname, time, self.next_invl)
# set up for next sniff
self.next_invl = self.rng_act.repick()
if (time + self.next_invl) < (self.start + self.dur):
h.cvode.event(time+self.next_invl, (self.ev, (time+self.next_invl,)))
# init diverged tufts
if __name__ == '__main__':
import common
common.nmitral = 2
common.ncell = 10
import determine_connections
import odors
ods = OdorStim(odors.odors['Apple'])
ods.setup(determine_connections.mitrals, 10., 20., 100.)
h.tstop = 150
print 't=', h.t