import bulbdef as params
import misc
from math import pi
# 3d coords to ellipsoidal
def p2e(p, axis=params.bulb_axis):
from copy import copy
p = copy(list(p))
for i in range(3):
p[i] -= params.bulb_center[i]
p[i] /= axis[i] / 2.0
phi, theta =[1:]
phi %= 2*pi
return phi, theta
def e2p(phi, theta, axis=params.bulb_axis):
p = list(, phi, theta))
for i in range(3):
p[i] *= axis[i]/2.0
p[i] += params.bulb_center[i]
return p
def geodist(q, p):
phiq, thetaq = p2e(q)
phip, thetap = p2e(p)
if phiq < phip:
def swap(a, b):
return b, a
phip, phiq = swap(phip, phiq)
thetap, thetaq = swap(thetap, thetaq)
if phiq > phip and (phiq - phip) % (2 * pi) > pi:
phiq = -(2 * pi - phiq)
def pt(t):
phi = (phiq-phip)*t+phip
theta = (thetaq-thetap)*t+thetap
return e2p(phi, theta)
t = 0.0
dt = (1.0/360*2*pi)/max([abs(phiq-phip), abs(thetaq-thetap)])
tot = 0.0
a = pt(0)
seq = [a]
while t < 1:
t += dt
b = pt(t)
tot += misc.distance(a, b)
a = b
return tot, seq
def glomdist(i, j):
gd = adj[(i, j)]
except KeyError:
gl1 = list(params.glom_coord[i])
gl2 = list(params.glom_coord[j])
gd = geodist(gl1, gl2)[0]
return gd
adj = {}
fi = open('geodist.txt', 'r')
line = fi.readline()
while line:
tk = line.split()
i = int(tk[0])
j = int(tk[1])
gd = float(tk[2])
adj[(i, j)] = gd
line = fi.readline()
except IOError:
ng = params.Ngloms
fo = open('geodist.txt', 'w')
for i in range(ng-1):
for j in range(i+1, ng):
print 'distance between', i, j, '...'
p = params.glom_coord[i]
q = params.glom_coord[j]
d = geodist(p, q)[0]
adj[(i, j)] = adj[(j, i)] = d
fo.write('%d %d %g\n' % (i, j, d))
fo.write('%d %d %g\n' % (j, i, d))
print '\t...done'
print 'all distance are been calculated'