import numpy as np
import bulbdef
# compress data eliminate consecutive repetition
def compress(t, colorindex):
data = [ (t[0], int(colorindex[0])) ]
data += [ (t[i], int(colorindex[i])) for i in range(1, len(t)) if colorindex[i] != colorindex[i-1] ]
return data
# binary search for data
def specialBinarySearch(data, t):
i = 0
j = len(data)-1
k = (i+j)/2
while i <= j:
if data[k][0] > t:
j = k - 1
elif data[k][0] < t:
i = k + 1
k = (i+j)/2
# k is the closest to t
# if t[k] <= t, it is ok
# otherwise shift left if you can
if data[k][0] > t and k > 0:
k -= 1
return k
class iSceneObjectStory:
def __init__(self, obj, spkr, dt=25.0, MinFR=0, MaxFR=200.0, MinW=0, MaxW=1):
self.obj = obj
def retrieve(func, gid, Tvals, tstop):
t, y = func(gid)
except KeyError:
t = [0]
y = [0]
return np.interp(Tvals, t, y)
def normalize(y, miny, maxy):
y = np.divide(np.subtract(y, miny), maxy - miny)
y = np.floor(np.multiply(y, len(self.obj.palette)))
y[np.where(y < 0)] = 0
y[np.where(y > (len(self.obj.palette)-1))] = len(self.obj.palette)-1
return y
from bulbvis import GC, Segment, Soma
# time to visualize
Tvals = np.linspace(0, spkr.tstop, int(spkr.tstop/dt)+1)
if len(self.obj.gids) == 0:
self.Wexc_data = [ (0, 0) ]
self.Winh_data = [ (0, 0) ]
self.FRdata = [ (0, 0) ]
elif isinstance(self.obj, Soma):
self.Wexc_data = [ (0, 0) ]
self.Winh_data = [ (0, 0) ]
#print normalize(retrieve(spkr.frequency, self.obj.gids[0], Tvals, spkr.tstop),MinFR, MaxFR)
self.FRdata = compress(Tvals,
normalize(retrieve(spkr.frequency, self.obj.gids[0], Tvals, spkr.tstop), \
MinFR, MaxFR))
# interpolated weight
Wexc_interp = []
Winh_interp = []
# interpolated frequencies
FRinterp = []
# gather all data
for gid in self.obj.gids:
# don't show weights for somas
if bulbdef.gid_is_mitral(gid) or \
bulbdef.gid_is_mtufted(gid) or \
# FR interp
FRinterp.append(retrieve(spkr.frequency, gid, Tvals, spkr.tstop))
# excitatory
Wexc_interp.append(retrieve(spkr.weight, gid, Tvals, spkr.tstop))
# if it is granule do not visualize WExc inverted
if isinstance(self.obj, GC):
Winh_interp.append(retrieve(spkr.weight, gid-1, Tvals, spkr.tstop))
# get max for granule cell
# avg for mitral cell segment
if isinstance(self.obj, GC):
Wexc_interp = np.matrix(Wexc_interp).max(0)
Winh_interp = np.matrix(Winh_interp).max(0)
Wexc_interp = np.matrix(Wexc_interp).mean(0)
Winh_interp = np.matrix(Winh_interp).mean(0)
# clean
Wexc_interp = np.array(Wexc_interp)[0]
Winh_interp = np.array(Winh_interp)[0]
FRinterp = np.array(np.matrix(FRinterp).mean(0))[0]
# normalizations
Wexc_interp = normalize(Wexc_interp, MinW, MaxW)
Winh_interp = normalize(Winh_interp, MinW, MaxW)
FRinterp = normalize(FRinterp, MinFR, MaxFR)
# compress
self.Wexc_data = compress(Tvals, Wexc_interp)
self.Winh_data = compress(Tvals, Winh_interp)
self.FRdata = compress(Tvals, FRinterp)
def __set_data_color(self, data, t):
k = specialBinarySearch(data, t)
ci = data[k][1]
self.obj.datacolor = self.obj.palette[ci] = self.obj.datacolor
def weight(self, excit, t):
if excit:
self.__set_data_color(self.Wexc_data, t)
self.__set_data_color(self.Winh_data, t)
def firing(self, t):
self.__set_data_color(self.FRdata, t)
class iBulb:
def __init__(self, bulb, spkr, dt=25.0, MinFR=0, MaxFR=200.0, MinW=0, MaxW=1):
self.gc = [ iSceneObjectStory(o, spkr, dt, MinFR, MaxFR, MinW, MaxW) for o in bulb.gc.objs ]
from bulbvis import Segment, Soma
self.cell = [ ]
for c in bulb.cell.values():
index_soma = 0
index_apic = []
for o in c.objs:
self.cell[-1].append(iSceneObjectStory(o, spkr, dt, MinFR, MaxFR, MinW, MaxW))
if isinstance(o, Soma):
index_soma = len(self.cell[-1])-1
elif isinstance(o, Segment) and len(o.gids) == 0:
for i in index_apic:
self.cell[-1][i].Wexc_data = self.cell[-1][index_soma].Wexc_data
self.cell[-1][i].Winh_data = self.cell[-1][index_soma].Winh_data
self.cell[-1][i].FRdata = self.cell[-1][index_soma].FRdata
def weight(self, excit, t):
for objs in [self.gc]+self.cell:
for o in objs:
o.weight(excit, t)
def firing(self, t):
for objs in [self.gc]+self.cell:
for o in objs:
if __name__ == '__main__':
t = 50
x = [ (0, 1), (25, 2), (90, 1) ]
k = specialBinarySearch(x, t)
print x, t, k