% Returns a spontaneous synaptic noise trace as a conductance
% n_syns_per_input - how many synapses per facet (based on size of synaptic
% map vector).
% single_syn_spontaneous_freq_hz - how often do single syns fire?
% poss_lambda_single_syn - lambda parameter for spontaneous activity poiss pdf
% syn_tau - time of peak for alpha function
% syn_gmax - max conductance of single synapse
% duration - of simulation
% dt - time step size
% synaptic_map_path - which map to use? not specified -> use default (see code)
function g_syn_of_t = get_synaptic_noise(n_syns_per_input, single_syn_spontaneous_freq_hz, ...
poiss_lambda_single_syn, syn_tau, syn_gmax, duration, dt, ...
% synaptic map -- to determine how many synapses get triggered
if (exist('synaptic_map_path') == 0)
synaptic_map_path = 'uniform_synmap.mat'; % The synaptic mapping [cmpt frac az el]
n_syns = ceil(length(synmap)*n_syns_per_input);
% --- we derive our synapse timing by using a uniform distribution, with a frequency of
% --- n_syns * freq_single_syn -- that is, we want (n_syns*(duration/1000)*single_syn_freq_in_hz)
timing = unifrnd(0,duration,1,round(n_syns*(duration/1000)*single_syn_spontaneous_freq_hz));
% --- we want to have a poisson probability distribution for the number of vesicles released
poiss_scale = poissrnd(poiss_lambda_single_syn,1,length(timing));
% --- compute the conductance-as-function-of-time
g_syn_of_t = zeros(1,round(duration/dt)+1);
for t=0:dt:duration
active_idx = find (timing >= t-syn_tau*20 & timing <= t);
for a = 1:length(active_idx)
T = t-timing(active_idx(a));
S = poiss_scale(active_idx(a));
g_syn_of_t(1+round(t/dt)) = g_syn_of_t(1+round(t/dt)) + S*syn_gmax*(T/syn_tau)*exp(1-T/syn_tau);