'ca1' model code repository
Written by Marianne Bezaire, marianne.bezaire@gmail.com, www.mariannebezaire.com
In the lab of Ivan Soltesz, www.ivansolteszlab.org
Published and latest versions of this code are available online at:
Open Source Brain: http://www.opensourcebrain.org/projects/nc_ca1

Main code file: ../main.hoc
This file: Last updated on April 10, 2015

This file defines a SynStore class that is used to store
information about the possible synapses that can be made onto
a postsynaptc cell by each presynaptic cell type. One SynStore
object is created for each line in a SynData file, corresponding
to a single synapse type between a presynaptic and postsynaptic
cell, where that synapse type can be implemented at certain
locations on the postsynaptic cell.

There may be multiple SynStores for a given presynaptic and 
postsynaptic cell if there are multiple entries (lines) for 
that combination in the SynData file. All SynStore entries
for a given presynaptic and postsynaptic cell combination are
stored in a list organized by presynaptic cell, within the 
postsynaptic cell's CellType array entry.

The SynStore content is then used when a cell of the postsynaptic
cell type is created. For each point within each section of the
postsynaptic cell that meets the criteria stored in the SynStore
(section list member and point meeting the distance criteria),
a synapse object is defined and added to the list of potential
synapes that a presynaptic cell can innervate when it is connecting
to that postsynaptic cell. During the connection process, the
particular synapse object(s) to be innervated will be
determined. It is possible that some created synapse objects will
not be innervated and therefore will not be used during the
simulation, while other objects may be innervated multiple times.
begintemplate SynStore			// Define a template that stores
								//  information about synapse
								//  types and locations for a
								//  given combination of pre-
								//  synaptic and postsynaptic
								//  cell types.
	// Public variables, accessible from outside template
	public init, SecRefStr,CheckCond1,CheckCond2
	public tau1,tau2,efirst,tau1a,tau2a,ea,tau1b,tau2b,eb
	public NewSynStr, SynStr, CondStr, GABAabFlag, SynType, Scaling
	// Define strings
	strdef NewSynStr, SynStr, CondStr, SecRefStr
	strdef CheckCond1,CheckCond2, SynType, Scaling

	proc init(){			// Define a proc to set the parameters
							//  upon creation of SynStore object
		SecRefStr = $s1		// String that gives the same of the
							//  section list containing all sections
							//  that can possible have this synapse
							//  type
		SynType = $s2		// Synapse mechanism (corresponding to a
							//  a synapse definition in a mod file)
		CheckCond1 = $s3	// A condition that a point in a section
							//  must satisfy for a synapse to be
							//  created at that point. Usually is
							//  a minimum distance that the point
							//  must be away from the soma
		CheckCond2 = $s4	// A 2nd condition that a point in a
							//  section must satisfy for a synapse
							//  to be created at that point. Usually
							//  is a maximum distance that the point
							//  must be away from the soma
		if (strcmp(SynType,"ExpGABAab")==0) {	// A GABA_A,B synapse
			// GABA A component
			tau1a = $5				// Rise time constant
			tau2a = $6				// Decay time constant
			ea = $7					// Reversal potential (Cl-)
			// GABA B component
			tau1b = $8				// Rise time constant
			tau2b = $9				// Decay time constant
			eb = $10				// Reversal potential (K+)
		} else {				// Not a GABA_A,B synapse
			tau1 = $5				// Rise time constant
			tau2 = $6				// Decay time constant
			efirst = $7				// Reversal potential of synapse
			if (strcmp(SynType,"MyExp2Sidnw")==0) {	// If using a mechanism
													//  that allows weight 
													//  to scale with
													//  distance
				sprint(Scaling,"syn.nw = %s", $s8)	// Scaling equation
		// Define some commands that will be run within the postsynaptic cell
		//  template when a new instance of that cell type is being created
		//  and individual synapse objects need to be defined based on the
		//  contents of the SynStores associated with that postsynaptic cell
		sprint(NewSynStr,"newSecRef = %s", SecRefStr)	// Command to define reference
														//  to section list where
														//  synapses of this type can
														//  be made
		sprint(SynStr,"syn = new %s(x)", SynType) 	// Command to define the synapse
													//  mechanism to use (ex: ExpGABAab,
													//  MyExp2Sidnw, MyExp2Sid
		sprint(CondStr,"y=(5e-6+%s && 5e-6+%s)", CheckCond1, CheckCond2)	// Command to
																	//  define conditions
																	//  to check for points
																	//  along section where
																	//  synapses are to be made


endtemplate SynStore