distres = 5
objref postcellgids
speed = 1
objref highIndices
objref fconn, fsubst
objref conns2make, cells2make
{cells2make = new Vector(ncell)}
{cells2make.x[gidOI] = gidOI}
strdef precellType_string, postcellType_string, memstr
proc makeConnections () {local precellType, distres, postcellType, precellStart, precellEnd, postcellStart, postcellEnd, i, j, r
// Attempt to connect all cells of each pre and post type
j = celltypeOI
if (cellType[j].is_art()==0) { // ppstim cells are never the post synaptic cell in a connection, so exclude here
postcellType_string = cellType[j].cellType_string // Load cell type string used to grab connection-specific properties later
numpost = 1 //cellType[j].numThisHost
postcellgids = new Vector(numpost)
highIndices = new Vector(numpost)
postcellgids.x[0] = gidOI
highIndices.x[0] = 1+RandomSeedsConn
for i = 0, numCellTypes-1 {
//if (cellType[i].is_art()==0) {
precellType_string = cellType[i].cellType_string // Load cell type string used to grab connection-specific properties later
//print "precellType_string: ", precellType_string, " -> postcellType_string: ", postcellType_string
cellType[i].numCons.x[j]=connectCells (i, j, precellType_string, postcellType_string)
cellType[j].LastHighIndex = 1+RandomSeedsConn
for r=0, numpost-1 {
if (cellType[j].LastHighIndex<highIndices.x[r]) {
cellType[j].LastHighIndex = highIndices.x[r]
if ((PrintTerminal>1)) {print "Host ", pc.id, " connected cells."}
objref params, conns2make
objref randnum, synRand
func connectCells () {local r, syn, distance, counter, precellType, postcellType, j, randSynNumber, pre_zpos, post_zpos , pre_xpos, post_xpos, pre_ypos, post_ypos, numSynTypes localobj cell
// Args: precellType, postcellType, precellType_string, postcellType_string
precellType = $1
postcellType = $2
synWeight = cellType[$1].wgtConns.x[$2]
numSyns = cellType[$1].numSyns.x[$2]
numConns = cellType[$1].numConns.x[$2]
if (PrintTerminal>2) {print "Host ", pc.id, " is connecting: ", $s3, "s to ", $s4, "s."}
if (numConns != 0 && numpost !=0) {
params = new Vector(27)
if (cellType[postcellType].numCells>=pc.nhost) {
connlength = numConns*int(cellType[postcellType].numCells/pc.nhost+1.5)+cellType[postcellType].numCells
} else {
connlength = numConns+cellType[postcellType].numCells
mylength = 1+connlength*6
if (mylength>1e9) {mylength=1e9}
conns2make = new Vector(mylength)
params.x[0]=cellType[precellType].cellStartGid //gmin -- start gid of pre cell type
params.x[1]=cellType[precellType].cellEndGid //gmax -- end gid of pre cell type
params.x[2]= numConns //nconv
//params.x[2]= numConns/cellType[postcellType].numCells //nconv
params.x[3]= cellType[postcellType].numCells // number of cells of the postsynaptic type (total)
params.x[4]= numpost // number of cells of the postsynaptic type with gids on this computer
params.x[5]= cellType[precellType].dist.x[2]*4 // sqrt(LongitudinalLength^2 + LayerVector.sum()^2 + TransverseLength^2)
//100 //maxd - the distance of the dimension for which the fit equation was designed (should add all three...), in um
// this also confusing because, right now, the equation calculates the overall distance (through all dimensions).
// If per dimension, should compare to distance in that dimension only
params.x[6]= distres //5 //steps - resolution of the fit , in number of steps to take
params.x[7]= cellType[precellType].dist.x[0] //a in the Gaussian fit // 5, .001, 30
params.x[8]= cellType[precellType].dist.x[1] //b in the Gaussian fit
params.x[9]= cellType[precellType].dist.x[2] //c in the Gaussian fit
params.x[10]= cellType[precellType].dentateXBins*1.0
params.x[11]= cellType[precellType].dentateYBins*1.0
params.x[12]= cellType[precellType].dentateZBins*1.0
params.x[13]= cellType[precellType].dentateXBinSize
params.x[14]= cellType[precellType].dentateYBinSize
params.x[15]= cellType[precellType].dentateZBinSize
addheight = 0
if (cellType[precellType].layerflag>0) {addheight=LayerVector.sum(0,cellType[precellType].layerflag-1)}
params.x[16]= addheight
params.x[17]= cellType[postcellType].dentateXBins*1.0
params.x[18]= cellType[postcellType].dentateYBins*1.0
params.x[19]= cellType[postcellType].dentateZBins*1.0
params.x[20]= cellType[postcellType].dentateXBinSize
params.x[21]= cellType[postcellType].dentateYBinSize
params.x[22]= cellType[postcellType].dentateZBinSize
addheight = 0
if (cellType[postcellType].layerflag>0) {addheight=LayerVector.sum(0,cellType[postcellType].layerflag-1)}
params.x[23]= addheight
params.x[24]= cellType[postcellType].cellStartGid
params.x[25]= 1+RandomSeedsConn
params.x[26]= connlength
conns2make.fastconn(params, postcellgids, highIndices)
sprint(memstr, "Defined %s to %s conns", $s3, $s4)
zzz = mallinfo(zzz, memstr)
for r=0, numpost-1 {
highIndices.x[r] = int(conns2make.x[2+r]/1)
for r=1+numpost, int(conns2make.x[0]/1)+numpost {
cellind = precellType
for fastitr(&i, &ij, &gid, cellType[cellind].cellStartGid, conns2make.x[r+1]) {// use the pciter on this one cell to find owner rank for it: conns2make.x[r+1]
if (pc.gid_exists(gid) && cells2make.x[gid]==-1) {
i = ransynlist.count()
if (stimflag==0) {
sprint(cmd, "{cellType[%g].CellList[%g]=new ppvec(%g,%g)}", cellind, ij, gid, i) //+cellType[cellind].cellStartGid) // why add the startgid to the gid?
} else {
sprint(cmd, "{cellType[%g].CellList[%g]=new sintrain(%g,%g)}", cellind, ij, gid, i) //+cellType[cellind].cellStartGid) // why add the startgid to the gid?
{runresult=execute(cmd)} //prints a zero! // This command was written as a string so
// the cell object doesn't have to be hard coded
cells.append(cellType[cellind].CellList[ij]) // Append each cell to cells list
cellType[cellind].numThisHost = ij+1 // set number of cells of this type on this host (but add 1 b/c ij is zero based)
ransynlist.append(new RandomStream(1+RandomSeedsConn, gid + 1*ncell)) // Create a new random number generator for each cell,
// with a unique stream. This will be used to determine
// what type of synapse is used in connections
// lowindex = gid is used in the connection algorithm in the mod file
ranstimlist.append(new RandomStream(1+RandomSeedsStim, gid + 2*ncell)) // Create a new random number generator for each cell, used by netstims for setting spont stim.
raninitlist.append(new RandomStream(1+RandomSeedsStim, gid + 3*ncell)) // Create a new random number generator for each cell, used to set random initial voltage
cellType[cellind].CellList[ij].connect_pre(nil, nc) // Create an empty connection for use by the spike detector
pc.cell(gid, nc) // Associate the cell with its gid and its spike generation location
pnm.spike_record(gid) // Record all spikes of all cells on this machine into the
// vectors pnm.spikevec (spiketimes) and pnm.idvec (gids)
if (cellType[cellind].layerflag>0) {addheight=LayerVector.sum(0,cellType[cellind].layerflag-1)}
xpos=get_x_pos(gid,cellType[cellind].cellStartGid,cellType[cellind].dentateXBins,cellType[cellind].dentateYBins*cellType[cellind].dentateZBins,cellType[cellind].dentateXBinSize) // Algorithmically generate cell position
ypos=get_y_pos(gid,cellType[cellind].cellStartGid,cellType[cellind].dentateYBins,cellType[cellind].dentateZBins,cellType[cellind].dentateYBinSize) // Algorithmically generate cell position
zpos=get_z_pos(gid,cellType[cellind].cellStartGid,cellType[cellind].dentateZBins,cellType[cellind].dentateZBinSize,addheight) // Algorithmically generate cell position
cellType[cellind].CellList[ij].position(xpos,ypos,zpos) // Record cell position in cell object
for r=1+numpost, int(conns2make.x[0]/1)+numpost {
if (pc.gid_exists(gidOI)) {
cell = pc.gid2cell(gidOI)
numSynTypes = cell.pre_list.o(precellType).count()
if (numSynTypes > 0) {
// ransynlist.object(cell.randi).r.discunif(0,numSynTypes-1) // Create a uniform random INTEGER variable over the range specified (0 to # synapse types-1),
ransynlist.object(0).r.discunif(0,numSynTypes-1) // Create a uniform random INTEGER variable over the range specified (0 to # synapse types-1),
for s=1,numSyns {
randSynNumber = ransynlist.object(0).repick // Randomly pick a synapse type from the available synapse types
if (AxConVel<=0) { // AxConVel is the axonal conduction velocity in um/ms
conDelay = 3
} else { // Don't use the z dimension when computing distances for now - we'll save that for another time
xpos=xpos_algorithm(conns2make.x[r+1],cellType[precellType].numCells,cellType[precellType].cellStartGid,cellType[precellType].dentateXBins,cellType[precellType].dentateYBins*cellType[precellType].dentateZBins,cellType[precellType].dentateXBinSize) // Algorithmically generate cell position
ypos=ypos_algorithm(conns2make.x[r+1],cellType[precellType].numCells,cellType[precellType].cellStartGid,cellType[precellType].dentateYBins,cellType[precellType].dentateZBins,cellType[precellType].dentateYBinSize) // Algorithmically generate cell position
conDelay = int(10*sqrt((xpos - cell.x)*(xpos - cell.x) + (ypos - cell.y)*(ypos - cell.y))/AxConVel)/10 + 0.5 // use 0.5 for the synaptic cleft delay; this also ensures the delay will never be set to 0, which would error the program
nc_append(conns2make.x[r+1], gidOI, precellType, randSynNumber, synWeight + (conns2make.x[r+1]+1)*1000, conDelay) // Make the connection // the latter part is for tracing the big bug, used by exp2sid mech (it will take away this extra part)
counter +=1
} else {
print $s3, "s to ", $s4, "s:", " can't make gid ", gidOI, " which is r = ", r-numpost, " + connlength = ", connlength, " = ", r+1+connlength, " from x[r+1] = ", conns2make.x[r+1], " total conns = ", int(conns2make.x[0]/1)
return counter
makeConnections() // Try making connections between every type of cell