loadstart = startsw() // record the start time of the set up
{load_file("nrngui.hoc")} // Standard definitions - NEURON library file
{load_file("netparmpi.hoc")} // Contains the template that defines the properties of
// the ParallelNetManager class, which is used to set
// up a network that runs on parallel processors
{load_file("../setupfiles/ranstream.hoc")} // Contains the template that defines a RandomStream
// class used to produce random numbers
// for the cell noise (what type of noise?)
{load_file("../setupfiles/CellCategoryInfo.hoc")} // Contains the template that defines a
// CellCategoryInfo class used to store
// celltype-specific parameters
{load_file("../setupfiles/defaultvar.hoc")} // Contains the proc definition for default_var proc
{load_file("../setupfiles/parameters.hoc")} // Loads in operational and model parameters that can
// be changed at command line
{load_file("../setupfiles/set_other_parameters.hoc")}// Loads in operational and model parameters
// that can't be changed at command line
default_var("gidOI", 0) // Run Comments // -c 'strdef RunName ' 'RunName = "Woo"'
default_var("cellindOI", 0) // Run Comments // -c 'strdef RunName ' 'RunName = "Woo"'
default_var("spkflag", 0) // Run Comments // -c 'strdef RunName ' 'RunName = "Woo"'
default_var("resultsfolder", "00001") // Run Comments // -c 'strdef RunName ' 'RunName = "Woo"'
default_var("runname", "None") // Run Comments // -c 'strdef RunName ' 'RunName = "Woo"'
{load_file("../setupfiles/load_cell_category_info.hoc")} // Reads the 'cells2include.hoc' file and
// loads the information into one
// 'CellCategoryInfo' object for each cell
// type (bio or art cells?). Info includes
// number of cells, gid ranges, type name
{load_file("../setupfiles/load_cell_conns.hoc")} // Load in the cell connectivity info
strdef tempFileStr // Define a string reference to store the name of the
// current cell template file
objref fAll, fSyn
proc loadCellTemplates(){local i // Proc to load the template that defines (each) cell class
for i=0, numCellTypes-1 { // Iterate over each cell type in cells2include (and art cells?)
sprint(tempFileStr,"../cells/class_%s.hoc",cellType[i].technicalType) // Concatenate the
// path and file
load_file(tempFileStr) // Load the file with the template that defines the class
// for each cell type
proc calcNetSize(){local i // Calculate the final network size (after any cell death)
//cellType[0].numCells = cellType[numCellTypes-1].cellEndGid - cellType[0].cellEndGid + 4*2 // just added now for spontburst
totalCells = 0 // Initialize totalCells (which counts the number of 'real'
// cells) so we can add to it iteratively in the 'for' loop
ncell = cellType[0].numCells // Initialize ncell (which counts all 'real' and 'artificial'
// cells) so we can add to it iteratively in the 'for' loop
for i=1,numCellTypes-1 { // Run the following code for 'real' cell types only - need a different way of singling out real cells?
if (cellType[i].layerflag==0) { // For cell types in layer 0, which are susceptible to death
cellType[i].numCells = int(cellType[i].numCells * ((100-PercentCellDeath)/100))
// Calculate the number of cells surviving after cell loss
if (cellType[i].numCells == 0) {cellType[i].numCells = 1} // If all cells of one type
// are killed, let 1 live
cellType[i].updateGidRange(cellType[i-1].cellEndGid+1) // Update the gid range for each
// cell type
totalCells = totalCells + cellType[i].numCells // Update the total number of cells
// after sclerosis, not including
// artificial cells
ncell = ncell + cellType[i].numCells // Update the total number of cells
// after sclerosis, including
// artificial cells
random_stream_offset_= 62086*2+2
//(totalCells*2+2) // How far down the random 'stream' to start the next
// stream section -the difference between the next
// starting point and the previous one must be higher
// than the length of each stream section, where each
// section's length is equal to the # of times this
// generator will be called per cell x random type (what is x random type?)
proc calcBinSize(){local NumGCells
for i=0, numCellTypes-1 { // Using the specified dimensions of the network (in um) and
// the total number of cells of each type, set the number
// of bins in X, Y, Z dimensions such that the cells will be
// evenly distributed throughout the allotted volume
// just changed this so even the stim cells will be allotted, as now we have some
// stimulation protocols that incorporate stim cell position
// For the z length, use the height of the layer in which the
// cell somata are found for this cell type
print "ncell = ", ncell
objref pnm, pc, nc, nil
proc parallelizer() {
pnm = new ParallelNetManager(ncell) // Set up a parallel net manager for all the cells
pc = pnm.pc
pnm.round_robin() // Incorporate all processors - cells 0 through ncell-1
// are distributed throughout the hosts
// (cell 0 goes to host 0, cell 1 to host 1, etc)
iterator pcitr() {local i2, startgid // Create iterator for use as a standard 'for' loop
// throughout given # cells usage:
// for pcitr(&i1, &i2, &gid, it_start, it_end) {do stuff}
// it_start and it_end let you define range over
// which to iterate
// i1 is the index of the cell on the cell list for that host
// i2 is the index of that cell for that cell type on that host
numcycles = int($4/pc.nhost)
extra = $4%pc.nhost
if (extra>pc.id) {addcycle=1}
i1 = numcycles+addcycle // the index into the cell # on this host.
i2 = 0 // the index of the cell in that cell type's list on that host
if (startgid<=$5) {
for (i3=startgid; i3 <= $5; i3 += pc.nhost) { // Just iterate through the cells on
// this host(this simple statement
// iterates through all the cells on
// this host and only these cells because
// the roundrobin call made earlier dealt
// the cells among the processors in an
// orderly manner (like a deck of cards)
$&1 = i1
$&2 = i2
$&3 = i3
i1 += 1
i2 += 1
objref strobj
strobj = new StringFunctions()
strdef direx
if (strcmp(UID,"0")==0 && pc.id==0) {
type = unix_mac_pc() // 1 if unix, 2 if mac, 3 if mswin, or 4 if mac osx darwin
if (type<3) {
{system("uuidgen", direx)} // unix or mac
strobj.left(direx, strobj.len(direx)-1)
} else {
{system("cscript //NoLogo setupfiles/uuid.vbs", direx)} // pc
UID = direx
objref frec
strdef cmd, dircmd, direx, comper, version, vercomment, vercomment2, mypath, userstr, machname, machnick, outfile, edate, comver
loadtime = startsw() - loadstart // Calculate the set up time (now - recorded start time) in seconds
if (pc.id == 0) {printf("\nTIME HOST 0: %g seconds (set up)\n************\n", loadtime)}
createstart = startsw() // Record the start time of the cell creation
objref cells, ransynlist, ranstimlist
cells = new List()
ransynlist = new List()
ranstimlist = new List()
//{load_file("../setupfiles/position_functions.hoc")} // Defines the algorithm used to set the
// positions of the cells
objref nc
//1. Make a cell of interest
for pcitr(&i, &ij, &gid, gidOI, gidOI) {// use the pciter over all cells of this type
if (pc.gid_exists(gid)) {
sprint(cmd, "cellType[%g].CellList[%g]=new %s(%g,%g)", cellindOI, ij, cellType[cellindOI].technicalType, gid, i) //+cellType[cellind].cellStartGid) // why add the startgid to the gid?
{runresult=execute1(cmd)} // This command was written as a string so
cells.append(cellType[cellindOI].CellList[ij]) // Append each cell to cells list
cellType[cellindOI].numThisHost = ij+1 // set number of cells of this type on this host (but add 1 b/c ij is zero based)
cellType[cellindOI].CellList[ij].connect_pre(nil, nc) // Create an empty connection for use by the spike detector
pc.cell(gid, nc) // Associate the cell with its gid and its spike generation location
objref nc
//2. make as many ppsponts as there are gidvector files
//proc createCells(){ local i, ij, si, pci, cellind, runresult, gid, mygid // Create cells and assign a GID to each cell
f2 = new File()
sprint(cmdstr, "../networkclamp_results/%s/%s/gids2make.dat", runname, resultsfolder)
f2.ropen(cmdstr) // Open the celltype
numGids = f2.scanvar // Scan the first line, which contains a number giving the
for g=0, numGids-1 {
mygid = f2.scanvar
cellind = f2.scanvar
for pcitr(&i, &ij, &gid, mygid, mygid) {// use the pciter over all cells of this type
if (pc.gid_exists(gid) && gid!=gidOI) {
sprint(cmd, "cellType[%g].CellList[%g]=new ppspont(%g,%g)", cellind, ij, gid, i) //+cellType[cellind].cellStartGid) // why add the startgid to the gid?
{runresult=execute1(cmd)} // This command was written as a string so
// the cell object doesn't have to be hard coded
cells.append(cellType[cellind].CellList[ij]) // Append each cell to cells list
cellType[cellind].numThisHost = ij+1 // set number of cells of this type on this host (but add 1 b/c ij is zero based)
// Random streams
// randomlist.append(new RandomStream(highIndex, lowIndex)
// each cell can make use of three different random streams, specified with lowIndexes based on the cell's gid:
// lowIndex Stream Name Stream Purpose
// gid n/a Used in the fastconn/repeatconn mechanisms to determine which cells are connected
// gid + 1*ncell ransynlist Used in the connectivity hoc file to determine which synapses are used in each connection formed
// gid + 2*ncell ranstimlist Used in the stimulation hoc file (only by NetStims) to randomize the stimulation of the network
// Running independent simulations:
// Set the highIndex starting values using the RandomSeeds variable
// Make sure that simulations are independent of each other by checking that the beginning and end highIndex values
// of each simulation DO NOT OVERLAP.
// The beginning highIndex value is always = 1+RandomSeeds.
// The max ending highIndex value used by each type of stream is printed in the MaxHighIndex.txt file.
// Consult the MaxHighIndex.txt file of a previous run, and then set RandomSeeds higher than any of its values,
// to make your next run statistically independent
// To run the same network under different conditions (under different stimulation), only change RandomSeedsStim (the highIndex for ranstimlist)
// To run different networks under the same conditions (using different connectivity), only change RandomSeedsConn (the highIndex for ransynlist and the connectivity stream)
ransynlist.append(new RandomStream(1+RandomSeedsConn, gid + 1*ncell)) // Create a new random number generator for each cell,
// with a unique stream. This will be used to determine
// what type of synapse is used in connections
// lowindex = gid is used in the connection algorithm in the mod file
ranstimlist.append(new RandomStream(1+RandomSeedsStim, gid + 2*ncell)) // Create a new random number generator for each cell, used by netstims for setting spont stim.
cellType[cellind].CellList[ij].pp.start = -1
cellType[cellind].CellList[ij].pp.interval = 1e9
cellType[cellind].CellList[ij].pp.number = -0
cellType[cellind].CellList[ij].pp.noise = 0
cellType[cellind].CellList[ij].connect_pre(nil, nc) // Create an empty connection for use by the spike detector
pc.cell(gid, nc) // Associate the cell with its gid and its spike generation location
if (cellType[cellind].CellList[ij].is_art==0) { // For non ppstim cells, assign position, initialize synapse cid and sid
for si=0, cellType[cellind].CellList[ij].pre_list.count-1 { // Iterate over each pre cell type's synapse list
for j=0, cellType[cellind].CellList[ij].pre_list.o(si).count-1 { // Iterate through each synapse in the list
cellType[cellind].CellList[ij].pre_list.o(si).o(j).cid=gid // Set the cell id for each synapse
// Note: Parameters added to Syn2Gid mechanism
if ((ij%int(cellType[cellind].numCells/10+1) == 0) && (PrintTerminal>2)) {
print cellType[cellind].cellType_string, ": ", i
xpos=get_x_pos(gid,cellType[cellind].numCells,cellType[cellind].cellStartGid,cellType[cellind].dentateXBins,cellType[cellind].dentateYBins*cellType[cellind].dentateZBins,cellType[cellind].dentateXBinSize) // Algorithmically generate cell position
ypos=get_y_pos(gid,cellType[cellind].numCells,cellType[cellind].cellStartGid,cellType[cellind].dentateYBins,cellType[cellind].dentateZBins,cellType[cellind].dentateYBinSize) // Algorithmically generate cell position
zpos=get_z_pos(gid,cellType[cellind].numCells,cellType[cellind].cellStartGid,cellType[cellind].dentateZBins,cellType[cellind].dentateZBinSize,cellType[cellind].layerflag) // Algorithmically generate cell position
cellType[cellind].CellList[ij].position(xpos,ypos,zpos) // Record cell position in cell object
nc = nil // Then clear the reference to the netcon object, which should destroy the netcon (because all refs would have been removed)
if (PrintTerminal>0) {print "Host ", pc.id, " created cells."}
//3. set the ppspont spike times - use the vectors if spkflag==1 else use the oscillation or whatever
objref pattern_, tvec_, idvec_
if (spkflag==1) {
f2 = new File()
sprint(cmdstr, "../networkclamp_results/%s/%s/spiketimes2use.dat", runname, resultsfolder)
f2.ropen(cmdstr) // Open the celltype
numSpikes = f2.scanvar // Scan the first line, which contains a number giving the
tvec_ = new Vector(numSpikes)
idvec_ = new Vector(numSpikes)
for n=0,numSpikes-1 {
idvec_.x[n] = f2.scanvar // gid of NetStim to make fire
tvec_.x[n] = f2.scanvar // spike time in ms
//print "id: ",
pattern_ = new PatternStim()
pattern_.fake_output = 1
pattern_.play(tvec_, idvec_)
} else {
//4. Connect them to the cell
{load_file("./setupfiles/dipole_lfp.hoc")} // Defines the code to calculate the LFP
{load_file("../setupfiles/nc_append_functions.hoc")} // Defines nc_append and nc_appendo, which
f2 = new File()
sprint(cmdstr, "../networkclamp_results/%s/%s/conns2make.dat", runname, resultsfolder)
f2.ropen(cmdstr) // Open the celltype
print "gonna make conns!"
numConns = f2.scanvar // Scan the first line, which contains a number giving the
print "numConns = ", numConns
for n=0, numConns-1 {
pregid = f2.scanvar // precell, postcell, precelltype, syn, weight, delay
postgid = f2.scanvar
precelltype = f2.scanvar
syn = f2.scanvar
weight = f2.scanvar
delay = f2.scanvar
print "postgid: ", postgid, ", = ", pc.gid_exists(postgid), ". pregid: ", pregid, ", = ", pc.gid_exists(pregid)
if (pc.gid_exists(postgid) && pc.gid_exists(pregid)) {
nc_append(pregid, postgid, precelltype, syn, weight + (pregid+1)*1000, delay) // Make the connection // the latter part is for tracing the big bug, used by exp2sid mech (it will take away this extra part)
counter +=1
} else {
print "could not make connection"
//5. Add the recorders
vrec = 0 // extracellularly recorded potential
print "made conns!"
objref mytrace, myvrec, cell
if (pc.gid_exists(gidOI)) {
cell = pc.gid2cell(gidOI)
print "cell is located at: ", cell.x, ", ", cell.y, ", ", cell.z
mytrace = new Vector((tstop-tstart)/dt)
forsec cell.all {
insert extracellular
insert xtra
myvrec = new Vector((tstop-tstart)/dt)
load_file("clamp/interpxyz.hoc") // only interpolates sections that have extracellular
load_file("clamp/setpointers.hoc") // automatically calls grindaway() in interpxyz.hoc
//6. Run the simulation
// https://www.neuron.yale.edu/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=3103 goes into how I implemented the LFP recording with psolve
/*func fieldrec() { local sum, i localobj cell
sum = 0
cell = pc.gid2cell(gidOI)
forsec cell.all {
if (ismembrane("xtra")) {
// avoid nodes at 0 and 1 ends, which shouldn't make any contribution
for (x,0) sum += er_xtra(x)
return sum
load_file("clamp/calcrxc.hoc") // computes transfer r between segments and recording electrodes
proc init() { local dtsav, temp, secsav, secondordersav // Redefine the proc that initializes the
// simulation (why?)
dtsav = dt // Save the desired dt value to reset it after temporarily
// changing dt to run a quick presimulation to allow the
// network to reach steady state before we start 'recording'
secondordersav = secondorder // Save the desired secondorder value to reset it after
// temporarily changing secondorder to run a quick presimulation
// to allow the network to reach steady state before we start
// 'recording' its results
finitialize(v_init) // Call finitialize from within the custom init proc, just as the default
// init proc does. Note that finitialize will call the INITIAL block for
// all mechanisms and point processes inserted in the sections and set the
// initial voltage to v_init for all sections
t = -200 // Set the start time for (pre) simulation; -500 ms to allow the network to
// reach steady state before t = 0, when the real simulation begins
dt= 10 // Set dt to a large value so that the presimulation runs quickly
secondorder = 0 // Set secondorder to 0 to set the solver to the default fully implicit backward
// euler for numerical integration (see NEURON ref)
temp= cvode.active() // Check whether cvode, a type of solver (?) is on
if (temp!=0) {cvode.active(0)} // If cvode is on, turn it off while running the presimulation
while(t<-100) { fadvance() if (PrintTerminal>2) {print t}} // Run the presimulation from t = -500
// to t = -100 (why not 0?) to let the
// network and all its components reach
// steady state. Integrate all section
// equations over the interval dt,
// increment t by dt, and repeat until
// t at -100
if (temp!=0) {cvode.active(1)} // If cvode was on and then turned off, turn it back on now
t = tstart // Set t to the start time of the simulation
dt = dtsav // Reset dt to the specified value for the simulation
secondorder = secondordersav // Reset secondorder to the specified value for the simulation
if (cvode.active()){
cvode.re_init() // If cvode is active, initialize the integrator
} else {
fcurrent() // If cvode is not active, make all assigned variables
// (currents, conductances, etc) consistent with the
// values of the states
frecord_init() // see email from ted - fadvance() increments the recorder, so we need to fix the index it ends up at
if (use_spike_compression==1) {
maxstepval = 2.5
} else {
maxstepval = 10
print "Before the run!"
proc rrun(){ // Run the network simulation and write out the results
//pnm.want_all_spikes() // Record all spikes of all cells on this machine into the
// vectors pnm.spikevec (spiketimes) and pnm.idvec (gids)
local_minimum_delay = pc.set_maxstep(maxstepval) // Set every machine's max step size to minimum delay of
// all netcons created on pc using pc.gid_connect, but
// not larger than 10
if (pc.id==0 && use_spike_compression==1) {print "Host ", pc.id, " has local_minimum_delay=", local_minimum_delay}
stdinit() // Call the init fcn (which is redefined in this code) and
// then make other standard calls (to stop watch, etc)
runstart = startsw() // grab start time of the simulation
pc.psolve(tstop) // Equivalent to calling cvode.solve(tstop) but for parallel NEURON;
// solve will be broken into steps determined by the result of
// set_maxstep
runtime = startsw() - runstart // Calculate runtime of simulation
// Print a time summary message to screen
writestart = startsw()
comptime = pc.step_time
avgcomp = pc.allreduce(comptime, 1)/pc.nhost
maxcomp = pc.allreduce(comptime, 2)
if (maxcomp>0) {
if (pc.id == 0) { printf("load_balance = %g\n", avgcomp/maxcomp)}
if (pc.id == 0) { printf("exchange_time = %g\n", runtime - maxcomp) }
} else {
if (pc.id == 0) { printf("no load balance info available\nno spike exchange info available\n")}
objref fih
if (ComputeLFP > 0) {
// execute sample_lfp() at t = 0,
// right after the mechanism INITIAL blocks have been executed
fih = new FInitializeHandler("sample_lfp()")
{cvode.cache_efficient(use_cache_efficient)} // always double check that this addition does not affect the spikeraster (via pointers in mod files, etc)
if (use_bin_queue==1) {
use_fixed_step_bin_queue = 1 // boolean
use_self_queue = 0 // boolean - this one may not be helpful for me, i think it's best for large numbers of artificial cells that receive large numbers of inputs
{mode = cvode.queue_mode(use_fixed_step_bin_queue, use_self_queue)}
if (use_spike_compression==1) {
nspike = 3 // compress spiketimes or not
gid_compress = 0 //only works if fewer than 256 cells on each proc
{nspike = pc.spike_compress(nspike, gid_compress)}
objref spkhist
if (get_spike_hist==1) {
spkhist = new Vector(pc.nhost)
if (pc.id==0) {
rrun() // Run the network simulation (in proc rrun)
//7. Write out the spike times and voltage records
strdef outfile
objref f
if (pc.gid_exists(gidOI)) { // If cell exists on this machine
sprint(outfile, "../networkclamp_results/%s/%s/mytrace_%d_soma.dat", runname, resultsfolder, gidOI)
f = new File(outfile)
for i=0, (tstop-tstart)/dt-1 {
f.printf("%g\t%g\n", i*dt, mytrace.x[i])
sprint(outfile, "../networkclamp_results/%s/%s/myvrec_%d_soma.dat", runname, resultsfolder, gidOI)
f = new File(outfile)
for i=0, (tstop-tstart)/dt-1 {
f.printf("%g\t%f\n", i*dt, myvrec.x[i])
proc spikeout() {local i, rank localobj f // Write out a spike raster (cell, spike time)
pc.barrier() // Wait for all ranks to get to this point
sprint(cmd,"../networkclamp_results/%s/%s/spikeraster.dat", runname, resultsfolder)
f = new File(cmd)
if (pc.id == 0) { // Write header to file 1 time only
for rank = 0, pc.nhost-1 { // For each processor, allow processor to append to file the spike times of its cells
if (rank == pc.id) { // Ensure that each processor runs once
f.aopen() // Open for appending to file
for i=0, pnm.idvec.size-1 {
f.printf("%.3f %d\n", pnm.spikevec.x[i], pnm.idvec.x[i]) // Print the spike time and spiking cell gid
{pc.runworker()} // Everything after this line is executed only by the host node
// The NEURON website describes this as "The master host returns immediately. Worker hosts
// start an infinite loop of requesting tasks for execution."
{pc.done()} // Sends the quit message to the worker processors, which then quit NEURON
quit() // Sends the quit message to the host processor, which then quits NEURON