objref numSynTypesVec
numSynTypesVec = new Vector()
objref tmpcell
proc createCells(){ local i, ij, si, pci, cellind, runresult, gid // Create cells and assign a GID to each cell
for fastitr(&i, &ij, &gid, cellType[cellind].cellStartGid, gidOI) { // use the pciter over all cells of this type
if (pc.gid_exists(gid)) {
// sprint(cmd, "{cellType[%g].CellList[%g]=new %s(%g,%g)}", cellind, ij, cellType[cellind].technicalType, gid, i) //+cellType[cellind].cellStartGid) // why add the startgid to the gid?
sprint(cmd, "{cellType[%g].CellList[%g]=new %s(%g,%g,%g)}", cellind, ij, celltype2use, gid, i, cellind) //+cellType[cellind].cellStartGid) // why add the startgid to the gid?
{runresult=execute(cmd)} //prints a zero! // This command was written as a string so
// the cell object doesn't have to be hard coded
cells.append(cellType[cellind].CellList[ij]) // Append each cell to cells list
cellType[cellind].numThisHost = ij+1 // set number of cells of this type on this host (but add 1 b/c ij is zero based)
ransynlist.append(new RandomStream(1+RandomSeedsConn, gid + 1*ncell)) // Create a new random number generator for each cell,
// with a unique stream. This will be used to determine
// what type of synapse is used in connections
// lowindex = gid is used in the connection algorithm in the mod file
ranstimlist.append(new RandomStream(1+RandomSeedsStim, gid + 2*ncell)) // Create a new random number generator for each cell, used by netstims for setting spont stim.
raninitlist.append(new RandomStream(1+RandomSeedsStim, gid + 3*ncell)) // Create a new random number generator for each cell, used to set random initial voltage
cellType[cellind].CellList[ij].connect_pre(nil, nc) // Create an empty connection for use by the spike detector
pc.cell(gid, nc) // Associate the cell with its gid and its spike generation location
for si=0, cellType[cellind].CellList[ij].pre_list.count-1 { // Iterate over each pre cell type's synapse list
for j=0, cellType[cellind].CellList[ij].pre_list.o(si).count-1 { // Iterate through each synapse in the list
cellType[cellind].CellList[ij].pre_list.o(si).o(j).cid=gid // Set the cell id for each synapse
// Note: Parameters added to Syn2Gid mechanism
for xidx=0,cellType[cellind].CellList[ij].pre_list.count()-1 {
if (cellType[cellind].layerflag>0) {addheight=LayerVector.sum(0,cellType[cellind].layerflag-1)}
xpos=get_x_pos(gid,cellType[cellind].cellStartGid,cellType[cellind].dentateXBins,cellType[cellind].dentateYBins*cellType[cellind].dentateZBins,cellType[cellind].dentateXBinSize) // Algorithmically generate cell position
ypos=get_y_pos(gid,cellType[cellind].cellStartGid,cellType[cellind].dentateYBins,cellType[cellind].dentateZBins,cellType[cellind].dentateYBinSize) // Algorithmically generate cell position
zpos=get_z_pos(gid,cellType[cellind].cellStartGid,cellType[cellind].dentateZBins,cellType[cellind].dentateZBinSize,addheight) // Algorithmically generate cell position
cellType[cellind].CellList[ij].position(xpos,ypos,zpos) // Record cell position in cell object
nc = nil // Then clear the reference to the netcon object, which should destroy the netcon (because all refs would have been removed)
objref newcellType[numCellTypes]
for i=0, numCellTypes-1 {
newcellType[i] = new CellCategoryInfo(i) // Make one object for each cell type to store cell type info
newcellType[i].setCellTypeParams(cellType[i].cellType_string, cellType[i].technicalType, cellType[i].cellStartGid, cellType[i].numCells, cellType[i].layerflag, cellType[i].is_art) // Set parameters
for xidx=0,numSynTypesVec.size()-1 {
if (xidx==celltypeOI) {tmpcell = newcellType[xidx].CellList[0]}
if (xidx>0) {
newcellType[xidx].numCells = numSynTypesVec.x[xidx]
newcellType[xidx].updateGidRange(newcellType[xidx-1].cellEndGid+1) // Update the gid range for each
} else {
newcellType[xidx].numCells = numSynTypesVec.x[xidx] + 1
newcellType[xidx].updateGidRange(1) // Update the gid range for each
if (xidx==celltypeOI) {newcellType[xidx].CellList[0] = tmpcell}
proc createStimCells(){ local i, ij, si, pci, cellind, runresult, gid // Create cells and assign a GID to each cell
basegid = 1
for cellind=0, numSynTypesVec.size()-1 { // cellType[celltypeOI].CellList[ij].pre_list.count()-1 {
numSynTypes = numSynTypesVec.x[cellind] // cellType[cellind].CellList[ij].pre_list.o(precellType).count()
for pcitr(&i, &ij, &gid, basegid, basegid + numSynTypes-1) {// use the pciter on this one cell to find owner rank for it: conns2make.x[r+1]
if (pc.gid_exists(gid)) { // && cells2make.x[gid]==-1) {
if (stimflag==0) {
sprint(cmd, "{newcellType[%g].CellList[%g]=new ppvec(%g,%g)}", cellind, ij, gid, i) //+cellType[cellind].cellStartGid) // why add the startgid to the gid?
} else {
sprint(cmd, "{newcellType[%g].CellList[%g]=new sintrain(%g,%g)}", cellind, ij, gid, i) //+cellType[cellind].cellStartGid) // why add the startgid to the gid?
{runresult=execute(cmd)} //prints a zero! // This command was written as a string so
// the cell object doesn't have to be hard coded
cells.append(newcellType[cellind].CellList[ij]) // Append each cell to cells list
newcellType[cellind].numThisHost = ij+1 // set number of cells of this type on this host (but add 1 b/c ij is zero based)
newcellType[cellind].CellList[ij].connect_pre(nil, nc) // Create an empty connection for use by the spike detector
pc.cell(gid, nc) // Associate the cell with its gid and its spike generation location
pnm.spike_record(gid) // Record all spikes of all cells on this machine into the
// vectors pnm.spikevec (spiketimes) and pnm.idvec (gids)
if (newcellType[cellind].layerflag>0) {addheight=LayerVector.sum(0,newcellType[cellind].layerflag-1)}
basegid = basegid + numSynTypes