'ca1' model code repository
Written by Marianne Bezaire, marianne.bezaire@gmail.com, www.mariannebezaire.com
In the lab of Ivan Soltesz, www.ivansolteszlab.org
Latest versions of this code are available online at:
Open Source Brain: http://www.opensourcebrain.org/projects/nc_ca1

Main code file: ../main.hoc
This file: Last updated on April 9, 2015

This file loads connectivity information for each cell type into the 
CellCategoryInfo object already created for that cell type. For each
cell type, it stores information about connections made from other
cells onto that cell type (incoming connections).

It reads in a particular connectivity dataset as specified in the
./datasets/conndata_###.dat  where ### is the parameter ConnData

strdef cmdstr, cmdstr1, pre_type, post_type
objref f2

proc conn_cells() {local num, wgt, syn
	for i=0, numCellTypes-1 {
		// Create variables of each celltype's index into the CellCategoryInfo array
		sprint(cmdstr, "%s_idx = %g", cellType[i].cellType_string, i) 
		// Create placeholder vectors to store the incoming connections properties
		//  for each cell type's connections onto this cell type. The properties include:
		cellType[i].numConns = new Vector(numCellTypes)	// Number of connections from all
														//  cells of one type onto a single
														//  instance of the post-synaptic
														//  cell type (aka, the convergence)
		cellType[i].numSyns = new Vector(numCellTypes)	// Number of synapses to make for
														//  each connection that is made from
														//  a single presynaptic cell of a
														//  particular type to a single post-
														//  synaptic cell of a particular type
														//  (since, when a cell connects to
														//  another cell, it often forms
														//  multiple connections)
		cellType[i].wgtConns = new Vector(numCellTypes)	// The weight of each synapse to be
														//  formed between these two cell
														//  types, in terms of the maximum
														//  conductance (amplitude) of the
														//  synapse (synapse mechanisms in
														//  this model always specify their
														//  synaptic conductances in units
														//  of uS, micro-Seimens).

	// load file
	f2 = new File()
	sprint(cmdstr, path2ConnData, ConnData)	// Open the ConnData dataset specified by the user (a
	f2.ropen(cmdstr)											//  3-digit number), which gives the number of
																//  connection types in the model, followed by one
																//  line for each connection type, which gives
																//  information about the presynaptic and postsynaptic
																//  cell types, and the properties of the connection
																//  (weight, convergence or number of incoming connections,
																//  and number of synapses, as explained in detail above)

	numConnTypes = f2.scanvar			// Scan the first line, which contains a number giving the # of connection types
	for r=0,numConnTypes-1 {
		f2.scanstr(pre_type)			// Read in the presynaptic cell type (the friendly name)
		f2.scanstr(post_type)			// Read in the postsynaptic cell type (the friendly name)
		// Read in the connection properties (see above for detailed explanations of each property)
		wgt = f2.scanvar				// Synapse weight
		num = f2.scanvar				// Convergence (number of connections)
		syn = f2.scanvar				// Number of synapses per connection

		// Specify which variables to use (the indices that correspond to the pre- and postsynaptic cell types)
		//  for determining which instance in the CellCategoryInfo array to modify, and which vector instance
		//  within that CellCategoryInfo to modify with the newly scanned in connection properties.
		sprint(cmdstr, "%s_idx", pre_type)
		sprint(cmdstr1, "%s_idx", post_type)
		if ((name_declared(cmdstr) > 0) && (name_declared(cmdstr1) > 0)) {
			// For connection types that are susceptible to axonal sprouting (changes in connectivity),
			//  alter the number of connections made according to the PercentAxonSprouting parameter. In
			//  the example below, this alteration would only occur for connections from granulecells to
			//  other granulecells. Also, the number of connections made is then calculated according to
			//  total number of cells, not according to an initial number of connections that was specified
			//  in the ConnData file (though the code could be rewritten to do that when biologically appropriate).
			sprint(cmdstr, "if ((strcmp(pre_type,\"granulecell\")==0) && (strcmp(post_type,\"granulecell\")==0)) {num = PercentAxonSprouting/100*cellType[%s_idx].numCells*cellType[%s_idx].numCells}", pre_type, post_type)

			// For the postsynaptic cell's instance of CellCategoryInfo, find the numConns' vector
			//  entry corresponding to the presynaptic cell type and set it equal to the number
			//  of connections read in from the file
			sprint(cmdstr, "cellType[%s_idx].numConns.x[%s_idx] = %f", pre_type, post_type, num)
			// For the postsynaptic cell's instance of CellCategoryInfo, find the numSyns' vector
			//  entry corresponding to the presynaptic cell type and set it equal to the number
			//  of synapses per connection read in from the file
			sprint(cmdstr, "cellType[%s_idx].numSyns.x[%s_idx] = %f", pre_type, post_type, syn)
			// For the postsynaptic cell's instance of CellCategoryInfo, find the wgtConns' vector
			//  entry corresponding to the presynaptic cell type and set it equal to the weight
			//  of the synapse as read in from the file
			sprint(cmdstr, "cellType[%s_idx].wgtConns.x[%s_idx] = %f", pre_type, post_type, wgt)