'ca1' model code repository
Written by Marianne Bezaire, marianne.bezaire@gmail.com, www.mariannebezaire.com
In the lab of Ivan Soltesz, www.ivansolteszlab.org
Published and latest versions of this code are available online at:
Open Source Brain: http://www.opensourcebrain.org/projects/nc_ca1
Main code file: ../main.hoc
This file: Last updated on April 10, 2015
This file defines a function that can be used to monitor the
memory usage by the model code throughout the simulation. It
can use two different strategies for doing this:
1. Use NEURON's wrapper for the system mallinfo function;
see comments in the nrn_mallinfo NEURON source code at:
and then see documentation on the mallinfo function to know
more about what's actually getting returned by the wrapper:
2. Extract memory-related outputs from the system "top" command
By default, it attempts to use both strategies, writing each
output to a separate file. Beware that either strategy may fail:
- strategy #1 will fail if the computer does not have the system
function 'mallinfo' available - not all computers do - and in
that case it will always return a value of -1
- strategy #2 will fail if the process name for the NEURON process
is different than what the user has specified in the TopProc
parameter (it is usually either nrniv or special, depending on
how NEURON was compiled on that machine. When in doubt, try
nrniv first). Strategy #2 will also fail if you run it on a
machine that does not have the system function 'top' available.
strdef direx1, TopCommand
func mallinfo() {local m // Arguments to this function:
// $1 is the previous memory usage (from previous call to mallinfo)
// $s2 is a string comment describing what stage the code is at
m = nrn_mallinfo(0) // This function is a wrapper for the system function mallinfo
// The argument of 0 causes it to return "hblkhd+uordblks",
// which is the sum of these two properties:
// - The number of bytes in blocks currently allocated using mmap(2)
// - The total number of bytes used by in-use allocations
// Other options for what can be returned are:
// 0 hblkhd+uordblks
// 1 uordblks
// 2 hblkhd
// 3 arena
// 4 fordblks
// 5 hblks
// 6 hblkhd + arena
// For an explanation of what these terms mean, see:
// http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/mallinfo.3.html
if (pc.id == 0) {
if (PrintTerminal>1) {printf("Memory (host 0) - %s: %ld. Since last call: %ld\n", $s2, m, m - $1)}
memfile.printf("%s\t%f\t%ld\t%ld\n", $s2, startsw()-loadstart, m, m - $1) // Print the code stage,
// current memory usage,
// and difference in
// memory usage since
// last call
if (OK2executeSysCmds==1) {
// Create a system command that calls the top command and extracts the NEURON process's memory info from the process list
sprint(TopCommand,"top -p `pgrep %s | head -n20 | tr \"\\n\" \",\" | sed 's/,$//'` -n1 -b | tail -n2 | head -n1", TopProc)
if (strcmp(TopProc,"")!=0) { system(TopCommand, direx1)} // As long as the NEURON
// process name parameter
// was specified (usually
// nrniv or special),
// execute the system command
// and save the output into
// the direx1 string
topfile.printf("%s\t%s\n", $s2, direx1) // Print the extracted top output into a file
return m // Return the current memory usage (to be passed into this function at the next call)