'ca1' model code repository
Written by Marianne Bezaire, marianne.bezaire@gmail.com, www.mariannebezaire.com
In the lab of Ivan Soltesz, www.ivansolteszlab.org
Published and latest versions of this code are available online at:
Open Source Brain: http://www.opensourcebrain.org/projects/nc_ca1
Main code file: ../main.hoc
This file: Last updated on April 9, 2015
This file defines a RandomStream class that can be used to assign unique,
stable random number generators to each cell in the model network. The
uniqueness and stability of the generators is assured by careful setting of
the low index and high index seeds that initialize the generator. These
seeds are set with a known, unique combination of numbers that is different
for each cell in the model and that ensures no part of the random number stream
used in setting up or running the model overlaps with any other part that is used.
The random number generator mechanism used here is the MCellRan4 one. For more
information about it, see the NEURON Programmer's Reference Entry at:
Note that if you set the high index seed to 0, a random high index number
will be used! You will then need to record this number (it is returned when you
set the seeds) somewhere in order to use it to reproduce the same simulation.
For that reason, I always set the high index seed to something higher than 0.
Note, you may also wish to use the Random123 random number generator instead of
MCellRan4. However, be aware that it may be incompatible with some compilers (if
you need to build NEURON from the source, say to install on a supercomputer).
begintemplate RandomStream
public r, repick, start, lowIndex, seq // Define variables and funcs that are
// accessible from outside the class
// object
objref r // Define a new object
proc init() { // Define an init proc that runs whenever
// a new member of the RandomStream
// class is instantiated
highIndex = $1 // Arg 1 specifies the HIGH INDEX.
// The high index gives the position
// along this cell's random stream
// where the generator will start picking
// numbers.
// This model is designed so that you can
// pass in a specific, common high index
// value that is used for all random streams.
// The model also records how far along its
// stream each random number generator
// advances during setup and/or simulation
// and returns the max of value in the results.
// The advantage of this is it allows the user
// to then specify a new, higher high index
// value to run a statistically independent
// version of the same model simulation.
lowIndex = $2 // Arg 2 specifies the LOW INDEX.
// The low index specifies which random
// stream to use.
// The model is designed so that every
// low index seed used by a random number
// generator is automatically set to a
// number related to the gid of the cell to
// which the generator is assigned (ex:
// gid or gid+n*[total number of cells in
// model]. The advantage of this approach
// is that it's an easy way to ensure that
// each cell is using unique random streams
// for each task that requires random numbers
// AND that it ensures the same network
// configuration will always assign the same
// random number streams to the same cell,
// regardless of how many processors are
// actually used to run the parallel
// NEURON simulation.
r = new Random() // Set the object r to a Random object
start() // Run the 'start' func (defined below)
// on this newly created RandomStream
func start() { // Define a 'start' func for this class
return r.MCellRan4(highIndex, lowIndex)
// The function sets the random stream
// used by this generator (lowIndex) and
// the starting position of the generator
// along the stream (highIndex). It returns
// a random number obtained using the
// MCellRan4 algorithm.
// Note that this start function will be
// called as soon as the random stream
// object is defined, before the distribution
// of the numbers to be returned (ex: normal,
// uniform, poisson) is set. It is important
// to set the starting position first, for
// reproducibility, as some distributions
// use information from the previous state
// (stream & position) of the generator to
// decide which number to return.
func repick() { // Define a 'repick' func for this class
return r.repick() // Subsequent random numbers are picked
// from the same random number stream
// that was already defined (lowIndex),
// advancing sequentially down the
// stream (from the initial position
// specified by the highIndex value).
// Note that some distributions actually
// increment the position by more than
// one with each call, but most distributions
// increment the position of the stream
// by one with each pick.
func seq() { // This functions returns the current high index
return r.seq() // (position) within the stream, so you can tell
// how far down the stream the generator has
// advanced (related to the number of times you
// called the repick function).
endtemplate RandomStream