'ca1' model code repository
Written by Marianne Bezaire, marianne.bezaire@gmail.com, www.mariannebezaire.com
In the lab of Ivan Soltesz, www.ivansolteszlab.org
Published and latest versions of this code are available online at:
Open Source Brain: http://www.opensourcebrain.org/projects/nc_ca1
Main code file: ../main.hoc
This file: Last updated on April 9, 2015
This file defines and calls proc for writing out a receipt of all the
simulation run parameters. The receipt is written in MATLAB syntax so
that it can be read in by the MATLAB-based SimTracker tool.
The proc also ensures that the name of the run is unique. If
the name passed into the RunName parameter was already used
(ie, if a directory by that name already exists in the 'results'
directory of this model repository), then the proc will find a
new, unique name for the run (either by appending numbers to the
proposed RunName or incrementing already-appended numbers).
Note: the code in this file performs a lot of system calls, including
one to create a new directory in the results folder. If you do not
want this behavior, set the parameter 'OK2executeSysCmds' to 0 in the
set_other_parameters.hoc file. See the warning message in that file
for things to keep in mind if you set 'OK2executeSysCmds' to 0.
objref frec, strobj
strobj = new StringFunctions()
strdef cmd, dircmd, direx, comper, version, vercomment, vercomment2
strdef mypath, userstr, machname, machnick, outfile, edate, comver
strdef verleft, verright
strdef thisline, getval, result, paramstr, testline, valstr
proc typeout() {local i, myline, rn, rank, gid, srcid localobj tgt, f, cell, f2c
if (pc.id == 0) { // Only one processor needs to write the receipt file
// First, check to make sure RunName has not already been used.
rn = -1 // rn will tell us what number to append to the RunName to make it unique
sprint(dircmd, "[ -d \"../results/%s\" ] && echo \"AlreadyExists\" ", RunName)
{system(dircmd, direx)} // Execute the list command and store the standard output
// from it in the direx string
// If the RunName has already been used, we will append/increment a number at
// the end of the RunName to make a new RunName, then test that RunName for
// uniqueness.
while (strcmp(direx,"AlreadyExists\n")==0 ) {
rn = rn + 1
sprint(dircmd, "[ -d \"../results/%s_%02.0f\" ] && echo \"AlreadyExists\" ", RunName, rn)
{system(dircmd, direx)}
// If we needed to change the RunName to make it unique, the rn flag will be >-1
if (rn>-1) {
sprint(RunName, "%s_%02.0f", RunName, rn)
// Create the RunName directory within the results directory; all results from the simulation
// run will be stored in this directory.
sprint(dircmd, "mkdir ../results/%s", RunName)
{system(dircmd, direx)}
// check for Mercurial on the computer running this code
sprint(dircmd, "hg parent --template '{rev}: {desc}\n'")
{system(dircmd, direx)}
// Check the length of the output string (direx)
index = strobj.len(direx)
if (index<1) { // If the output string contains nothing (length == 0),
// then we can't access Mercurial commands from this
// computer, and we must resort to using placeholder
// files generated on the local computer that were copied
// over to the executing computer, and hope that they have
// the up-to-date information about which code version will
// be used to run this simulation.
sprint(dircmd, "cp ../hg_status.out ../results/%s/hg_status.out", RunName)
{system(dircmd, direx)} // A file that contains the output of the 'hg status' command
sprint(dircmd, "cp ../hg_diff.out ../results/%s/hg_diff.out", RunName)
{system(dircmd, direx)} // A file that contains the output of the 'hg diff' command
f2c = new File()
{system("ls vercomment.txt", direx)}
if (strcmp(direx,"ls: cannot access vercomment.txt: No such file or directory")==0 || strcmp(direx,"")==0 ) {
// if backup files do not exist, fill in placeholder info
} else {
f2c.ropen("../vercomment.txt") // A file that contains the comment associated with
// the Mercurial commit of the code version presumably
// being used to run this simulation
if (myline>1) {
strobj.left(vercomment, myline-1)
{system("ls version.txt", direx)}
if (strcmp(direx,"ls: cannot access version.txt: No such file or directory")==0 || strcmp(direx,"")==0 ) {
// if backup files do not exist, fill in placeholder info
} else {
f2c.ropen("../version.txt") // A file that contains the version number associated with
// the Mercurial commit of the code version presumably
// being used to run this simulation
} else { // If the original check returns something, then we can access Mercurial commands
// from this computer (which is ideal).
sprint(dircmd, "hg status")
{system(dircmd, direx)}
if (strcmp(direx,"")>0) { // Check to see if there are any changes to the code on this
// computer to make it differ from the active version. If
// so, then record those changes (via the 'hg status' and
// 'hg diff' commands) into files.
comver = "Yes"
sprint(dircmd, "hg status > ../results/%s/hg_status.out", RunName)
{system(dircmd, direx)}
sprint(dircmd, "hg diff > ../results/%s/hg_diff.out", RunName)
{system(dircmd, direx)}
} else {
comver = "No"
sprint(dircmd, "hg parent --template '{rev}: {desc}\n'")
{system(dircmd, direx)} // This will return the 'friendly' version number and
// the comment associated with this commit of the code.
// Beware that the friendly version number is not
// necessarily consistent between computers. It is safer
// to only work in terms of the full version number, though
// that number is hard to appreciate when you just want a
// list of incrementing numbers corresponding to subsequent
// code versions.
if (strobj.len(direx)<2) {
} else {
strobj.left(direx, strobj.len(direx)-1) // hg parent rev/desc
// Parse out the friendly version number and comment (this may not be necessary if we
// just separately executed commands to return the version number and the comment).
i = strobj.substr(vercomment, "'")
while (i>0) {
verleft = vercomment
strobj.left(verleft, i)
verright = vercomment
strobj.right(verright, i+1)
sprint(vercomment,"%s''%s", verleft, verright)
i = strobj.substr(verright, "'")
if (i>0) {
i = i + strobj.len(verleft)+2
sprint(dircmd, "hg parent --template '{node}\n'")
{system(dircmd, direx)}
if (strobj.len(direx)<2) {
} else {
strobj.left(direx, strobj.len(direx)-1)
system("cd ..;pwd",mypath)
if (strobj.len(mypath)<2) {
} else {
strobj.left(mypath, strobj.len(mypath)-1) // path to the model repository
system("whoami", userstr)
if (strobj.len(userstr)<2) {
} else {
strobj.left(userstr, strobj.len(userstr)-1) // person logged into computer
{system("hostname", machname)}
if (strobj.len(machname)<2) {
} else {
strobj.left(machname, strobj.len(machname)-1) // name of the computer
machnick = machname // nickname for host machine, usually second term in address
i = strobj.substr(machnick, ".")
if (i>0) {
strobj.right(machnick, i+1)
i = strobj.substr(machnick, ".")
if (i>0) {
strobj.left(machnick, i)
{system("date \"+%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S\"", edate)} // Current date-time, will be considered
if (strobj.len(edate)<2) { // the execution date-time.
} else {
strobj.left(edate, strobj.len(edate)-1)
// Now create a receipt file, open it, and write all the run metadata as well as the parameter
// values to the file.
sprint(outfile, "../results/%s/runreceipt.txt", RunName)
frec = new File(outfile)
frec.printf("NumProcessors = %g;\n", pc.nhost)
frec.printf("ExecutionDate = '%s';\n", edate)
frec.printf("ExecutedBy = '%s';\n", userstr)
if (strcmp(machnick,"local")!=0) {
frec.printf("Machine = '%s';\n", machnick)
frec.printf("MachineFull = '%s';\n", machname)
frec.printf("ModelVerComment='%s';\n", vercomment)
frec.printf("ModelVersion='%s';\n", version)
frec.printf("ModelDirectory ='%s';\n", mypath)
frec.printf("NEURONVersion ='%s';\n", nrnversion(2)) // version number and mercurial changeset
frec.printf("WorkDirChg ='%s';\n", comver) // whether this job was run using a model working directory that
// had been changed since the last version update
// If no, the run can therefore be easily reproduced(No)
// If yes, we won't have any record of the changes and that
// will limit our ability to reproduce the run unless
// we record the changes, which we do in that case (Yes)
printmyvars() // Prints all the parameter values into the receipt file (parameters found in parameters.hoc)
pc.barrier() // Wait for all ranks to get to this point
// Also generate a results file that contains a table of all the cell types in the model.
sprint(cmd,"../results/%s/celltype.dat", RunName)
f = new File(cmd)
if (pc.id == 0) { // Write header to file 1 time only
for i=0, numCellTypes-1 {
f.printf("%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", cellType[i].cellType_string, cellType[i].technicalType, i, cellType[i].cellStartGid, cellType[i].cellEndGid)
// This function reads in the parameters.hoc file to get a list of all parameters, and then for
// each parameter, calls a function that gets the current value of the parameter (which may be
// different from the value listed in parameters.hoc if someone passed in a new value when
// calling the main superdeep.hoc file to run), and then writes it to the receipt file.
proc printmyvars() {local strlen localobj pfobj
pfobj = new File()
while (pfobj.gets(thisline)>-1) {
strobj.left(testline, 1) // testline
if (strcmp(testline,"d")==0) {
strobj.right(result, 13)
strlen = strobj.head(result, "\",", paramstr)
if (strobj.len(paramstr)>0) {
{sprint(getval, "printnow(%s, paramstr)", paramstr)}
{execute1(getval)} // This has the effect of passing in the parameter value
} // as the first argument and the parameter name as the
} // second argument.
// This function gets the current value of the passed in parameter (argument $1 or $s1), taking
// into account the variable type of the parameter, and writes it out to the receipt file
// along with the name of the parameter (argument $s2), using MATLAB syntax so the file can
// be read in by the SimTracker later.
proc printnow() {
if (argtype(1)==0) {
{frec.printf("%s = %g;\n", $s2, $1)}
} else {
if (argtype(1)==2) {
{frec.printf("%s = '%s';\n", $s2, $s1)}
typeout() // Call the function we defined in this file.
{pc.barrier()} // Wait for all processors to get to this point
// to ensure that the next command is not run
// before processor 0 (which just did all the work)
// is ready.
{pc.broadcast(RunName, 0)} // Send RunName parameter to all processors,
// in case host 0 changed it to ensure a
// unique value.