'ca1' model code repository
Written by Marianne Bezaire, marianne.bezaire@gmail.com, www.mariannebezaire.com
In the lab of Ivan Soltesz, www.ivansolteszlab.org
Published and latest versions of this code are available online at:
Open Source Brain: http://www.opensourcebrain.org/projects/nc_ca1
Main code file: ../main.hoc
This file: Last updated on April 9, 2015
This file sets other model parameters that users would either
change very infrequently, or that depend on the parameter values
set in the parameters.hoc file.
objref LayerVector, strobj, mypoint
strdef cmdstr, layers, tmpstr, path2ConnData, path2SynData
proc SetOtherParameters() {local ind, i, layernum, tempheight
// Parse the string input that defines the number of layers in the model and their
// thickness or height. This string input is stored in the LayerHeights parameter.
// Now we will convert it to a vector called LayerVector, with one entry for each
// layer, giving the height of that layer in microns.
strobj = new StringFunctions()
tmpstr = LayerHeights
ind = strobj.substr(tmpstr,";")
layers = tmpstr
strobj.left(layers, ind)
sscanf(layers,"%g", &layernum)
{sprint(cmdstr, "LayerVector=new Vector(%g)", layernum)} // List of Zo (starting height) values, 1 for each layer
for i=0, layernum-1 {
strobj.right(tmpstr, ind+1)
ind = strobj.substr(tmpstr,";")
layers = tmpstr
strobj.left(layers, ind)
sscanf(layers,"%g", &tempheight)
LayerVector.x[i] = tempheight
// If we scale down the number of cells in the model, also scale down the 3D volume that they will be
// distributed in. For now, we just scale down the length and width of the prism, but not the thickness
// of the layers of the network (ie, we leave the Z or height dimension untouched).
scTransverseLength = TransverseLength / sqrt(Scale)
scLongitudinalLength = LongitudinalLength / sqrt(Scale)
distres = 5 // The resolution of the axonal bouton distribution function
// for all cells in the network, in terms of steps. Ex: if
// this is set to 5, the Gaussian distribution is solved at
// 5 distances from the soma of the cell, starting at the
// soma location and ending at 80% of the total axonal extent
// of the cell.
axconvel = 250 // Axonal conduction velocity in microns/ms (Bartos et al. 2002)
tstart = 0 // Start time of simulation
tstop = SimDuration // End time of simulation
dt = TemporalResolution // Integration interval for fadvance (see NEURON reference)
secondorder = 2 // A global variable which specifies the time integration method
// (see NEURON reference)
v_init = -60 // All voltages of all sections are initialized to this voltage (mV)
N = 1 // Specifies step resolution (see NEURON reference for steps_per_ms),
// sometimes 1, sometimes 4
steps_per_ms = 1*N/(dt) // Controls the intervals at which points are plotted
celsius = 34 // The temperature at which to run the simulation (affects
// some ion channel calculations)
strdef xposstr, yposstr, zposstr // Extract the X, Y, Z location values for the LFP electrode
mypoint = new Vector(3) // from the ElectrodePoint string into the mypoint vector
sscanf(xposstr,"%g", &mypoint.x[0])
sscanf(yposstr,"%g", &mypoint.x[1])
sscanf(zposstr,"%g", &mypoint.x[2])
OK2executeSysCmds = 1 // If you don't like the NEURON code to make new directories, concatenate files,
// or delete files, set this parameter to 0. Watch out though, if this is set to
// 0, the code will use whatever RunName you supply or 'none' if you do not
// supply a RunName. This means:
// - the program will expect a directory named 'RunName' to be in the results directory
// - the program will overwrite any existing files in the ./results/RunName directory
if (OK2executeSysCmds==0) {
CatFlag = 0 // Overwrite the CatFlag if necessary. If it is specified that executing system commands
// is *not* okay, we definitely do not want CatFlag to be 1 (do not allow concatenating
// results files)
// Paths to ConnData and SynData dataset files
path2ConnData = "../datasets/conndata_%g.dat"
path2SynData = "../datasets/syndata_%g.dat"