'ca1' model code repository
Written by Marianne Bezaire, marianne.bezaire@gmail.com, www.mariannebezaire.com
In the lab of Ivan Soltesz, www.ivansolteszlab.org
Published and latest versions of this code are available online at:
Open Source Brain: http://www.opensourcebrain.org/projects/nc_ca1

Main code file: ../main.hoc
This file: Last updated on April 10, 2015

This file contains possible options and commands that may
decrease the time required to execute the simulation part
of the job. Currently there are three possible options:
- cache efficiency: by reorganizing the memory blocks so
	that the elements of vectors and matrices are
	contiguous with each other, time required to access
	the vector elements can be dramatically decreased,
	significantly speeding the computation time during
	the simulation. For more information, see:

- queueing: Generally there is one event queue for all
	events, but for certain models it may be more efficient
	to have a different queueing configuration; see the
	NEURON documentation for more details at:

- spike compression: Both spike times and gids can be
	compressed under certain circumstances, which can
	significantly reduce the spike exchange time. To
	determine the buffer size to use, one may wish
	to run a simulation with the spike histogram flag
	turned on, so that a spike histogram is generated.
	For more information, see:

With all of these options, it's important to run a small test
run before and after turning on the option, and compare the
spike rasters generated from each run to ensure that these
options do not affect the model behavior.


// Cache efficiency

// Queue structure

// Spike compression
get_spike_hist=0 	// If set to 1, then in the main.hoc
					//  file, the procedures setupSpikeHistogram()
					//  and printSpikeHistogram() (defined in
					//  write_results_functions.hoc) are run to
					//  generate a spike transfer histogram, which
					//  may be useful to determine the nspike
					//  argument for the pc.spike_compress command.


// Turn on or off optimization options

if (use_bin_queue==1) {
	use_fixed_step_bin_queue = 1 // boolean
	use_self_queue = 0 // boolean - this one may not be helpful for me, i think it's best for large numbers of artificial cells that receive large numbers of inputs
	{mode = cvode.queue_mode(use_fixed_step_bin_queue, use_self_queue)}

if (use_spike_compression==1) {
	maxstepval = 2.5 	// If spike compression is used, there can't be more than
						//  256 dt steps in a minimum delay interval. Since dt in
						//  this code is generally 0.01 ms, the minimum delay
						//  interval must be 2.55 or less. This parameter, 
						//  maxstepval, is used in the sim_execution_functions.hoc
						//  file to set the pc.set_maxstep property.
	nspike = 3 	// Compress spiketimes; most exchanges will include
				//  this number of spikes or fewer
	gid_compress = 0	// Compress gids; only works if there are fewer
						//  than 256 cells on each processor.
	{nspike = pc.spike_compress(nspike, gid_compress)}
} else {
	maxstepval = 10