'ca1' model code repository
Written by Marianne Bezaire, marianne.bezaire@gmail.com, www.mariannebezaire.com
In the lab of Ivan Soltesz, www.ivansolteszlab.org
Published and latest versions of this code are available online at:
Open Source Brain: http://www.opensourcebrain.org/projects/nc_ca1
Main code file: ../main.hoc
This file: Last updated on April 10, 2015
This file defines the procedures that may be used to write out
connectivity information. There are 5 procedures here; the first
one should always be called. Depending on user preferences, one
of the remaining four should also be called:
printNumConFile: This procedure prints the total number of connections
(not synapses) made between each possible combination of presynaptic
cell type and postsynaptic cell type, per processor to a file called
allCellConns*: These procedures print detailed connectivity information
for EVERY connection in the model, at the level of the synapses. This
includes the presynaptic cell gid, the postsynaptic cell gid, and the
synapse index (synapse type in the postsynaptic cell's potential synapse
list) to a file called 'connections.dat'. Only one of these procedures
should be run, depending on user preference, and these procedures should
never be called for large networks because they will take too long and
generate too much data to feasibly store.
- allCellConnsSerial: each processor takes its turn writing the synapse
data for all connections for all postsynaptic cells
that it owns
- allCellConnsParallel: each processor writes its own file (still includes
all the same data) and, optionally if the CatFlag
parameter is set to 1, concatenates the files in
parallel to create one results file.
recordedCellConns*: These procedures print detailed connectivity information
for specific cells of interest, at the level of the synapses. This
includes the presynaptic cell gid, the postsynaptic cell gid, and the
synapse index (synapse type in the postsynaptic cell's potential synapse
list) to a file called 'cell_syns.dat'. The cells of interest are the ones
that were chosen to have their somatic voltages recorded throughout the
simulation. For those cells, all connections (and all synapses comprising
those connections) to which the cells are either presynaptic or postsynaptic
are recorded. These procedures can be called for large networks, because they
only write out data for a small subset of cells within the network and will not
generate too large of a results file(s), assuming the user has specified an
appropriate number of cells to that will have their voltages recorded (using
the NumTraces and FracTraces parameters).
- recordedCellConnsSerial: each processor takes its turn writing the synapse
data for all connections for the postsynaptic cells
of interest that it owns
- recordedCellConnsParallel: each processor writes its own file (still includes
all the same data) and, optionally if the CatFlag
parameter is set to 1, concatenates the files in
parallel to create one results file.
// Print a summary file of the number of connections per processor
// between each combination of cell type, for the connections
// onto the postsynaptic cells owned by each processor.
proc printNumConFile() {local i, j localobj f
pc.barrier() // Wait for all processors to get to this point
sprint(cmd,"./results/%s/numcons.dat", RunName) // Define the results file name
f = new File(cmd)
if (pc.id == 0) { // Write header to file 1 time only
f.printf("host\tpretype\tposttype\tnumCons\n") // host: processor number (0 to # processors - 1)
f.close() // pretype: index into cell type for presynaptic cell
} // posttype: index into cell type for postsynaptic cell
// numCons: number of connections (not synapses) from
// all presynaptic cells of type pretype and all post-
// synaptic cells of type posttype that are owned by
// this processor
for rank = 0, pc.nhost-1 { // For each processor, allow processor to append to file the positions of its cells
if (rank == pc.id) { // Ensure that each processor runs once
f.aopen() // Open for appending to file
for i = 0, numCellTypes-1 { // For each presynaptic cell type
for j = 0, numCellTypes-1 { // For each postsynaptic cell type
f.printf("%g\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", pc.id, i, j, cellType[i].numCons.x[j]) // Print the number of connections
pc.barrier() // All the other processors wait for
} // the writing one to finish, so
} // that they each take turns.
// Print a detailed list of all connections in the model,
// at the level of the individual synapses comprising a
// connection. Each processor writes to the same file,
// one at a time.
proc allCellConnsSerial() {local i, rank, srcid localobj tgt, f
pc.barrier() // Wait for all processors to get to this point
sprint(cmd,"./results/%s/connections.dat", RunName)
f = new File(cmd)
if (pc.id == 0) { // Write header to file 1 time only
f.printf("source\ttarget\tsynapse\n") // source: presynaptic cell gid
f.close() // target: postsynaptic cell gid
} // synapse: synapse id (index into
// list of potential synapse
// types for this postsynaptic cell
for rank = 0, pc.nhost-1 { // For each processor, allow processor to append to file its connection info
if (rank == pc.id) { // Ensure that each processor runs once
f.aopen() // Open for appending to file
for i=0, nclist.count -1 { // For each synapse in the list of all synapses
srcid = nclist.o(i).srcgid() // Get the gid of the source cell
tgt = nclist.o(i).syn // Get a reference to the synapse object on the target cell
f.printf("%d\t%d\t%d\n", srcid, tgt.cid, tgt.sid) // Print source gid, target gid, synapse id
pc.barrier() // All the other processors wait for
} // the writing one to finish, so
} // that they each take turns.
// Print a detailed list of all connections in the model,
// at the level of the individual synapses comprising a
// connection. Each processor writes to its own file, in
// parallel, and then the files are concatenated into a
// single file in parallel if CatFlag==1. If CatFlag==0,
// the files are not concatenated and there will be one
// for each processor in the results folder. In this case,
// if using the SimTracker, it will concatenate the files
// automatically after uploading the results.
proc allCellConnsParallel() {local i, g, rank, srcid localobj tgt, f // Write out the connections list, including synapse type
pc.barrier() // Wait for all ranks to get to this point
sprint(cmd,"./results/%s/suballconns_%g.dat", RunName, pc.id) // Include the processor number in the file
f = new File(cmd) // name so that each processor prints to
f.wopen() // its own file
for i=0, nclist.count -1 { // For each synapse in the list of all synapses
srcid = nclist.o(i).srcgid() // Get the gid of the source cell
tgt = nclist.o(i).syn // Get a reference to the synapse object on the target cell
f.printf("%d\t%d\t%d\n", srcid, tgt.cid, tgt.sid) // Print source gid, target gid, synapse id
pc.barrier() // Wait till all processors have finished printing their files
if (CatFlag==1) { // If the user is okay with system commands concatenating all processors'
// results file into one results file, then proceed. Parallelize the
// concatenation as much as possible using the following algorithm.
// Ex: if there were 8 processors, with indices 0 - 7, then the
// concatenation happens in the following minimal number of steps:
// 1. processor 1 adds its file contents to those for processor 0;
// at the same time as 1 --> 0, these other transfers are also
// occurring: 3 --> 2, 5 --> 4, 7 --> 6.
// 2. The next level of concatenation occurs: 2 -->0 and 6 --> 4
// 3. The final concatenation occurs: 4 --> 0.
while (pc.nhost>g) {
if ((pc.id/g - int(pc.id/g))==0.5) {
sprint(dircmd,"cat ./results/%s/suballconns_%g.dat >> ./results/%s/suballconns_%g.dat", RunName, pc.id, RunName, int(pc.id-g/2))
{system(dircmd, direx)}
sprint(dircmd,"rm ./results/%s/suballconns_%g.dat", RunName, pc.id)
{system(dircmd, direx)}
// Create the final file that all the separate result file contents will be concatenated into.
// Even if CatFlag==0 (ie, concatenation is not going to happen online during the execution
// of the simulation), still create this placeholder file. If using the SimTracker to manage
// simulations, upon uploading the results into the SimTracker, the files will be concatenated
// into this placeholder results file by the SimTracker.
if (pc.id==0) {
sprint(cmd,"./results/%s/connections.dat", RunName)
f = new File(cmd)
if (pc.id == 0) {
if (CatFlag==1) { // If the user is okay with system commands concatenating files,
// then all the files have been concatenated into the results file
// for processor 0, and now they will be transferred to the final
// results file.
sprint(dircmd,"cat ./results/%s/suballconns_%g.dat >> ./results/%s/connections.dat", RunName, pc.id, RunName)
{system(dircmd, direx)}
sprint(dircmd,"rm ./results/%s/suballconns_%g.dat", RunName, pc.id)
{system(dircmd, direx)}
objref traceidxlist
traceidxlist = new Vector()
// Print a detailed list of all connections to and from
// the 'cells of interest' in the model, at the level
// of the individual synapses comprising a connection.
// Cells of interest are those picked within the
// 'recordvoltageauto.hoc' file, according to the
// NumTraces and FracTraces parameters, to have their
// somatic voltages recorded throughout the simulation.
// Each processor writes to the same file, one at a time.
proc recordedCellConnsSerial() {local i, tr, rank, srcid localobj tgt, f // Write out the connections list, including synapse type
pc.barrier() // Wait for all ranks to get to this point
sprint(cmd,"./results/%s/cell_syns.dat", RunName)
f = new File(cmd)
if (pc.id == 0) { // Write header to file 1 time only
for rank = 0, pc.nhost-1 { // For each processor, allow processor to append to file its connection info
if (rank == pc.id) { // Ensure that each processor runs once
f.aopen() // Open for appending to file
for i=0, nclist.count -1 { // For each synapse in the list of all synapses
tgt = nclist.o(i).syn // Get a reference to the target cell
srcid = nclist.o(i).srcgid() // Get the gid of the source cell
for tr = 0, numtrace-1 { // For this synapse, if either the presynaptic cell
// or the postsynaptic cell is in the list of cells
// of interest (the traceidxlist, here we are
// checking each entry in this list), then flag the
// synapse to be printed to the result file. This
// ensures that all incoming and outgoing connections
// for a cell of interest are recorded in the file.
if (traceidxlist.x[tr]==tgt.cid || traceidxlist.x[tr]==srcid) { // If this is a cell of interest
myflag=1 // Flag the synapse for printing
if (myflag==1) { // If the synapse was flagged (after reviewing the whole
// traceidxlist list), then print its info.
f.printf("%d\t%d\t%d\n", srcid, tgt.cid, tgt.sid) // Print source gid, target gid, synapse id
pc.barrier() // All the other processors wait for
} // the writing one to finish, so
} // that they each take turns.
// Print a detailed list of all connections to and from
// the 'cells of interest' in the model, at the level
// of the individual synapses comprising a connection.
// Cells of interest are those picked within the
// 'recordvoltageauto.hoc' file, according to the
// NumTraces and FracTraces parameters, to have their
// somatic voltages recorded throughout the simulation.
// Each processor writes to its own file, in parallel,
// and then the files are concatenated into a single
// file in parallel if CatFlag==1. If CatFlag==0, the
// files are not concatenated and there will be one for
// each processor in the results folder. In this case, if
// using the SimTracker, it will concatenate the files
// automatically after uploading the results.
proc recordedCellConnsParallel() {local i, tr, rank, srcid localobj tgt, f
pc.barrier() // Wait for all processors to get to this point
sprint(cmd,"./results/%s/subconns_%g.dat", RunName, pc.id) // Open a unique file for each processor
f = new File(cmd)
for i=0, nclist.count -1 { // For each connection in the list
srcid = nclist.o(i).srcgid() // Get the gid of the source cell
tgt = nclist.o(i).syn // Get a reference to the target cell
for tr = 0, numtrace-1 { // For this synapse, if either the presynaptic cell
// or the postsynaptic cell is in the list of cells
// of interest (the traceidxlist, here we are
// checking each entry in this list), then flag the
// synapse to be printed to the result file. This
// ensures that all incoming and outgoing connections
// for a cell of interest are recorded in the file.
if (traceidxlist.x[tr]==tgt.cid || traceidxlist.x[tr]==srcid) { // If this is a cell of interest
myflag=1 // Flag the synapse for printing
if (myflag==1) { // If the synapse was flagged (after reviewing the whole
// traceidxlist list), then print its info.
f.printf("%d\t%d\t%d\n", srcid, tgt.cid, tgt.sid) // Print source gid, target gid, synapse id
pc.barrier() // Wait for all processors to finish writing to their files
if (CatFlag==1) { // If the user is okay with system commands concatenating all processors'
// results file into one results file, then proceed. Parallelize the
// concatenation as much as possible using the following algorithm.
// Ex: if there were 8 processors, with indices 0 - 7, then the
// concatenation happens in the following minimal number of steps:
// 1. processor 1 adds its file contents to those for processor 0;
// at the same time as 1 --> 0, these other transfers are also
// occurring: 3 --> 2, 5 --> 4, 7 --> 6.
// 2. The next level of concatenation occurs: 2 -->0 and 6 --> 4
// 3. The final concatenation occurs: 4 --> 0.
while (pc.nhost>g) {
if ((pc.id/g - int(pc.id/g))==0.5) {
sprint(dircmd,"cat ./results/%s/subconns_%g.dat >> ./results/%s/subconns_%g.dat", RunName, pc.id, RunName, int(pc.id-g/2))
{system(dircmd, direx)}
// After each file's contents are consolidated, remove that file
sprint(dircmd,"rm ./results/%s/subconns_%g.dat", RunName, pc.id)
{system(dircmd, direx)}
// Create the final file that all the separate result file contents will be concatenated into.
// Even if CatFlag==0 (ie, concatenation is not going to happen online during the execution
// of the simulation), still create this placeholder file. If using the SimTracker to manage
// simulations, upon uploading the results into the SimTracker, the files will be concatenated
// into this placeholder results file by the SimTracker.
if (pc.id==0) {
sprint(cmd,"./results/%s/cell_syns.dat", RunName)
f = new File(cmd)
if (pc.id == 0) { // Write header to file 1 time only
if (CatFlag==1) { // If the user is okay with system commands concatenating files,
// then all the files have been concatenated into th results file
// for processor 0, and now they will be transferred to the final
// results file.
sprint(dircmd,"cat ./results/%s/subconns_%g.dat >> ./results/%s/cell_syns.dat", RunName, pc.id, RunName)
{system(dircmd, direx)}
// After each file's contents are consolidated, remove that file
sprint(dircmd,"rm ./results/%s/subconns_%g.dat", RunName, pc.id)
{system(dircmd, direx)}