'ca1' model code repository
Written by Marianne Bezaire, marianne.bezaire@gmail.com, www.mariannebezaire.com
In the lab of Ivan Soltesz, www.ivansolteszlab.org
Published and latest versions of this code are available online at:
Open Source Brain: http://www.opensourcebrain.org/projects/nc_ca1
Main code file: ../main.hoc
This file: Last updated on April 10, 2015
This file defines several procedures for writing the results
of the simulation, including:
- SpikeOutSerial: print out the times and cell gids for all spikes,
in serial (one processor prints at a time)
- SpikeOutParallel: print out the times and cell gids for all
spikes, in parallel (each processor prints to
its own results file, and all files are concatenated
at the end if CatFlag==1).
- SummaryOut: print a summary of some of the job properties,
including total number of cell types, cells, spikes,
and synapses, as well as run time, spike exchange
time, and load balance across processors.
- TimeOutSerial: print out the time taken for each part of the simulation
job, by each processor.
- highIndexOut: for each of the random number streams used, print
out the maximum high index used (across all processors
and cell types).
- setupSpikeHistogram: generate a histogram of numbers of spikes
transferred by each processor at each time step.
- printSpikeHistogram: print out the results of the spike
These procedures, except for setupSpikeHistogram, are called
after the simulation is run. Either spikeout or spikeoutfast
should be called, but not both. Note that the procedure to
write out the results of the voltage trace recordings is
defined in the recordvoltageauto.hoc file, not here.
// Print a list of all spikes, including the time at which
// each spike occurred and the gid of the cell that spiked.
// Each processor writes to the same file, one at a time.
proc SpikeOutSerial() {local i, rank localobj f
pc.barrier() // Wait for all processors to get to this point
sprint(cmd,"./results/%s/spikeraster.dat", RunName)
f = new File(cmd)
if (pc.id == 0) { // Write header to file 1 time only
for rank = 0, pc.nhost-1 { // For each processor, allow processor to append to file the spike times of its cells
if (rank == pc.id) { // Ensure that each processor runs once
f.aopen() // Open for appending to file
for i=0, pnm.idvec.size-1 {
f.printf("%.3f %d\n", pnm.spikevec.x[i], pnm.idvec.x[i]) // Print the spike time and spiking cell gid
pc.barrier() // Make sure each processor waits its turn.
// Print a list of all spikes, including the time at which
// each spike occurred and the gid of the cell that spiked.
// Each processor writes to its own file, in parallel, and
// then the files are concatenated into a single file
// in parallel if CatFlag==1. If CatFlag==0, the files
// are not concatenated and there will be one for each
// processor in the results folder. In this case, if using
// the SimTracker, it will concatenate the files automatically
// after uploading the results.
proc SpikeOutParallel() {local i localobj f
sprint(cmd,"./results/%s/spikeraster_%g.dat", RunName, pc.id)
f = new File(cmd)
for i=0, pnm.idvec.size-1 {
f.printf("%.3f %d\n", pnm.spikevec.x[i], pnm.idvec.x[i]) // Print the spike time and spiking cell gid
if (CatFlag==1) { // If the user is okay with system commands concatenating all processors'
// results file into one results file, then proceed. Parallelize the
// concatenation as much as possible using the following algorithm.
// Ex: if there were 8 processors, with indices 0 - 7, then the
// concatenation happens in the following minimal number of steps:
// 1. processor 1 adds its file contents to those for processor 0;
// at the same time as 1 --> 0, these other transfers are also
// occurring: 3 --> 2, 5 --> 4, 7 --> 6.
// 2. The next level of concatenation occurs: 2 -->0 and 6 --> 4
// 3. The final concatenation occurs: 4 --> 0.
while (pc.nhost>g) {
if ((pc.id/g - int(pc.id/g))==0.5) {
sprint(dircmd,"cat ./results/%s/spikeraster_%g.dat >> ./results/%s/spikeraster_%g.dat", RunName, pc.id, RunName, int(pc.id-g/2))
{system(dircmd, direx)}
sprint(dircmd,"rm ./results/%s/spikeraster_%g.dat", RunName, pc.id)
{system(dircmd, direx)}
if (pc.id==0) {
if (CatFlag==1) { // If the user is okay with system commands concatenating files,
// then all the files have been concatenated into the results file
// for processor 0, and now they will be transferred to the final
// results file.
sprint(dircmd,"cat ./results/%s/spikeraster_0.dat >> ./results/%s/spikeraster.dat", RunName, RunName)
{system(dircmd, direx)}
sprint(dircmd,"rm ./results/%s/spikeraster_%g.dat", RunName, pc.id)
{system(dircmd, direx)}
// Print a summary of some of the job properties, data that
// are displayed in the SimTracker for executed jobs, if
// using the SimTracker. Data written include: total
// number of cell types, cells, spikes, and synapses,
// as well as run time, spike exchange time, and
// load balance across processors.
// Only one processor writes everything to the file.
proc SummaryOut() {local alltime, allct, allspk localobj f
allct = pc.allreduce(nclist.count,1) // Add the total number of synapses
// created on each processor to get
// the total across the whole network.
allspk = pc.allreduce(pnm.idvec.size,1) // Add the total number of spikes
// registered on each processor to get
// the total number of spikes generated
// during the whole simulation.
comptime = pc.step_time // Get each processor's simulation
// computation time.
avgcomp = pc.allreduce(comptime, 1)/pc.nhost // Get the average amount of time
// required by a processor to
// solve the simulation.
maxcomp = pc.allreduce(comptime, 2) // Get the maximum amount of time
// required by any processor to
// solve the simulation.
loadbal=1 // Placeholder, ideal load balance value = 1 (fraction, range from 0 - 1)
exchtime=0 // Placeholder, ideal spike exchange time = 0 (ms)
if (maxcomp>0) { // Compute the load balance from the average and maximum
// computation time. Load balances of 0.95 and higher are
// ideal; 0.7 and higher are usually acceptable.
exchtime= $1 - maxcomp // Spike exchange time is calculated as the difference
// between the maximum amount of time required to solve
// the simulation (by the slowest processor) and the
// full time spent during the simulation phase (full
// time calculated by starting the timer right before
// calling pc.solve() or equivalent, and stopping the
// timer right after the solve step completes).
if (pc.id == 0) { // Write header to file 1 time only
alltime = startsw() - loadstart // Calculate the total amount of time taken to
// execute the job, from the very start of the
// job to this point (assuming SumNumOut is
// run after all the other results-writing
// functions, and is therefore one of the last
// commands to run prior to the quit command).
// This time can then be used to determine how
// much time was spent writing results (by
// subtracting the time spent in all the other
// steps, which were explicitly tracked).
sprint(cmd,"./results/%s/sumnumout.txt", RunName)
f = new File(cmd)
f.printf("NumCells = %g;\nNumSpikes = %g;\nNumConnections = %g;\nRunTime = %g;\nNumCellTypes = %g;\nLoadBalResult = %g;\nExchangeResult = %g;\n", ncell, allspk, allct, alltime, numCellTypes, loadbal, exchtime) // Print the summary values
// Print the time taken by each processor
// to perform each step of the job,
// including setting up the job, creating
// the cells, connecting the cells, and
// running the simulation. Note that the
// time taken to write the results is not
// printed here, but can be determined by
// subtracting the time for all these
// steps from the total run time of the
// job, as reported in the SumNumOut proc.
// Each processor writes to the same file, one at a time.
proc TimeOutSerial() {local i, rank, gid, srcid localobj tgt, f, cell
pc.barrier() // Wait for all processors to get to this point
sprint(cmd,"./results/%s/runtimes.dat", RunName)
f = new File(cmd)
if (pc.id == 0) { // Write header to file 1 time only
f.printf("host\tset up\tcreated cells\tconnected cells\tran simulation\t\n")
for rank = 0, pc.nhost-1 { // For each processor, allow processor to append
if (rank == pc.id) { // its runtimes to file. Ensure that each
// processor runs once.
f.aopen() // Open for appending to file.
f.printf("%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\n", pc.id, loadtime, createtime, connecttime, runtime)
pc.barrier() // Wait for each processor to finish before
} // moving onto the next one.
// Print the highest position that the highIndex
// of each type of random number stream achieved.
// There will only be one number per stream type,
// representing the maximum for all cells of all
// types, across all processors. This information
// is useful for determining a new value of the
// highIndex to use as the initial seed, such that
// a statistically independent version of the
// same job can be executed (ie, if one run ended
// with a maximum highIndex of 20,000 for its
// stimulation random number stream, to run a
// second, statistically independent job, the
// starting highIndex for the stimulation random
// stream in the second job would need to be
// greater than 20,000, and the other random
// stream highIndices would also need to be set
// higher than the previous maxima achieved).
// Only one processor writes everything to the file.
proc highIndexOut() {local i, ij, gid localobj cell, f
pc.barrier() // Wait for all processors to get to this point
sprint(cmd,"./results/%s/MaxHighIndex.txt", RunName)
f = new File(cmd)
// Maximum highIndex for the connectivity RandomStream
// This value is computed differently than the other
// two RandomStreams' maxima because the highIndex
// was incremented in a compiled mod function. The
// number of increments made was then returned to hoc
// and stored in the cellType array for reference here.
for j = 0, numCellTypes-1 { // Find the highest highIndex across all cell types
if (cellType[j].LastHighIndex>perRankmax) {
pc.barrier() // Wait for all processors to get to this point
maxconn = pc.allreduce(perRankmax, 2) // Find the highest highIndex
// across all processors (second
// argument of 2 specifies to
// find the maximum across all
// processors).
// Maximum highIndex for the synapse RandomStream
// For each cell, check if the last highIndex used
// was greater than the currently known maximum
// highIndex. If so, then update the maximum highIndex.
for pcitr(&i, &ij, &gid, 0, ncell-1) {
if (pc.gid_exists(gid)) {
cell = pc.gid2cell(gid)
if (ransynlist.object(cell.randi).seq()>perRankmax) {
pc.barrier() // Wait for all processors to get to this point
maxsyn = pc.allreduce(perRankmax, 2)
// Maximum highIndex for the stimulation RandomStream
// For each cell, check if the last highIndex used
// was greater than the currently known maximum
// highIndex. If so, then update the maximum highIndex.
for pcitr(&i, &ij, &gid, 0, ncell-1) {
if (pc.gid_exists(gid)) {
cell = pc.gid2cell(gid)
if (ranstimlist.object(cell.randi).seq()>perRankmax) {
pc.barrier() // Wait for all processors to get to this point
maxstim = pc.allreduce(perRankmax, 2)
// Write out the maximum highIndices
// used for each RandomStream type.
if (pc.id == 0) { // Write header to file 1 time only
// Set up the spike transfer
// histogram to capture the
// number of spikes transferred
// at each timestep (specifically,
// the frequency with which n spikes
// are transferred at a time step).
objref spkhist, f4
strdef cmd
proc setupSpikeHistogram() {
spkhist = new Vector(pc.nhost)
if (pc.id==0) {
// Print out the results of the
// spike histogram after the
// simulation is solved.
proc printSpikeHistogram() {
sprint(cmd,"./results/%s/spkhist.dat", RunName)
f4 = new File(cmd)
// Open for appending to file
for i=0, pc.nhost-1 {
f4.printf("%d\t%d\n", i, spkhist.x[i]) // Print two pieces of information:
// i: the number of spikes sent
// spkhist.x[i]: the number of times this
// number of spikes was sent
// Don't be confused by size of the vector
// equalling the number of processors in
// the job, or using the total number of
// processors in the job to bound the upper
// limit of the for loop. The index i does
// not actually stand for the number of
// processors, but for the number of spikes
// transferred after one time step.
// Print the average LFP trace (times and LFP values) for the network
proc writeLFP() { localobj f, lfpvec, lfptrace
sprint(cmd,"./results/%s/lfp.dat", RunName)
f = new File(cmd)
// Open for appending to file
for i=0, lfplist.count()-1 {
lfpvec = lfplist.o(i)
f.printf("%g\t%g\n", lfpvec.x[0], lfpvec.x[1]) // Prints time and average LFP value
// Print the LFP trace for each recorded pyramidal cell
proc writeLFPTraces() { local i,j,k,celltype,startgid,endgid localobj f, lfpvec, lfptrace
if (name_declared("traceidxlist")) {
for celltype=0, numCellTypes-1 {
if (strcmp(cellType[celltype].cellType_string, "pyramidalcell")==0) { // Find the gid range
startgid = cellType[celltype].cellStartGid // of the pyramidal cells
endgid = cellType[celltype].cellEndGid
j = 0
for i=0, traceidxlist.size()-1 {
gid = traceidxlist.x(i)
if (pc.gid_exists(gid) && (gid >= startgid) && (gid <= endgid)) { // For the recorded pyramidal
// cells only
lfptrace = lfptracelist.o(j)
sprint(cmd,"./results/%s/lfptrace_%g.dat", RunName, gid) // Make a separate file
f = new File(cmd) // for each recorded cell
for k = 0, lfptrace.count()-1 {
lfpvec = lfptrace.o(k)
f.printf("%g\t%g\n", lfpvec.x[0], lfpvec.x[1]) // Prints time and LFP value
j = j + 1