var modelview_neuron_viewers = [];

var last_right, last_top;
var doc_width = document.width;

function reposition_dialog(id) {
    // set next to the last positioned dialog
    var me = $('#' + id);
    var mep = me.parent();
    mep.offset({left: last_right + 10, top: last_top});

    // except: drop down if too far to the right
    if (mep.offset().left + mep.outerWidth() > doc_width) {
        mep.offset({left: 20, top: last_top + 100});
    last_top = mep.offset().top;
    last_right = mep.offset().left + mep.outerWidth();

var colorbar_types = [];

var did_sub;

function init_modelview() {
    // only call setup modelview if no substitutions to do
    // if there are substitutions, process_level_ will recall init_modelview
    // when done
    did_sub = false;
    if (did_sub) {
        // if here, then did an include so stop and will be rerun later

var json_parent_obj_, json_index_;

function jsonp_callback_(new_row) {
    json_parent_obj_[json_index_] = new_row;

function process_level_(data) {
    // returns true if requested a substitution; else false
    $.each(data, function(i, row) {
        if (row.include != undefined) {
            // do substitution via JSONP
            json_index_ = i;
            json_parent_obj_ = data;
            // force including from the internet when testing locally
            // TODO: is this always a good idea?
            if ((window.location.protocol == 'file:' || window.location.protocol == 'file') && row.include.substr(0, 2) == '//') {
                row.include = 'http:' + row.include;
            $('body').append('<script src="' + row.include + '"></script>');
            did_sub = true;
        if (did_sub) {
            return true;
        if (row.include == undefined && row.children != undefined) {
            if (process_level_(row.children)) {
                return true;
    return false;

function setup_modelview() {
    if (modelview_data.title != undefined) {
        document.title = 'ModelView: ' + modelview_data.title;
    } else {
        document.title = 'ModelView';
        modelview_data.title = 'ModelView';
    if (modelview_data.short_title == undefined) {
        modelview_data.short_title = modelview_data.title;
    if (modelview_data.colorbars != undefined) {
        $.each(modelview_data.colorbars, function(i, colorbar_data) {
            if (colorbar_data.type == 'css') {
                DeclareCSSClass('colorbar' + i, colorbar_data.css);
            } else {
                console.log('unknown colorbar type: ' + colorbar_data.type)
    // create a dialog for the tree with no close box
    tree_dialog = MakeDialog(modelview_data.short_title, true);
    var tree_dialog_handle = $('#' + tree_dialog);
    // generate the tree
    AddTree(tree_dialog, modelview_build_tree_(modelview_data.tree));

    // start with a fixed initial height for this dialog.
    // the user can still resize it, but this prevents it from growing when the
    // tree is expanded
    var spacing = tree_dialog_handle.parent().height() - tree_dialog_handle.height();
    // start at 2/3 of the height. arbitrary.
    tree_dialog_handle.parent().height(document.height * 0.66);
    tree_dialog_handle.height(tree_dialog_handle.parent().height() - spacing);
    // position it somewhere better
    tree_dialog_handle.parent().css('top', '1em');
    tree_dialog_handle.parent().css('left', '1em');

    last_top = tree_dialog_handle.parent().offset().top;
    last_right = tree_dialog_handle.parent().offset().left + tree_dialog_handle.parent().outerWidth();
    last_positioned_dialog = tree_dialog;
    // open all links in new window, based on
    $('a').attr('target', '_blank');
    // setup the neuron views
    if (modelview_data.neuron == undefined) {
        modelview_data.neuron = [];

    if (modelview_data.neuronviewer == undefined) {
        modelview_data.neuronviewer = [];
    $.each(modelview_data.neuronviewer, function(i, neuron_view) {
        var neuron_data = modelview_data.neuron[neuron_view];
        var new_view_id = MakeNeuronViewer(neuron_data.title, neuron_data.morphology);
        seg_names_[new_view_id] = neuron_data.seg_names;
    // flot dialog (TODO: allow many)
    flot_dialog = MakeDialog(modelview_data.short_title, true);
    $('#' + flot_dialog).parent().addClass('no-close');
    flot_title = AddComponent(flot_dialog, '<div style="text-align: center;" id=' + counter + '>title</div>');
    flot_fig = AddChart(flot_dialog, {contextmenu: false, doplot: false});
    plottedFlot['placeholder' + flot_fig] = $.plot($('#placeholder' + flot_fig), []);
    $('#' + flot_dialog).resize(function() {
        $('#placeholder' + flot_fig).height(max(300, $('#' + flot_dialog).height() - $('#' + flot_title).height() - 50));
        plottedFlot['placeholder' + flot_fig].draw();
    // svg dialog (TODO: combine with flot dialog(s)?)
    svg_dialog = MakeDialog(modelview_data.short_title, true);
    $('#' + svg_dialog).parent().addClass('no-close');


function show_flot_(data, title, xaxes, yaxes, hoverable, clickable) {
    if (xaxes == undefined || !xaxes.length) xaxes = undefined;
    if (yaxes == undefined || !yaxes.length) yaxes = undefined;
    if (title == undefined) title = '';
    $('#' + flot_title)[0].innerHTML = title;
    var opts = {zoom: {interactive: true}, pan: {interactive: true}, xaxes: xaxes, yaxes: yaxes};
    if (hoverable || clickable) {
        opts.grid = {'hoverable': hoverable, 'clickable': clickable};
    plottedFlot['placeholder' + flot_fig] = $.plot($('#placeholder' + flot_fig), data, opts);

function modelview_hide_all_() {
    var i, id;
    $.each(modelview_neuron_viewers, function (i, id) {

function set_colorbar(id, colorbar, orientation, lo, hi) {
    var obj = $('#below' + id);
    if (colorbar == undefined) {
        obj.css('display', 'none');
    } else {
        if (orientation != 'horizontal') {
            console.log('unsupported colorbar orientation: ' + orientation);
        } else {
            if (colorbar_types[colorbar] != 'css') {
                console.log('unsupported colorbar type: ' + colorbar_types[colorbar]);
            } else {
                obj.html('<div class="colorbar' + colorbar + '">&nbsp;</div><div><span style="float: left">' + lo + '</span><span style="float: right">' + hi + '</span></div><div style="clear: both;"></div>');
                obj.css('display', 'block');

function ensure_tooltip(id) {
    if (!$('#tooltip' + id).length) {
        $('<div id="tooltip' + id + '"></div>').css({
            position: 'absolute',
            display: 'none',
            border: '1px solid #000',
            padding: '2px',
            'background-color': '#fee',
            opacity: 0.8,
            zIndex: 10000

var flot_highlighted = undefined;
var neuron_highlighted_ = undefined;
var neuron_highlighted_pt_ = undefined;

function clear_neuron_highlight_() {
    if (neuron_highlighted_ != undefined) {
        neuron_highlighted_.unhighlight(neuron_highlighted_pt_, 0);
        neuron_highlighted_ = undefined;

seg_names_ = {};

function modelview_build_tree_(src_tree) {
    var result = [];
    var f, i, j;
    $.each(src_tree, function (i, row) {
        children = undefined;
        if (row.children != undefined) {
            children = modelview_build_tree_(row.children);
            if (children.length == 0) children = undefined;
        if (row.noop == true) {
            f = undefined;
        } else {
            if (row.action != undefined) {
                f = function() {
                    $.each(row.action, function (j, action) {                    
                        if (action.kind == 'neuronviewer') {
                            var id = modelview_neuron_viewers[];
                            neuron_hoverable_[id] = true;
                            set_neuron_markers(id, action.markers);
                            if (action.highlight != undefined) {
                                set_neuron_highlights(id, action.highlight);
                            } else {
                                if (action.colors != undefined) {
                                    while (action.colors.length < neuron_data_[id].length) {
                                set_neuron_colors(id, action.colors);
                            set_colorbar(id, action.colorbar, action.colorbar_orientation, action.colorbar_low, action.colorbar_high);
                            var placeholder = $('#' + id).children('span')[0].id.replace('flotContainer', 'placeholder');
                            $('#' + placeholder).bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) {
                                if (item) {
                                    var tooltip_text = '';
                                    if (item.seriesIndex < neuron_data_[id].length) {
                                        var pt = neuron_data_[id][item.seriesIndex][item.dataIndex];

                                        if (seg_names_[id] != undefined) {
                                            tooltip_text += seg_names_[id][item.seriesIndex] + '<br/>';
                                        tooltip_text += '(' + pt[0].toPrecision(4) + ', ' + pt[1].toPrecision(4) + ', ' + pt[2].toPrecision(4) + ')';
                                        if (action.colored_var != undefined && action.values != undefined) {
                                            if (item.seriesIndex < action.values.length && action.values[item.seriesIndex] != 'nan') {
                                                tooltip_text += '<br/>' + action.colored_var + ' = ' + Number(action.values[item.seriesIndex]).toPrecision(6);
                                        if (action.hover_text != undefined) {
                                            tooltip_text += '<br/>' + action.hover_text[item.seriesIndex];
                                        $('#tooltip' + id).html(tooltip_text).css({left: item.pageX + 5, top: item.pageY + 5}).show();
                                        if (flot_highlighted != undefined) {
                                            plottedFlot['placeholder' + flot_fig].unhighlight(0, flot_highlighted);
                                            flot_highlighted = undefined;
                                        if (action.flotindices != undefined) {
                                            flot_highlighted = action.flotindices[item.seriesIndex];
                                            if (flot_highlighted != undefined && flot_highlighted >= 0) {
                                                plottedFlot['placeholder' + flot_fig].highlight(0, flot_highlighted);
                                    } else if (item.seriesIndex == neuron_data_[id].length) {
                                        // markers!
                                        if (action.marker_mouseovers != undefined) {
                                            tooltip_text += action.marker_mouseovers[item.dataIndex];
                                        $('#tooltip' + id).html(tooltip_text).css({left: item.pageX + 5, top: item.pageY + 5}).show();                                        

                                } else {
                                    if (flot_highlighted != undefined) {
                                        plottedFlot['placeholder' + flot_fig].unhighlight(0, flot_highlighted);
                                        flot_highlighted = undefined;
                                    $('#tooltip' + id).hide();
                        } else if (action.kind == 'flot') {
                            show_flot_(, action.title, action.xaxes, action.yaxes, action.hoverable, action.clickable);
                            if (action.hoverable) {
                                $('#placeholder' + flot_fig).bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) {
                                    if (item) {
                                        var tooltip = '(' + item.datapoint[0].toPrecision(4) + ', ' + item.datapoint[1].toPrecision(4) + ')';
                                        //        seg_names_[new_view_id] = neuron_data.seg_names;
                                        if (action.neuron_highlight_id != undefined) {
                                            var id = modelview_neuron_viewers[action.neuron_highlight_id];
                                            var placeholder = $('#' + id).children('span')[0].id.replace('flotContainer', 'placeholder');
                                            plottedFlot[placeholder].highlight(action.neuron_highlight_segs[item.dataIndex], 0);
                                            neuron_highlighted_ = plottedFlot[placeholder];
                                            neuron_highlighted_pt_ = action.neuron_highlight_segs[item.dataIndex];                                            
                                            tooltip = seg_names_[id][item.dataIndex] + '<br/>' + tooltip;
                                        $('#tooltip' + flot_fig).html(tooltip).css({left: item.pageX + 5, top: item.pageY + 5}).show();
                                    } else {
                                        $('#tooltip' + flot_fig).hide();
                        } else if (action.kind == 'svg') {
                            $('#' + svg_dialog).html('<svg xmlns="" viewbox="' + action.viewbox + '" style="width:100%; height:100%">' + action.svg + '</svg>');
                        } else {
                            console.log('ignoring unknown action kind: ' + action.kind);
            } else {
                f = modelview_hide_all_;
        result.push([row.text, {children: children, callback: f, noop: row.noop}]);
    return result;