// NOTE: Must be loaded after main.js for event capture to work
var counter=0;
var i=0;
poll_success = function(response) {
examples of valid create messages:
["create", "dialog", "title", 1] -- 4th entry: True if max/min buttons; else False
["create", "button", divid, "text"]
["create", "label", divid, "text"]
[-1, ['create', original obj, id created], user id]
examples of valid change messages:
["change", "text", objid, "new text"] -- use for bottons and labels
["change", "value", objid, "new value"] -- use this for text fields
["change", "graph", objid, [[x1, y1], [x2, y2]]] -- for graphs
examples of valid get messages:
["get", "text", objid] -- use for bottons and labels
["get", "value", objid] -- use this for text fields
[-1, ['create', original obj, id created], user id]
examples of valid style message:
["style", objid, "color", "red"] -- changes the CSS property "color" of objid to "red"
response = JSON.parse(response);
console.log("parsing json inside of mydialog.js ;)");
// response = JSON.parse(response);
switch (response[0]) {
case 'create':
var create_what = response[1];
var id = -1;
switch (create_what) {
case 'dialog':
id = MakeDialog(response[2], response[3]);
console.log("in dialog", id);
case 'button':
var counterCopy=counter+1;
id = AddButton(response[2], response[3], function() {
send_to_server(counterCopy, 'clicked');
console.log("in button", id);
case 'label':
id = AddLabel(response[2], response[3]);
console.log("in label", id);
case 'textfield':
id = AddTextField(response[2], response[3]);
console.log("in textfield", id);
case 'graph':
id = AddChart(response[2]);
redraw_chart(id, []);
console.log("in graph", id);
console.log("the create statement didn't work! :(");
send_to_server(-1, ['create', response, id]);
case 'change':
var obj = $('#' + response[2]);
switch (response[1]) {
case 'text':
case 'value':
obj[0].value = response[3];
case 'graph':
redraw_chart(response[2], response[3]);
case 'get':
var obj = $('#' + response[2]);
var result = '';
switch (response[1]) {
case 'text':
result = obj.text();
case 'value':
result = obj[0].value;
send_to_server(-1, ['get', response, result]);
case 'style':
var obj = $('#' + response[1]);
obj[0].style[response[2]] = response[3];
console.log("it didn't work :'(");
// window.setTimeout(poll, 0);
function close_browser_window() {
win = window.open('', '_self');
function redraw_chart(id, data2) {
// TODO: allow this to plot more than one thing, set plot options
$.plot($('#placeholder' + id), [{data:data2, color: 'black'}]);
function max(a, b) {
if (a > b) return a;
return b;
function project_pt(pt, view) {
/* view == 0: x-y plane
* view == 1: x-z plane
* view == 2: y-z plane
if (view == 0 || view == undefined) return [pt[0], pt[1]];
if (view == 1) return [pt[0], pt[2]];
if (view == 2) return [pt[1], pt[2]];
console.log('unsupported projection view: ' + view);
neuron_data_ = {};
neuron_view_ = {};
neuron_colors_ = {};
neuron_markers_ = {};
neuron_hoverable_ = {};
neuron_clickable_ = {};
function redraw_neuron(id) {
/* view == 0: x-y plane
* view == 1: x-z plane
* view == 2: y-z plane
data = neuron_data_[id];
view = neuron_view_[id];
colors = neuron_colors_[id];
var plot_data = [];
$.each(data, function(i, segment) {
var color = 'black';
if (colors != undefined) color = colors[i];
var local_plot_data = [];
$.each(segment, function(j, pt) {
local_plot_data.push(project_pt(pt, view));
plot_data.push({data: local_plot_data, color: color});
if (neuron_markers_[id] != undefined) {
var local_plot_data = [];
$.each(neuron_markers_[id], function(i, pt) {
local_plot_data.push(project_pt(pt, view));
plot_data.push({data: local_plot_data, points: {show: true}, color: 'red'});
// offset of 2 because id = the window, id + 1 = the button set
plottedFlot['placeholder' + (id + 2)] = $.plot($('#placeholder' + (id + 2)), plot_data, {
yaxis: {min: data.ymin, max: data.ymax},
xaxis: {min: data.xmin, max: data.xmax},
zoom: {interactive: true},
pan: {interactive: true},
grid: {show: false, hoverable: neuron_hoverable_[id], clickable: neuron_clickable_[id]}
function set_neuron_colors(id, colors) {
neuron_colors_[id] = colors;
// highlight neuron segments by indexes
function set_neuron_highlights(id, highlight_segments) {
var colors = [];
var i, stop = neuron_data_[id].length;
for (i = 0; i < stop; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < highlight_segments.length; i++) {
colors[highlight_segments[i]] = 'red';
set_neuron_colors(id, colors);
function hide_dialog(id) {
$('#' + id).parent().css('display', 'none');
function show_dialog(id) {
$('#' + id).parent().css('display', 'block');
function set_neuron_markers(id, markers) {/*
// force positive height
if ($('#placeholder' + (id + 2)).height() == 0) {
$('#placeholder' +(id + 2)).height(300);
} */
neuron_markers_[id] = markers;
function MakeNeuronViewer(title, data) {
* data consists of lists of lists of x, y, z, diameter points
* when applying colors to the neurons, each of the inner lists (typically (?) corresponding to a NEURON segment)
* gets a single color.
* Example data:
* [[[x1, y1, z1, d1], [x2, y2, z2, d2], [x3, y3, z3, d3]], [[x4, y4, z4, d4], [x5, y5, z5, d5]]
* These viewers are unclosable.
var id = MakeDialog(title, true);
$('#' + id).parent().addClass('no-close');
neuron_colors_[id] = undefined;
neuron_data_[id] = data;
var panel_id = AddButtonSet(id, ['X-Y', 'X-Z', 'Y-Z'], {selected:0, callback: function(a) {neuron_view_[id] = a; redraw_neuron(id);}});
// center the button set
$('#' + id + ' form').css('text-align', 'center');
var flot_id = AddChart(id, {contextmenu: false, doplot: false});
// a space for putting things below the graph
$('#' + id).append('<div id="below' + id + '" style="display:none;"></div>');
$('#' + id).resize(function() {
$('#placeholder' + flot_id).height(max(250, $('#' + id).height() - $('#' + panel_id).height() - $('#below' + id).height() - 50));
plottedFlot['placeholder' + flot_id].draw();
return id;
function MakeDialog(title, dialogExtend){
console.log('counter in makedialog:', counter);
$('<div class="vbox" id=\"' + counter + '\"></div>')
.dialog({title:title, closeOnEscape: false})
.dialogExtend({'dblclick':'maximize','maximizable': true, 'minimizable': true});
$('<div class="vbox" id=\"' + counter + '\"></div>')
.dialog({title:title, closeOnEscape: false});
return counter;
function AddComponent(id, html){
if ($('#'+id)[0].className.indexOf('vbox') != -1){
$('#'+id).append(html + '<br/>');
return counter;
function DeclareCSSClass(name, css) {
$('<style type="text/css"> .' + name + '{ ' + css + '}</style>').appendTo('head');
function AddLabel(id, label){
return AddComponent(id , '<label id="' + counter + '">' + label + '</label>');
function AddTextField(id, defaultText){
return AddComponent(id , '<input type="text" id="' + counter + '" value="' + defaultText + '"></input>');
function AddButton(id, btnText, callback){
var button_id = AddComponent(id , '<button id="'+counter+'">' + btnText + '</button>');
if (!(callback === undefined))
$('#' + button_id).click(callback);
return button_id;
function AddSpinner(id, defaultText){
var spinner_id = AddComponent(id , '<input type="text" id="' + counter + '" value="' + counter + '"></input>');
return spinner_id;
function AddButtonSet(id, btnTexts, options) {
if (options === undefined) options = {};
var selected = options['selected'];
var callback = options['callback'];
var group_id = AddComponent(id, '<form><div id="' + counter + '"></div></form>');
var group = $('#' + group_id);
$.each(btnTexts, function(i, text) {
var extra_text = '';
if (i == selected) extra_text = ' checked="checked" ';
group.append('<input type="radio"' + extra_text + ' id="' + counter + 'a' + i + '" value="' + i + '" name = "' + counter + '"/><label for="' + counter + 'a' + i + '">' + text + '</label>');
if (callback === undefined) {} else {
group.change(function() {
callback($('#' + group_id + ' input:radio:checked').val());
return group_id;
function AddTree(id, data) {
var ul_id = AddTreeHelper(id, data);
$('#' + ul_id + ' span').click(function() {
if (!$(this).hasClass('noop')) {
$('#' + ul_id + ' span').removeClass('selected');
$('#' + ul_id).treeview({
collapsed: true
function AddTreeHelper(id, data) {
$('#' + id).append('<ul id="' + counter + '"></ul>');
var ul = $('#' + counter);
var ul_id = counter;
var opts, callback;
$.each(data, function(i, row) {
var do_noop = '';
if (row[1]['noop'] == true) {
do_noop = ' class="noop"';
ul.append('<li id="' + counter + '"><span' + do_noop + '>' + row[0] + '</span></li>');
opts = row[1];
if (opts != undefined) {
callback = opts['callback'];
if (callback != undefined) {
$('#' + counter + ' span').click(callback);
children = opts['children'];
if (children != undefined) {
AddTreeHelper(counter, children);
return ul_id;
function AddAccordion(id, items) {
var accordion_id = AddComponent(id, '<div id="' + counter + '"></div>');
var accordion = $('#' + accordion_id);
$.each(items, function(i, name) {
accordion.append('<h3>'+name+'</h3><div class="vbox" id="' + accordion_id + 'a' + i + '"></div>');
heightStyle: 'fill',
collapsible: true
$('#' + id).on("resize", function(event, ui) {accordion.accordion('refresh')});
return accordion_id;
function AddChart(id, opts) {
if (opts === undefined) {opts = {}};
AddComponent(id , '<span id="flotContainer' + counter + '">' + '<div class="placeholder" id="placeholder' + counter + '" class="demo-placeholder" style="height:300px"></div></span>');
$('#menu' + counter).menu();
//console.log('#menu' + counter);
data = {xmin:1, xmax:10, ymin:1, ymax:10}; //ARBITRARY!
if (opts['contextmenu'] == undefined) opts['contextmenu'] = true;
if (opts['doplot'] == undefined) opts['doplot'] = true;
if (opts['doplot']) {
Plot("placeholder" + counter, counter, data, opts);
$('#placeholder'+counter).bind("contextmenu",function(e){return false;}); //In the div, contextmenu is not to appear onclick.(save as, view source, etc options)
return counter;
function AddDropdown(id, list){
$('#'+id).append('<select id="' + counter + '">');
for(var i=0; i<list.length; i++){
$('#'+counter).append('<option>' + list[i] + '</option>')
return counter;
function SetViewMenu(id){
//console.log('id:' + id);
var dialogID = MakeDialog('Set View');
var flot= plottedFlot['placeholder'+id];
AddLabel(dialogID, 'X Min'); // dialogID is what we're appending to; counter is the label's id
AddTextField(dialogID, flot.getXAxes()[0].min);
AddLabel(dialogID, 'X Max');
AddTextField(dialogID, flot.getXAxes()[0].max);
AddLabel(dialogID, 'Y Min');
AddTextField(dialogID, flot.getYAxes()[0].min);
AddLabel(dialogID, 'Y Max');
AddTextField(dialogID, flot.getYAxes()[0].max);
var hboxID = AddHbox(dialogID, 3)
var cancelButtonID= AddButton(hboxID, 'Cancel');
var okButtonID=AddButton(hboxID, 'Ok');
//console.log(dialogID + 'is dialog ID');
//console.log(cancelButtonID + 'is cancelButtonID');
$('#'+ cancelButtonID).click(function(){$('#'+dialogID).dialog('close');});
$('#'+ okButtonID).click(function(){
SetRange(flot, xminField.value, xmaxField.value, yminField.value, ymaxField.value);
function AssembleMenuString(id){
'<div id="menuDiv' + id + '" class="menu-invisible">' +
'<ul id="menu' + id + '" style="font-size:62.5%">' +
'<li><a href="#">View</a>' +
'<ul>' +
'<li><a href="#">View = plot</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="#" onclick="SetViewMenu(' + id + ')">Set View</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="#">10% Zoom out</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="#">10% Zoom in</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="#">New View</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="#">Zoom in/out</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="#">Translate</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="#">Round View</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="#">Whole Scene</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="#">Scene=view</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="#">Object Name</a></li>' +
'</ul>' +
'</li>' +
'<li><a href="#">Crosshair</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="#">Plot What?</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="#">Pick Vector</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="#">Color/Brush</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="#">Axis Type</a>' +
'<ul>' +
'<li><a href="#">View Axis</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="#">New Axis</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="#">View Box</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="#">Erase Axis</a></li>' +
'</ul>' +
'</li>' +
'<li><a href="#">Keep Lines</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="#">Family Label?</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="#">Erase</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="#">Move Text</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="#">Change Text</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="#">Delete</a></li>' +
'</ul>' +
'</div> ');
function AddVbox(id, frame){
$('#'+id).append('<div class="vbox" id="'+counter+'"></div>');
return counter;
function AddHbox(id, frame){
$('#'+id).append('<div class="hbox" id="'+counter+'">');
$('#'+id).append('<table><tbody><tr id="'+(counter)+'"></tr></tbody></table></div>');
return counter;
function AddToolsRunControl(){
console.log('counter in addtools:', counter);
MakeDialog('RunControl '+(counter+1), true);
console.log('counter after making dialog:', counter);
var numHboxes=13; //number of options for the run-control panel.
for (i=0; i<numHboxes; i++){
var boxid = AddHbox(1, 1);
AddButton(boxid, 'button ' + boxid);
console.log('counter after making hbox:', counter);
return counter;