TITLE Motoneuron Dendrites channels
: Calcium channels (L-type with warm up) + Calcium Dynamics (sK channels) - Dendrites
: V3 >> variable tail current Parameter was added ( W_tau_d ) which controls the discharging speed for the W state.
: V4 >> the "tailon" variable was added to enable to deactivation of the tail current feature.
: V5 >> "deactivation_Flag" = "df", is introduced to sync all the pocesses of deactivation ( activate tail current , force deactivate 'w')
: V6 >> W_tau voltage rates was modifed ,as well as many units corrections.
: V8 >> new gating used to detect deactivation using the floor() function ( V8 Light version clean)
: V9 >> adding deativating time constant for the L-type channel for the O state.
: V10>> tail activation function was returned to the old version for smooth deactivation , as d_Flag is too sharp , this update do not affect the results as all , it just give it nice shape at the initiation of deactivation after tail.
: V11>> sk dynamics has been changed , adding time constant , and change kinetics to make less sensitivity to Calcium
: V12>> random number Generation moved out of the BREAKPOINT block for calculations safety.
: V13>> (optional) AmpRand is set as a parameter to compensate for closing the RNG
: V14>> Warm-up Gearup parameter,
: V15>> The floor function does not work on xppaut, so the gating function d_Flag was replaced by sigmoid function to be differantiable
: >> Last Update June 20 , 2020
: By Mohamed.H Mousa (Mohamed.mousa@wright.edu)
RANGE gkcabar, gcabar, eca , gkca : gkca is equivalent to O ( they both respresent the activated presentage for the L-type Ca channels and the sK respectively)
RANGE tRandG , AmpRandG, O_inf, Warm_Gear, Warm_thresh ,tailon ,W_tau_d
(mA) = (milliamp)
(mV) = (millivolt)
(molar) = (1/liter)
(mM) = (millimolar)
FARADAY = (faraday) (coulomb)
R = (k-mole) (joule/degC)
: Calcium L-type Channels
gcabar = 0.0003 (mho/cm2)
eca = 60 (mV) : if eca was constant
theta_m = -30 (mV)
kappa_m = -6 (mV)
O_tau = 20 (ms)
O_tau2 = 50 (ms) : deactivating time const
W_tau_d = 1200 (ms)
tailon = 1 : unitless , keep 1 to enable the tail current , and set to zero to disable tail current
AmpRandG = 0.5 : Amplitude random Variable
Warm_Gear = 1 : (unitless) to decrease the warm-up charging time constant
Warm_thresh = 0.27
: Calcium-activated Potassium Channels
gkcabar = 0.37418 (mho/cm2)
nexp = 10 (1) : 2
kd = 0.0005 (mM)
S_tau = 40 (ms)
: Calcium Dynamics
caio = 0.0001 (mM) : steady state cai concentration
f = 0.01
alpha = 1 (cm2 mM/mC)
kca = 8 (1/ms)
: General
celsius = 36 (degC)
ek = -80 (mV)
: the state O is similar to "ml" in the old model , "W" is the tail current watch STATE
O W S cai (mM)
dt (ms)
v (mV)
:kinetics variables for l-type Calcium channel
: calcium activated Potassium channel sKl
S_inf (ms)
: tail current dynamics variables
W_tau (ms)
W_tau2 (ms)
:stochastic Range Variable for l-type Calcium channel
tRandG : time random Variable
:AmpRandG : Amplitude random Variable
: current variables
ical (mA/cm2)
ikca (mA/cm2)
gkca : used as a gating variable for monitoring.
df : used as the deactivation Flag.
: RandGenerator(O,O_inf) : uncomment to activate the local Random Generator
: or put in the solve (states function here) as the derivative block only triggered once.
SOLVE states METHOD cnexp
ical = gcabar * ((O)*(AmpRandG*0.3 + 1)) * (v - eca) : ohm's law for L-type Ca channel'
gkca = S
ikca = gkcabar * gkca * (v - ek) : ohm's law for sK channel'
DERIVATIVE states { : exact Hodgkin-Huxley equations
rates(v) : calculate the O_inf , W_inf voltage steady states.
S_inf = ( 1 / ((kd/(cai-0.00001))^nexp + 1) )
df = d_Flag(O_inf-O) : calulate the deactivation Flag "df" checking for deactivation
tauCorrection(tRandG) : Calculate W_Tau2 , to generate a constant tau for "W" state discharging
: the states ODEs
O' = (O_inf - O)*tauFunc(W,df) / (O_tau + O_tau2 * df) :
W' = ( (W_inf*(1-df)) - W)/ (W_tau + W_tau2 ) :'
S' = (S_inf-S)/S_tau :'
cai' = f*(-(alpha*(ical))-(kca*cai)) : to calculate concentation inside
O = O_inf
W = W_inf
cai = caio
S = 0
PROCEDURE rates(v(mV)) {
TABLE O_inf , W_inf , W_tau
FROM -200 TO 100 WITH 300
O_inf = 1/(1+ exp((v - theta_m)/kappa_m) )
W_inf = 1/(1+exp(-(v+57)/0.8))
W_tau = 50 + (1150/Warm_Gear)/(1+exp((v+32)/7))
: this function controls the effective W threshold , and detect the discharging case to activate the Sandwatch
: if input is above thresh , then the output is Zero , if less it will be one to give no effect on O_tau
FUNCTION tauFunc(W,df){ LOCAL W_thresh, observable_W
W_thresh = Warm_thresh :0.27
observable_W = tailon * W * df : W*1 if discharging , w*0 if charging
:tauFunc = d_Flag(observable_W - W_thresh) : tail current do not decay
:tauFunc = 0.001 + 0.999*d_Flag(observable_W - W_thresh) : for unstraight steep tail current , leave leak
tauFunc = 0.001 + 0.999/(1+ exp((observable_W - W_thresh)/0.006)) : for smooth transition , as the d_Flag function is too sharp.
PROCEDURE RandGenerator(O,O_inf){
if( O<0.03 && O_inf > 0.025){
tRandG = scop_random() : uniform Random number Generator ( not thread safe )
AmpRandG = scop_random() :
:printf("RNG A = %f ,RNG T = %f" ,AmpRandG,tRandG)
:Calculate W_Tau2 , to generate a constant tau(discharing constant) for "W" state discharging
PROCEDURE tauCorrection(tRandG){ LOCAL tauCompansate
tauCompansate = (W_tau_d * (1 - (0.76 *tRandG)) ) - W_tau
W_tau2 = tauCompansate * df
FUNCTION d_Flag(Xf){
:d_Flag = 1/(exp((floor(Xf)+1)/0.065))
d_Flag = 1/(1+expmod(5000*(Xf+0.01))) : Muhammad mostafa modification to avoid the floor function.
FUNCTION expmod(x){
expmod = 0
expmod = exp(x)