begintemplate Mousa2020

//"This is a simplified 9 compartment cell template for Mousa,
// 2020 Model after adding ALS over branching (3 branches)"

public soma, iseg, dend1, dend2, dend3,dend0, dend_ALS, dend_ALS1, dend_ALS2
public all, somatic, basal, AHIS
// load_file("nrngui.hoc")		// Load Neuron

proc init() {
    segments_numbers()  //enabling this, would increase the nseg

// soma
create soma, iseg, dend1, dend2, dend3, dend0
create dend_ALS, dend_ALS1, dend_ALS2

proc topol(){
    connect  iseg(1), soma(0)
    connect dend0(0), soma(0.5)
    connect dend1(0), dend0(1)
    connect dend2(0), dend1(1)
    connect dend3(0), dend2(1)
    connect dend_ALS(0), soma(0.5)
    connect dend_ALS1(0), soma(0.5)
    connect dend_ALS2(0), soma(0.5)

proc createCell(){
    v_init = -70
    soma {

        nseg = 1
        L = 48.8
        diam = 48.8
        insert pas      		
        g_pas= 1/225
        e_pas= v_init

        Ra = 70          								   				
        cm = 1          									

        insert NafSmb1		
        gnabar_NafSmb1 = 0.06			
        th_NafSmb1 = 40  				
        insert KdrSmb1		
        gkdrbar_KdrSmb1 = 0.80048			

        insert CaSmb1         	
        gkcabar_CaSmb1 = 0.0221  // instead of 0.02		
        gcanbar_CaSmb1= 0.01
        gcalbar_CaSmb1 = 0

        amA_NafSmb1 = 22 
        bmA_NafSmb1 = 46 
        theta_h_NafSmb1 = 47
        theta_n_KdrSmb1 = 20
        thetamn_CaSmb1 = 14
        thetahn_CaSmb1 = 32
        f_CaSmb1 = 0.01				
        alpha_CaSmb1 = 1
        kca_CaSmb1 = 8
        kd_CaSmb1 = 0.0005             		
        nexp_CaSmb1 = 1

    // axon hillock

    iseg {

        nseg = 1
        L = 20
        diam = 12.94999838

        insert pas      		
        g_pas= 1/225		
        e_pas= v_init

        Ra = 70          				 	  				
        cm = 1          				

        // insert hb1			
        // ghbar_hb1 = 0.001/7				
        insert NafIsb1		
        gnabar_NafIsb1 = 1.3392			
        th_NafIsb1 = 40	   					
        insert NapIsb1		
        gnapbar_NapIsb1 = 3.2971e-5		
        insert KdrIsb1		
        gkbar_KdrIsb1 = 0.16552			

        amA_NafIsb1 = 18
        bmA_NafIsb1 = 38
        theta_h_NafIsb1 = 47
        theta_n_KdrIsb1 = 20
        ampB_NapIsb1 = 30.4
        bmpB_NapIsb1 = 34.7

    CaDen_Max = 0.000168        // for a peak of 12.29
    // Dendrites

    dend0 {

        insert info

        nseg = 1
        // L = 1625.55
        L     = 1450.97
        diam  = 42.2188  // Area 32%
        // diam(0:1) = 41.436:42.492

        insert pas      		
        g_pas= 1/11000
        e_pas= v_init

        Ra = 70          							
        cm = 1          				

        // insert hb1			
        // ghbar_hb1 = 0.002/7				


    dend_ALS {

        insert info

        nseg = 1
        // L = 1625.55
        L     = 1450.97/3  // change length to change the acreased area.
        // length = 1450/3 for 10%
        // for 50% length = 2100, diam = 46
        diam  = 42.2188  // Area 10%
        // diam(0:1) = 41.436:42.492

        insert pas      		
        g_pas= 1/11000
        e_pas= v_init

        Ra = 70          							
        cm = 1          				

        // insert hb1			
        // ghbar_hb1 = 0.002/7				


    dend_ALS1 {

        insert info

        nseg = 1
        // L = 1625.55
        L     = 1450.97/3  // change length to change the acreased area.
        // length = 1450/3 for 10%
        // for 50% length = 2100, diam = 46
        diam  = 42.2188  // Area 10%
        // diam(0:1) = 41.436:42.492

        insert pas      		
        g_pas= 1/11000
        e_pas= v_init

        Ra = 70          							
        cm = 1          				

        // insert hb1			
        // ghbar_hb1 = 0.002/7				


    dend_ALS2 {

        insert info

        nseg = 1
        // L = 1625.55
        L     = 1450.97/3  // change length to change the acreased area.
        // length = 1450/3 for 10%
        // for 50% length = 2100, diam = 46
        diam  = 42.2188  // Area 10%
        // diam(0:1) = 41.436:42.492

        insert pas      		
        g_pas= 1/11000
        e_pas= v_init

        Ra = 70          							
        cm = 1          				

        // insert hb1			
        // ghbar_hb1 = 0.002/7				


    dend1 {

        insert info

        nseg = 1
        // L = 1625.55
        L     = 1450.97
        diam  = 42.2188  // Area 32%
        // diam(0:1) = 41.436:42.492

        insert pas      		
        g_pas= 1/11000
        e_pas= v_init

        Ra = 70          							
        cm = 1          				

        // insert hb1			
        // ghbar_hb1 = 0.002/7				


    dend2 {

        insert info
        // L = 1581.58
        // diam(0:1) = 42.492:34.303
        L    = 754.842 * 1.81
        diam = 36.4297   //Area 26%
        nseg = 1

        insert pas      		
        g_pas= 1/11000
        e_pas= v_init

        Ra = 70          							
        cm = 1          				

        // insert hb1			
        // ghbar_hb1 = 0.002/7	


        // insert Llvab1
        // gcaLlvabar_Llvab1 = 0.00016						
        // theta_m_Llvab1 = -43
        // tau_m_Llvab1 = 60
        // kappa_m_Llvab1 = -6

        insert CaDen
		theta_m_CaDen	= -43  	// was 43  originally
		O_tau_CaDen 	= 10 	// Activation time constant
		O_tau2_CaDen	= 50    // deactivation time constant (50+10=60)
		W_tau_d_CaDen	= 1200 	// warm-up tail current time constant
		tailon_CaDen	= 1     // 1 for on, 0 for off
		AmpRandG_CaDen 	= 0.5   // compensation for turning the RNG off
		gcabar_CaDen	= CaDen_Max	
		gkcabar_CaDen	= CaDen_Max	 * 0.41 // SK channel conductance
		Warm_Gear_CaDen = 1 // 1 is the default, increasing it, ramp-up the warm-up kinetics
		Warm_thresh_CaDen= 0.27	

    dend3 {

        // L = 3587.98
        // diam(0:1) = 34.303:0.53
        L       = 1037.91 * 1.81
        diam    = 10.1901    // area 10%
        nseg    = 1

        insert info

        insert pas      		
        g_pas= 1/11000
        e_pas= v_init

        Ra = 70          				 				
        cm = 1          				

        // insert hb1			
        // ghbar_hb1 = 0.002/7		

        insert CaDen
		theta_m_CaDen	= -43  	// was 43  originally
		O_tau_CaDen 	= 10 	// Activation time constant
		O_tau2_CaDen	= 50    // deactivation time constant (50+10=60)
		W_tau_d_CaDen	= 1200 	// warm-up tail current time constant
		tailon_CaDen	= 1     // 1 for on, 0 for off
		AmpRandG_CaDen 	= 0.5   // compensation for turning the RNG off
		gcabar_CaDen	= CaDen_Max	* 0.25
		gkcabar_CaDen	= CaDen_Max	* 0.41 * 0.25
		Warm_Gear_CaDen = 1 // 1 is the default, increasing it, ramp-up the warm-up kinetics
		Warm_thresh_CaDen= 0.27			

    print "9 compartment ALS cell created"

objref all, somatic, basal , AHIS
proc subsets() {
    objref all, somatic, basal , AHIS
    all = new SectionList()
    soma all.append()
	iseg all.append()
    dend1 all.append()
    dend2 all.append()
    dend3 all.append()
    dend0 all.append()
    dend_ALS all.append()
    dend_ALS1 all.append()
    dend_ALS2 all.append()

    somatic = new SectionList()
    soma somatic.append()

    basal = new SectionList()
    dend1 basal.append()
    dend2 basal.append()
    dend3 basal.append()
    dend0 basal.append()
    dend_ALS basal.append()
    dend_ALS1 basal.append()
    dend_ALS2 basal.append()

    AHIS = new SectionList()
    iseg AHIS.append()


proc parameters() {
	celsius = 36			            // Temperature at which simulations are performed
	v_init	= -70                		// mV, resting membrane potential

proc uninsert_Active_channels() {
    soma {
        uninsert NafSmb1
        uninsert KdrSmb1
        uninsert CaSmb1
    iseg {
        uninsert NafIsb1
        uninsert NapIsb1
        uninsert KdrIsb1

    forsec "den" {
        uninsert CaDen
    print "Active channels has been removed from Soma , iseg , ah sections, please check the dendrites carefully"
}//  End of Procedure

// Define nseg in every segment according to d_lambda
// for testing purposes.
external lambda_f

proc segments_numbers() {

	D_LAMBDA = 0.1
	forall { nseg = int((L/(D_LAMBDA*lambda_f(100))+0.9)/2)*2 + 1 }

} // End of Procedure

endtemplate Mousa2020