This is the README file for the computer models used in the paper:
Moustafa, M., Mousa, M. H., Saad, M. S., Basha, T., & Elbasiouny, S. M. (2023). Bifurcation analysis of motoneuronal
excitability mechanisms under normal and ALS conditions. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience.
(paper link)
There are two models in this archive. The first is a NEURON model (, and the second is XPPAUT model (XPPAUT 8.0). The NEURON model contain five cell templates, each one represent a case from the paper. The XPPAUT model is prepared on the control model case with 6 compartments, however, the model parameters can be changed to simulated all the other cases presented in the paper. both (NEURON and XPPAUT) are generating the same results. The XPPAUT model is used to generate the bifurcation diagrams.
To run:
python3 -i
The model files discription is in file within the "6cModel Xppaut" folder. the model can also be found on github with discription (Link)